1Part 8–I missed you
A/N: This is the final chapter of A Ship called Murder. There will however be a sequel so expect it! I haven't really decided on the whole story yet...working on it. But before I get to the sequel, I have to finish this story! Soooo...on with the story.
Chase's POV
"Because...Remember right after Dana died Quinn came up and said 'I can save Dana's--' I think she can bring them back...but we need to find out how," I said.
"Well...where is Quinn's keycard?" Logan asked.
"I know where Nicole's keycard is! She left in her room," Tyler said.
"Dude, that's awesome in everything, but we need Quinn's keycard...because Quinn's invention would be in Quinn's room," Logan said, annoyed.
"Well, wouldn't her keycard be with her?" I reasoned.
"Good point," Tyler agreed.
So we went into the hallway where Quinn was found. Sure enough, her keycard was in her pocket. I looked down. And then heard Zoey's voice.
"Zoey! How are you? Are you ok?"
"Chase. I need to tell you something...I lo--"
"Sorry to break this up but we have we kinda have t save some people," Tyler said.
"What happened?"Zoey asked.
"Nicole and Quinn."
"Not them too!" Zoey whined.
We went to Quinn's room. And we found a paper with a bunch of equations.
"Great. A dead end!" Logan complained.
"It's not a dead end look..." Tyler said.
He was holding another piece of paper with Quinn's writing on it.
Dear the Final Four,
I knew it was going to be you four. Logan, Zoey, Tyler, and Chase. I know this because I know the murderer. That's how I knew he was going to attack. The murderer–my older brother, Jack. He use to have a long-distance relationship with Ashley. And, therefore, killed her first. Then he couldn't stop. He contacted me to make him medicine to stop...but I couldn't. So instead, I make a time machine, however it will only go back to the day I started making it and you can't go into the future, it can only be used once, so use it wisely. Since it will only go back to the day I made it, we can save anyone but Ashley. Only two can go, so I chose Tyler and Logan. I knew I would be killed because I couldn't make the medicine. So, I trusted you guys, the final four, to help me. Please save me and the others.
"Wow," said Tyler.
"So...where's the machine?" Logan asked.
"I think it's this," I said finding another piece of paper with a locket attached, on the piece of paper were three words: OPEN THE LOCKET!
And then Tyler and Logan were gone...
When they returned they were with Dana, Michael, Nicole, Kyle, and Quinn.
I looked over at Logan and Dana. They were kissing, Logan stopped and said, "I'm sorry. I was so unreasonable."
I looked over at Nicole and Tyler. Tyler said, "Nicole, forgot what I said earlier. I like you, a lot. I missed you." And they kissed.
Michael was talking to Quinn, who was telling him she was sorry about not being able to see Ashley.
And I looked at Zoey. She looked at me and said, "I've been wanting to tell you something."
"I know."
"Michael told me you liked me. And I like you too." And we kissed.
The sequel: "Untitled (As of now)"
Tyler comes to PCA
A mysterious teacher comes to PCA
TBA (To be announced)
For my 10-year reunion peoples:
I will be working on this fanfic soon! Stay tuned and put me on your author alert list.