Chapter 1: Freshman Fall

Sengoku Jidai University accepted and produced only the finest. The finest that is, according to the youkai world. It was a university run owned and run by youkai who could have cared less about the human world, except for the minor factor that some of the pesky creatures were relatively dangerous to their exclusive culture. For that reason the late owner/president opened the doors to the most unexpected of students.


Not just any humans, however. The demon lord only allowed those that would prove beneficial for youkai to learn to coexist with…and ones that could survive the dangers of an area with high concentrations of deadly demons. Demon slayers, holy monks, and mikos were admitted into the halls of Sengoku. At first there was a great deal of resistance from both sides. Then the president did the most unthinkable thing.

He took a human for his wife.

Now, years later, humans still found it difficult within the University walls, especially after the death of the late president. The new president did nothing to hinder the human students, but neither did he help them either. However, the fact did remain that Sengoku Jidai was THE best education available. In some cases, it was the only place to receive training.

Which was why Kagome Higurashi stood at the dark gates of the entrance way, scared out of her wits.

"It's just the gate," her grandfather said behind her.

"But if this part terrifies me, what's the inside like?" Kagome whispered, as if the gates would suddenly come alive and kill her.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," her mother said cheerfully. "It's just college."

The entire family looked at her incredulously. Mrs. Higurashi just continued to smile as if her daughter were about to enter just any college and not the most dangerous one in the world.

"Can I have Kagome's stereo if she dies?" Souta asked from the car backseat.

"HEY!" Kagome snapped at her little brother who promptly stuck out his tongue. Rather than retaliate Kagome chose to ignore him. She attempted to convince herself it was the 'mature' thing to do. Part of her wanted to ignore maturity and just smack her sibling.


"Welcome to Sen-Jidai, Kagome. I'm Kaede, the Dean of Human Students." The older miko shook Kagome's hand and motioned for her to sit down across from the small, cheap steel desk. It hardly looked like a Dean's office. There were small, barely held together shelves with a few books, and notebooks and files were strewed all over the floor. How did she ever find anything?

"Pleasure to meet you," Kagome said politely. She suddenly really wished family were allowed on the campus…but it looked like she was out of luck. They had given her the keys to the old temple car, patted her on the head, wished her luck and caught the bus back home.

"I am especially pleased you decided to come here, Kagome," Kaede said with a smile. "But I will have to warn you about our campus. Your life is in danger every second you are outside the protective barrier of you room. Some of the most ruthless demons study here….and they don't leave until their studies are complete, no matter how many times they fail. Some will want your power, others your blood and some just want you dead."

Kagome inhaled a ragged breath and nodded. She had been told this all before. The selection process had been long, hard and full of similar lectures such as this.

"Don't ever be afraid to defend yourself, no matter who the demon is," Kaede said. "Even the president himself."

Now THAT was news to Kagome's ears.

"Ok, I think I've warned you enough for today. There's no experience like your own. I'm sure you'll find out how dangerous it is within a few hours if not minutes of leaving my office. Here is your class schedule," she said as she handed her a piece of paper.

Kagome briefly looked down, surprised by the class load. This wasn't going to be an easy first semester.

"As a new miko you should learn as much about youkai as you can in addition to spiritual and physical training. I also advise you take extra caution in not being late to any class headed by a youkai professor. They will be looking for any and all excuses to verbally harass you. Don't be late, don't skip and don't, whatever you do, talk back to them when they are harassing you. Equality stopped when you entered these gates."

"I understand," Kagome said, taking a deep breath and straightening her backbone. She gave Dean Kaede her best determined expression. "I'll succeed or die trying."

"Now now, no need to be so dramatic. Just take care of yourself, ya hear? And try to keep a sense of humor. It's the only way to survive in this place." Kagome gave her a winning smile before jumping up and posing with a little peace sign.

"I'll knock 'em dead!" she joked and practically bounded out of the office.

"What is it with kids and the peace sign these days?" Kaede asked herself. "Goodness I hope that girl catches on fast. I don't want to send a failure letter with ashes to her family."


"Room 713? Does that mean the 7th floor?" Kagome murmured while looking at the paper in her hand. As she stepped out of the office a hand snaked out and yanked on her wrist, pulling her down the hallway. Surprised, Kagome pulled back, offsetting her balance so that both she and the other person fell flat on their asses.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" the woman hissed and she got up, dusting her butt off. Kagome looked up at the woman in wonderment. She was dressed in what seemed to be a black spandex Chinese outfit with arm, leg and stomach guards of a rather interesting pink color. Never had she seen such masculine wear look feminine.

