FD: I didn't not see anything about Ryoma's mom, so I'm just going to leave her out of this fan fiction if I can. Anyone knows any information about her; please tell me. I really appreciate it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis, but I do own Kumara Hikari.


Chapter ten


Nanjirou and Nanako exchanged conspiratorial glances with each other after watching Ryoma and Hikari discreetly for a while. It has been a week since the two had begun their war. Instead of growing better as they had hoped, the situation went worse. The room would become almost suffocating with tension if the two of them were in it at the same time. For the past days, Nanjirou and Nanako had avoided such situations and opted for other secluded areas. However, not today.

Nanjirou put down his chopsticks and coughed loudly. He was immediately bombarded with two pairs of cold eyes. Ryoma and Hikari had sat tensely beside each other at the adamant request from Nanjirou and Nanako. However that does not mean they treated each other benignly. The dinner room is crackling with pressure that almost is sharp enough to cut.

Nanjirou resisted the urge to shiver as the room tension increased another notch. Both Hikari and Ryoma now stared at him silently with barely concealed anger. Their fight with each other had destroyed almost all of their patience and politeness. Not that they has much patience and politeness to begin with, but after a week, speaking with them is like jumping in a minefield, even for non-participant like them. You never know when you might activate it.

"Ryoma, Hikari-chan, Nanako and I decided that the four of us would be going to hiking and camping tomorrow." Nanjirou declared in a resolute manner.

Both freshmen narrowed their eyes as they process the information. Almost simultaneously, they come to the same conclusion.

'I would have to spent the entire time with him.'

'I would have to spent the entire time with her.'



The two stood up to protest then paused in surprise. Quickly, they turn to each other and glared scathingly. Then almost as if planned, they turned away and simultaneously let out a quiet huff and dropped down. This unconscious companionability induced a soft smile from Nanako, a smirk from Nanjirou and two icy glares from the two participants.

Nanjirou shook his head slightly then spoke slowly as if to a five-year old, "You are not listening. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."

"You mean we don't get a choice in this." Hikari said slowly in a disbelieving tone.

"Oyaji." Ryoma growled quietly as he stare angrily at his father. "Monday is the day of the Prefecture Tournament. I need my energy. I can't go right now." 'Especially not with her.'

Nanjirou crossed his arms and lean back. "We'll be going tomorrow morning and come back at night. You'll get a whole Sunday to rest." Then he leaned forward and said slowly. "You are going." He pointed at Hikari and Ryoma.

Then quickly, he slide out of his chair and ran away before the two could start their protest. 'Sometimes, running away is the best idea.' He chuckled at the thought and then he caught the sight of Nanako crouching behind the cherry tree. 'Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that.'


Saturday morning

Nanjirou hummed quietly as he gathered up the tent and rest of their equipments. From the corner of his eyes, he caught the sight of the two youngsters sulking by the trees. Though they protested vehemently, their arguments went into deaf ears. So with great resentment, the two followed the two adults to their 'nature adventure'.

"Ryoma! Hikari!" Nanjirou dropped down the equipment and called the two over. Trudging unhappily, Ryoma and Hikari heeded the call.

"You two need to gather some firewood." He said and pointed toward the east of the forest.

Nodding reluctantly, the two begin to move in opposite directions.

Nanjirou quickly grabbed them back. He shook his head, "No, together. You could get easily lost if you went by yourself. Two is safer." Seeing they are opening their mouth, Nanjirou quickly commanded. "Go!"

So with even greater resentment, Hikari and Ryoma left to find firewoods, together.


"Do you think those two will be alright?" Nanako questioned, stared after the two retreating figures.

"I don't know. We done all we could and the rest are up to them." Nanjirou nodded sagely.

Nanako nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I wish they would make up soon. It's so sad to see them like that."

Nanjirou shrugged resignedly, "Well, it would be a waste if their friendship just disappear like that." Then his eyes turned mischievous, "I really missed Hikari's wake-up calls."




Ryoma trudged over beside an ancient oak tree and picked up fallen branches beside it. A mask of indifference covers his face as he mechanically performed the action. Hikari and him had separated and went their own ways after they left the eyesight of the adults. Neither is willing to stay in vicinity of the other.

Ryoma straighten up and looked curiously around him. It's so quiet, disturbingly quiet. Ryoma frowned for a moment, wondering why the silence is so disturbing to him. Then he realized that he couldn't hear Hikari's loud steps echoing through forest anymore. Even after they separate, he still hears loud cracking sounds as Hikari move through the forest. Now nothing.

