IronGirl23: Got any new ideas? The last one flopped.

Sn!cker500: Well, we know he likes art, old world ideals, and stuff like that… eyeballs how about the classic approach? Grins You know, the whole invite him to dinner, but you want to be subtle in your approach- you might freak this guy out, if he's as rigid as you say he is.

IronGirl23: Darn right he's rigid! The guy is like clockwork, get up, work out, eat, watch TV, work out some more, do a few walk arounds and then DING! Bedtime! I really wonder about my choice in boyfriends sometimes. But he's got this… THING that really gets me.

Sn!cker500: LOL sounds like you're hooked!

IronGirl23: pouts Oh, hush. all business So you recommend the old style approach? Okiedokes, I'll give it a shot.

(IronGirl23 signed off)

(Sn!cker500 signed off)


(Sn!cker500 chatroom 11:36p.m. EST)

(IronGirl23 joined private chat)

Sn!cker500: How did it go?

IrongGirl23: GLARES Awful. Remind me NEVER to invite this guy's family and friends over for dinner EVER AGAIN. I swear, these people destroy more than they fix!

Sn!cker500: … damn, that sucks! Sorry that it turned out bad. nudges playfully almost like the cat/paint/art disaster. Is your kitty better now?

IronGirl23: Yeah, he's finally come off that high spree from all the paint. Took me forever to get stains out though- stupid cat.

Sn!cker500: LMAO

IronGirl23: Aw, shaddap. smacks friendly-like

Sn!cker500: Did he at least seem different than usual?

IronGirl23: sulks No.

Sn!cker500: looks at watch Well, sorry it was awful, gotta go check up on things. Talk to you tomorrow?

IronGirl23: grins Only if your advice is better this time!

Sn!cker500: I'll try, but this guy seems impossible! high fives Later!

IronGirl23: high fives Later man.

(Sn!cker500 signed off)

(IronGirl23 signed off)


(IronGirl23 chat room 10:49p.m. EST)

(Sn!cker500 joined private chat)


Sn!cker500: No need to get huffy! scratches head in thought Is there anything, ANYTHING else he likes to do in his evidently large amount of free time?

IronGirl23: It's sad. He comes over to my house to water a bunch of flowers I'd let fall to disrepair. Well, not sad, sweet. He likes plants.

Sn!cker500: So buy him a plant, gakface!

IronGirl23: Gee why didn't I think of that, hosebrain!

Sn!cker500: Ill-mannered!

IronGirl23: ill-mannered? That was lame… Junkie!

Sn!cker500: Kleptomatic!

IronGirl23: What?

Sn!cker500: Don't you have a plant to buy? indicates watch

IronGirl23: Oh yeah grins Lamebrain!

Sn!cker500: That was low, now go buy that plant!

IronGirl23: IronGirl- AWAY!

(IronGirl23 signed off)

"Hey bro, come check this thing out, you can talk to people online without them seeing you at all!"

Said bro is shoved at computer, takes a seat, and stares blankly at the screen. "How does it work?"

"Okay, use this thing to point and click on buttons on the screen… like that. Now you're signed on! Start a private chat like…that, and wait. Soon a smaller screen will pop-up and click on agree. That let's the requestor enter your private chat, and you two can chat without interruptions!"

"Oookay… whatever you say…"

Sn!cker500's private chat room 7:24 p.m. EST

(IronGirl23 has sent you a request to enter chat. Agree? Disagree?)

"Okay, point and click… agree"

IronGirl23: Hey man, he took the plant!

(user stares at keyboard before typing)

Sn!cker500: Who took what plant?

IronGirl23: rolls eyes Duh, muckwad, my crush! I bought a pretty iris and left it out on the patio where all the other plants are, and when I came out later, the note I'd left was gone, and the plant had been potted properly! Is that a sign?

Sn!cker500: Wait, was this iris blue?

IronGirl23: Yeah, a lovely light and dark blue one. Kinda symbolic, huh?

Sn!cker500: …

Sn!cker500: Who is this?

IronGirl23: playful Can't tell ya, that'd ruin my cover as a starving artist!

Sn!cker500: …MIKA!

IronGirl23: …. How the HELL do you know my name! Are you some psychic? Can you tell me if we'd work out?

Sn!cker500: Mika, this is Leo. Is there something you want to say to me?

(IronGirl23 signed off)

Outside the lab, Leonardo could hear the phone ring, followed by loud, really loud, screeching as one of his brothers, no, all three got their ears chewed off by a very frustrated and very angry Mikaela.

'Dinner huh?' Leo thought 'That might not be so bad…'

"Hey MIKE!"

A/N: Chatroom goofiness. I hardly had time to write this, and my other stories are on a different computer. I really hope I'll be able to update soon!