"You grabbed me!" Kagome protested.

"Of course I did, you idiot! I have to get you out of here before the Thunder Brothers get wind of the fresh meat on campus."

"You could have said something," Kagome argued, pushing herself up.

"I'll apologize after we get out of here, but for now we have to-"

"Sango! Babe, what brings you to admin?" came a voice thick with sarcasm. Turning Kagome found herself uncomfortably close to two rather nasty looking demons. The shorter, more attractive of the two looked down at Kagome and smiled, sharp teeth doing nothing to make her feel at ease. "The new miko, huh? I hear she's totally untrained. What do you think Manten? Should we be generous and show her around?"

The larger of the two demons, fairly bald except for a few hairs sprouting atop his large head began to jump up and down, clapping his hands eagerly like a small child promised a new toy.

"Oh, I always wanted to play with a miko!"

"She's not a toy, Hiten" Sango snapped, pulling a sword from her belt. "Come on Kagome, we need to go….NOW!"

"Not so fast, demon slayer bitch," Hiten said, moving too fast for Kagome to see. Sango went from defensive stance to being slammed into the corridor wall, the sword knocked from her grasp. He turned to Kagome with a smirk and grabbed her waist, pulling her close until his nose was touching hers.

'What the hell does he think he's doing?' Kagome thought. She soon felt claws traveling up her leg. She could feel his breath along side her ear, warm but deadly. The other demon looked all too happy at this turn of events, eyes narrowing in a wicked gleam. Her muscles tensed as her stomach threatened to empty itself of her breakfast.

"You mikos are always virgins," Hiten whispered. "So tight and hot….and you scream so prettily. That's all you weak humans are good for. A good fuck and power boost. If you're good we might even kill you faster." Clawed fingers stopped at the junction between her legs, his hand rubbing along her jeans in a way no one had ever dared touch Kagome.

"Get off of me!" Kagome snapped, her fists clenching as she tried to pull away from him. His firm grip soon turned into a vice, cutting off circulation with painful sharpness.

"Or what, untrained miko?" he laughed. She turned her head, brown eyes narrowed in deadly anger as sparks of pink lightening flashed from her irises.

Outside students were walking by the admin when screams began. Clouds suddenly gathered above in an unnatural darkness as lightening flashed. On the 10th floor of the cathedral like structure glass shattered as two figures were blow out of the building, falling down to the ground in a heap of charred broiled flesh.

"What the hell was that?" Sango asked the new girl she was carrying across the campus. She only hoped no one would chose to attack them now. Her stomach felt like it'd been hit with a ten ton truck and the new girl didn't look like she could step on a dead fly. Kagome's body was completely exhausted. At this point she could barely walk.

"Self defense," Kagome replied weakly.

"Gods, and to think I was worried!"

"You should be…I can't control that. I was lucky this time."

"It doesn't always kick in when you are in danger?"

"It's….selective," Kagome replied, her eyes holding a far off look. "Can I sleep now?"

"Let me get you to your room. Rin will take care of you from there."


"Your roommate. Don't worry, she's human and very well protected."

"I have a roommate? That's nice," Kagome said weakly, passing out completely.

"Good God you're heavy!" Sango muttered, hoisting the girl inside the dorm.

"Oh, got a new girlfriend Sango?" Miroku asked as she passed him sitting in the entrance way. He stood and opened the doors for her, taking Kagome's feet. "Can I watch you guys go at it?"

"She's the new miko, perv."

"Damn, you two would have been so hot. Who's the lucky roommate?"


"I hope she doesn't mind erratic hours. What happened to her?"

"Hiten and Manten."

"Shit! Is she ok?" he asked, all humor gone. "They didn't…..did they?"

"No. Her powers kicked in their natural defense mode and sent them flying out of the window. If they aren't dead they won't be happy with her when they heal."

"How long was she here before they got to her?"

"Not even an hour."

"Dammit, they're working faster now. I'll inform the rest of the women to be on guard. They'll be looking for confidence boosters before coming after her again."