'She probably wondered too far off.' He noted with a tinge of worry that is quickly squashed by him. Why is he worrying about her anyway! 'But it's dangerous to wander off in an unfamiliar forest.' His mind piped up annoyingly. Ryoma shook his head vigorously, trying to clear the worry that is growing bigger by the second. Then suddenly his mind is filled with an image of the newspaper.

'Bears found in local forest.'

Ryoma's eyes widened at the thought, then he unconsciously stretched his hearing sense. Not a second too early because right then, a scream rocked the forest.


Quickly he stood up and looked franticly around him. His heart pounding loudly in his chest as he surveys the forest. He could feel adrenaline pumping in his body as fear and concern consumed his mind. 'Hikari' a word appeared clearly in his mind. 'She's in trouble!'


Ryoma come to a stop at the sudden break of the forest. The forest had dropped without warning into a steep cliff that seemed to stretch into darkness. Ryoma peered over the cliff, praying that the theory quickly forming in his mind is wrong.

Then he spotted it. A piece of green cotton cloth stuck on one of the branch.

'Hikari's wearing a green cotton sweatshirt today.' He thought numbly, wide eyes never leaving that little piece of cloth. "Hikari!" he shouted, his breath became labored as he breath.

Then as if forever, a hesitant voice called out, "Ryo-Ryoma?"

Unthinking, Ryoma quickly jumped over and slide down the slope. His pants frictionized against the rough ground, causing almost a searing burn to his legs. However Ryoma was not concentrating on that. Right now, Hikari needs his help!

He quickly jumped down from the slope as the end came to his eyesight. In large steps, he landed in front of the pitiful figure beside a large ash tree. Hikari is currently hugging her knee to her chest and staring at him in amazement.

Completely forgetting the fight they are in, Ryoma crouched down and asked in a frantic voice, "Are you hurt?" without waiting for an answer, he grasp her shoulder and attempting to find traces of injury.

After twisting Hikari several times, Ryoma is finally satisfied with his inspection. Hikari seemed suffered nothing worse than scraped skins. Those, of course were already taken care of by Hikari herself.

Hikari watched with astonishment as Ryoma worriedly inspected her. Didn't he hate her? Why is he here then? She bites the bottom of lip then in a soft voice she asked, "Why are you here, Ryoma?"

Ryoma quickly raise his head and looked at her disbelievingly, "What are you talking about! You fell! Of course I have to follow! Did you expect me to leave you here?" his tone was so certain as he spoke. The casual way he stated the reason is as if he truly believed that's how it's naturally should be.

Hikari gasped in bewilderment at his admission; no hesitation was in his tone. She felt unadulterated liquids begin to form in her eyes as she stared in amazement at the dark-haired boy kneeling before her.

It is in her eyes that Ryoma remembered the situations that he had forgotten in his worry. 'That's right, we are fighting.' He noted dully.' She doesn't want my help.' The lat sentence was accompanied by familiar anguish. However animosity that is normally present was missing. He is tired and worn out from the past week. Their fight not only drained him of his patience but also beaten on his spirit. He stood up abruptly, turning away to hide his distressed face from her. Shadows cast over his eyes as he took a few step forward.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." He silently congratulated himself for able to form such a calm tone. God knows he's anything but that.

Hikari stared miserably as Ryoma suddenly shut himself away from her, again. She visibly wilted at the thought. She had unknowingly wounded him again. Then she squared her shoulder and took a deep breath. No time for self-doubt. She had enough of them for the past week. After all Ryoma had already made the first move, all she had to do now is take the hand that he is holding out to her. Giving herself a silent encouragement. Hikari got up and followed Ryoma.


Hikari rubbed her freezing arm, attempting to more warmth into them. After five minute wondering aimlessly around the dark forest, the god chose to give them another misfortune. It had begun to pour. Literally.

The rain was so heavy that they were forced to find shelter. That wasn't easy by any shot.

Hikari squeezed water out of her forelock mechanically. Any TV show in which it shows the characters quickly finding a cave is lying. They had stumbled around the forest and have no luck finding shelter. It isn't until both were almost drenched that they were able to spot a small dark cave. By then, it almost didn't matter because they were both soaked.

Hikari crinkled her nose then sighed. However dirty and small the cave is; it's better than nothing. At least now, they are not in that pouring rain, freezing to death.

