Hello my name is Calismo and I will be your authoress this evening. For your trip I have provided peanut packets and twelve gallon soda bottles. Lol, just kidding—too much soda isn't good for you. I'm such a hypocrite! Anyways, here is my latest YuYu Hakusho fanfic. I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to comment. I'll even take flames because at least you're giving me an honest opinion about what you believe in and I like that. The ships are: HieiXOC, KuramaXOC, YusukeXOC, and slight hints of others that will come into the story later. Read and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I never had, never have, and never will own YuYu Hakusho, but the OC's are mine…well they are real people but yeah.

Chapter One

With Yusuke and Co.

"Yusuke, we've been walking for hours. If we haven't found your house now, we never will. And look, it's starting to rain—hard," Kurama tugs on his friends sleeve impatiently. "We're all the way down by Genkai's mansion. Why not stop there?"

"No way fox boy, I know where I'm going!" Yusuke grins stupidly, shielding his eyes from the rain.

"Hn. You could fool me," Hiei snarls, his hair falling damply around his face.

Botan sighs and pulls her jacket closer to her. Hiei growls as she tries to move closer to him, for warmth. "Come on, Hiei! I'm cold, and you're a fire demon. You're naturally hot!"

"Back away, onna!"

Kurama reaches back and drags Botan away from Hiei. She moves closer to Kurama instead. Genkai's mansion looms in the distance, and soon they reach its wooden doors. It looks much better than it had the last time they had used it. Yusuke nods his head in approval.

"Looks like Grandma's been doing some renovating."

The five friends go inside, dropping their coats off at random places on the floor—save Kurama, who has the decency to put it in the closet. Yusuke jumps instantly on the couch to relax, and Kuwabara heads off to the kitchens. He comes back a moment later, laden down with food.

"Hey guys, the kitchen's packed!"

Kurama leans against the wall, tugging on one of his red locks. He had been feeling weird all day, as if something were following them. He sniffs the air with his not-so-human nose, and his eyes widen. He pulls Hiei into a free room.

"Hiei, I sense some strange auras coming our way. Two demon ones and two that are more like Yusuke's…normal but not entirely normal."

"Hn, whatever. It doesn't matter to me—they're probably a bunch of lowlifes." Hiei crosses his arms.

"Hey Hiei, Kurama! Come upstairs—we're going to decide what to eat!" Yusuke calls.

"Come on fox," Hiei drags Kurama into the hallway and up the flight of stairs to Botan's room. Kurama stares out at the rain, sighing in defeat. And out in that rain, somewhere, are four friends…

With the Four Friends

"Vanessa, we've been walking for hours. If we haven't found your house by now, we never will. And look, it's starting to rain—hard," someone growls under their breath.

The girl's name's Olivia and she is fourteen years old. Her braids swing around her shoulders and her brown eyes stare at the blond Vanessa angrily. Vanessa only continues walking, shielding her eyes from the pouring rain.

"Yeah Vanessa," Meagan agrees impatiently. She wrings her hair, her bright blue eyes flashing.

"Look, there's a mansion right there. Why don't we ask if we can spend the night?" Nissi, the last of the four friends, implores quietly, wiping her glasses free of raindrops.

"Yay! Come on you guys, I don't want to be wet anymore than necessary!" Olivia grins, dragging them to the door.

Nissi knocks, her knuckles rapping sharply on the wood. Meagan tuts and pushes her friend away, "Step aside and let me show you how it's done, Nissi!"

"HELLO IS ANYBODY IN THERE, WE'RE FREAKING WET AND WE NEED A PLACE TO STAY THE NIGHT! HELLO?" Meagan shouts, making her friends jump. Her knocks are loud and obnoxious, but no one answers. "Huh…I wonder why they're not answering."

Meanwhile Upstairs…

"We are not eating that!"

"Yes we are, Urameshi!"

Yusuke and company stand in Botan's room, fighting over pizza toppings. Kuwabara wants sausage, Yusuke wants pepperoni, Botan wants cheese, Kurama wants ham and pineapples, and Hiei wants everyone to shut the heck up.




Back Outside

"Well, if we stay out here we'll freeze to death," Olivia concludes, opening the door an inch or two.

Slowly she slides in, instantly tripping in a pool of water. She slams to the ground with such a large 'thump' that even with all the arguing, Yusuke and the others could hear. They came rushing down in an instant, minus Botan, ready to fight.

"Uh-oh, I think we're in trouble…" Vanessa whispers as they herd her and her friends into a corner.

Olivia pulls herself up off the ground, only to find a sword in front of her, "We just needed a place to stay."

"And that gives you what right to barge into our mansion?" Hiei snarls, his sword pressing against Olivia's throat. A thin line of red appears.

Meagan pushes Vanessa's hand away, "Well, we did knock. You just didn't hear."

Vanessa agrees, "Yeah. You were probably all upstairs in one of the rooms arguing about something like…"

"Pizza toppings," all four say simultaneously.

