NOTE: Yes, yes, long time no see, sorry, blah, blah, blah…on with the show. Oh, by the way, in keeping with what I did in DWTD, Seto's birthday is in MARCH, not OCTOBER, like it's supposed to be, but LIVE WITH IT. I swear…I got enough emails telling me I was wrong, when I was already WELL AWARE of the fact, but needed to put it in my story.

I apologize for my nasty-sounding attitude. Really, I'm glad to be back. :-D Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 10:

Success and Failure

March (beginning)

Mokuba hopped onto the banister and slid down the rest of the staircase. Still a kid at heart, he laughed at himself. He hopped off the end of it, as he had done for so many years, and ran to the waiting butler, who held up his jacket.

"In much of a rush?" Téa laughed as she walked out from the adjacent kitchen.

"Yeah. I was just called in to Kaiba Corp. Apparently, there's a bit of a problem over there…."

"Is Noa going with you?"

"He's already there," Mokuba answered, finally realizing that he was putting his coat on the wrong way. He took it off and flipped it around, pulling it on snugly.

"When can I expect you two home?"

"Maybe not till tomorrow," her brother-in-law answered quickly, opening the door.

"Oh. Okay then," Téa nodded, sounding a bit downcast. "I just thought…."

Mokuba stopped, halfway through the threshold. "Thought what?"

Téa looked up with a small smile on her face. "Never mind. It's nothing. Go take care of that problem."

"Are you sure? I can tell them I can't come-"

"No, no! Really…it's fine. I'll be fine." Téa walked over and began pushing him out the door. "Kaiba Corp. is very important. Without it, we all wouldn't be living here. So hurry on, alright?"

"Okay, okay, "Mokuba laughed, "I'm going!" It was only when she was this close to him did he realize that something about her was different. He walked down to the waiting limousine, thinking it over. Something just…didn't look right about her.

He turned around as the chauffeur opened the door and looked at her one more time, waving to make it seem like he had a purpose for doing so.

That was it! She was gaining weight. It was beginning to be visible. I didn't know she would start raiding the kitchens as a distraction from Seto's disappearance…. I really should talk to her about that. It's not good for her.

With that final thought, he departed.

Téa lay in the sitting room that night, tears clouding her eyes. Her brothers were still at work and the servants had all gone home or to bed. But she couldn't sleep.

Today was Seto's birthday. Tears leaked out as she remembered the joy she had felt months ago when she had found the perfect gift for him. It had sat hidden on her side of the closet for months, just waiting for this day.

But it seemed it would have to wait longer.

She rolled her head over on the armrest and stared at the front doors. She had to get out of here. Just for a little while. She needed a clear head before she could sleep. With a groan, she sat up and stopped, resting for a moment. The baby was just beginning to show, and with it, the weight was increasing. She stood up slowly and walked over to the coat closet. She grabbed a light windbreaker and then slipped outside.

Téa sat on a bench at the park. It seemed she had been here not too long ago, mulling over this same predicament. Was Seto ever coming home?

And, as before, her solitude was intruded upon.


The Kaiba mistress sat up straighter and looked around. Alister smiled at her and waved. "Fancy meeting you here again."

Téa scrunched up her brows. "Yes, quite…. Sit down," she stated, scooting over. He did so willingly. "It's odd that you happen to be here again. You're not stalking me, are you?" She laughed teasingly. Alister gave a short laugh.

"Ah, you've seen through my motives."

"Oh?" Téa answered, feigning shock. "My, I'm flattered! I have a stalker." She put a hand to her heart.

"And why wouldn't you?" Alister continued the joke, leaning in closer to her.

"Because I'm married." Téa sat straighter and faced him. "It's that simple."

Alister caught her eyes with his. She couldn't help but to stare. The green necklace he wore glinted in the moonlight. He took her hand and started to slowly loosen the band on her finger. "But he's not coming back."

