Gotham City Concerto

A Teen Titans Fanfiction by Jacob McDonald

Opening notes: Why, you ask, is this one not called 'Jump City Concerto.' Well, to answer your query, that's because this story, while it will feature the Titans out in Jump, will take place largely in Gotham, dealing with Robin and Tim, and Babs and Star. This is the intermission to the Music of Jump City, after all, so it's more like the little string quintet you hear in the lobby while you're buying a four dollar bottle of water in between the second and third movements. Expect less action than even Sonata had, but more emotion and drama than either of them combined. Also expect loads more humor... I've got some great moments lined up for this one that I've been dying to write.

This wasn't really planed like this, but I had a great idea for a short little intro prolog thing, so I slapped it down. Two in one day... what are you guys going to do with yourselves?

Standard disclaimers apply. I don't own Teen Titans, but I bet you wish I did.


Raven flopped down into the squishy, slightly used looking blue arm chair in her and Jason's living room. Kylee sat on the matching couch a little ways away, doing some of her summer reading for school (she would be going into the 7th grade come fall) and kicking her legs slightly.

Sometimes it astounded her that she was only eighteen and she was actually managing to take care of a twelve year old child.


Raven's mouth twitched as Wisdom's voice spoke in her ear.

She didn't go out every night and fight super villains any more, and she didn't traipse around town wearing nothing but a leotard and a cloak anymore, but she was still Raven, and she still had her personality matrix to deal with. Her emotions had calmed down considerably since she had come back from the dead, and even more so now that she was retired from hero work, but every now and then, they still popped up.

It was true though; another birthday had come and gone, and she was another year older. Jason's birthday was in just a few months, and she planed to give him at least as good a night as he had given her. With a sigh and a contented smile she remembered two nights previous when she had literally passed out from exhaustion after he had finished with her.

"Raven?" she looked across the room at Kylee, who had lowered her book and was staring at her foster parent, "What are you smiling about?"

"Just remembering what a great time I had on my birthday."

"Oh." Kylee smiled, "It was fun to have everyone together like that. We should do it more often."

"Yeah." Raven nodded her head at the book in the girls lap, "Read." she commanded with a smile, "You have two more to get through yet this summer."

Kylee rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway and lifted the book again.

Raven looked down at the book in her own hands. Unlike the one Kylee was perusing, this one had no words in it at all. Starfire had surprised everyone by showing up for Raven's birthday, but it had definitely been a pleasant surprise. It had been the first time any of them had seen her since Robin's death, but she had looked well enough. Still, Raven had sensed the deep feelings of regret and loss still surging through their friend, and she had definitely noticed that Star hadn't flown at all the whole time she had been there.

The book she held now had been Starfire's gift to her. A diary. Raven had been on the verge of telling Star that she 'didn't do diaries' but the Tameranian had just cut her off with a smile and hand on her shoulder.

"I find that even in the darkest times of my life, Raven, putting my thoughts down on paper and perusing them later brings such moments into greater perspective. At least think about using it."

Raven had thought about using it a great deal since Star had departed for Gotham again, and now, with nothing better to do than watch TV or read a book, she found that taking Star's advise might not be such a bad idea. Maybe she would write her own book someday, a chronicle of the life of a retired teenage super hero.

"Fat chance." she mumbled and, flipping the book open to the first page, she grabbed a pen from behind her ear and began to write.

May 26th, 2004

I never thought I'd be sitting down and writing in a diary.


But here I am, doing it any way. Here I am, pouring my thoughts and emotions onto a piece of paper with a ball point pen.

I've been doing a lot of things I never thought I'd be doing lately.

I never thought I'd have to go out and find a real job, but here I am, working as a secretary at a major legal firm. I think they just wanted my name on their payroll, so they offered me a position and paid me way more than I deserve for the amount of work I do.

I never thought I'd be able to sleep in the same bed with another person every night I went to sleep, but Jason make's it so easy.

I never thought I'd live in an apartment on the South side, right down the street from the art district, but the rent was in our range, and we couldn't live in the Tower any more...

... I never really saw myself holding a twelve year old child in my arms until her nightmares stopped and she was able to fall asleep again either, but I've been doing that just about every night since Kylee started living with us. She can't seem to sleep unless I'm there with her before she goes to bed. Sometimes, she still wakes up in the middle of the night screaming.