"Thanks Miroku. Well, here's her new room. You want to help me unload her stuff? Let's hope they haven't figured out which car is hers yet."

Sango and Miroku gently laid her on the bed, taking an extra blanket from Rin's side to drape over her. Rin wouldn't care….in fact, she probably wouldn't notice.

"Maybe they'll assume she has some sort of defensive mechanism on it or something. You know, touch and be purified."

"You know untrained mikos can't do that," Sango said as she closed the door.

"Yeah…but do they?" he said with a smirk. "There are a lot of silly rumors going around this campus."

"I bet. Especially since you start half of them."

"Demons are so gullible sometimes."


Kagome woke with a pounding headache, opening her eyes with a groan. As her eyes focused she found herself nearly nose to nose with a small childlike face.

"Hi, I'm Rin!" the girl said all too cheerfully. "Sango said you might come around by dinner time. You hungry?"

Blinking in confusion Kagome was unable to answer as the young girl pulled her up off the bed and out the door. As her head cleared she realized the girl was talking, chattering on as if Kagome were a long time friend she needed to catch up with.

"I looked at your class schedule, I hope you don't mind. Miko training is very interesting. I studied it when I was younger. I always wanted to be a miko, but I never did show any indication toward that spiritual stuff. All I got are brains. Good thing I've been here all my life or I'd probably be at one of those other universities."

Rin chattered on, not really letting Kagome respond or anything as they walked down the hallways. Kagome noticed the glares and hateful looks the youkai around them gave her….but they carefully moved out of Rin's way. In fact, they seemed to be purposefully avoiding her as if she were holding some sort of youkai disease. She was different though. Several legs were jutted out, trying to trip her. One bull demon carefully avoided Rin, but placed himself in Kagome's way, making her pivot to get around him without running smack into his broad chest. The pivot meant she didn't avoid the next demon's foot which sent her sprawling. Rin looked back.

"Oh goodness, are you ok? I guess you're more tired than we thought," she said, totally oblivious to the demons around her. A clawed hand locked around Kagome's bicep, yanking her up in a bruising grip. Kagome winced, looking at the snake demon who flashed a forked tongue at her. He didn't hold the look of someone genuinely concerned with her welfare. More like he enjoyed looking like he was helping when in fact a black and blue bruise would now be on her arm.

"Honestly, the men here act like they've never seen a woman before. You'd never think this campus was almost 50/50 male/female."

Kagome merely rubber her arm, tears forming in her eyes. She knew the campus would be cruel, but she was beginning to wonder if she would be able to survive. How was it Rin, who seemed totally defenseless, was avoided like the plague? Was there something she didn't know?

"SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!" Rin suddenly yelled, pulling Kagome through the crowded line up to a rather tall youkai. Long silver hair gently flicked to the side as his head turned, attention turned to the small human before him. Golden eyes looked down at the bubbly girl, face passive and almost aristocratic. He almost looked human….with the exception of his unusual hair, cheek stripes, moon crescent and pointy ears…not to mention unusual eyes. He was so humanlike she couldn't tell what sort of demon he was. Weren't human like youkai the most dangerous?

'He's certainly the most attractive youkai I've ever seen,' Kagome thought to herself.

"This is my new roommate Kagome!" the girl piped up. The demon did not really respond, his impassive stance showing he probably could have cared less. "Kagome, this is Sesshoumaru-sama. He's my guardian."

'Bingo,' Kagome thought. 'They avoid her out of fear from him.' Putting on her best smile she offered her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said politely. The demon looked at her for the first time, an eyebrow raised in disdain.

"Of course it is," he said, deep voice filled with arrogance as he turned, walking into the dinning hall without a second glance.

"What an asshole," Kagome muttered to herself.

"Sesshoumaru-sama? He doesn't like humans much. Except me!" Rin said brightly. Kagome looked at her incredulously. Compared to the silent, arrogant, introverted demon Rin was the complete opposite in every way.

'What the…..?' Kagome thought to herself, confused as hell.


"Gods, what was I thinking coming here?" Kagome said as she staggered out of the academic building, Sango not far behind her. Sango merely laughed.

"You've only had a week of classes so far! Don't worry, we all get used to the abuse. It takes about a month to learn how to manipulate the system."

"Manipulate?" Kagome gasped in horror. "I just want to squeak by! Did Professor Kanna have to pull me up in front of the entire class and discuss why miko virginity was an essential part of purification? How did she know I was a virgin?"