Yusuke drops his fighting stance, "How'd you know?"

Nissi grins, "We do it all the time."

Botan comes clambering down the stairs, her metal bat in hand, "Did you catch them yet? I came to—" She stops when she sees where Hiei's sword is pointed, and swings her bat at him, hard. "Hiei you insensitive prick! How dare you point your sword at her? Why she's nothing but a teenage girl!"

Hiei moves away just in time, and the bat barely misses Olivia's nose. "Shut up, baka onna. She broke in, I have the right."

Botan pulls Hiei away, apologizing to Olivia. "By the way, my name is Botan."

"Nice to meet you," the friends chorus.

Kurama drops his fighting stance also, beginning to smile. His green eyes light up, but then suddenly darken as if he had just been hit with some sort of realization. His eyes wander to Olivia and Nissi, then over to Vanessa and Meagan. He tries to catch Hiei's attention but the koorime doesn't look at him. Kurama sighs.

Kuwabara's eyes fix on Vanessa, "Oh pretty lady, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

The room goes silent, and Vanessa's eye begins to twitch. Olivia leans over, grabs Botan's bat, and hands it to Nissi, who hands it over to Vanessa.

"Thank you," Vanessa says.

THWACK! The force of Vanessa's swing sends Kuwabara sprawling on the ground. Meagan laughs, pointing at the poor unfortunate soul who didn't know Vanessa was a first class hitter. Vanessa looks at the bat in her hand.

"You know…this is pretty fun."

She whacks him again, this time putting more force into the end of the bat. Hiei smirks. "You know onna…we could become the best of friends."

Vanessa looks up, "My name's not onna. It's Vanessa."


Olivia edges oh-so-slowly away from Hiei and behind Nissi, who stares at her. "Oh, did he cut you?"

"Did you just notice?"


Botan grabs the four girls and drags them up to the room next to hers, chatting all the while.

"The one with gelled hair is Yusuke, the one on the ground is Kuwabara, the red-head's name is Kurama, and the one with the sword is Hiei."

Nissi and Olivia are very into the conversation, but Meagan and Vanessa just seem to want to go back downstairs and torture the poor boy who is Kuwabara.

"Oh, just go," Nissi sighs, waving her hand. Meagan and Vanessa clap their hands together and run back down the stairs with their bat. "You'll have to forgive them."

"Torture is their game," Olivia agrees.

Botan waves her hands as well, her blue hair flying behind her and into Olivia's and Nissi's face, "Whoops, sorry. Anyways, it really doesn't matter because Yusuke hits him ten times harder than those two ever will."

"I don't know about that Botan. Vanessa can whack pretty dang hard. I should know, as I've been on the receiving end quite a few times," Olivia muses.

Hiei comes up the stairs, a smug look on his face. In the main room, shouts of pain and terror echo up to those in the hallway. Nissi covers her face with her hands in disgust. Hiei moves away from the three girls, giving them a cold stare before completely disappearing around the corner.

"Let's follow him!" Olivia prods Nissi, who readily agrees.

Botan backs away near the stairs, "You're on your own with this one you two."

Nissi and Olivia creep slowly down the hallway and peek around the corner just in time to see Hiei's cloak flash before disappearing. Nissi jumps ahead and moves towards the door which Hiei had entered. She opens the door just a crack, seeing the koorime sitting on his windowsill and staring at the rain. Nissi nudges Olivia and motions for her to enter. The two sneak up behind Hiei, and pounce.

"Hiei-kun come play with us!" They each hug him, pinching his cheeks. "We have chocolate!"

Hiei's eyes widen, "Why…you…little…"

Olivia pulls Nissi away, "I may not know much about this guy but even I know that he's getting angry."

"Agreed. Shall we run?"

"We shall. Hurry."

And with that the two girls run screaming out of the room, their arms flailing wildly behind them. Suddenly they sense a dark force behind them, quickly picking up speed. Hiei lunges at the girls, grabbing them at the waist and dragging them down to the ground. He pins them quickly.

"How can you pin both of us down when you only have TWO FREAKING ARMS!" Nissi screams, twisting and bending.

Upon hearing a loud 'thump' and several hundred thousand screams, Kurama, Yusuke, Botan, Meagan, and Vanessa scramble from their places in the main room and up the stairs. They see Hiei pinning down their new found acquaintances with only two arms. Olivia nudges Nissi and the two let out a horrible, spine-chilling scream. Hiei loosens his grip and covers his delicate demon ears.

"Hiei!" Kurama scolds his friend. "What are you doing?"

"Hn. The onna's were…hugging me," Hiei mutters, a slow blush rising to his cheeks. He turns to the wall to hide it. "They needed to be punished."

Botan sighs, Meagan blinks, and Vanessa says, "Anyone up for a game?"

And Chapter 1 is finished, people! Next chapter: Truth or Dare? Mwahahahaha it is going to be a magnificent chapter, written by me and my friends at the New Sanno Hotel earlier this weekend. This is Calismo, signing off!