I can't blame her, after what she had to go through. The city is being rebuilt at an incredible pace, but the destruction wrought by the Cursed Dead still marks the streets and the people.

The other former-Titans are in much the same boat I am, doing things they never dreamed they'd be doing. Where to start?

Well, Jason is the obvious choice, since he lives with me. He's been nothing except a loving boyfriend, supportive parent, and hard working man-of-the-house since we moved out of the Tower. He has a job with a construction company, helping to rebuild the city. It's long hours and hard work, but he still finds time for Kylee and myself. I swear I don't think he sleeps more than a few hours a night.

Victor Stone moved in with Sarah, and had a job two days later. He just walked into the local branch of S.T.A.R. labs and walked out a job developing cybernetic prosthetics. He and Sarah get on famously of course, since they've already been dating for years.

Beast Boy, now just Gar Logan, found a place with Jinx and Terra only a few blocks from the apartment I live in now. I didn't know weather I was relieved or shocked when they told me they were getting a three roomer. I half expected for Gar to get used to the idea of sleeping with two girls at once.

He probably has it the best of any of us. He lives with two sexy woman, still has all of his video games, and he works in the best possible place for him to work; the zoo. Of all of us, Gar took the disbandment the best. I don't think he minds not having to run out and kick bad guys all over the streets of Jump City any more.

Jinx and Terra, now Jenny and Tara, get along remarkably well, considering they not only live with the man they're both in love with, but neither of them are sleeping with him. As far as I know any way.

Jenny got a job back at the book store she used to work at before she joined the Titans, and has been happy there for a while now. Tara works nights at a video rental store, which turned out to be perfect for her, since she knows more random crap about movies than Control Freak ever did. I swear that girl is scary sometimes, and coming from me, that means a whole lot.

Starfire lives in Gotham now, helping Babs adjust to life in a wheel chair by day and fighting crime with Batman by night. She's still helping people, just as Robin would have wanted her to, and for that, I'm happy. She was so in love with him... I fear what effects a loss like this may have on her powers, but until given cause to worry, I guess there's not much I can do.

Robin... has been gone for over a month now. It still hurts to even think about it. He was a great leader, a great hero, and a great man. I've never known anyone quite like him, and I doubt I ever will again.

Who else? Oh yes, Kylee Rodgers, my foster-child. I'm only seven years older than she is, so I can't really call her a daughter, but she's definitely a great little sister. I've never know a child so quick on the uptake, or so insightful when she wants to be. She's very timid, which I put down to living through the hell of a zombie attack until I talked to her teachers from last year to get her summer homework. She's apparently been like this all through school... quiet and contemplative, studious but very introverted. She doesn't have many friends, and she finds it hard to make new ones. She's trusting, but not naive.

Really, the perfect child for me.

Jason has been bringing her out of her shell more than I have, but that's just the roles we play in her life. I'm here to support and nurture her, and he's here to open her up and let her soar. I've been thinking about seeing if she has magical aptitude, but haven't asked her about it yet.

So our lives have taken on a semblance of normalcy. No major threats have assailed our fair city in the past month, but I can't help but wonder what we'll do if one does. The JLA didn't exactly respond quickly last time, and if it happens again, will we just sit back and watch as people are harmed and the city destroyed? Questions that can only be answered with time, I suppose.

And now I feel all melencoly. I need a pick-me-up. Thanks Star, this really helped. Well... maybe it did. Just a little.

Raven shut the diary and looked up at Kylee who had a dictionary open next to her and was looking up a word she didn't know. The purple haired woman waited until the little burnet was done before she spoke, "Hey, Kylee."

"Yeah?" Kylee looked up and smiled a little.

"What'dya say we get out of here and go get some ice cream in the park? I'll leave a note so Jason can join us later."

Kylee's smile widened, and she nodded, "Okay. Just let me find my sandals."

Raven nodded with a smile and watched her mark her place in the book she was reading and put it down on the coffee table. As the little girl dashed off to find her foot wear, Raven walked to the small dining area connected to the kitchen and grabbed her purse and put on her flip flops. Jotting off a quick not to Jason, she turned and smiled as Kylee came back and nodded, "Ready."

"Let's go then." and Raven took her hand, and they went.

Next Time: Chapter One - Brothers

In which a Robin learns to fly again, and a hatchling spreads his wings for the first time.