Authors Note: Does anyone eve remember the last time I updated? LOL Well someone knew about my fanfictions and we happened to meet on neopets and she asked me to update so I did. :D Love it.


Chapter 9: One Swift Kick


1 When Kagome woke up her face was burning. The headache from the night before was gone but now she felt hot and her throat hurt. At least now she wouldn't have to go to work. Though she felt bad about getting sick on the third day she was happy she wouldn't be able to go through with the dare.

Sure she could tell Sango she went through it and lie but it wouldn't work. Sango and her had rules and going through with dares no matter what was one of them. Kagome could still remember that time she had dared Sango to kiss the creepiest guy in their school, Onigumo. Man, that guy made their skin crawl and yet Sango still pecked him on the cheek.

Kagome didn't even bother changing as she walked downstairs in her pyjama bottoms with blue cats and a blue tank top. Kagome yawned as she walked into the kitchen, nearly tripping over her cat in the process. She cursed as the cat meowed loudly to be fed.

"Aw, be quite Bouyo. Mom fed you already, you liar." Kagome growled.

Kagome's mom, who was washing the dishes, looked up to see her daughter. "Ohayo Kagome!"

"Ohayo Chi-Chi-Ue." Kagome said lightly, trying not to strain her voice. "I'm sick, I'm staying home today."

"That's fine dear, today when I get the groceries I'll get some medicine. For now the Tylenol is in the cupboard and there are Haul's in there too."

"Arigato." Kagome said smiling. Her mother always knew everything.

Next thing Kagome did was go to the fridge and take off the paper that had her employers phone number. She then went over to the phone where she promptly dialed the number. A male voice answered, a loud 'Moshi Moshi?' could be heard. Kagome sighed.

"Inu-Yasha…" Kagome whispered softly to herself, sighing in exasperation. She was hoping Sesshomaru would pick up.

"That's me and this is…" There was a pause on the phone.

"Ohayo Inu-Yasha. It's Kagome. I can't come to work today because I am sick." Kagome sighed.

"Aw really? I am so disappointed. I'm sure your Sesshy-Chan will be too!" Inu-Yasha said in a high voice laughing.

Kagome herself nearly laughed when she heard another voice in the background yelling at Inu-Yasha. No doubt it was Sesshomaru. She heard bits and pieces like 'Never call me that!' 'Who the hell is on the phone?' and of course 'Get out of my office!'

"I'm so sure. Kay, bye then." Kagome said as she heard a struggle on the other end as she hung up. She chuckled to herself, envisioning Inu-Yasha getting beaten to a pulp by Sesshomaru.

Kagome sighed as she left and went into the living room where her brother, Souta, was playing some new game on his ps2. She flopped onto the couch and let her left arm rest on her forehead as she watched unenthusiastically.

"Whatcha' playin?" Kagome asked, half-heartedly.

"It's the new Inu-Yasha game." Souta asked seeming distracted by his talking.


"Yah, from Youkai Industries. Rumor has it, it's done after the heads son."

Kagome grinned, as she looked closer to see the main character a man who looked just like Inu-Yasha but in the feudal era. And she laughed when she took note that the boss looked like none other then Sesshomaru himself.

"That's cute. I never knew they sold games."

"Yah, this is their first one. Grandpa took me out to get it yesterday. It's the coolest. If it really is after that man's son I'd love to meet the guy."

"Aw, trust me. You never want to meet him." Kagome said as she drifted off into a nap.


Inu-Yasha poked his head into the door. Sesshomaru was once again in his work.

"Hey Sesshomaru! Wanna play the new game dad put out yesterday? You'll be happy to know you are an easy and puny boss." Inu-Yasha joked as he sat in a chair opposite Sesshomaru.

"You are so juvenile." Sesshomaru groaned, without looking up from his work.

Suddenly the cordless phone on the desk began to ring and Inu-Yasha swiftly picked it up. Sesshomaru stared at him with a disapproving look.

