Chapter 5

Olivia walked out of the room satisfied. She was confident that what she said was what the woman wanted to hear, and was still the truth. She walked over to her desk and sat. Although her mind was elsewhere, thinking back to her and Elliot's conversation in the bathroom, she was still able to pick up a file and at least pretend she was somewhat interested.

She happened to look up and see Julie leaving, it was high time. Just as soon as she left Elliot appeared at her side. He kneeled next to her, trying not to gain too much attention.


Olivia looked down at him with a deep breath. She placed one of her hands delicately on his cheek while she peered into his eyes. Finally she spoke, "we're partners Elliot… if we were ever anything more it was due to stress, not love. You've been going through a hard time lately, with Kathy and the kids- things haven't been easy for me either. I think I found my father…" Olivia paused trying to ward off her tears, "I need you," another pause, "I need you to be here as my friend. And I think you need the same from me."

Elliot watched her for a minute, a couple drops of water fell from her eyes. He was quick to wipe them away.

"If you think that's what's best right now, then that's what's best. But Olivia… I hope your not saying this because you're afraid. There's no doubt in my mind that I've fallen for you in every way…" Elliot stopped when he saw Cragen appear behind Olivia, from a distance. Elliot stood up, Olivia wiping away any excess water on her face.

He placed his hand on her shoulder and leaned in close to her. Whispering in her ear he said, "I love you, and I always will. Don't forget that."

The End.