Authors notes

The first couple of chapters are based seven hundred years in the past (depending on how much story is needed). Phobos is alive this is based on the assumption that his magic allows him to live longer than what a human would normally be able to and also due to the fact that time flows differently in Metamoor/Meridian (it is mentioned that time apparently flows slower compared to earth but since Metamoor is a magical realm it is easy to assume that this can fluctuate so that sometimes a week can pass in an hours worth of earth time or within only a few earth days several Metamoorian years can pass etc).

In order to understand this story it is necessary to read my previous story broken. The Sentinels turned out to be unintentional by products of the original story. Due to my lack of knowledge of W.I.T.C.H I decided to create my own characters when I discovered I didn't have the knowledge to employ characters such has the tracker and so fourth (hence why frost has Vatheks descriptions in chapter three of broken).

New characters:

The Sentinels

A trio of warriors created by Phobos. Each takes it powers from a different element.

Strengths: each Sentinel has superhuman strength and speed. Each is highly trained in "hand to hand combat skills.

Weaknesses: each Sentinel requires large amounts of magical energy in order to remain active. When their power drains or after a battle the Sentinels must go into a dormant state (often described after a battle), if their power source expires the Sentinels must return to a dormant hibernating/stasis state. The sentinels are also weak against the raw energy of the heart of Candracar.

Individual strengths and weakness

Steel Sentinel

Bio: leader of the three Sentinels. Rarely speaks. Is often the first into battle, devastatingly efficient fighter but can be slow to react if surprised.

Appearance: Black hooded robes (grim reaper style) large steel armoured forearms (note change from original version which had dark grey leathery skin on exposed forearms). Two large scabbards hanging off belt on waist.

Weapons, and abilities: "twin Katana swords each one with a one meter long blade, super human strength and speed.

Weaknesses: All weaknesses that apply to Sentinels. Plus "a weaknesses to the element fire.

Rock Sentinel

Bio: One of the three Sentinels, shows no emotion, and rarely speaks (occasionally when delivering a killing blow).

Appearance: Wears black hooded robes (like all Sentinels) with over sized forearms hands are often in fists, which gives the appearance of massive block fists. Large square jaw stone like is visible under hood eyes are from hidden view (modified from original).

Weapons and abilities: fists! Attacks, by leaping directly in front of opponent and swinging its huge fists with incredible speed.

Weaknesses: All weaknesses that apply to Sentinels. "Also weak against Element earth.

Ice Sentinel

Bio: One of the three Sentinels, Shows no emotion, and rarely speaks.

Appearance: Wears black robes (like all Sentinels) with over sized skinny forearms. "Back of fingers have sharp blades attached. Skin appears like ice. Icy cold air is constantly emanating from body. Over sized jaw and out lines of hollow eyes are visible under hood (modified from original).

Weapons abilities: Bladed fists used for combat. "Incredibly fast. Can also attack by projecting freezing vapour streams from hands, which can freeze "opponent on contact. Can create blade like weaponry by freezing moisture in air.

Weaknesses: all weaknesses that apply to Sentinels. "Glass like body can be shattered by a powerful enough blow, partial weaknesses to water since freezing body can freeze any water which it comes in contact with adding unwanted additional mass to the body. Also has, a weakness against element fire and a weakness against fire and water elements combined (basically boiling hot water).


When a Guardian falls in the line of duty Will makes a tough decision regarding her position has a Guardian of the veil. Meanwhile with The Guardians weakened Phobos releases three of his oldest and deadliest warriors the Sentinels. The Guardians are ultimately defeated and destroyed by the Sentinels. However the Oracle intervenes and uses his powers to reverse the flow of time giving the guardians one month to prepare for their next encounter with the Sentinels.

Anyway now that's out of the way on with the show. Oh yeah I don't own W.I.T.C.H or any of its copyrighted material.

Prologue: The Oracles gift.

Dreams. "One of the subtlest of but most effective teaching methods available. A dream could mean many things they could allow a person a glimpse into their unconscious minds. Perhaps show them an image, which might ultimately lead them to completely revaluate their lifestyle and beliefs. And they could also be used to show what had already come to pass.

Will Vandom, Irma Liar, Taranee Cook, Cornelia hale, and Hay-lin, are the Guardians of the veil collectively dubbed W.I.T.C.H.

They are about to battle an enemy so powerful it had destroyed them once already.

However the Oracle had used its vast powers to intervene and reverse the flow of time to grant the Guardians a second chance to defeat their enemy. Only the keeper of the heart of Candracar retained the knowledge of the Guardians first encounter with the creatures known has the Sentinels.

The Oracle used its vast powers to allow the Guardians to see the events of the past seven hundred years ago. When the Sentinels were created has it was witnessed by the guardians of that time a group of warrior women who were collectively known has the


Who are the K.O.V.E.N? All will be revealed in the first chapter which will be up soon.