Negative futures

This is my first fanfic ever so don't kill me if its crap. The idea came from when i started drawing sonic characters as if bad stuff would happen to them when they got older and titled it 'negative futures' , so thats where the title came from andsome of the charctersappearances in thisstory( which i won't give away here!) ok enough of me talking, er typing. enjoy! or at least try!

Disclaimer : I don't own sonic or any over characters in this chapter

All I can remember, before this strange world of muffled sounds and blurred dreams, is a life which used to be mine. We had been running towards eggmans base, preparing to once again stop his plans of world domination. We had done this so many times that I had gotten beond cocky , and my arragant led to my down fall. Well , the last thing I remember was a sharp pain in my neck and my eyes closing, I havn't been able to open them since.

How long have I been like this, an hour, 50 years? I have so many questions as I exist only in this dream world. How did I get here? And what happended to the others?

Suddenly I felt something alight again in my mind. I felt the liquid around me more clearly and my eyelids suddenly came under my control again. I felt things in by arms and back and a mask over my face , helping me breath, but why? I couldn't take it any more. I opened my eyes and blurry vision returned. I jumped in supprise. How long had it been since I was able to see? To long. As the world spun into focas I began to get a grip of my surroundings. I was in somekind of glass tank, with ugly green liquid swirling around my body. The things I felt in my arms were tubes, feeding me liquid. So I have been I stacess. But who freed me? I then saw a shadowy figure standing by by tank watching as the liquid drained away. The figure then punched the tanks walls , shattering it into a million peices. As he began pulling the tubes from my arms I felt my consciousness slip. My vision clouded and I felt my mind sliping away again.

" t t ails? Whe re am I I ?" I said, fumbling with the mouth I hadn't used for so long. The figure chuckled and I heard his voice say

" its not tails, but ill save you anyway , I promise sonic" the figures voice was to deep to be tails , but who? I never got the awnser as I felt my mind shut down again.

My mind began to re open its self again, but I could tell that I had been asleep for a long time. I saw the same figure standing by the courner of the room I was now in that had rescued me, or was he capsuring me? I couldn't tell who he was as he had a large, tatty coat on and a hood that covered his face. When he saw I was awake he turned to face me, his face hidden in shadows.

" how ya feeling sonic?" he said in a low voice. I still didn't know who he was as my mind was still shuffling along at an anionly slow pace and my eyes kept wanting to close themselves.

" mhh, who?"i mumbled stupidly. The fugure laughed in a sad way and said

" well, you did know me, but I fear the face staring at you will be a strange one". I was beginning to get irritated and struggled to say

" just, show". The figure smiled sadly and said

"Very well". He lifted up his hands and threw of his hood. I gave alittle gasp in supprise. He waited for me to recover then took of his coat, revealing his full echidna body. I gasped again, suddenly memeroies and sence came rushing back and I bolted upright. I stared at him for a few seconds, unable to believe what I was seeing. He looked like someone I used to know, but somehow the resemberlence had almost completly gone.

" knuckles!"i wispered. He nodded and I froze in shock.


what has happened to knuckles? and sonic for that matter, why was he in staces? and for how long? don't worry if you can't wait coz i plan on updating soon, possibly tommorow.