"Smell," Sango pointed out. "They all know. Damn noses are too sensitive if you ask me. I'd love to break more than a hundred of them on this campus. The last time I did that I got isolated detention for a week."

"Isolated detention?"

"You are locked in your room, meals are brought by the good graces of your friends and you are not allowed to make up the class work you miss." Kagome's eyes widened in horror.

"For defending yourself?"

"It's not considered defense unless you are dead afterwards." Kagome paled.

"Then last week…."

"Don't worry. Hiten and Manten have too much pride to admit an untrained miko fried them. Watch your back though. They'll be out of the hospital this afternoon."

"That fast?"

"Demon healing is ten times faster than ours."

"Thanks for the warning. Oh, by the way, where's archery range?"

"Behind the greenhouse, past the admin buildings. Be careful. It's easy to get ambushed around there."

Thwack. Thunk.

'Gods my concentration is shot,' Kagome thought as she went down range to inspect the target. There were four circles….her arrows were too far down and to the right, barely in the third outcropping circle. 'That's the difference between hit and miss,' she thought with a sigh. 'I need to learn to put the stress behind me.'

She calmed herself, drawing back the bow string with determination. The arrow began to glow pink, power radiating from its shaft. Centering on the target, she cleared her mind from everything else, her fingers gently releasing the string.

Thwack. Thunk.

The arrow hit dead center in the target, smoking as it connected with the spiritually protected paper. It wouldn't do to blow the targets up in practice.

Kagome gave an exhausted sigh and set the bow down.

"I shouldn't have taken a week off," she said absently. "One week and I'm totally off. Gods, how am I going to work this into my schedule?" She retrieved the arrows, looking up at the darkening sky with a worried glance. 'I need to get back to the dorm. Sango warned me about being on campus after dark….alone."

Packing up quickly, Kagome raced out of the practice range, jogging with stiff muscles around the greenhouse building. Nearly tripping she stopped and looked down.

Untied shoe.

"One day I'd like to have just a bit of luck," she said through clenched teeth, bending down to tie her shoe. Raised voices soon caught her attention, her hands stopping mid lace.

"An-chan, should I dye my hair when I get it?" Manten's voice said from around the corner. Kagome's heart skipped a beat in terror.

"Wait till we get you hair, then worry about what to do to it, idiot."

"Hiten, do you think that potion will really work?" another voice asked. Shit…now he had his friends as backup?

"Well we'll find out once we kill her. First she needs to learn her lesson."

"Oh goodie goodie! Are you going to shock her? Are you An-chan?"

"Only way to immobilize her isn't it?" Hiten snapped. "Damn uppity mikos. They should learn their place in this world."

'Move,' Kagome's mind screamed. She could hear the footsteps and see the shadows through the translucent greenhouse glass. They were about 3 steps from the corner where they would turn and see her. 'MOVE!'

With strength she didn't know she possessed, Kagome dropped everything and sprinted along the side of the greenhouse. It was too long. She would never make it to the corner of the building before they saw her. Desperate she looked along the glass. Didn't greenhouses have doors or something? ANYTHING!

The setting sunlight suddenly caught on something shiny….something unglasslike. There. A doorknob. Grasping it with both hands she twisted.


'No way,' she thought. 'You are going to let me in!' She twisted and twisted, seeing the shadows at the edge of the corner. Desperate, she threw her weight against the door.

Which swung freely, opening into the greenhouse with ease. Startled Kagome went sprawling into the garden's warmth. She quickly kicked the door closed, breathing a sigh of relief.

"An-chan, LOOK!" Manten cried, his voice muffled by the greenhouse glass. Kagome's heart stilled, blood pounding in her ears. "Her books. Damn bitch must have heard us coming."

"Smells like she's in the greenhouse," Hiten said all too cheerfully.

"What about the hanyou?" someone else asked, voice deep but obviously cautious.

"He's been pinned to that tree for years. Don't cry before you're hurt!"

Kagome didn't bother to listen to the rest of what they had to say. She pushed herself up off the ground, hissing as her ankle protested at the harsh treatment. Looking around she tried to find a place to hide.

The greenhouse was huge, filled with plants in various places. This was a youkai greenhouse, however, and there was no telling what sort of plants they kept. For all she knew there might be one that liked to eat humans.