"Moshi moshi?" Inu-Yasha called energetically. Suddenly Inu-Yasha heard a soft heavenly voice say his name. "That's me and this is…"

Sesshomaru watched with his head leaning on his hand, which still had a pen in it. Inu-Yasha was smiling widely.

"Aw really? I am so disappointed. I'm sure your Sesshy-Chan will be too." Inu-Yasha chuckled. Finally Sesshomaru was fed up as he lunged over the desk to grab the phone.

"Who the hell is on the phone?" Sesshomaru growled as he reached for it. "Never call me that! Inu-Yasha!"

Inu-Yasha bounced wildly around the room with Sesshomaru at his heel. Inu-Yasha was enjoying himself. Finally Sesshomaru was able to pounce on him. Sesshomaru grabbed the phone and yelled at Inu-Yasha to leave the office.

"She hung up." Inu-Yasha huffed as Sesshomaru stepped down on his chest.

"And may I ask who this was?" Sesshomaru hissed through clenched teeth, wondering if it was an important contractor that he'd been waiting for a call from.

"Kagome Higurashi." Inu-Yasha groaned as he shoved his brother away from him and jumped up. "She's sick and wont be coming in today."

Inu-Yasha brushed the dirt off and stuck a tongue out at Sesshomaru.

"I'll be leaving now." Inu-Yasha said as he turned to leave.

"I'll kill you someday! I swear I will!" Sesshomaru yelled just as Inu-Yasha slammed the door.


Kagome woke up when the doorbell rang. Kagome groaned as she got up.

"Kagome get the door." Souta said, still playing the stupid game. Kagome glanced at the clock and groaned again. She'd slept half an hour though she was feeling a bit better since she had taken a Haul.

Kagome slowly opened the door, eyes half open as she leaned in the doorframe. "What?"

Kagome's eyes grew huge when she noticed Inu-Yasha in front of her with a bowel and he happened to be looking her up and down. God she was so beautiful, Inu-Yasha thought to himself. Even though she seemed she'd just come out of the sewer she was beautiful. Her long black hair was tousled and she was wearing a cute tank top and a pair pyjama bottoms. Her cheeks were slightly pink and she looked like a regular goddess as the sun shone on her.

Inu-Yasha held the bowel with one hand as he put the other hand to her forehead. Kagome found herself blushing though she doubted it was visible from the fever.

"You're really warm…" Inu-Yasha said kindly. "I brought you some Udon. My chef made it."

Kagome grinned. "Thanks, but you don't need to be here. Don't you have the other maids?"

"Nope, I gave them a day off. Oh man Sesshy-Chan is gonna freak!" Inu-Yasha chuckled.

"Kagome who's there?" Kagome's mother called from the kitchen, where she was making breakfast.

"A nobody." Kagome sighed. "Okay, it's my employer, Inu-Yasha Youkai."

"Invite him in!" Kagome's mother ordered quickly.

Kagome rolled her eyes as she opened the door and left a path for Inu-Yasha to go inside. Inu-Yasha was grinning wildly. The two walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

In no time at all Kagome's mother came in with some rice balls. One for Kagome, two for Inu-Yasha, and two for Souta. Kagome finally indulged herself in the Udon. It was delicious. Inu-Yasha seemed to feel the same way about the rice balls as he wolfed them down. He thanked their creator generously.

"So how old are you kid?" Inu-Yasha asked, tousling Souta's hair.

"I'm thirteen. And I'm not a kid." Souta argued.

Kagome and Inu-Yasha both laughed. Kagome's mom came in with a bag.

"Come one Souta, you promised you'd help me do the groceries." Kagome's mom called and Souta nodded, following her. "We'll be back with the food and Grandpa in about an hour."

The door finally closed and Inu-Yasha jumped Kagome. She leaned back as he hovered over her.

"How's it going?" Inu-Yasha said in a low voice, his lips just hovering over hers.

