
Chapter One: Stupid Snape…

(Disclaimer: I don't own any HP titles, ect.)

"Harry, you have to understand-" But his lips on mine interrupted my words.

I pulled back after kissing back for a minute, slightly winded. He always did that …

"Well," I said, fixing my bushy hair, although I knew it was fine. "Now that we have that out of our systems, can you just listen to me before snogging me silly?" I was getting aggravated; this was the third time this week that Harry had interrupted my important words with a kiss.

"Sorry, Hermione…" Harry said, looking down.

I softened my gaze. "Harry, listen, I'll give us a chance, okay? Just no more interrupting me…"

Harry had asked me out a few weeks ago, and I have been stalling ever since. I'm really confused about my feelings for him, and I am afraid that if we dated, our friendship would be awkward and cease. I really didn't want that to happen- I love and value Harry too much.

Harry instantaneously perked up, an excited smile dancing on his face. "Really?"

"Yeah, but you have to tell Ron. God knows he's had the hots for me since third year…" I muttered the last part to myself, remembering helping him with his broken leg. I blushed slightly remembering how he had afterwards raved about my healing abilities and how talented a witch I was.

Harry gulped. "Fine, fine… You have to be there, too, tough." He let out a sigh.

I ignored his last comment, acting as if he never said it. Suddenly, as if on queue, thoughts started racing madly through my head. Without thought, I began to speak. "What if he gets mad? What if he stops talking to us?"

"Well, first lets see what he does, okay? Then we'll move on from there." Harry said, a kind smile now on his face. He took me gently into his arms, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Okay," I said.

Remembering where we were, I pulled away and began searching for a book that I needed for Potions. The library, I noticed, wasn't as busy as it normally was; only one or two tables were occupied, not counting Harry and mine. After skimming books for a moment, I found the book I needed, Herbal Healing Made Easy. In potions, we were currently studying healing, and we needed to write a report on how to make a burn healing potion. I already knew the ingredients, but I was getting the book just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

I sat down at a table, Harry sitting down next to me. I began to read, but Harry spoke up, shattering my thoughts.

"Hermione, have you seen Ron today? He wasn't in Potions-" But Harry was interrupted by the library doors opening and in storming a blushing red-head who's right arm and fingers were all bandaged up.

"Ron! What happened?" I asked, getting up and running over to him, gingerly touching his arm.

"It's kind of a long story, mind if I join you guys?" He asked, gesturing toward the table that now only Harry occupied.

"Ron, you know you don't have ask! You're always welcome." I said, sitting between Ron and Harry at the table. Underneath, Harry entwined his hand with mine.

"Thanks Hermione," Ron said, blushing so bright, it matched perfect with his hair. "Anyway, on with my story. I was walking to potions, minding my own business, when Malfoy comes up and started ragging on about my family and such. Well, he just happened to threaten me, so I pulled out my wand."

"Ron! You know that's against-" I started but Ron continued, ignoring my comment.

"But I didn't to anything… Before I could even blink, Malfoy had already shot a spell at me. I think he said 'flamora' or something like that. Either way, fire shot out of his wand and burned my wand, hand and arm. It hurt like bloody hell, I'll tell you that. After that, he just skipped off with his two boyfriends following along. Lucky for me, Lavender was on patrol, and she came across me. She escorted me to the hospital wing and made sure I was all right before returning to her duty. Boy was I lucky…"

"What a git, I can't believe he'd do that to you, Ron." I said. I noticed that Harry was being quiet, not saying anything or jumping in the conversation. I looked to my left, finding Harry just starting at one spot in his book, pretending to read.

"Harry, something bothering you?" I asked, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Actually, I think I should get this over with and tell Ron…" He said.

"Tell me what?" Ron asked, suddenly full of enthusiasm.

"Harry, he's had a trying day, I don't think now's the right time." I said, giving Ron a look of sympathy.

"No, please tell me, Harry! I think I should know whatever it is… if it wasn't important, Hermione wouldn't protest."

"Wow, Ron, you sounded educated there…" Harry pointed out, a smirk on his face.

"Not funny, Harry."

"What? It was a compliment!" Harry said, fighting back a smile.

"Come on, please tell me!"

