Sharp23: So let's see… it's been forever since I last updated and I guess when I said that this story was discontinued, I was thinking that some of you must be disappointed. But if you still want to read this story, well then I'll continue it. But always remember to review. Also, I'm going on vacation on the June 16 and I won't be coming back till August so don't be expecting an update any time soon after this.

Warning: This story contains yaoi, which means boy x boy. If you don't like, kill yourself so you don't have to see it.

Prying Into Luffy – Chapter 7

Nami's POV

As I walked across the deck in search of Luffy and Sanji, Usopp kept tugging at me at how not to go look for the two.

"Matte Nami! Don't go!" I continued walking, ignoring at the so called man that was dragging me down at my feet. "I was kidding!" I stopped suddenly, hearing that what Usopp just said was a joke.

"What did you say?" I said as I gave a very angry look. He began to sweat greatly from what I can see.

"I was kidding?" He chuckled unsurely.

"And why would you even say something like this? And why would you kid about something like this?" I screamed at the top of my lungs, loud enough to make him shrink all the way down into the size of an ant.

"It was all Zoro's idea! He told me to tell you this for some reason." He shrugged. What? Why would Zoro tell Usopp to tell me that Sanji and Luffy kissed? I saw Usopp start to walk away but I had a few more questions before I was done with him. Before I could have called Usopp back, Zoro just popped out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me!

"Don't pop up like that again!" I screamed as loud as I was with Usopp but it didn't have any affect on the green-haired man. Basically, he just shrugged it off.

"So, it seems you were pretty curious about what Usopp said Luffy and Sanji kissed. Can I ask why?"

"Can I ask why you want to know?" Zoro didn't say anything. I guess he was waiting for his question to be answered before he answered mine. "Because it's so obvious that Luffy has the hots for Sanji and when I heard that they kissed, I wanted to find out whether ot not it really happened. But Usopp told me instead." Zoro didn't have any sign of a reaction on his face. He just kept staring out the sea, as if the sea is relazing him.

"I wanted to know because I needed to find out if you knew what was happening between the dumbass cook and our captain. And it looks like you do." He faced him and suddenly, a smile appeared. I for one didn't know why he was smiling.

Usopp's POV

I swear, Nami gets a little over emotional over these jokes. I began screwing a screw into my new invention that was called, Usopp Facoty! It's little gadget I'm making in case things get tough in the hear of battle. As soon as the screw was in, I looked up and relaxed my neck for awhile. It was quiet, too quiet on the ship. The door that was near me was suddenly open by Luffy, who was holding a piece of paper and a pen. He sat right in front of me and began to stare at me. I was really surprised at what had just happened. Luffy held out the pen.

"Let's play Tic-Tac-Toe!" He said smiling.

"Okay! I, the Great Usopp, can beat anyone at Tic-Tac-Toe!" Luffy drew the four lines at the paper and marked an X at the north west side. I drew a circle in the middle. Hah! Now that I have the middle, there was no way he can beat me! I chuckled, knowing that I was going to win. Luffy then drew an X at the south east side of the paper. Now I really started laughing! I don't think Luffy knows how to play this game. I drew another circle at the south west side.

"I'm going to beat you Usopp!" He said while laughing. That's not going to happen, I have the perfect strategy!

"You'll never beat the Great Usopp!" Luffy then drew another X at the north east side.

"Ack! You blocked me from winning!" He chuckled. I looked around the board to see where I can place my next circle. But to my demise, I found out that Luffy has laid a trap for me. Even if I blocked one of the rows, he would still win. "You cheated Luffy! I demand a rematch!" He began laughing again.

Luffy's POV

I sighed mentally to myself while beating Usopp again at Tic-Tac-Toe. Usopp had a very shocking face on. Thoughts about Sanji began to appear again. Why do I have to love someone that loves someone else? Is this my luck? Do I deserve this? Usopp suddenly stood up.

"I demand another rematch, and this time, we will place bets on it! The next one who wins gets to have another plate for dinner!" I really loved the idea of this.

"You're on Usopp!"

About A Minute Later

I saw Usopp crying onto the floor saying, "Why do I keep losing? I thought I was the best at this." I laughed again at what he was doing.

"Looks like I get to have your dinner. I can't wait!" I smacked my lips, knowing that tonight's dinner will be so good. Usopp sat up straight and pointed at me.

"You're cheating! There's no way you could win so much and not lost even once!" An interesting idea came to me.

"Well then, do you want to double the bet? Whoever wins gets to have the loser's dinner for two days!"

"You're on! But first, let me practice!" He turned around and started playing by himself.

"How long are you going to take?"

"Um, come back in 10 minutes! Okay?" I smiled happily.

"I'll be here!"

Nami's POV

"Is all of this true? Is this really the reason why Luffy was acting a bit weird for awhile?" Zoro nodded. I just can't believe it. Luffy really does love Sanji and he knows it himself! Too bad Sanji has the hots for me.

"I've also been talking to Luffy and -" I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and Zoro had shut his mouth quickly. I turned around to see who it was.

"Hello Nami! What are you two talking about?" It was Sanji and he was smiling ever so brightly at me.

"We were talking about um... how close we were to the Grand Line and how excited we were!" Sanji looked as if he wasn't buying it at all.

"And Zoro was talking to you about this?"

"Um... yes?"

"Okay! Well I'll be off then! I have to think of what I'm going to make for tonight's dinner! Bye Nami!" He began walking towards the kitchen. When he was out of sight, I sighed heavily.

"That was close, wasn't it?"

"If you weren't so nervous, he wouldn't have suspected anything."

"What did you say? It was me who got him away from us! If you tried speaking to him, I'm sure the both of you would have ended with injuries for being idiots!"

"Idiot? Why I oughta..."

"Bring it on Swordsman! I can take you down anyday!"

Luffy's POV

As I walked around the Going Merry, I thought about how Sanji loves Nami so much. I remember the first time when Nami and Sanji first met. I saw him with hearts flying all over him. I guess you can say it was love at first sight. As I made the 10th lap around, I noticed that Nami and Zoro were talking to each other around the sail. I really wanted to go over to find out what they were talking about but I have a match with Usopp that I have to win at! As I walked back into the room where Usopp was, I found Sanji there. I felt my heart stop for a moment but I shrugged it off and walked into the room. Sanji had turned around to find out who had entered I suppose.

"Luffy, dinner isn't even nearly done yet."

"I actually wasn't here for that."

"You weren't? Then what are you here for?"

"Usopp." I said while smiling.

"Usopp?" I looked over to see that a paper was right in front of him, all ready drawn with the lines. I ran in front of him and saw down quickly.

"You're going to lose again Usopp!"

"Not this time! I have the perfect strategy! But just in case, let's make it 2 out of 3, okay?"

"I don't know... But here's a catch, whoever loses, loses their second dinner and has to do the winner's laundry!"

"Fine! But you're going to regret it! I go first!"

"What? You don't get to go first here! I'm the captain."

"Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first?" I nodded. We both took our hands out and swung them back in. I had rock and he had scissors.

"Hah! I win again!"

"Best 2 out of 3!" We both took our hands out again and swung them back in. This time, I had paper and he had rock. I laughed again at how he lost.

"Geez Usopp. I guess I can beat you in every game!"

"Grrrrrrr, best 3 out of 6!"

Sharp23: So how was that for a long time chapter? I'll try and get another chapter in before I make my departure for vacation. Remember, more reviews means the faster you'll get the update!