Yo! It's K-chan here with, sorry to say, the last chapter of my story. I apologize for the wait and I admit that this chapter probably might not be as good as the first three (depending on your POV), but please try to enjoy it anyway (there's a twist at the end, so I hope you like it!)

Disclaimer: I only own what's mine…nothing more.

Bankotsu's story

Bankotsu was standing outside the school next to the drinking fountain waiting to cause havoc for no apparent reason. He did this every day, just because. As he stood around, he saw something that he didn't appreciate; Inuyasha was about to slap Jakotsu into the next millennium, he did not know why.

"No one hits my brother like that…" Bankotsu said to himself and ran over to the scene of the cause.

Inuyasha's hand raised up to slap Jakotsu just as Bankotsu came and rammed him in the back, pushing him up against Jakotsu who fell on Kouga who landed on Miroku as Ayame backed into a corner as to avoid being smashed as well.

I guess that's how it happened…

Back in the present

The principal stared in silence for a few long moments, then turned to Sesshomaru and asked, "Is all this true?"

"I guess," replied Sesshomaru.

"Do you have anything to add to this chaos?" asked the principal.

"I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and got involved. There's nothing to tell, really."

"Yes heck there is!" retorted Kouga angrily, "there's a lot to tell!"

"Really? More?" said the secretary half surprised, "Well, then, I guess we should listen, then. You know, I remember this one time in band camp…"

The principal stared at the secretary with an evil grin signifying her to be quiet or something terribly bad would happen.

"Well fine then." She stopped talking.

Kouga's story

Kouga was walking around campus looking for a girlfriend or two to woo when a mysterious voice called out to him from around a corner.

"Hey, you! Come here a moment, would you?"

It was a dark voice, but Kouga was curious so he went to the corner.

"Who are you?" he asked the voice. "Whaddaya want with me?"

"I saw one of your friends earlier, a girl. She's in danger."

"Oh no!" Kouga was alarmed. "Which one? Where is she?"

"She was a redhead, very close to you I believe. Two pigtails, green eyes…"

"Ayame! What's happened to her?" Kouga demanded.

"She's with your Monk friend. It seems like he has eyes for her."
"If he lays one hand on her, I swear I'll…where are they!"
"They're at the front of the school. You'd better hurry…before it's too late."
Kouga ran to the front of the school heroically. "I'm commin' Ayame!" he said as he ran.

As Kouga was leaving, the voice said, "I put a real scare into that girl. Kukuku!" Then it vanished into the shadows.

(Can you say set-up?)

As Kouga came upon the scene, he saw that it was true. Ayame was there…with Miroku!

"Oh no! The voice was right! It is him! Why that little lecher!" By now, Kouga was royally steamed. He strolled up to Miroku and before anyone could blink…

"Yo! Monk!"

Miroku fell to the ground in an instant.

"Get yer hands off my woman!"

Back in the present

"HAH!" Inuyasha jumped up. "I told you that's what he said!" He sneered at Kouga.

"Oh, shut up muttface," Kouga sneered back.

"So that's the outcome, eh? Tell me Kouga, who was the voice?" the principal looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Beats the crap outta me," Kouga replied.

"Ya know," began Inuyasha, "sounds a lot like Naraku to me, with the whole shadowy voice thing goin' on. Don't tell me you let that fool trick you Kouga, I thought you were smarter than that."

"Really…" said the principal, "always causing trouble. One day, I'll have him right where I want him: in detention!"

"He's already been held back five times, you know," added the secretary.

"Well, I don't mean to just get up and leave, but I have a date tonight," said Inuyasha as he got up to leave.

"Oh yeah, with who, Kagome?" asked Kouga.

"Nope, not Kagome. We've been having problems lately." Answered Inuyasha.

"Kikyo then?" asked Miroku.

"Nope, not Kikyo either."

"Um, who then?" asked Jakotsu.

Inuyasha grinned slyly and walked out of the room. Outside the window, two voices started talking to each other.

"Are you ready, Inu?" came a girl's voice, sort of high-pitched.

"Sure am, baby. Let's blow this popsicle stand," came Inuyasha's reply.

Just then, the guys realized who the female voice was…

"AYAME!" Kouga ran out of the room chasing Inuyasha. "You better get yer hands off my woman, muttface!"

"Uh-oh," said the secretary.

There was a silence for a minute or two, and then Jakotsu asked, "Um, are we free to go now? School ended three hours ago."

The principal dropped his head on his desk and waved his arm as a signal that the boys could leave. Sesshomaru stood up and walked (very casually) to the door of the office and exited without looking back or saying a word. Bankotsu followed closely behind him, leaving Miroku alone in the office with the secretary and the very tired, stressed and worn-out principal.

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" asked Miroku as he stood up to go.

(The little suck-up)

The principal, head still on the desk, shook it as to signify no.

"Are you sure?" Miroku asked again.

The principal raised his head about three inches and stared with a look so pitiful, it was unbearable.

"Don't worry about him, deary, he'll be himself in no time!" chirped the secretary somewhat cheerfully.

"Well, alright then," Miroku made his way to the door, but before he exited, he turned around and said in a very happy voice, "Have a nice day, sir!"

With that, he was gone.

"Barbara…" groaned the principal about ten seconds after Miroku had left.

"Why, yes Ernie?" asked the secretary.

The principal stared with his pitifully unbearable look and stated just before he passed out, "I need a bottle of aspirin and a back massage."

The End

Well, that's all folks! So, who really started the fight? Please leave a nice comment (NO FLAMES!) and I hope you liked the end result of my story.

Ja ne!