Téa opened her mouth to respond, but suddenly found her words stuck. As Alister leaned in closer, she suddenly backed away slightly. "He's not…coming back?"

"Why should he?" he answered, snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. The more he spoke, the less she knew. The more he advanced, the less she struggled. "He doesn't love you."

The more he lied, the less she doubted.

"He…doesn't…love me…?" In her mind, Téa knew there was something wrong with that statement. There was something about her right then that seemed to scream out to her, saying, "No! I'm proof he loves you!" Somewhere within her, those words leaped around. But her mind was so foggy…she just couldn't see the truth to those words.

"He doesn't…. He's not coming…." She struggled with her words, trying to figure out which was the truth.

"I'm the only one that loves you, Téa. I want you to know that. I've loved you for years…and it's only because that backstabbing sonuva that you call your husband got there first that I couldn't have you. But I can now. Téa, listen to me. He's not going to be there for you anymore. He's left you because he thinks he can do better. You need someone with you now more than ever." Téa instinctively put a hand over stomach. Alister nodded. "He's deserted you when you needed him most. But I won't do that, Téa. I'll stay by you forever." He leaned in closer, making sure his eyes stayed locked with her ever-growing-green ones. "I'll be the husband…the father that he could never be."

And with that vow, he placed his lips against hers for the first time.

He exuded passion in his inexperienced kiss, but Téa didn't mind. She neither responded nor rejected. She simply let herself be kissed.

Her soul was still at war.

And Alister was perfectly content with it that way.

When he broke away from her, he made sure to look in her eyes again. Whereas they had once been that beautiful, shining blue, they were now an almost equally bright green.

"Darling…tell me you love me."

Téa hesitated. "I-…." Her body cried desperately for her to say those words. But her heart told her otherwise. Her heart told her that there was someone else for whom those words were reserved.

That part of her hoped he would come back.

That part of her knew he would come back.

Téa remained silent, and Alister relaxed. He hadn't won her over completely yet, but he knew it would take time. Just as true love took time, so did the influential powers of the Orichalcos. He would wait.

At least he knew that he had a grip on her heart. And with this grip, he would never let go.

He tore his eyes away from hers. Slowly, as he moved further away, Téa slumped just a little more and her eyes slowly reverted back to their natural state.

Suddenly, she stood up. "Oh my, it's gotten so late! I really should head home. Thank you for keeping me company, Alister," Téa stated hurriedly. Without thinking, she bent down and kissed him on the cheek. As she waved at him and skirted away, Alister smiled.

He waved back and thought back to the shimmer of green he had seen still reflected in her eyes.

It would be his birthday gift to himself.

Tonight, he would escape.

He had perfected his plan over the month. It was impossible to fail. In fact, failure was not an option. All he had to do was wait for that precise moment.

Alright, so maybe his plan had a few open holes. But he was sure he could patch those up as he met with the obstacles. Getting out of the building, for example. He needed to find his way down. But Seto told himself that his natural Kaiba instincts would be able to do anything.

The door opened slightly. Seto held his breath.

Gabrielle's young head poked through, looking at the mirrored wall adjacent to the door. She saw no sign of Seto Kaiba. What?

She let herself inside a little more.

After years of grabbing Mokuba by the collar to haul him away from some freak show, Seto knew how to go about this.

His arm shot out from behind the door and he grabbed the girl's arm. His tray of food slipped out of her hands as he pulled her up into his arms. In two seconds, he had pushed the door open, ran to his bed, threw her down upon it, and ran out the door. It closed and locked Gabrielle inside.

The young girl, terrified out of her mind, did what any child would do. She screamed. "UNCLE!!!" She didn't care which uncle heard her – the one on the intercom, or the one with the guns. Either one was sufficient to bring Seto Kaiba down.

Meanwhile, Seto tore down the stark white hallway, heading towards the only door on the floor. He reached it and shoved it open, running immediately onto the stairs. He stumbled a bit, but caught himself, and round the steps a floor down, heading for the very bottom.

