The Angels

Kimkizna: Hi! It's my first story in a long time!

Kai: Finally. You finally came up with another story.

Kimkizna: You're so mean Kai!

Kai: Well, that's me, Kimkizna. Deal with it. Hn.

Kimkizna: And here's the summary: What might happen in the Bladebreakers have to team up with another team for the next World Beyblading Tournament? And the other team isn't exactly what they expected. Who knows what might happen during their time together. Romance, action or humor? Please R&R!

Kai: Kimkizna does not own BeyBlade or any of the original characters used in this story except herself, Kizna, and the plotline.

((Chapter 1: Prologue))

((In Japan...))

"Attack!" shouted a 15-year-old girl by the name of Kizna Himura. She is now in the final battle of The Underground ALl Girls Beyblading Tournament of Japan. And she attacks with her light-blue beyblade against her opponent's orange beyblade.

"Whoa! Miss Kizna Himura is going on the attack!" shouted DJ Jazzman. "I hope her opponent can do something to stop it!"

"Stand your ground!" shouted the opponent.

The light-blue beyblade attacked the orange blade. But it managed to stay in the beydish.

"Alright, now attack her blade!" the opponent once more shouted.

"This is AJ Topper and I just have to say that that girl still has a chance to beat the Kizna Himura."

"I'm Brad Best and I must say this might be an interesting battle in the Underground World!"

"Wow! Great job for holding your ground against my attack," Kizna said. "But I'm afraid I have to end this battle."

"No way! I'm going to beat you no matter what! And when that happens, I'll be famous for beating the famous Devil Angel!" shouted the opponent. "So here goes! Attack now!"

"Nice try," Kizna said. "Now It's my turn! Attack now with Wing Dagger!"

Kizna commanded her beyblade to attack the other blade. The power was so strong that it shook the beydish. The orange blade was then flying out of the dish, while her opponent only watched in desbelief, disappointment, and defeat.

"It's over! And the win goes to the Devil Angel, Kizna Himura!" DJ shouted.

As the crowd cheered for the winner, she went over to the opponent with her blade in one hand.

"Here," Kizna said as she handed back her opponent's blade. "Thanks for the great battle. I hope we can do it again sometime."

"Thanks," as her opponent took back her blade. "I guess the rumors are true. They say you have enough power to shake the whole stadium and destroy anything without mercy like a devil; however you have enough kindness to leave your opponent's blade in one piece rather than pieces, like an angel."

"If you want to think that, you can think that," Kizna replied. "Now if you can excuse me, I must take my leave. Hope to see you again. I bet you're begging for a rematch," Kizna said with a smile.

"Give it up for Kizna!" DJ shouted.

She started to walk out of the stadium, a girl with a laptop running up behind her.

"Great job, Kizna!" the girl said.

"Thanks Neko." Kizna then looked at her friend's arm as she saw a laptop under it. "I see you've been collecting more data with Wendy, haven't you?"

"Yup! Another great battle and more data for Wendy!" Neko said while holding/rubbing her laptop. "Who's a good laptop? You are!"

'Someone's crazy about their laptop She's been like this since I got her that laptop on her birthday 6-7 months ago,' Kizna thought to herself with a sweatdrop. "I hope you can get more data later," Kizna said.

"Oh yeah! Before I forget! Kizna is just one of few who are going to be on a team who is playing in the next World Beyblading Tournament. Their matches are going on this week! Who knows! Maybe you'll see them!" DJ Jazzman shouted to the crowd.

"That's right! The others' matches are going on right now!" Kizna and Neko said in unison.

"I hope they win," Neko said with worry.

"I'm sure they'll win," Kizna said. "I just know it. Hopefully nothing bad happens."

((England, the next day))

"Go get her Foxwind!" shouted a 16-year-old girl with auburn hair and green eyes by the name of Kitsune Emerald.

"No way! Attack her back!" shouted her opponent.

"Whoa both competitors are battling each other out!" shouted DJ Jazzman. "We are here in England of the Underground All Girls Beyblading Tournament for a spot on a team who will compete in the next World Beyblading Tournament!"