Harry let out a sigh, looked at me with an apologetic look and turned to face Ron. "Ron, can you make me a promise ahead of time that you won't-"

"Harry, don't do that, let him some freedom…"

"Fine, Ron, I'll just say it plain and simple; Hermione and I are dating."

I looked at Ron nervously, expecting an explosion. But Ron just looked at Harry and I, dumbfounded and confused.

"When did this happen?" He said, still in awe.

"Just today."

"Okay, okay, I'm fine with it… just no making-out in front of me."

I smiled at Ron, now feeling an odd urge to hug him, comfort him. My emotional side got the better control and forced me to lean over and give Ron a tight and meaningful hug.

"I hope nothing will change between us, Ron." I said, sitting back into my chair.

"Nothing will, I hope. Harry will stay the brave one, me the comedian and scardy-cat and you your beautiful, witty smart self. Speaking of that, could you help me with the Potions homework?"

I smiled at Ron. He'll never change…

"It's simple really, you just have to make sure to add the unicorn hair before the werewolf paw." I said, not noticing Harry gather his books and leave silently.

"Okay, goodnight Ron!" I called from the top of the stairs entering the girls' dormitories.

"Goodnight Hermione!" He replied before shutting the door.

I let out a sigh of relief and hurried back down the stairs and to the couch, which I lazily plopped down on, closing my eyes. I didn't want to face Pavarti and Lavender, who would question where I was. When I'd answer 'Helping Ron with homework,' they'd laugh and insist that we were secretly dating… But while we were in the library, Ron had noted that Harry had been quiet, and when I turned around, I found him gone. Assuming he was too tired to finish his homework up, he went to bed.

I let out a sigh, opening my eyes and looking into the fire. It's really not as easy as it looks- being a bookworm. I thought tiredly.

"Hermione?" A voice from behind whispered.

I sat up and turned around to find Harry standing in front of me in merely his boxers and a robe.

"Uh, Harry, hi… where'd you go earlier?" I asked nervously. Why was I nervous?

"Oh, I'm surprised you noticed… you seemed wrapped up with Ron…"

"Oh, I see where this is going. Harry, I was just helping him with his potions," I said with a sigh of relief.

"You seemed awfully…involved."

"Involved? You mean like I'm into him? Ron?" I asked surprised. I stood up, and walked over to him, putting a hand on his cheek. "Harry, we haven't even been dating for 24 hours and we're already in a fight. If you're going to be so protective then I don't think this is going to work."

"Hermione, I'm sorry… I really don't want to loose you…" Harry said, putting his arms around my waist once again. Before I realized what I was doing, I found myself leaning in to kiss him. He pushed his lips against mine softly. At first I kept my lips sealed, ignoring his attempts to get in, but after a few moments, I finally opened my mouth allowing him inside. Our tongues clashed, but then dipped inside each other's mouths. To my surprise, Harry pulled back, looking me in the eyes.

"As much as I hate to do this, McClousky (One of the current Prefects) could come in at any moment…" He said, stroking my cheek with his thumb. "And besides, it's late. You should be getting to bed."

I smiled at this, knowing that he meant what he said.

"Okay, Harry, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said before planting a quick kiss on Harry's lips and running up to my dormitory.

"Please pass your reports up to then front and hand them to Granger, who'll be kindly picking them up." Snape's cold voice rang throughout his dungeon of a classroom.

Hearing my name, my head snapped up from the note Harry had passed me, a look of surprise on my face. I luckily, though, heard what the potions master had commanded me to do, so I got up and walked to the front of the classroom, waiting for the Slytherins in the middle to pass them up. After finally snatching a stack of reports from a Slytherin who wouldn't give them to me, I slapped the pile down on Snape's desk. Just to my luck, the pieces of parchment went flying everywhere on the floor. I gave out and exasperated sigh, knelt down and picked them up, ignoring Snape muttering something similar to 'stupid clumsy mudblood.' After picking all of the reports up, I slapped them down again. Yet again, they went flying everywhere.

"Miss Granger, detention. Seven o'clock tonight." Snape snapped.

"Yes, sir." I said through a clenched jaw. I bent down so my butt was in clear view of a few perverted Slytherins' who's gaze I could feel burning into me. I quickly repositioned myself, kneeling down once again. I gently set the pieces of parchment on Snape's desk before returning to my desk.

"Now, seeing as most of you didn't turn in your reports, today will be a bit of a review. Take notes for a grade." The professor said, standing up and bewitching a piece of chalk to write down the needed notes.