Now they are in a shelter, Hikari found her mind wondered back to the time when Ryoma had followed her down the slope. She peeked at his figure sitting stoical at the mouth of the cave, leaning slightly against the stone surface. Ryoma is sitting with one hand over his left knee and the other touching the ground. His eyes never strayed from the curtain of water that poured over the mouth of the cave. Ryoma had not spoken ever since they came into the cave. Admittedly it has been twenty minutes at the max, but the silence is making her uncomfortable.

Hikari took a deep breath. Time to take the hand Ryoma has offered her.

She stood up and walked purposefully toward him. She noticed he glanced at her quickly before turning his attention back to the rain. She dropped down right beside him and noted with some relief that he did not move away.

"Ryoma?" Hikari called out quietly. Her voice echoed in the silent cave, making her cringe a little. "Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" came the equally soft reply.

"What you said when you followed me down the slope."


Hikari clutched her sleeve and watched Ryoma intently. Her breath caught in her thought as she waits for the answer. Then as if forever has passed, she saw Ryoma nodded.

Letting out a breath of relief that she didn't know she was holding, Hikari let a wide smile cross her lips. Too bad Ryoma wasn't watching for he's still sitting stiffly with his eyes trained elsewhere. However the tense position of his shoulder blade showed he's anything but concentrating on the rain.

Hikari raise her right arm hesitantly then lightly dropped them across Ryoma's neck. Her touch was so light, ready to retreat the moment he fought against it. Her large emerald eyes watched his form carefully, waiting for his reaction.

Ryoma instantly stiffened at the light contract, however he didn't pull away. Then after several seconds, his body relaxed as he leaned back and wrapped an arm around Hikari's left shoulder. At this sign of acceptance, Hikari let out a deep sigh and leaned her full weight against Ryoma, seeking for the warmth that she had missed for the past week.

"I'm sorry." Hikari whispered and raised Ryoma's right hand to her lips and give a soft kiss on the knuckles. "I'm sorry for all the thing I did in the past week. I didn't mean it."

Then she felt a sudden weight on her head and looked up. Ryoma's relieved face filled her eyesight. He took her spare hand and brought it to his lips. Like her, he left a soft kiss on the knuckles and let a gently smile cross his lips. "Me too. Me too."

Hikari smiled as she raised their hands, "Well, this certainly bring back memories, doesn't it?"

Ryoma tightened his hold and grinned back. He missed this. He missed the way she leaned against him. He missed the way she grinned happily to him. Most of all, he missed her. "Yeah."

A kiss on the knuckles has always been a symbol of reassurance to them. Whenever they were scared or worried, they left a kiss on each other's knuckles as a confirmation for the other's prescience. The gesture always calms them down and reassured them of their friendship. As they grew older, this childish gesture appeared less and less often. Now its reappearance linked their rift again.

After sinking into a comfortable silence for a few minute, Hikari let out a deep sigh. She shifted so she's still leaning against him but her visage now faces his.



"A week ago, when we fought, you said something."

Ryoma paused for a moment and his eyes darkened. He knew the question she wishes to ask. He bites his lips and nodded slightly, giving her permission.

"You said something about I can't wait to saddle you with someone else." She played with his fingers nervously then looked up, "Why did you say that?"

Ryoma sighed then took Hikari's hand and bring to his lips. Sensing this gesture is not so much as to reassure her than to reassure him, Hikari kept quiet. After a moment, Ryoma opened his mouth. "Because that had always been a nagging fear behind my mind."

"What-what do you mean?" Hikari asked, astonished at his admission.

Ryoma sighed and raised his head. His eyes turned dreamy as he slipped down the memory lane. "Ever since you left when we were nine." Ryoma said quietly.

Hikari gasped out loud as she remembered the incident.



"Why aren't you trying!" a nine-year old Kumara Hikari yelled at the dark-haired boy panting in front of her. "I thought you want to improve." Her voice bluntly displayed all her disappointment and anger.

The dark-haired boy suddenly raised his head and glared at the petite girl. His face is the one of a younger Ryoma. "I am trying!" he yelled, a trace of hurt tingeing his tone.

"No, you are not!" Hikari yelled back. "If you are trying, then you shouldn't just be winning one or two game from me. You should be beating me or at least close to beating me."

Ryoma lowered his head, casting shadows over his eyes. His hands formed fists at his side and his nails dug into the flesh.

