The Dark Empress of Eternity: I'm drafting a new story with Berry as we speak, and seen as the summer holidays start next week it should be available some time in the autumn.

dormouse: Sorry. I'll try and bring Donoka back.

Epilogue: Sergeant's Stripes

Three days later, Police Plaza

Berry was finally getting around to writing her report on what was rapidly becoming known as the 'Topaz Episode', despite the fact that Berry continually pointed out that made the whole thing sound like some sort of anime cartoon. She sat in the cafeteria, digi pen in one hand and an apple in the other, while Nettie read the whole thing over her shoulder and pointed out the occasional grammar mistake.

'There isn't an apostrophe if you mean "it-owns",' Nettie said patiently for something like the tenth time.

'All right, all right,' Berry said, slightly annoyed at the constant interruptions. 'I get it.'

'I don't think you do,' Nettie said reproachfully. 'I really should arrange some grammar lessons for you.'

Berry groaned inwardly.

They were interrupted by the arrival of Marilyn.

'Hello, Captain,' Berry said, glad of any reason to distract Nettie from a world of commas and apostrophes. 'Anything interesting going on?'

'Commander Mercury wants to see you in his office now,' Marilyn said, never one to waste time with small talk.

Berry looked startled. 'What, now?'

Marilyn rolled her eyes. 'Yes, now.'

Berry waved a hasty goodbye to Nettie, attached her pen to her belt, tucked her report beneath her arm, and marched to Commander Mercury's office.

She knocked briskly on the door. The voice that said, 'Come in,' didn't sound like Mercury's usual cheerful self. Berry wondered if someone had forgotten to buy some more carrots.

When she opened the door, Berry had a feeling that this whole thing had gone beyond carrots.

Mercury sat at his desk, staring at his fridge. It was full of vegetables and fruit but the Commander himself wasn't eating any of them.

'Sir?' Berry asked tentatively. The fact that Mercury wasn't eating made her feel more than a little out of place.

Mercury looked up, his usually bright eyes sad. 'Hello, Short.'

Berry stood to attention.

'You can stop all that, Berry.'

Berry tried to hide her confusion and stood at ease. What in the world was going on.

Mercury sighed and looked away. 'You don't have to salute to me any more.'

Berry's blood ran cold. She had a pretty good idea what the Commander meant by that, and she didn't like it one bit.

It was all that business with not shielding, Berry scolded herself. You stupid, stupid fairy, why didn't you shield? It's cost you your job now! Was it all really worth it? Okay, so you got to see the inside of a dalek. Worth getting fired over?

Berry felt her world tumble away.

'All things come to an end, as I am sure you're aware,' Mercury continued in the same melancholy tone. 'Even the good things.'

Oh, no…

Mercury looked up at Berry, who in turn tried to look impassive.

'You,' Mercury said, 'have been offered a place in CID.'

This is it, I'm now officially – hello? Me? A detective in the Crime Investigation Department? Now here's a turnaround.

Berry considered it for a moment. When she answered, she wasn't quite sure that she was the one who was speaking.

'Sorry, sir,' she said slowly, 'but I'm afraid I have to decline.'

Mercury looked surprised. 'Oh?'

'I'm too well-known, sir,' Berry gabbled. 'Sure, I'm a good actress, but if I'm wanted undercover everyone will know that I'm Holly's sister, which means they'll withhold information, which means I won't be able to complete much.'

Mercury nodded and reached for his desk drawer. 'If that's the case, then let me give you this.'

Typical LEP, Berry thought, if you don't accept the promotion then you're fired.

Mercury's hand was clenched. 'May I have your badge, Short?'

Berry slowly unbuttoned the badge from her shoulder. Her badge. The badge she'd kept in place ever since her promotion to Corporal. The badge that had become such a part of her it was almost painful to part with her.

Mercury took the badge and placed it carefully on the desk. Berry stared at it, as if to record it in her memory.

Commander Mercury opened his hand. 'If you accept it, Berry Short, I promote you to Sergeant. Of course, it will only be official when the promotions are announced, but you can have the badge anyway. I'm sure the Council will approve.'

Berry was more than startled, she was shocked. In a good way, though. Maybe I won't get fired after all…

The badge in Mercury's hand looked pretty similar to Berry's old one, except for the fact that there were three vertical lines running across it. Stripes. Sergeant's stripes.

Berry looked up from the badge. 'Are you serious, sir? Do you think I'm good enough to be a Sergeant?'

'Of course I do,' Mercury replied, and reached for a carrot. 'And better. You have it in you to be a Commander one day.'

Commander Short? Hmm. Doesn't sound that bad, actually. Holly'll probably get the promotion first, but it'll be cool if I do. Commander Holly Short of Recon and Commander Berry Short of Patrol. Well, if the mafia can be a family business, why can't the police force?

Berry smiled, grinning so widely she almost glowed. 'I accept, sir,' she said. 'I so accept.'

Mercury smiled in return. 'Excellent. You will of course have a higher salary, and your uniform will be sent to you once the promotion is announced. Your call number will remain the same but we'll probably have to get you a new helmet, Foaly will probably fix you up with one…'

Mercury's words drained to a dull buzzing in Berry's ears. She was too busy staring at the badge, watching the way it caught the light. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Slowly, carefully, she clipped it onto her shoulder.

Sergeant Berry Short. Watch out, Haven.

The End

Thank you to all readers and reviewers for taking the time to read my little venture into 'unknown lands', as it were. Special thanks to RaevanDawn and dormouse for being there from the start and sticking by. Your support means a lot to me.

Despite what it says above this is not 'The End'. There will be at least one more Berry Short story, and possibly a second. I don't know, I've got the vague idea but not much of a plot.

Thank you anyway for reading!