Seto's breathing grew more rapid as he flew down flight after flight. Dang, how many floors does this flippin' building have anyway? …God I'm out of shape.

But he kept focused. It couldn't be long now. …Not unless he was in a building as tall as Kaiba Corp. But that was impossible. Kaiba Corp. was the tallest building in all of Japan. But this was sure must compete.

As he rounded another floor, a door suddenly flew open, and Seto skidded to the side to avoid hitting the man. He saw a flash of yellow, and suddenly, white, as he felt himself float into the air. The next thing he knew, he hit the steps, sailing bumpily down the last few before he hit another landing.

But just as quickly, he stood up and got ready to run again. Except, his head began to spin and throb, and he ran into the wall, grasping onto it for support.

"Seto Kaiba's escaping!" He heard the click of a walkie-talkie and footsteps as the man he had bumped into ran down to him.

"Crap," Seto hissed, pushing himself away form the wall. Barely seeing where he was going, he followed the colored panels that indicated steps, and went round and round in circles.

"He's heading for the bottom floor!"

No duh, Seto retorted in his mind. He suddenly had an idea. Why was he running around in circles?

With his vision mostly restored, he grabbed onto the railing and vaulted over it, arching himself so that he landed on the steps a few floors down. He ran down a couple more and repeated the procedure.

And there! The end of the line!

"He's going for the basement!"

Blast it all! Seto cursed as he went up a flight, heading for the first floor. He reached it just seconds before his pursuer, who, over the flights, had gained several others. Seto pushed past the door and tore through the lobby. Wait, lobby? The first floor looked just like a corporation lobby.

But what did he care? He was heading for those front glass doors.

And God knew that if they didn't open, he was going to shatter them.

He suddenly saw someone pounce at him from his right. He stopped, gave a hefty kick, and sent the burly man sprawling. Thank God I still know how to fight. That hasn't gone to pot these past few months.

Suddenly, a whole swarm was approaching. To heck with it! I feel like I'm in one of those action movies. He headed for the doors again. He slammed against the door handles and pushed hard against them. He just bounced back off. Dang it! He lifted his leg up and aimed to kick through the glass, right below that pretty logo.

Wait…I know that logo…!

He hesitated, but snapped himself out of it and kicked.

He felt dozens of arms descend upon him and pull him back, making his foot hit the door handle instead. And painfully. Seto cursed and fought his way against the goons, aiming for any body part he could get at. One of the smart ones finally decided to wrap an arm underneath his neck, cutting off most of his air supply. Seto suddenly felt lightheaded and paused in his fighting, attempting to get some air back into his lungs. One of the martial arts masters approached and placed his hands on the sensitive nerves lining Seto's shoulders.

"Bring him back to his room."

Now why did that voice sound familiar? …Was that the guy he had just run into? Yes…it sounded like it. But…no…it was from somewhere else. He could swear it.

The security guard squeezed the nerves, and Seto Kaiba blacked out.

He had failed…where failure had not been an option.

The next morning, near noon, Mokuba blearily stumbled into the mansion. He pushed against the great front doors and slipped inside, immediately falling back against them and slamming them closed. He slid to the floor, laying his head back against the mahogany. What I wouldn't give to just take a nap right here….

"Good day, Master Mokuba," Dr. Nouta trotted over to the front door with a smile on her face. She took her coat from the rack by the door and slipped it on.

"Dr. Nouta," Mokuba stood up, faltering. "What brings you here? Is someone sick?"

"No, no, just the regular check-up on Téa, that's all," her smile widened. She opened the door and walked outside. "Won't be long now!"

Mokuba watched after her with a queer look on his face. Won't be long till what? Ah well. Speaking of Téa, I'd best tell her I'm home. She'll probably be in her room. With a small second-wind, Mokuba trudged up the grand staircase and towards the Téa and Seto's room. The door was wide open. He looked inside. "Téa? Téa, are you in here?" He walked inside, peering around corners and furniture. "Hmm…guess she's somewhere else." Something on her nightstand suddenly caught his eye. He walked over slowly and carefully picked up the book.