No one had really bothered to keep the greenhouse tidy. Plants were put wherever there was room. A small path wound through the vegetation, branching off in various directions. Behind her she could hear the door to the greenhouse open.

"Just blast the shit out of the way," someone suggested.

"And have the president after my head for destroying Rin's favorite garden? Are you mad?"

"An-chan, isn't the miko Rin's roommate?"

"Yes, but when we're done with her no one will recognize her enough to claim her."

"Oh goodie goodie!"

'I think I'm going to be sick,' Kagome thought. 'Did these guys not have a mother in their childhood or something?'

She pushed the vines to the side, forcing her way toward the center of the garden. With any luck the overwhelming smells of the plants would mask her scent and fear. At this point she smelled like half the plants anyway. She carefully pulled a rather prickly branch to the side, biting back a cry when a hidden thorn punctured her finger. A small bead of blood appeared on her fingertip. Acting quickly she put the finger to her mouth, sucking on the painful digit. Hopefully they had no smelled her blood.

In her haste to cover up the scent of her blood, Kagome's foot caught on a large root, sending her sprawling forward down a slight incline. She went crashing through the brush, pots falling left and right around her. Something large and hard broke her roll, giving her a rather nasty bump on the head.

"Oh sure….they didn't hear that at ALL!" she said to herself, rubbing the back of her head. She looked up, trying to figure out what the devil she'd hit with such force.

A very tall tree filled her vision. Its branches towered above everything else in the greenhouse, creating a canopy over the small area. Its trunk looked thick enough for 10 men to stand hand and hand around, roots planted into the very ground itself. It looked ancient. Ancient and powerful.

And halfway up the majestic tree, confined within unnaturally thick growning vines, was a demon with long silvery hair….not too unlike Sesshoumaru's. Two ears adorned his downcast head, eyes closed in eternal sleep. Amidst the vines holding him there was an arrow. It stuck straight out of his heart, sealing him to the tree. She could see the glow around the seal. Whoever had sealed him wanted him to stay that way. Permanently.

'Youkai?' she thought absently, all thoughts of her pursuers gone. 'No…he's not youkai.' The words of her hunters pierced her thoughts.

"What about the hanyou?"

"Hanyou?" she said aloud. Beside the tree a small plaque caught her eye. Brushing herself off, she approached it.

"Inuyasha, Dog Demon Hanyou. Sealed by Miko Kikyou for treachery and betrayal. Tetsusaiga, Demon Blade, sealed within the stone. Warning: The barrier on Tetsusaiga will produce a fatal shock. Caution advised. You've been warned, idiot."

Looking behind the plaque she saw the sword. The small round stone seemed to barely contain the demon blade that was rusted and chipped in various places. The sword looked like it would disintegrate into dust as soon as someone sneezed. It could hardly be the work of a demon sword smith.

"Why would they guard that? It doesn't look like it would give a paper cut!" she exclaimed.

"There you are," a dark voice said from behind her. Startled, Kagome turned and came face to face with a grinning Hiten. Manten and several other demons fell in behind him, cutting off any chance for her to escape. She began to back away slowly, trying to figure out if there were any other paths through the greenhouse around the tree. Her heel caught on something and she went sprawling back, arms flailing.

Her right hand grabbed onto something, breaking her fall.

"What the hell?" Hiten said, his grin fading. "How the fuck are you not dead?"

Kagome looked at her hand in surprise. Her hand was closed around the hilt of Tetsusaiga, its old and worn wrappings warm to the touch.

'What happen to the nasty shock I was warned about?' she thought. Her wrist moved and the sword came out of the rock with a light clink, released from its prison. Curious, she picked it up, looking at the blade with wide, uncertain eyes.

"An-chan….how is she able to hold the sword?" Manten asked, backing up slightly. Hiten's grip on his staff tightened, lightening sparking from its sharp end.

"I don't know….but only demons can control it!" Kagome barely had time to scream before the staff sent a bolt of lightening right at her. In a moment of sheer panic she held Tetsusaiga before her, closing her eyes from what seemed to be certain death.

The dust cleared as the smell of charred plants filled the air. Manten's jaw dropped when he heard the girl cough. She was still standing….the sword unharmed in her grasp. Tetsusaiga had absorbed the attack.

"An-chan…maybe this isn't such a good idea," Manten began.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hiten snapped.

