Hello! . Here I am! A hardcore Digimon fan… experimented with Yu-Gi-Oh! And Gravitation fiction, but I'm back! .
I am a senior in high school and prom is coming up. I probably won't go even though I want too. But I was thinking about the way prom works and it gave me an idea for this fic! So a few notes here: One, usually my stories are FULL of Angst, but this is going to be a new thing for me… where everything goes right. Next: All of the original Digidestend (Except TK and Kari) are seniors, Davis (Daisuke), TK, Ken, Yolei, and Kari are Freshmen. And poor old Cody is all by his lonesome in Junior High. Last thing: I will state at the end how my idea came to be and explain it better, but if I told you know it would ruin the plot!
Chapter one:
Davis, TK, Ken, Kari, and Yolei sat in a room. They had always looked out for each other and helped one another.
"So TJ what do you have to tell us that is so important I had to miss soccer practice?" Davis asked.
Everyone rolled there eyes.
"You know Davis," Kari started. "We ARE freshmen in High School. Don't you think its time you acted like it? You have known TK for years now! And you have a BOYFRIEND so let it go!"
Davis blushed hard at this statement and glanced at Ken.
Ken Smirked and changed the subject.
"ANYWAY, TK, what is the news?"
"Well... Kari… you know how your brother and my brother are best friends? And you have suspected that Tai likes Matt as MORE than a friend?"
"Yeah I have always thought that, why?"
"Well… I am starting to think Matt likes him too!"
Kari could not help but let out a cheer because she was so happy.
She then looked at TK.
"So that's it then, we have to get them together!"
"Easier said than done! They are BOTH the most stubborn people I have EVER met! How and the world…"
"I don't know! We will have to think of something! But DEFENATELY before Graduation."
Davis about fell over.
"IT'S ALREADY MAY! That gives us how many days till prom?"
"Fourteen Days."
"Are you going to help us or not?"
"Oh of course I'm there!"
"Okay then, let's get brainstorming!"
Yamato was walking back to the band room for practice. He was a little sad thinking about the future. Or ANY future without his band, or people he cared about. His mind went to Taichi. Why was that? Why did he think of nothing but his best friend? It was because Matt was really in love with the brunette and had been for some time. But why? He was... a HE for one thing. But he could not help it. He was always there. But he could never try anything because he was almost positive Taichi was straight. There was a chance he wasn't, but he wasn't about to risk the best friendship he ever had. So he kept quiet, and went on to practice.
Tai was in the locker room getting ready for Soccer practice. He was surrounded by hot guys but never seemed to notice. Why? They weren't Yama. Yamato Ishida. Why him? Why was he in love with his best friend? He could not answer that. He did not know why he felt that way… but he did. It felt like destiny. 'Maybe…' Tai thought, 'Maybe it has something to do with our bond in the digital world? Maybe the people who were bonded are forced together? Like Kari and TK, light and hope. That makes sense…'
(A few hours later)
Matt sat in the bleachers cheering on his best friend. He had to cut practice short. He NEVER missed a game or even a practice. It all went back to the feelings he had for the brunette. He still wasn't sure what they were. But he did know that the girlfriends of the guys playing NEVER came to practice, and rarely came to a game. He was afraid Tai would catch on to this but then he laughed at the thought of Tai having a brain underneath all that hair!
The practice ended, and Tai went up to the stands.
"Hey Tai! You played AWSOME!"
Tai smiled.
"Why thank you Mr. Ishida. What brings you here? I thought you had band practice?"
"Miss this? My best friend playing soccer?"
"It was only practice!"
"Hey, any excuse I can get to see you in those tiny shorts…"
Matt covered his mouth but it was already out. Tai, who actually did have a brain underneath that hair, heard what Matt said and thought about it. Did that mean he felt the same way? But he was able to keep talking at the same time.
"Thanks for the compliment! Now are you ready to go eat?"
Matt nodded slowly, and took Tai's hand to get up.
Tai arrived home at around 9. His mind was full of Matt and what he had said about his shorts. He was not sure what to do or how to handle the situation. He walked up to his room and walked in on Kari and TK kissing.
"EEWWWW!" Kari jumped up and almost yelled at him.
"I'm kidding! Do you want me to leave you two alone?"
"No" Kari said. "He was getting ready to leave anyway."
TK slowly got up and walked out the door.
Tai went and lay on his bed and sighed.
Kari kneeled down beside her brother.
"What is wrong Tai?"
"Kari… I need to talk to someone about this, and I trust you so here it goes…."
"You love Matt?"
Tai was too shocked to move! How could she have known?
"How did you know?"
"I could tell. Its okay don't worry."
"Thanks Kari. Now, WHAT DO I DO?"
Kari giggled a little.
"Well I have an idea. It involves the prom."
"The prom? Okay I'm listening."
Ooooooh! I hope this is as good as I think it is . Let me know, REVIEW!