"The Official Parents-to-Be Guide for Baby Names. What the?" Mokuba whispered, turning it over and looking at the inside as well. "What's she doing with this? Wait a second…."

Things were beginning to click now. The rusty gears were starting to turn….

It can't be! Surely she would have told us something this important!

"Téa" Mokuba screamed at the top of his lungs, sprinting out of her room and sliding down the stairs. "TÉA!!!"

"Mokuba? When did you get back?" Téa asked as she walked out of the kitchen. He ran right up to her and slid to a stop. He held the book up in front of her face.

"What is this?!"

"…A baby name book?" Téa answered, a bit worried.

"Why do you have it?"

"Well, gee, Mokie, I think it's pretty obvious. It's not as if I haven't been pregnant for the past five months."

Mokuba slowly peeked out from behind the book. "Y-You're what?"

"Pregnant, Mokuba. You know, babies, moody females and all that?"

"So the truth comes out!" Noa laughed coming out from the nearby study. "Well, I've certainly been waiting for this."

"Wha'? You knew?" Mokuba pointed a finger at his stepbrother in accusation. Noa arched an eyebrow.

"You greatly lack the powers of observation, don't you? I've known about it for a couple months. It wasn't that hard to guess. I just waited for Téa to formally tell us."

Mokuba's jaw twitched. "B-But…." He counted on his fingers. "March-February; February-January; January-December; December-November; November-October. Five…months…." He paused. Suddenly, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US SOONER?!"

Téa blinked. "…I didn't tell you?" She thought about it. "Yeah, I guess so. I suppose I was so worked up over Seto's disappearance that I totally forgot to tell you. Whoops." She smiled. "But now you know."

Mokuba opened his mouth to voice the next question when Téa suddenly glared at him. "And don't you dare ask whose baby it is. Think about it. Five. Months. A month before Seto went missing." Mokuba's question deflated in relief. That's good to hear.

"Well," Mokuba put a hand on his hip. "That certainly woke me up. There's no way I can get to sleep now." A beam spread across his face and he looked like the child they had all known so many years ago. He bounced over to Noa and hugged him. "You hear that? We're gonna be uncles!"

Tea came up behind them and placed her hands on their shoulders. She leaned down with a sly look on her face. "Yesss. And I seem to remember a certain comment I heard at our wedding. Something along the lines of, "I wonder how long it will take for us to become uncles?"? Was three years long enough?"

Noa put a finger to his chin, "You know, I totally forgot about that."

Mokuba suddenly grimaced. "Ergh…this might get a little nasty, telling the public and all."

Téa sighed. "Yeah…it's getting to be that time, isn't it? I won't be able to go outside anymore before saying that, will I?"

"I'll arrange a small meeting with the press," Noa remarked.

A week later, Gabrielle brought the newspaper to her uncle. "Uncle? I thought he might be interested in this one. Should I just take it to Mr. Kaiba?"

The burly man immediately shook his head. "No, darling. Just give that to me. I'll take care of it. I don't think your uncle will want Mr. Kaiba knowing about this just yet."

Gabrielle nodded solemnly and looked at the small article one last time.

And lo! A new chapter! Not too exciting…except for the middle part there. Really, I'm just biding my time…. Almost there! Four months to go…but think of that as maybe…2 or 3 chapters until the end of THIS saga (yes, there's another saga – AH. Maybe I should just scrap that and leave it at this one….). So, I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope you still want to read it, as bad as it has become. And sorry for the wait. Honestly, I had most of this chapter written MONTHS ago. It was only Seto's part that had me waiting. Sorry! But maybe I'll get better about updating now. I kinda want to write this more! But maybe that's just a "tonight" thing. Anywho, PLEASE REVIEW!