May I Be Your Hero Tonight?

Disclaimer: I don't own the CCS characters.

A man ran down the dark alley carrying a bag.

"Stop! Thief!" somebody yelled.

The thief continued running until he made a corner and ran into something causing him to fall on the ground.

He looked up to see what it was he had ran into. It was a masked woman, dressed in a provocative, leather outfit. "Aww did you run into my fist, with your face?"

The man grabbed his jaw and stood up. "Big mistake, lady." He leaned in to push her to the ground but instead, she grabbed his hands and flipped him onto the ground.

"You're right, you did make a big mistkae."

The sirens from the police cars came closer and the masked woman disappeared into the shadows.

The police cars blocked the exists. A man with brown hair came out of the police car, holding a gun. another cop also came out and followed him. They noticed the man was unconscious. The brown haired cop picked up the bag and unzipped it. He saw the bag was full of money and zipped it again. "He's our thief alright. What do you think happened to him?"

The other officer who was handcuffing the unconscious man answered, "He ran into the wall?"

"Detective Li!"

The brown haired cop turned around to see who had called his name. "Yes, Captain Kinomoto?"

The old man walked up to him. "What's going on?"

"We found the bank robber unconscious. The money is all here," Detective Li explained to his old mentor. "However we don't know how he ended up unconscious."

Fujitaka Kinomoto let out a sigh of frustration. Syaoran looked at him suspiciously, he always suspected that his mentor knew more about these lucky shots in the cases then he led on. Sometimes, criminals that they'd been searching for, for weeks maybe even months, would wind up in front of the police station unconscious or handcuffed. Nobody knew who it was, but they all knew there was someone out there who was making these cases easier for them. But the fact that they didn't know who it was, made them feel uneasy that this person was taking the law into their own hands.

Syaoran looked into the darkness in the alley and walked back to the car.


The woman in the black coat walked to the bar and waited for the bartender to finish tending to someone. She took a seat and started tapping her fingers on the table.

The bartender looked at her and smirked. She grabbed a bottle of drink and a shot glass. She put the glass in front of the woman and poured in the drink. "You looked pissed. Wanna drown your sorrows?"

The woman grabbed the glass and drank it. She placed it back on the table and glared at the bartender. "No, I wanna yell at you." She glared at the bartender. "You totally ditched me today, Sakura!"

Sakura, the bartender, rolled her eyes. "I didn't ditch you. I had to show up at the stupid therapist's office and show her that I'm not a psychotic person that beats up people at night."

"But you are," the woman laughed.

"It's not like they don't give me a reason! Besides, you're the one to talk, Tomoyo. You're the one who tells me where to find them and beat the crap out of them!"

Tomoyo shushed and glared at her. "Not so loud! Are you crazy? Do you want people finding out?"

Sakura shook her head and walked to get a beer for one of the customers. "Who's going to hear? A bunch of drunk lowlifes?"

"Need I remind you that most of the people you end of beating the stuffing out of at night are drunk lowlifes that decide to go against the law?"

"Need I remind you that taking the law into your own hands is also against the law?" Sakura smirked.

The guy that she had handed the beer to, just passed out over the table. Sakura looked at him in disgust. "Why do people do this to themselves?"

"You work here and you're asking me?" Tomoyo laughed and stood up. "The news from last night's robbery was on TV but there was no mention of a leathery woman coming to the rescue. Anyway remember that tonight we have plans and don't be late this time!"

Sakura raised her hands in defense. "All right, All right! Now how about you pay me?"

"For what?"

"The drink?" Sakura looked at her like she was an idiot.

Tomoyo smirked. "I thought it was on the house."

"Hey! I said no such thing!"

"Whatever." Tomoyo looked at the passed out man on the table and asked, "What are you going to do with him?"

"I am going to call him a cab." Sakura took out her cell phone.

"But you don't even know where he lives."

Sakura smirked at Tomoyo's comment and leaned over the bar. She reached her hand into the guy's pocket and pulled out his wallet. She opened it and flipped through it's contents. "Now I do. 542 Rose Street." Sakura also looked into the money section.

Tomoyo's eyes widened. "Tell me you are not going to steal from a drunk, passed out man! Sakura this is exactly what we try to stop every night, thieves! And now here you are becoming one?"

