Sir-dik-dik follower of the beef



Okay my fans I'm sorry that I have been putting chapters out like crazy but I feel like writing lately. So back by extremely popular demand more adventures by Steve and this time with the character from GTA San Andreas, The Truth. Also kids, I make drugs funny; they really aren't unless a crazy hippie takes them.

Chapter4, What happens when your partner is a drug addict hippie

We now return you to the log of Steve AKA tight ass and the new agent, The Truth.
What happened to the other one?

He died of a seizer from all that anime.


Again, that dude has the crabs and he jumped off an elevator… so he isn't alive.

What about zombie Fisher?

Loud gunshot of a magnum kills the president.

Another log between a wanted announcer voice and the X-president.

This is a simple but risky mission. Truth and Steve must rob an Iraqi bank of ten million dollars. We also believe that the bank also has three tons of weed, but we will let are NARC squad get that. Now let us watch our slaves…I mean agents.

Steve and the truth both made it into the building unseen when they met each other.

"You must be my partner Steve, you send out a good vibe my brother." The truth shook his hand with a roll of weed in the other.

"Hey put that up, they'll find us." Steve warned his partner.

"Man, you need to take a puff of this stuff, it's the best." He then put it out and threw it away. "A shame really it could actually been of use. Now don't we have a log of what we are suppose to do?" He asked playing with his headlights. "Magic!" he shouted and a guard came around the corner.

"Shoot!" Steve called out to him over the COM link.

"Are you crazy? The last thing I shot was ACID. Although I know a guy that sniffed the stuff. He thought his fingers were dogs and his nose the moon! Whyhoo!" He then sneaked around the guard and made him sniff 'fairy dust' making him dizzy. He then passed out and the Truth took the silenced pistol ammo and began to walk towards Steve.

"That was…skillful." Steve shrugged his shoulders as they began to make their way down the dimly light hallway.

"I respect people here, being one with mother…FUCKERS!" He walked into the next room it was a tall garage filled with gas burning vehicles. Their was one van that looked like a sixties riot vehicle. "So this is where the bastards took the Mothership."

"The Mothership? Isn't that a space ship." Steve asked.

"I enjoy your interest in the stars but if I told you any more in a mouth you would have an anal probe up your ass." He then skill fully walked across the balance beam to the bank area. Now that they were in the back half of the office they also could check for illegal drugs. Steve walked over to one of the sports vehicles and admired it.

"So this how you repay mother earth by killing off her own products." He began to lecture him.

"Man you're the damn hypocrite. "You want to save our trees but you turn around and burn our bush!" Steve exclaimed.

"You're totally ruining my vibe, chill!" The Truth whined as he went across the tall manufacturing buildings. "This reminds me of the time I went to Oze Fest and got in a fight over a parking spot. I said lady if you just want the parking space just…" He then fell of the ramp and on to his neck. Steve winced as the loud cracking sound filled the room and realized that he couldn't get to him. He walked on and then he heard a shout.

"Sorry I didn't here you, I had the COM running with the drug…I mean mission info." He popped his neck back into place and ran through the door. "You get the money I will met you down here in the mother ship." He then ran off out of view.

"How the hell did you do that?" He asked.

"Really strong stuff they grow around here." The Truth coughed out of control.

Steve then went to the next room. It was filled with trip beams and a guard sleeping at the end of the hall. Steve jumped the wires and started to crawl through the other three making his body bend in ways you might see in a circus. Steve got over to the guard and took out his knife and put it up to his neck. He moved around a little bit making it look like they were dancing. "My you're a fine dancer." Steve said to his captive, "Now tell me the password," He smirked.

"I don't speak fluid English so I have no clue what you're saying so please don't shoot me with your silenced pistol." He begged even though he was born in California.

"Come on do you really think I believe that?" He asked with the knife really close to his neck.

"Benuo!" He shouted thinking he said 'what'.

"You dumbass, that's the wrong word." He then slit the guy's throat and threw him down. Steve then went over to the door.

"What's the password?" The door asked like the one from Wizard of Oz.

"Is it open up or I'll show you what I did to your mama." Holds up a picture of a screw going in a door hinge.

"I really hate you." The door opened and in there was a vault with fifty million dollars. He walked over there and opened it up. Hey I thought the thing said ten million dollars? Then again I'm not getting paid for this mission so I'm sure they won't miss forty million. He then walked out of the room and saw two guards. They were both middle aged and bald. One was Osama Bin Dead and the other was Wacko Jacko.

"So if you give me three little children I give you Never Never Land ranch for nuclear bombs? Deal!" The weird Wacko did the moonwalk and gave Osama Bin Dead the keys to his ranch. Steve didn't like these people so he magically found an RPG and shot it. Their bodies blew up to little pieces. Wacko Jacko did melt from all the plastic he was made out of. Now he got into the vault room and picked the lock. The door popped open and inside was a letter not a brief case.

"Now you're fucked." Underneath was a detonation key that had ten minutes.

"Steve, get down to mother ship, you drive." Steve quickly took ten dollars from what was in there and jumped down the ledge to another ledge. The next window he about to cross had some guards in their watching the high class British porno

"Shall we make sexual intercourse?" A British porn actor asked a scantly dressed woman. "No maybe later." She replied.

Steve made his way down a drainpipe on the side of a building making his rubber very uncomfortable to be in. "So this is how it feels to be a condom?" He asked himself. He then saw the mother Ship and The Truth on his head meditating. "What the hell are you waiting for?" He asked. The Truth pointed to the back door.

"Close it for me would you?" He meditated. Steve walked over there to find the entire weed harvested and in the back of the van.

"Oh my sweet God, there must be at least two tons of the stuff in here." He stuttered.

"Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." He meditated. He then got up in the passenger side and told Steve to drive. Steve got in looking like he failed the mission, which he did.

"So did you get the money?" Truth asked his partner.

"No, only ten dollars and a bomb that should blow up the building in a few minutes." He sighed and then it hit him. "How much is that weed worth?" He asked.

"I say about ten million dollars." He started to look at it like a kid in a candy store. Steve then got his COM out and got a hold of the main base.

"Sir we have ten million in the green stuff. We are currently in a van called the mother ship…" His Com was then cut off.

"We will…be…there in a few minutes." The leader told them.

Mission complete…or is it?

"Do you remember what I said about meddling in these type of things?" The Truth told him. Then Steve felt something go up his ass; it was an anal probe. "Sorry but I need this stuff more than this country does so tell Uncle Sam F you!" He then shot Steve in the head with the M16 and kicked him out of the car.

Mission over.

So there you go, end of another chapter of Steve's online adventures. Next time will be very perverted!

To the reviewers!

Mark20, Thank very much I hope you find this one just as good.

Alice The Raven, yes mission over kid. Why didn't you read the new Avatar Rising.


Masterbeef, Huge me? I'm a dude and you say you're a dude. Thanks for saying that's better than the last. I do hope to pump blood in Yellow VS Green2 soon.

FighterX, sorry for not mentioning you earlier. I did get the tickets and you rock 2.

Gringo Kitty, Fisher, happy.

To everyone else I please R&R cause I had twenty-three hits on this chapter and only a forth of them were reviewed.