Author's Note: These characters and their world belong to J.K.R.

"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives, there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express." -- Joseph Addison


in three movements

Finale presto

Remus stood and faced the muggle medi-witch.

"Oh my God! You're levitating!" the woman yelled as she stared horror-struck at Anna.

Remus turned on his heel and, sure enough, Anna Pruitt was hovering an inch off the ground.

"Oh God!" she cried and grabbed the counter in an attempt to pull herself down, but at the same time, she fainted. Luckily, Remus caught her in his arms before she smacked into the marble floor.

"I'll get the doctor!" the nurse shrieked and ran out of the room.

Remus cradled her, quietly calling her name. "Anna….Anna…"

She woke with a start, grey eyes wide and fists clutching the lapels of jacket. "Was I! Was it happening again?" Then, pulling away from him, she burst into sobs. "I'm so sorry!"

"For what?" he whispered as he helped her sit up.

Shyly, she turned towards him, eyes lowered. "If I am your daughter, I'm not normal. You see…I can do things." Then she added with a yelp, "I promise I'm not crazy!"

He threw his arms around her and brought her small body close to his chest and laughed. "I can do strange things, too, Anna. It's alright. In fact, it's normal."

"No, it's not." she cried, pushing her cheek against his shoulder.

"Where I come, from everyone can levitate or break glass without touching it. Some can even talk to animals and have them answer in complete sentences."

Anna pulled back and looked at him, eyes puffy and disbelieving. Remus tilted his head, finally understanding her shyness. "That's been happening to you a lot, hasn't it? The levitating?"

"My entire life," she answered, voice skeptical.

"Dear Anna." He stroked her hair, realizing now this girl must be his own flesh. "Knowing this, I'll be surprised if you aren't my daughter," he replied, wiping back her hair and brushing away her tears with his palm as his own eyes brimmed with wetness. "Let's look at those results, shall we?"

With his arm still around her, they stood. She leaned against his shoulder, supported by fatherly strength as he read the scientific muggle report. "99.9999 positive," he said, then added softly, "My God. I have a daughter."

Smiling, he said it louder. "I have a daughter!" Without hesitation, he framed his elegant, slender hands around the young woman's tearful face. Only when he spoke did he realize that he was crying. "Let me look at you."

She covered his hands with her own, squeezing them tightly.

"I can't believe I made something so lovely. And I never knew...I never knew…"

Anna laughed and threw herself into his arms. "You know now. I know now." They hugged tightly and she whispered, "I'm normal. I am normal and you are my father."

He kissed the crown of her head. "I am your father, Anna. And you are completely normal, at least in the wizarding world."

"The wizarding world?"

He chuckled. There was so much he had to show her, to teach her. "I think it might be a good idea to disappear before the doctor comes back and wants to know why you were levitating three inches off the floor."

The young woman smiled widely, tears drying on her cheeks. "I think you may be right," and the hesitantly added, "Dad."

"Dad," Remus repeated with wonder and smiled. "I think I'm going to like hearing that." Then reaching into his coat pocket, he produced a long, smooth wooden stick. "Do you know what this is? No? This is a wand."

She looked upon her father wordlessly, and Remus scratched his head. "Yes, a magic wand. That does sound a bit mad, doesn't it?"

Anna laughed and nodded.

"Alright. Hold onto me tight. This doesn't feel very pleasant the first time, but I'm taking you home." Suddenly unsure, he added, "Well, to my home. Is that okay?"

Hugging him tightly, she nuzzled beneath his chin. "Yes, dad. Take me home."


Author's Note: Thanks for the thoughtful reviews: Chelles, ThouandI, Mercurio-Rane. They are always appreciated. :)