At the lack of reaction from her supposed dream rival, Hikari let out a frustrated yell. She clutched her hands, "If you want to be like this, fine! I don't care. I got better things to do with my time." turning her heels, Kumara Hikari left Echizen's house and hadn't return until six mouth has passed. It is then, she returned and had quit participating in all tournaments.

Flashback ends


"I guess it is then I realized how I disappointed you." Ryoma's soft voice broke through Hikari's musing. He chuckled quietly, but his low laugh held no humor. "For six month, I strive to improve myself. It seems nothing really changed, right?" Ryoma raised Hikari's hand to his eye level, "I still can't even come close to beating you."

Sensing the vulnerability the boy beside her is suffering, Hikari quickly grabbed the hand and grazed her lips against in soft kisses. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." She whispered against the knuckles. She pushed more of her weight against the boy as his hold over her shoulder tightened.

After moments of silence, Hikari took a deep breath. "I didn't know what I need that day affected you this much." She said slowly, and then shifted to make herself more comfortable.

"I first saw you when you were practicing with Nanjirou-san. I was so amazed at the high level of tennis skill you displayed."

"How can you be amazed! You were much better." Ryoma said in astonishment.

Hikari shook her head slowly, "No, not better. Perhaps we shouldn't say I was amazed by your tennis skill, more like tennis potential. It is from that match that I realized that you had the potential to be great and I was very excited about it." She smiled at the fond memory.



"Sugoi!" an eight-year-old Kumara Hikari exclaimed quietly as she watched the dark-haired boy ran after the yellow tennis boy and hit back with surprising speed and accuracy.

"Papa!" Hikari turned and looked at her father beside her in excitement. "He is great!" she jumped up and down in excitement.

Kumara Sano smiled down his animated daughter as she strives to explain her enthusiasm. "Yes. You can tell too."

Hikari grinned into her father's face, "He is going to be my rival!" she shook her fist energetically.

Blinking in surprise, Kumara Sano's eyes widened in astonishment. Then his eyes softened and his lips curve into a smug smile. "I think that's a pretty good choice." He patted his daughter's head. "Like father, like son." He mumbled quietly under his breath.

"Hey! Can I have a match with you?" Hikari detached herself from her father's side and ran toward the boy.

Flashback end


"But I was just a kid then." Hikari continued, fiddling with Ryoma's palm, "I didn't realize that the potential I'm seeing is just that, potential." She looked up at Ryoma apologetically, "I didn't know the fact potential need to be developed before it could shine. I was expecting you to fully unleash your potential on me and when you didn't, I was disappointed."

Hikari sat up and bit the bottom of her lip, "afterwards in our game, you played levels below what I had been expecting. Now I understood it was because you haven't take a step toward your true path yet. But then…"

Hikari paused for a moment, "I didn't know that. I was a selfish and impatient kid back then. So I was so frustrated that I just give up." 'And then I met….'

Ryoma watched her quietly as Hikari told him her true thought at that day. The day that self-doubt truly begin to grew in his mind. He tugged her closer and let out a breath of relief as Hikari whispered apologizes quietly. This is what he has been waiting for, an explanation. Though there's one more thing he needed.

"So, do you still think that way?" he stared at her intently, waiting for the answer.

Hikari looked at him in confusion for a moment then her eyes widen in realization. "No!" she denied vehemently then added in a casual but proud manner, "Besides, you already walking on your true path now."

Sighing loudly, Ryoma smiled, a real smile without any sarcasm involved. This is it, the confirmation that he isn't inadequate. Though he still wish she could tell him about the incident when she quitted all tournaments, he is already satisfied with what she opened up today. Besides she promised she will tell him about that someday. He could wait for it.

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" Hikari asked hopefully.

Pursing his lips, Ryoma let a mask of coldness cover his face while his inside is snickering. "Weeeeeeeellllllllllllll…" He dragged out, enjoying the worried look on Hikari's face.

Hikari's worried look turns to annoyance as she realized Ryoma is purposely doing that. "RYOMA!"

Laughing quietly, Ryoma caught Hikari's fist and smiled, "Yes. Forgiven"

Crossing her arms in a mock huff, Hikari sat back down. "Then you are forgiven too."

Ryoma raised an eyebrow, "Forgiven? I don't need it. After all, the whole thing is your fault."



