Okay so i had this idea and i decided to just go with it...i no it's not great but i'll try my best to make it interesting. so basically summer is a cohen and she's kind of like how seth was at the beginning of the first season..seth is popular and u'll meet him probably in the next chapter...Ryan still lives with the Cohens and i plan for him and summer to be really good friends. so hopefully it doesnt sound too confusing and i hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own the oc but that would be way too cool!

Summer Cohen/Seth Roberts

Chapter 1: The Pilot

"Listen sweetie I know it's weird but Ryan's just going to stay with us for a while. He's out in the pool house right now but you can meet him in the morning." Sandy Cohen explained to his teenage daughter.

"Okay dad, it's fine really I don't care." Summer reassured her father with a smile.

"Alright goodnight sweetheart," Sandy replied kissing Summer on the head and leaving her in her room.

Summer sat in her room wondering what this Ryan kid would be like; if he'd be nice, if they would be friends. I hope we can be friends, she thought to herself. Summer had what most people thought was the perfect life. She was the only child of Sandy and Kirsten Cohen two of the most respected people in Newport and her grandfather was Caleb Nichol; the Donald Trump of Newport.

But Summer was far from happy. She hated Newport. It was full of spoiled, rich snobs whose life revolved around their cell phones. Summer was different, she didn't have a lot of friends, she kept to herself and she didn't care what other people thought of her. With Ryan in town though, she finally had a chance at making a real friendship, one that wasn't formed because her grandfather was the richest man in town. This would be different.


Ryan walked in the back door to find a teenage girl sitting cross legged on the floor of the living room looking up at him.

"You must be Ryan. I'm Summer."

"Hey" Ryan said with a small wave. Ryan took in the girl for the first time. She was a petite girl, dark brown hair, and a bright smile. Ryan could tell that Summer was not like other girls, while most of the girls he saw on his way into Newport were wearing short skirts and revealing tops, Summer was wearing a pair of shorts and a pink t-shirt.

"So, you wanna play?" Summer asked holding up a controller.

"You play video games?" Ryan asked completely shocked. He had never met a girl his age who liked to play video games before.

"Ya, and I know it's weird. But I'm not really in to spending all my time at the beach like the other girls."

"That's cool, me either." Ryan said sitting next to her and grabbing the controller.


"Oh yes! There goes your head, I win again!" Summer said laughing at the stunned look on Ryan's face after being beaten for the third time in a row.

"I must say you're really good."

"Hey, it looks like you two met." Sandy said walking into the room with Kirsten at hand.

"Morning dad morning mom," Summer said getting up to kiss her parents on the cheek.

"Hey sweetie, listen have you picked an outfit to wear to the fashion show tonight?" Kirsten asked hoping they wouldn't get into an argument about the fashion show again.

"I told you mom I don't want to go!"

"Oh come on honey it's a new school year." Sandy said trying to help his wife out.

"Ya but it's still the same kids. What do they need a fashion show for anyways? Everyday is a fashion show for these girls, and I don't want to be apart of it."

"Honey I already told them you'd be in it."

"Ya and Ryan has to go too, Marissa invited him."

"Marissa Cooper invited you?" Summer looked to Ryan who nodded. "Figures, fine whatever. I'll wear that new dress you bought me."

"Perfect, I've been waiting for you to wear that." Kirsten said happily knowing she had won, leaving the room with Sandy.

"So what's the deal with that Marissa girl anyways? You two friends?" Ryan said looking at Summer curiously.

"Me and Marissa? Ya right! She's the most popular girl in school, dating the captain of the water polo team. Her and her friends don't even know I exist. She's friends with this one guy Seth Roberts, ugh! He drives me crazy he thinks he's so cool and he's all that but he's not! And….and….what?" Summer looked up at Ryan who was laughing.

"Your rambling. You like this Seth guy don't you?"

"What? No! okay yes, since I was like ten! But he doesn't even know I exist." Summer looked at the floor. "I don't fit in with these people, I don't go to parties and I listen to emo music. He'd never go for a girl like me."

"Well tonights your chance then huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well from what your dad told me, like all of Newport goes to these things, maybe he'll see you at the fashion show then."

"Ya I guess so, and you'll get to see Marissa." Summer said with a smile leaving Ryan in the living room.

Okay so that was the first chapter i hope you liked it and please review!