"This is Brad Best, and I must say that htis battle is going to be another great one!"

"You got that right!" shouted AJ Topper. "This battle is between a rookie by the name of Sharon and she's the one the yellow beyblade, and an experienced blader by the name of Kitsune Emerald who is also the legendary Silver Fox and she's the one with the silver beyblade. Let's see how this battle turns up!"

"You might as well give up Kitsune! I am going to win this match and go to the World Beyblading Tournament!" shouted Sharon.

Sharon sent her blade to attack Kitsune's blade. But Kitsune's blade managed to dodge that attack.

"Man! I was hoping for a real battle! But I guess I was wrong. Oh well, Foxwind attack with Gust!" Kitsune said.

Then her silver blade created a powerful gust of wind causing the other blade to be blown out of the stadium, defeating Sharon. It only took a matter of seconds.

"It's over! And the win goes to Kitsune!" shouted DJ.

"Another awesome battle in the world of the Underground Beyblading!" shouted AJ Topper.

Kitsune stood on the platform waving her hands into the audience. Then she looked over, seeing Sharon picking up her blade. Kitsune then walked over to her, extending her hand.

"Great battle by the way," Kitsune said. "I know you'll get better."

"Yeah thanks," Sharon said while grabbing Kitsune's hand. "You're really strong."

"Yeah, well I guess I am really strong!" said Kitsune. "I'm so strong I can beat anyone!" Kitsune then laughed like a crazy person.

"Ummmmmmm... o...k..." Sharon said with a sweatdrop.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I must take my leave!" Kitsune said. Then, as she was walking off the platform...she tripped on her shoe laceand fell on her face.

"Oww! I hurt my face! My beautiful face!" Kitsune said. "What should I do? Oh the humainty!" At the same time, her face was all red.

Sharon got another sweatdrop, thinking, 'This is the person representing England? I hope the other girls aren't as bad.'

"Kitsune!" shouted a girl. "Did you fall on your face again!"

"...Yes..." Kitsune admitted. "I couldn't help it, Lunei!"

Lunei sighed. "Come on then, Kitsune-sama, then it's back to training ," Lunei said while dragging her off towards the exit.

"Aww..." Kitsune said gloomily, then shouted, "I'll be back soon my adoring fans!"

"Ok... Now with Miss Mitsune gone I can say that today concludes the battle of England. We are ready to go to the USA and Israel for our final winners! See ya soon everybody!" DJ Jazzman shouted.

((USA, the next day))

"Go get her now!" shouted the opponent of the 16-year-old beyblader Inu Sage, with blue hair and blue eyes.

"Nice try, Alex, but you'll have to try harder than that!" shouted Inu.

"We're here in The Big Apple of the USA and we're in another final battle of another Underground All Girls Beyblading Tournament, this time of the US of A! The battle is between, from the Big Apple herself, Alex! And the girl from the Golden State Inu Sage! Inu is the one with the metallic-blue blade while Alex is the pink one. And don't forget me, DJ Jazzman!"

"This is AJ Topper and Brad Best again. We just have to say Alex is not giving up until she wins."

"Give it up Inu, you'reall washed up!" Alex said with confidence.

"You know, that's not a bad idea!" Inu said while a lightbulb appeared over her head. "Carbuncle (I do not own the name) use Aqua Edge!"

Then Inu's blade attacked Alex's blade and left a trail of water. With that, Alex's blade flew out of the stadium all wet. Alex was in shock.

"The match goes to Miss Inu Sage also the legendary Umiookami! Give a hand for our winner!" shouted DJ Jazzman.

"Yay! I win again!" Inu said gleefully, then looked over at Alex.

Alex then looked up and saw Inu over with her hands behind her head. "Thanks for the battle. Pleasure battling the Umiookami."

"No prob. You know just keep at it k? Better go, my friend's waiting for me. Talk to ya later k?" Inu said with a wink and a smile.

"Inu! Great job!" shouted a girl with glone hair running up to her.

"Hey Emi! Thanks, I guess all that training paid off," Inu said while thinking, 'I can't believe all that torture really helped.'

