Crystal Matrix
By: Draka Dracula/Jo Ann Montgomery

INTRODUCTION: "Crystal Matrix" is about what would happen if a User baby was sent to Mainframe, and was adopted by Matrix and AndrAIa! This story shows the gentler side of Matrix that was so rarely seen in the show, but still managed to surface every so often. This is quite old.
Chapter 1
Crystal Arrives

The day began like any other day in the computer city of Mainframe. The bright blue sky, covered with the normal circuit pattern, which decorated it so very nicely, was dotted with white clouds. Birds sang in geometrically-perfect trees, while daisy wheels bloomed in select areas of Mainframe's parks. The sprites and binomes --the inhabitants of Mainframe-- went about their lives: going to work, relaxing, or spending time with their families. You or I, if we were privy to the goings on of this little world-within-our-world, would see that they behaved a lot like us.

Bob, Dot, Matrix, AndrAIa, Ray, and Mouse were enjoying a quiet picnic in the park near Dot's Diner. It was a triple date, since Enzo and Frisket were studying with Phong, and the little green sprite and his dog would not be bothering the adult sprites for a while.

Lunch was already finished, and the three couples were sitting around the white picnic cloth, talking. The black jungle-print wrinkled as they changed into more comfortable positions.

"Things are sure quiet without little Enzo," Dot observed as she leaned against Bob. "I hope he and Frisket are behaving themselves."

Matrix grinned at his older sister.

"He's me, remember? Whatever I was like as a kid, he is like, now. Did I ever behave myself?" AndrAIa smiled and leaned against Matrix. She, too, remembered the energetic, green child that he had been.

Bob returned Matrix's grin. He remembered the hyper-active, little sprite that followed him around, idolizing the young, blue Guardian as he would a big brother.

Hard to believe, Bob thought, that the very same sprite is now sitting across from Dot and me, a grown man. Yet, there he is, snuggling with an equally adult AndrAIa.

The picnickers were clad casually that day; jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. This has been Bob's great idea.

"For once, I'd like to see you in something other than business clothes," he had said to Dot.

The had complied, but the t shirt had a picture of an energy shake cup wearing glasses, and zipping along. Underneath the picture was, "Dot's Diner, Fastest Food in Mainframe". It was a compromise Bob could live with.

Bob's own shirt was green, with a picture of a race car speeding along on an invisible track. Matrix wore a black shirt with a picture of a rearing, silver horse on it. AndrAIa's was black, too, but hers had a motorcycle and the Harley-Davidson logo. Ray's shirt, naturally enough, had a surfer riding a wave, while Mouse's shirt --the same light blue as Ray's-- had a ninja, jumping and swinging his sword.

"You were a good kid, sugah," Mouse smiled. "A little too revved up, maybe, but a good kid."

Ray was stretched out, his head in Mouse's lap.

"Mouse is right, Matrix," Bob said. "I may have not enjoyed being bowled over every few nanos, but..." He was interrupted by an all-too-familiar voice.


"'Warning; Incoming'?" Matrix asked, puzzled. "Whatever happened to, 'Incoming Game'?"

No one could answer him. They all sat up, getting ready to stand and face any new danger that was to present itself in Mainframe.

From out of the sky, through a dark hole from wence game cubes usually dropped, there came a ball of blue light. It lowered itself gently, settling on the picnic cloth amid Bob and the others. The ball was small, about the size of a breadbox, or a little bigger.

The light faded, leaving behind a small basket on the picnic cloth. Another light appeared from the sky, following the blue light. When this light --golden in color-- was eye-level with Bob and his friends, it projected the image of a man with pale-tan skin and blue eyes. His hair was black, and he had a beard similar to Matrix's.

The image spoke: "People of this incredible world, I give you greetings! As you may have guessed, I am a User. I have studied your world from my own for a great, long while now. I am aware of many aspects of your lives, including the games, and what they do to you. I ask that you forgive the Users. None, but I, know of your existence.

"I have created a machine that would allow me to travel your world. I had hoped to test it on myself, but I don't have the time. Some evil Users want to use it for their own, selfish gain. I must protect you and my daughter.

"So, I am sending her to you. Afterwards, I will destroy the machine and all data pertaining to the project. It must not fall into evil hands.

I ask that you take care of my daughter, Crystal. I will be dead, soon, for I have no doubt that the evil Users will kill me.

"I must go. They will be here at any moment. Please, take care of Crystal!"

The image and the light faded away, leaving the sprites exchanging excited whispers about the new development.

Carefully, Bob looked into the basket. Smiling suddenly, the young Guardian reached inside. When his hands reemerged, he was holding a baby!

For the nano, the baby was content to watch the adults gushing over her. Grown-ups were always acting silly around her, and she liked it.

"Awww...even Users are cute when they're babies!" Ray said, grinning.

"Yes," cooed Dot, letting the baby grip one of her fingers.

Crystal, curious about the new object she held, brought Dot's finger up and stuck it in her mouth. A nano later, the baby let go of Dot's finger.

"Look how tiny she is!" exclaimed AndrAIa. Her turquoise eyes gazed wondrously at the infant User.

By now, it was registering on Crystal's infant brain that her father was not among the people she found herself with. Realizing this, she began to cry.

"Awww...what is it, sweetie?" Bob asked.

The sprites, alert to Crystal's sudden unhappiness, gathered closer to see if they could help.

"Maybe she's wet," Dot suggested.

Bob felt Crystal for a wet or soiled diaper. It was dry. "No, she's not wet," he replied.

"Maybe she's hungry," Ray suggested.

"What does a baby User eat?" Mouse asked.

"Whatever a User eats, I guess," answered Dot.

"But what does a User eat?" Mouse persisted.

"Give her to me," Matrix said. Carefully, Bob handed Crystal to the green warrior. Cradling the baby in his strong arms, Matrix whispered gently to her. "It's okay, Crystal. Everything's going to be alright. Don't cry. Shhh..." Matrix kept repeating this until Crystal became quiet. He rocked her gently as he sat on the picnic cloth.

"How...?" Bob began, astonished. "How did you do that?" The others were speechless. It had never occurred to any of them that Matrix would be the one that could comfort the baby!

"Her father," Matrix answered. "We're not perfect matches, but we look enough alike that Crystal would mistake me for him."

"Looks like you're gonna be the lucky papa, sugah!" Mouse grinned.

"Mouse is right, Matrix," Dot said. "Crystal needs a father, and," Dot looked over at AndrAIa, "a mother. If she sees you as her daddy, you would be the best candidate for the role."

"Yes," Bob added. "But if she's going to be one of us, Crystal needs an icon. Let's take her to see Phong."

"You four go on. Ray and I will clean up, here," said Mouse. She and Ray began clearing the remains of the picnic away.

"Thanks, Mouse; Ray," Dot smiled as she left with Bob and the others.

No problem, luv!" Ray grinned, picking up the picnic basket and began putting dirty dishes, utensils, and cups into it.

AndrAIa bent down and scooped up the baby's basket. On the way to the Principle Office, she kept looking over at Matrix and the baby.

Matrix held the child gently, but firmly, in his arms. When he looked down at her for a nano, he saw that she was fast asleep. Smiling, Matrix continued on his way with AndrAIa, Bob, and Dot.

Next Chapter: Welcome to Mainframe!