Ginevra Molly Weasley had never had anything in her life that she could call her own. Even her life was dictated by those around her, namely her older brothers. Ginny was the seventh and last child, and was also the only female born to Arthur and Molly Weasley. She had inherited many things from her parents, but anyone with eyes could see that she was an exact replica of her mother. Unlike the rest of her siblings her fiery red hair was darker, and closer to the dark auburn that her mother had in her Hogwarts days. Her eyes were a deep green, the like of which had never been seen in the entire history of the Weasley family. Her Weasley temper was much like her mother's, and meant that no one could hold their own with her when she was fully riled up. She had grown to a startling height of 5'10", and had surpassed her mother's height years ago. She had grown into the awkward form that had come with the growth spurts over the years. She had escaped notice from others over the years, as she was still wearing her brother's old clothing, and using their old things. This was all about to change however. It was the summer before her sixth year, and as the world had changed, so would she.

Hogwarts had been closed down over the year of the war between the light and the dark. Voldemort had been defeated and Harry remained a hero in the eyes of the wizarding world. Many of the students who would have gone to Hogwarts for their first year, and many of the older students had left the country to go to foreign wizarding schools. Ginny had been one of the many to do so. Mainly because her parents thought that it would be too dangerous for her to stay where the heart of the war was. She had been transferred to France to live with Fluer DeLacour and to go to Beaubaxtons. She had been sent with Hermione, who taught her French over the course of 3 weeks. When Hermione had left, she had assured her that she would keep in contact, and give her news of her family and friends at least once a week, as it would be too dangerous for Harry or her family to give away her position, whereas Hermione would just be thought to be writing to her family, and in fact, every letter Ginny received from her was addressed to "Aunt Heidi".

Ginny had learned a lot at Beauxbatons, and had completed her OWLs that year. Her scores had been high, and she had even surpassed Hermione in her scores. She had studied hard and had received "Outstandings" in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Muggle Studies, and "Exceeds Expectations" in History of Magic, Arithmancy, and Divination. Hermione had received one less "O" than Ginny, in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Her sixth year was completed, and she was staying for the summer in France. Hermione was coming to stay with her for the summer, needing a break from the serious world that had been engulfed in the war. Ginny had taken a few extra classes at Beauxbatons in fashion and design. She had also received a summer job at a top design company 4 months prior where she was learning the world of wizarding clothing design. She had invited Hermione for the summer for several reasons. Mainly because she didn't want to spend the summer alone. Her roommate, Fluer, had gone to spend the summer with Bill, and Ginny was left alone. She and Fluer had been renting a house, and she needed someone to be there with her so that it wouldn't feel too empty. The second reason was that she had a great new job for Hermione that would get her hundreds of Galleons and a lot of free stuff. Her design company had recently allowed Ginny to design her own line of clothing. Having spent countless hours slaving over her work, and the company had been thrilled with her work. They had paid her to continue with the work and had asked her to model her own clothing at the world fashion show. They asked her if she knew any other witches that would be interested in modeling with her. Hermione had not immediately come to mind, though she believed it would do Hermione some good to be treated like royalty for once. After all, she had seen Hermione at the Yule Ball, she knew what she could look like when she wanted to. She knew that her company was also having some other foreign witches and wizards over for the show, but she hadn't bothered to ask what their names were, nor did she care.

(A/N: We must figure that at Beauxbatons, the OWL scores come earlier, she got them on the last day of school, today)

The day school got out Ginny had raced home to change and go over to the airport. She changed out of her school uniform and into a pair of dark, low slung, tight jeans, a tight, black tank top, and a pair of converse. She ran a comb through her waist length hair and let the waves fall freely down her back. She grabbed a purse, her keys, and her cell phone and was out the door in minutes. She had acquired many muggle possessions over the past year, and they had only increased in number after she had started her job at World Wizarding Fashions (A/N: I know...I know...WWF...oh well, it's all I could think of)


"Hey you! I've just landed, are you one your way?" Said Hermione's voice.

"Yes, I just got in the car, I'll be there soon."

"Oh, you're taking a taxi?"

"No 'Mione...I'm taking my car," Ginny explained slowly.

"Your car?" Hermione asked bewhildered. "But where did you get the money?"

"I'll explain everything later. See you in a few." Ginny flipped her phone closed and pulled out onto the road. It didn't take her long to get to the airport, and she was soon walking around Hermione's gate looking for her frizzy haired friend. Not too long after she arrived she heard her name being called from somewhere to her left. She turned, and her jaw dropped at the sight of her best friend. Like Ginny, Hermione had grown into herself over the year. All of her business and bossiness had left, and what was left was stunning. Though Ginny dwarfed Hermione by a good 6 inches, her 5'4" frame was nothing to be scoffed at. Her mousy brown hair had darkened into a deep, rich, chocolately brown, and her hazel eyes shone out from her face. Her hair, though shorter than Ginny's, was curlier, and fuller. The two friends gaped at one another, and after a minute or two, regained composure and laughed together. Ginny helped Hermione with her bags, and the two of them made their way back to the car. The two talked, laughed, and reminisced over the whole car ride back to Ginny's house. It was, at that moment, that Ginny noticed something odd.

"Hermione, what is that on your finger?"