"So you really think I'm much better?" Hikari asked slyly as she glanced up. They had lapsed into a comfortable silence afterwards. Her expression is one of a puppy dog seeking for compliments.

Ryoma shook his head in exasperation. Hikari is still Hikari. "Yes." Then Ryoma smirked, "of course right now, our gap is so much smaller!" he used his thumb and forefinger to gesture how small he think their gap is, "And very soon, I'm probably going to beat you in love games. (FD: for those who don't know is when the winner won six games and loser won none.)"

Hikari look stunned then her expression turn outraged. "Dream on!" she tackled the boy as both laughed out loud.


The rain had continued over to the night and both of them were forced to remain in the cave until the pouring has stopped.

"The rain has stopped." Hikari commented as the pouring liquid slow down to a slight drizzle then stopped completely. "Finally." Hikari got up and stretched her arms high. A night resting in the cave had caused her whole body to ache. Right now, she just wants her nice soft bed to rest on.

Nodding in agreement, Ryoma got up from the ground then he suddenly turned around. "Before we leave, we need to make one thing clear."

Slightly apprehensive at the serious expression Ryoma has, Hikari nodded pensively.

Ryoma stared at her intently causing Hikari to be even more anxious. "Hikari, from now on…"


"DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO MATCHMAKE ME AGAIN!" Ryoma shouted suddenly.

Hikari jumped then laughed in embarrassment. "Hai, hai." Then she scratched the back of her head thoughtfully, "Though I don't get why you are so oppose to it. I mean Sakuno is such a sweet girl!"

"Who cried at the slightest comment." Ryoma retorted.

"Okay. But you have to admit it was kind of funny."

"Funny for you maybe." Ryoma frowned, "You can match make who ever you want to as long it's not me. Besides best friends shouldn't set such dangerous traps for each other."

"Dangerous traps? Hardly." Hikari protested.


Sighing in disappointment, Hikari nodded. "Fine. No matchmaking for you."

Nodding in satisfaction, Ryoma jumped out of the cave. "Come on, let's get out of here."


Thankfully, they were quickly discovered by some locals who then alerted Nanjirou and Nanako of their presence. After their disappearance, the adults had sent search parties but were unable to find them due to heavy rain.

After a brief reunion that involved indifferent grunts from the two Echizens, the four of them headed back home. All of them are tired and drained from yesterday's event and longed for the soft pillows on their bed.


Hikari shifted on her bed, trying to find a comfortable position but have no luck. Her body is weary and long for rest, yet the sleep will not come to her.

Finally letting out a sigh, Hikari sit up and took her pillow. She opened her door cautiously and looked both ways. 'Good, no one is here.' Quietly, she walked to Ryoma's door and knocked sharply.

The door quickly opened to reveal an expectant Ryoma, "Can't sleep?" he said casually and let her in.

He dropped back on his bed and shifted to leave room for Hikari. Smiling softly, Hikari dropped down on the space Ryoma left for her. "Just like old times, eh?" she asked quietly.

"Hmm." Came the soft sleepy grunt.

Letting a smile cross her face, Hikari slipped to the dreamland.


"Is it really okay for them to sleep together?" Nanako asked as Nanjirou closed the door quietly. Admittedly, the sight of two of them huddling close together like a pair of baby birds brought tears to her eyes, it still worried her.

Nanjirou waved nonchalantly then opened his eyes. "It's alright. It's how they use to sleep. When they were eight, they used to sleep together on the same couch or bed all the time."

"But they are not eight anymore!" Nanako protested, her hands clutched in front of her chest.

"It has been a tough week for them. Though they seem to make up, I think they still need some reassurance from the other." Then he pointed at the door, "and that intimate habit from their old days will do just that."

Nanako paused and looked down. Then she smiled, "Then I guess it's alright." Her face suddenly turned stern, "But just this one time!"


"Ding! Ding!"

Rubbing their eyes, Hikari and Ryoma sleepily raised their head from the cover.

"It's too early." Ryoma complained and dove his head back to the cover after pushing the off button.

Hikari yawned and looked at the clock in confusion. "9:56, Seigaku were supposed to meet at 10 o'clock." She rubbed her eyes, then….




FD: So concludes the healing chapter. I think this is one of my longest chapters yet. What do you think! Is it too fluffy? I think it's so far the fluffiest chapter in this fan fiction. I'm sorry if some people are having toothache because of it!

Any way, in this chapter I hoped I answered some of the questions you might have.