Kagome whipped her eyes, trying to clear the smoke from in front of her. What the hell had just happened? The lightening had come right at her. Where did it go?

Tetsusaiga pulsed beneath her fingertips. Startled, Kagome almost dropped it, her fingers desperate to hold onto the sword that just vibrated. Was she going crazy?

The sword pulsed again, stronger this time. Above her the tree pulsed as well, the sealed arrow glowing slightly as the pulse grew stronger.

It seemed to be coming from the hanyou pinned to the tree.

"Hiten," a demon nearby said, grabbing the sleeve of the angered demon. Hiten's eyes were red with rage. "Hiten, man, snap out of it, we gotta split."

"And why the FUCK should we?" Hiten demanded, snarling at the other demon. The demon couldn't answer and just pointed above Kagome's head.

"Inuyasha," Manten whispered, his pale face growing paler.

Confused Kagome turned and looked up at the tree behind her. First she saw the claw twitch…then fist clench. Looking farther up she let out a small gasp as golden eyes narrowed on her in dark rage, fangs bared in a snarl. The seal had weakened. The hanyou was awake!

'Kikyou? You fucking bitch! Just wait until I-' Inuyasha stopped, his nose working furiously. 'That's not Kikyou…..who the fuck is she and why does she have Tetsusaiga?'

As if hearing his thoughts, the sword pulsed again.

"You shitheads, he's still stuck to the tree," Hiten said, a smile forming. "Makes it a lot easier to hit him."

'FUCK!' Inuyasha mentally screamed.

"OI!" he yelled down at the girl who was still gapping at him in shock. "Can you undo the seal?"

"W-what?" she asked dumbly.

"The seal! The arrow you idiot! Can you undo it?"


"You want to die?" he snarled. Looking back at the demons, Kagome's mind worked fervently. Either she could die a certain death by their hands or she could chance death by his. "Listen bitch, we both die if you don't!" he yelled.

Kagome didn't waste another second. Grabbing a vine she pulled herself up, swinging Tetsusaiga as Hiten when he got too close. Lightening from his staff crackled, but couldn't touch her. Kagome gritted her teeth as she felt hundreds of splinters enter her hands. 'If I live through this I'm never going ANYWHERE alone again!' she swore, finally reaching the arrow.

The barrier on the arrow twinged as her hand closed around it, but didn't budge. She recognized the power immediately.

"You pissed off one powerful miko," she said to the Hanyou. "What did you do?"

"Hell if I know! That bitch sealed me attacked me for no reason!" he snarled.

The arrow began to react to her touch, resisting her. A slight burning sensation and the smell of burning flesh filled her senses. Tears began to fall down her cheeks as she pulled harder.

"I WILL NOT DIE HERE!" she shouted through clenched teeth, her arm now feeling like it was immerged in molten lava.

Then the arrow broke, shattering into pink dust. Beneath her she felt the hanyou's heart beat, strong and deep. Golden eyes widened, then narrowed as a grin of pure sadistic joy broke across his face. He looked down at the demons on the ground, cracking his claws.

"Hiten…long time no see," Inuyasha laughed. "You still here?"

"Let's get the hell out of here!" a demon yelled. The group quickly turned tail and ran, Hiten backing away from the tree with a sneer.

"I'll be back for you miko. Better watch yourself, hanyou. Just cause you're awake doesn't mean things will be any easier."

Hiten disappeared into the brush.

"Coward," Inuyasha snarled and looked down. With a slash of his claws the vines gave way, sending Kagome crashing to the ground below. She looked up, annoyed that he hadn't even warned her. Golden eyes glared down at her, obviously regarding her as inferior. Funny. That look was very similar to the one she'd gotten from Sesshoumaru.

"You're welcome," Kagome said sarcastically.

"Keh! Like I would thank you, bitch! You stupid ass humans are nothing but trouble waiting to be killed. Give me that!" he ordered, his claws closing around Tetsusaiga and ripping it from her hands. The demon blade hummed in response as he sheathed it and looked down at her.

"If you want to die so bad, why don't you just throw yourself in a river or something? Suicide would be a lot less painful that way." That said, he turned and walked away, leaving a stunned Kagome still sitting beneath the large tree.

'The nerve of that….that….JERK!' she fumed. 'Just who the hell does he think he is!'