Sakura laughed. "Oh come on! You didn't actually think I was going to steal from him did you? But he still needs to pay for all the beers."

Tomoyo sighed. "Fine but only the beers he drank."

Sakura smiled at her innocently. "Only the beers he drank..."

Tomoyo walked away and as soon as she was out of earshot Sakura added. "And your drink."


Sakura opened the door and walked in. "Honey, I'm home!" She laughed at her own joke.

Tomoyo walked in with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. "That's nice," she said casually walking past her to an old grandfather clock. She opened the face of the clock and pressed a small button in the middle of the clock hands. One of the wooden walls next to the clock opened up to reveal a stone stair case.

The mansion that Tomoyo and Sakura lived in, used to belong to Tomoyo's mom but when she was murdered, the mansion was passed down to Tomoyo. Sakura's mother had also been murdered when she was young and she had never had a good relationship with her father because her parents were divorced. Tomoyo had never even known her dad.

After the death of Tomoyo's mom, the two best friends of 20 years, since they were three, decided to join forces and help the city in it's nonstop fight against evil.

Tomoyo and Sakura had renovated the mansion and built secret passageways and an underground 'lair'. Sakura liked to think of themselves as the secret superheros of Hong Kong.

Tomoyo's mother had been very rich because she had her own company which was now passed down to Tomoyo. So now Tomoyo was wealthy too and the two friends put all that money into good use buying expensive equipments to keep track over every piece of electronic machine in the city. They made it their business to know about crimes before the police. They had ways of accessing information that even the police couldn't. Of course some of that money also went to pay for the girls' outfits.

Sakura and Tomoyo walked in through the secret door. Sakura pushed a button and the wall closed behind them. Tomoyo began taking the stairs down while Sakura slid down the banister.

"One of these days you are so going to fall and break something." Tomoyo shook her head disapprovingly.

"Well that day hasn't come yet!"

An alarm went off and the computer screens started flashing with information. Tomoyo sat in front of the main big one and started typing.

"Hmm, it looks like Mr. Hanigan is back in town."

"Who's that?" Sakura sat down beside her on the table and Tomoyo shooed her off.

"The next possible victim for our 'Suicide-Killer'."

"The one who kills people and makes it look like a suicide?" asked Sakura.

"I just said the 'suicide-killer' didn't I?"

"Well sorry!" Sakura said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

"I suggest you get ready and go over to his house and keep an eye on him."

"All right I'm off." Sakura walked to the changing room they had and changed into her outfit. She was wearing a tight, leather, sleeveless top that stopped at her navel and leather pants that stuck to her like a second skin with high-heeled boots.

Tomoyo laughed. "If our killer takes a look at you then you'll be the one killing him."

"Are you trying to say I look 'killer'?" She laughed with her.

"Totally! Just remember to turn on the mic and the ear piece."

Sakura pressed a little button on her choker and said, "Testing. Tomoyo is an uptight freak in need of some fun." Sakura laughed as her sound echoed from the speakers in the layer.

Tomoyo glared at her. "Just get out of here."

And she did. "Wild Flower off to duty!" She put on her black mask and left.

Sakura and Tomoyo both had similar earing and necklaces. The earing had tiny speakers in it which allowed the person wearing it to hear what the other person was saying through the mic. The microphone was located in the necklace and could be turned on and off with a button.


Sakura got to Mr. Hanigan's apartment building and snuck in. "Hey CBD come in. This is Wild Flower."

"What's up Wild Flower?" came Tomoyo's response through the ear piece.

"I'm at the apartment and it looks like out killer has already been here." Sakura noticed the dead man's body hanging from the ceiling by a rope. It did look like he had hung himself. The police would probably think that too but Tomoyo and Sakura knew there was something wrong with that scenario.

Tomoyo sighed. "All right try to see if-"

"See if what?" Sakura asked when Tomoyo just stopped talking.

"Wild Flower get out of there. The police are on their way there. Somebody said they had heard yelling so they called the cops."

Sakura was about to get out the same way she had got in when they apartment door slammed open and Detective Syaoran Li came in.


Can anyone guess what CBD stand for?