"Hey, watch out!" Kagome grumbled. "I have a sore throat and I know how to use it!"

Inu-Yasha stared at her confused, not understanding what she meant at all. "Oh yeah? What, you gonna cough on me? I dare you to try. Come on! Do it!"

Kagome grinned. Oh how she wanted Inu-Yasha to be sick. Besides, this would be something that Inu-Yasha would want. And she'd been dared to give herself to him. So sure why not?

"Whatever you say." Kagome said in a whisper as she put her hand behind Inu-Yasha's neck and pulled his head down.

Kagome caught his lips with her own, leaving light kisses, then increasing the pressure. Inu-Yasha was so surprised it took him a while to realize she was kissing him and that he should kiss back. Kagome chuckled inwardly as she moved against unmoving lips. She nipped lightly on his bottom lip, demanding entry.

When Inu-Yasha did open his mouth, Kagome assumed it was because of jaw dropping shock. Kagome tongue slid languorously against Inu-Yasha's, a slow pace that dissipated once Inu-Yasha realized she was kissing him.

It seemed with realization a guy suddenly had to control everything, and Inu-Yasha was no exception. He tipped her head back to give him more. And more he did get. Kagome strategically moaned, opening one eye to Inu-Yasha thoroughly enjoying himself. Ah yes, she could feel her virus moving from her to him. Excellent.

Kagome had decided she'd had enough and began to gyrate her hips against Inu-Yasha's and the reaction was instant. She arched her back, pressing her chest against his. The least could say Inu-Yasha was having a fun time, his breathing ragged as he began to groan at every little thing she did, every contact she made.

Kagome was about to push Inu-Yasha off when the doorbell rang, and two people invited themselves in.

"Kagome, Ka- wait, what?" The woman with long black hair said, standing wide eyed.

Kagome's eyes snapped open as she leaned on her elbows to look behind her, at the doorway. Inu-Yasha seemed in his own world as he nibbled on Kagome's neck. Did he not notice that her friend, Sango and his brother. Were in the damn hallway watching.

"Inu-Yasha! Sit! Off!" Kagome said frantically, trying to push Inu-Yasha off as Sango bit her bottom lip wide eyed, and while Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists.

Inu-Yasha just continued what he was doing, lazily opening one eye to stare triumphantly at Sesshomaru. Okay, so maybe Inu-Yasha did know his brother was there. Kagome clenched her teeth as she finally made the right decision, and that decision was one swift knee to the groin.

Kagome bit her bottom lip as she quickly brought contact of her knee with Inu-Yasha's swollen member.

Inu-Yasha's eyes nearly came out of their sockets as he came close to crying. His hands were thrown instinctively to his groin. With him wincing, Kagome used one hand to send him flying off the couch.

"Inu-Yasha-San, you're such a pervert!" Kagome yelled, finding it fun to pin all the blame on him.

"He came onto you again?" Sango asked surprised.

"Yeah, my mom left for groceries and he pushed me onto the couch and started to kiss me." Kagome said, making sure to look like she was about to cry. She smiled inside her head as she watched Sesshomaru nearly throw a fit.

In no shape to fight Inu-Yasha stared at her as though she'd done something outrageous, and in fact she had. Kagome raised a happy eyebrow with a smirk when she looked back at Inu-Yasha. He knew what her choice of expression meant, she won.

Sesshomaru made his elegant way over to Kagome and held out his hand to help her up.

"I'm sorry that my brother is an idiot. Please do not think that I am anything like him. He is only my half brother." Sesshomaru said, actually kissing Kagome's hand.

"Don't worry, I know you're better." Kagome said smiling.


Authors Note:

Wow, didn't expect that now did ya? Didn't think you did. Okay, I loved this chapter but the next one is cooler. I'm just wondering what I'm going to do when I have to choose the category. I was thinking Romance/Drama but then it gives the comedy part no justice. Oh well, I'll think about it…