"It did! Alright! Then let's get back to training! When we get back, let's wake up at 5 AM sharp and then do five laps around the campus!"

Inu sweatdropped, thinking, 'Maybe I shouldn't have told her that the training worked...'

"Now let's get to it shall we!" Emi sid while getting her stopwatch out.

"Why can't we get Kizna to do it? You know how much she loves training!" Inu shouted while they were walking out of the stadium.

"Yeah, but she's in Japan and I'm here and I can't wait that long to get back, so you're stuk with me!"

"Fine Emi you win I'll..." Inu stopped and pointed. "Oh look a duck!"

"I'm not that stupid," Emi said, annoyed.

"You're right, it's just a brick wall," Inu said with confidence.

"A brick wall! Where!" Emi shouted with excitement, trying to find a brick wall.

Inu ran away, thinking, 'She totally fell for it. Sucker. At least I mught cut the training.'

"Where's the brick wall?" Emi asked, still looking. "Hey... There is no brick wall! Hey! Get back here!" Emi shouted, enraged.

'BUSTED!' Inu thought. Then she ran faster with all her might. "Stay away Emi!"

"No way! Now we have to do more laps!" Emi shouted while chasing Inu.

Then they ran right out of the stadium.

((back in the stadium))

"Now with the third blader chosen, we only need one more and the battle starts tomorrow. See ya then!" DJ said to the crowd.

((Israel, the next day...))

"Attack!" shouted May, the opponent of a blader with black hair and blonde streaks by the name of Leon-Rai.

"Whoa! Too close!" Leon-Rai said. "Counter attack!" Then her black and white beyblade attacked May's green beyblade.


"This is the final battle of the Underground All Girls Beyblading Tournament, this time Israel and we need one more blader for the team. Who's going to win? Spunky May or calm Leon-Rai? Let's find out!" DJ Jazzman shouted.

"Keep up the attack!" May shouted.

Her blade kept attacking Leon-Rai's beyblade but Leon-Rai's beyblade stayed in place no matter how much May attacked her.

'Another day, another battle,' Leon-Rai thought.

"Let's finishe this!" Leon-Rai shouted. "Cloud, Ice strike!"

Then Leon-Rai's beyblade charged into May's blade and May's beyblade was sent flying out of the dish with afreezing shock through it.

"The winner is Leon-Rai, the Glacier Wolf! Give a hand for both our competitors!" DJ shouted.

Leon-Rai just smiled and waved at the audience and then looked over to May and started walking over to her. May looked up and saw the winner standing next to her.

"Thanks for a great battle," Leon-Rai said calmly. "You'll get better. When you think about it, I was like you too."

"Really? Then I better keep practicing if I want to beat you!" May said with confidence.

"That's the spirit!" Leon-Rai said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must take my leave."

Then she started walking away to the exit where a teenage boywith brown spiky hairawaited her.

"Hey! Great job my Glacier Wolf!" said the boy as he held out a boquet of flowers.

"Thanks Sora! These are beautiful," Leon said while taking the flowers, then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"With that kiss, I know I got you a good gift," Sora said with pride.

"Yup! You got me a good gift this time, unlike the other times," Leon said.

"Hey that was a good football I gave you for your birthday!" Sora said with a smile.

"You know I'm not into footall that much!" Leon said angrily.

"Oh well, you got over it, right?" Sora asked teasingly.

"Yeah I guess you're right," Leon said calmly.

Sora then put his arm around her and smiled at her. Leon smiled back and said, "Let's go shall we?"

"But shouldn't we stick around so we can hear who made it?" Sora asked while they were walking out.

"I want to see if my friends made the teamwithout myself knowing beforehand," Leon said calmly. "Come on, how about we go to the arcade? I'll beat you in the martial arts games."

"As if! Loser buys dinner," Sora said.

"You're on!" Leon shouted. Then they ran to the nearest arcade.

((back inside the stadium))

"Now let's announce the winners of the four tournaments!" DJ shouted.

