Hello everyone. I am so sorry this took so long. It was thw worse wrtiter's block ever in history. I might just commit suicide if that ever happens again! I was so out of it. But anyways, I saw this cool manga called Gokusen and it is so cool! So I guess it wasn't a total drag for me. But i reall want to finish this story while I'm still alive...
Chapter 46: The Banquet Part II
"Are you sure about this Miro? 'Cause if you freeze up on there I will so kick your ass" Kagome said dangerously.
"It's something I have to do...for my dearest Sango"
"Save it monk cause it ain't working. Get your ass on that stage and start before I change my mind"
"Very well here I go" he said sighing. Then he whispered something in to Inuyasha's ear before he stepped up on to the stage.
"This song is dedicated to a very special someone here today. And though she does not quite have the same feelings as me, I'd like to express mine for her" he announced. He then whispered something in to Inuyasha's ears before walking up to the mic again. Behind him, Inuyasha started an intro and Kagome instantly recognized it before following suit and making a steady beat. Sango got beat red knowing what the song was going to be too.
I, I'm driving black on black
Just got my license back
I got this feeling in my veins this train is coming off the track
I'll ask, polite if the devil needs a ride
Because the angel on my right ain't hanging out with me tonight
I'm driving past your house
while you were sneaking out
I got the car door opened up so you can jump in on the run
Your mom don't know that you were missing
She'd be pissed if she could see the parts of you that I've been kissing
It took all of Sango's not to go wring that pervert for all he was worth. This song was borderline to something even worse than she imagined. Why in their right minds were they dancing and encouraging this pervert? Did they even understand what he was singing?!
No, we're never gonna quit
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go
'cause everybody knows
We're just a couple of animals
So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Check out the trouble we're in
You're beside me on the seat
Got your hand between my knees
And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze
It's hard to steer
when you're breathing in my ear
But I got both hands on the wheel
while you got both hands on my gears
By now, no doubt that we were heading south
I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth
'cause this was it, like flicking on a switch
It felt so good I almost drove into the ditch
I'm screamin'
Sango was ready to find the nearest object and hit him until he was unconscious. That was the only way she'd calm down and prevent the oncoming blush rising in to her cheeks. The only thing keeping her calm enough to do her prat was imagining all of the ways she could torture him afterwards. And if anyone objected? They'd just end up like him
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go
'cause everybody knows
We're just a couple of animals
So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Look at the trouble we're in
We were parked out by the tracks
We're sitting in the back
And we just started getting busy
When she whispered "what was that?"
The wind, I think 'cause no one else knows where we are
And that was when she started screamin'
"that's my dad outside the car!"
Oh please, the keys, they're not in the ignition
Must have wound up on the floor while
We were switching our positionsI guess they knew that she was missing
As I tried to tell her dad it was her mouth that I was kissing
No, we're never gonna quit
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go
'cause everybody knows
We're just a couple of animals
After a while, Sango calmed down and got over her embarrassment and actually took in what was happening. The guests were all dancing or trying to dance to the music and Kagome and Inuyasha were both so engrossed in their music. But what shocked her the most was how much fo a different person Miroku was when he sang. Not only did he have a great voice, but he also had this energy and showmanship that was amazing!
So come on baby, get in
We're just a couple of animals
Get in, just get in
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Check out the trouble we're in
Get in, just get in
At the end everyone cheered again and Sango looked at them with wide eyes.
'He actually did it!' she thought amazed.
"Go and congratulate him" a voice behind her said. She looked to see Hoshiko grinning at her.
"I...I couldn't"
"Stop making excuses and go over there" she said before shoving Sango. She closed her eyes as she felt herself hit a hard surface.
"Sango? Did you like the song? I was so nervous up there but when I saw you watching it was like I lost it all" Miroku said catching her. As she struggled to find the right words to say, she felt something where it shouldn't have been and then loud slap echoed before she stormed off. Kagome who was having a light conversation with Inuyasha, went after her.
"Was it something I said?" he asked holding his stinging cheek. Inuyasha glared at him before bonking him on the head.
"Sango? Are okay?"
"I'm fine Kagome"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Just when I was getting the courage to tell him how I feel, he feels me up like he usually does and I get mad"
"You know, after being with him so long you shouldn't be surprised. My cousin is a pervert...but you know, he only acts that way when he's around you" she said smirking.
"I know. It's like he only wants to embarrass me"
"Well you know...if you can't tell him how you feel in words...why don't you try through song. Miro maybe be a pervert but isn't a complete idiot."
"You know what? I think I have an idea"
Minutes later both girls came back with evil grins on their faces which unnerved their band mates. Somewhere in the back of his head a little voice was screaming run away but Inuyasha ignored walked over.
"Are you guys alright?"
"Yeah. And Sango wants do the next"
"Okay. We're ready wen you are"
"Alright. I'm gonna also dedicate this song to someone. I never get my feeling out in words so a friend said I should do it in my song. So here it is"she said
Listen up, turn it up and rock it out
party on, I wanna hear you scream and shout
this is real, as real as it gets
I came to get down to get some fucking respect
taking it back to hardcore level
you better be ready, put your pedal to the metal
taking it back to hardcore level
you better be ready, put your pedal to the metal.
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
All around the crowd watched her in amazement. They never suspected she'd be able to sing so forcefully. Sesshomaru smirked at all the gaping faces. He knew it was a good idea to sign them up if this response could come from their first gig imagine how many fans they might get after they went around and played. He suspected that many of the people in the banquet would probably come if they recognized them.
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
I want domination
I want your submission
I see you're not resisting
To this temptation
I've got one confession
A love deprivation
I've got a jet black heart
It's all fucked up and it's falling apart
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give inWhoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
I've got another confession
I fell to temptation
And there is no question
There was some connection
I've got to follow my heart
No matter how far
I've gotta roll the dice
Never look back and never think twice
Miroku was speechless as he heard the emotions mixed in to her song. Was this how she might have seen him when he was singing? Was she mesmerized by his voice and shocked at how his personalities had totally changed? Listening to her sing made his heart well with such an intense feeling that he couldn't even begin to describe.
'I think I may be falling in love with you Sango' he thought shocked.
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
after he song ended everyone was even more pumped even though you could tell that from all of the past applause they were getting tired and losing their energy, but not by that much. It was as if every time another one played a song they bounced back up ready to dance and do all sorts of things to show their approval.
"Well dear, it seems as if Inuyasha and his little friends are entertaining our guests quite well. But I don't think our guess will last much longer or Inuyasha is going to let them dance themselves to death"
"I'll see to it that Sesshomaru tell them to take a break for a while. I think they should be able to enjoy the festivities too"
You're taking a break now go get a refreshment or whatever else you want you won't be playing until after dinner"
"What!? Come one I was in the zone!" Miroku complained.
"Pipe down you perv. I am going to go get my groove on now. And obviously Sango won't be there all night. So why don't you take my hint and go"
"You should take your own advice. Inuyasha doesn't look like he's the patient type so you better hurry. Lot's of eligible females are here tonight" Miroku shot back smirking.
"Hah! who said we were official yet? I have savor my last moments of being single. As a matter of fact the first person who asks me to dance I'll say yes to"
"Then will you offer me a dance?"
"Of course I will" she said before turning around to see who had asked her. Her heart felt like it immediately went cold and if she weren't so petrified she might have screamed.
Hahaha! Yay behold my cliffy prowess! I bet you can't guess who it is...one hint, it's not Kouga...