Hmph, I learned this second year… I thought, temporarily allowing my mind to wander to the note Harry gave me. I quickly replied before passing to Ron, who sat in-between Harry and I. I saw Harry scribble a reply and pass it to Ron, who passed it to me. I read it and gave a laugh, immediately putting a hand to my mouth. Snape turned around and looked at me with eyes colder that ice.

"Have something to share, Granger?" He asked, an evil smirk, similar to Malfoy's, on his narrow face.

"No sir." I said anxiously.

"Accio parchment." Snape said, pointing his wand at my lap where the note was hidden. The note, along with some other folded parchment from my pockets, went flying across the dungeon and into his hands. "Passing notes, are we, Granger? Let's see…" Snape tapped the parchment with his wand and suddenly Harry's voice doomed out of nowhere, speaking exactly what he had said to me in the note.

"I hear there's a dance coming up, do you want to go with me?" Harry's voice rang shrilly.

Mine soon replied, "Sure, just as long as I don't get a detention from that git, Snape…"

"That's harsh, Hermione, wow…"

"Well, it's true, you know…"

"Yeah, but Malfoy wouldn't even say that about Ron…"

"Your point?"

Our private conversation ended right there. At first there was silence, but then laughter echoed through the room, coming mostly from the Slytherins.

"Miss Granger, detention the rest of the week." Snape said, smirking at his accomplishment.

"Yes, sir." I said, blushing in embarrassment.

"Actually, Miss Granger, come up here."

"Excuse me?"

"Come up in the front of the classroom…" Snape said as he was talking to a five-year-old.

I got up from my chair and walked sheepishly up to the front of the classroom and turned around so that I was facing the class. I looked from face to face, noticing how a few Slytherin boys were surveying my body, and all of the others looking at me with looks of either disgust or amusement. All of the Gryffindors, of course, had looks of worry and concern on their faces.

"Now, Granger, since you've been so disruptive today and you're seeking attention that bad, we'll see what you would've continued to say on your little note." Snape gave the piece of parchment in his hand and the voices once again boomed throughout the dungeon.

"I dunno, but do you see how Ron's looking at you? I don't like it…" Harry's voice said- or would've said.

"Harry, no need to be jealous, he means no harm."

"Fine, fine…"

"Hey, can you keep a secret?" My voice would've asked. This got everyone's attention. My insides were violently squirming; I remembered what I was going to say…

"Of course!"

"Well, if Malfoy wasn't so stuck up, rude and conceited, I might actually consider him something more than what I usually call him…"

I was blushing furiously. Anger and embarrassment were building up inside me- I wanted to scream.

Snape decided to stop there, considering the bell rang. I quickly and eagerly gathered up my things and hurried toward the door, but Snape stopped me.

"Granger, please come here."

I walked over to his desk, avoiding his eyes.

"Since you've taken such a liking to Malfoy, he'll be hosting your detention for the next two weeks."

"Two weeks, sir? You said-"

"Yes, Granger, two weeks."

I nodded and sped out of the classroom, making a sharp left turn and bumping into someone, sending me to the ground. I looked up to find Draco Malfoy sneering down at me.

"Hello, Granger, fancy meeting you here alone in the hallway…"

"Shove it, Malfoy." I snapped, gathering up my stuff and putting them back into my bag. Malfoy extended his hand to help me up, he famous smirk on his face. I looked at it before glaring at him and getting up on my own.

"Temper, temper, Granger. Snape said that if you misbehave during our detention, that I could assign you as many more as I want…"

"Oh, wow, now you've power. You should be satisfied enough, now leave me alone." I spat, trying to walk around him, but he stepped into my way.

"Watch your attitude, you don't' want to spend the rest of the year with me, do you?"


"I'll see you tonight then, Hermione."


I rolled my eyes as I walked down the corridor to Ancient Runes, rubbing my temples to calm myself down.

This was going to be a long day.

(A/N- Hey this is like a second try at the whole Draco and Hermione pairing… my last one was horrible, I admit it. You can read it if you want, but please, no rude reviews. Oh, speaking of reviews, since I love yall so much, I'm going to start putting Pen Names up with thank you's, just so yall know… Well, the next chapter should be up soon, depending on how many reviews I get!