"That's right! Let's see the winners!" AJ Topper yelled. "The winners are Leon-Rai of Israel, Inu Sage of the USA, Kitsune Emerald of England, and Kizna Himura of Japan! They'll meet the famous Bladebreakers (orthe G-Revolutions) so they can battle together in the next World Beyblading Tournament! See ya later ladies!"

((the next day at Tyson's house))(I left out Daichi cuz i don't really like him as much as the others and i forgot so sorry all you Daichi fans. ;)

"Go Dragoon!" Tyson shouted.

"Go Dranzer!" Kai yelled.

All the original Bladebreakers and Hilary are at Tyson's house and are preparing for the next tournament.

Kenny is still typing on his laptop, Dizzi. "Keep at it guys, you're doing great!"

"Come on Tyson!" shouted Max.

"Beat him Kai!" cheered Rei.

"I wonder who'll win this time?" Hilary said while she was watching the two bladers battle.

"Who knows? Let's just find out shall we?" Kenny said.

Then a black car drives to the front of Tyson's house. A familiar elderly man stepped out of the car.

Mr. Dickinson had come to talk to the Bladebreakers about something. he then went to the back where everybody was training.

Hilary looked up and saw Mr. Dickinson coming their way. "Hello Mr. Dickinson!"

Then the guys just looked up and saw the old man. Tyson and Kai then stopped their battle and called their blades back.

"What brings you here sir?" Kenny asked.

"Well I have something to tell all of you," Mr. Dickinson said.

"Well what is it?" Max asked curiously.

"I wanted to talk to you boys about the next World Beyblading Tournament," Mr. Dickinson said to the boys. (I have no clue as to what happened in the show of the Bega Battle)

"What about it?" Tyson asked impatiently.

"I have decided that this year we will have a double-team tournament," Mr. Dickinson said calmly.

"A double-team tournament?" all of them asked.

"Yes. In this tournament a team must teamup with another team to compete. The competing teams in a battle can decide to do three battles, individual or tagteam, or one tagteam match to decide the whole match," explained Mr. Dickinson.

"This is going to be an awesome tournament, and we're all going to be together with our friends!" Tyson said excitedly. "Or are you guys going your own ways again?"

"No," said Max. "I want to try this new tournament with you guys."

"I'm with Max. I want to see what happens," Rei said enthusiastically.

"Whatever. I'll stay too," Kai said as he leaned against a tree.

"Alright! The Bladebreakers are back together!" shouted Tyson.

"That's good to hear. Now we have already selected a team for you boys. They may not seem like it, but they are excellent bladers. I believe they are suitable for your level," said Mr. Dickinson.

He then pulled out a floppy disk and handed it to Kenny.

"What's this sir?" Kenny asked as he recieved the disk.

"That disk contains all the information I can get from them," explained Mr. Dickinson.

"This'll be great! Seeing all the precious data on them!" Kenny said excitedly.

He then put the disk into his laptop and waited for the screen to come up with all the 'precious' data on it.

"Hello Chief. What's the hurry?" Dizzi asked.

"Not now Dizzi, I have to look at the new data on this floppy disk!" Kenny almost shouted.

"Okay, here it is!" Dizzi exclaimed.

Then four files of four girlsand four flies of other peoplepopped up, showing the girls of the Underground world and other people.

"Who are they?" all of the boys asked.

((end of chapter 1))

Kimkizna: yay I finished my chapter!

Kai: Finally!

Kimkizna: Yup!

Kai: Maybe nobody will review your hard work.

Kimkizna: You are so mean!

Kai: that's me.

Kimkizna: before I forget, please review... or... you have to meet my friend Danny. (Kimkizna gets pushed out of the way by someone)

a random person: Don't review so I can kill you!( While holding a gatling gun)

Kimkizna: This is Danny, so please review so you won't die. PLEASE I don't want Danny to kill anybody! Au revoir! (Translation: goodbye in French)

Danny: Don't Review! It'll be fun killing non-reviewers(then starts shooting the gun all over the place whil;e laughing really evilly)

Kimkizna:( pushes Danny out of the picture) Plz review so you will never be killed by my pyscho friend! Au Revoir once again!