Kousuke: This is one of my newest, best to be made stories yet. I really hope you all enjoy it but I never know. You may not. Enjoy the first chapter.


Summary: Two boys, named Hiei and Yusuke are computer buddies. They talk on a chat room called Teenspot and they write there own little stories and send it to a place called fanfiction. Will these great computer hackers ever meet? YXH later.

Dedication: This whole story is dedicated to Megan. (She does talk on Teenspot and write to 'here' of course, same as me.)

Rated T for Teens: Language and teen attitude.

Type of Story: AU

Chapter 1: Dear Hiei

Let the story begin…..


The raven haired teen sat on his bed….listening to the ticks his clock counted away.

He turned on his side…re-discovering every piece of his room. The dressers and shelves that lined the walls….the dirty clothes that scattered his floor. The closet in his room seemed to be throwing out the junk in there, as there was too much. The thing he yet treasure most in his room was in the final corner. His computer. He could see the bunch of papers with printed words on it, scattered all around the computers desk. The printer had a flashing green light, and many connections to it.

To bad he couldn't even go on it….

Yusuke brushed his feathered bangs from his eyes and turned his vision towards the light that seeped through the bottom of his closed, bedroom door. He could here the muffled sound of his mom sweeping the hallway floor with her sweeper. The loud noise was indeed a disturbance.

Yusuke then got snapped from his 'disturbances' as a familiar jingle out roared his room.

"Hello?" Yusuke whispered, answering his cell phone.

"Hey man, get on Teen Spot." A boy's voice spoke from the other line.


"You hadn't even updated your stories in 2 days, man." The voice spoke again.

"I cant, I'm grounded….It's not my fault, Hiei." Yusuke sighed.

"What?" Hiei sighed also.

"Maybe later if I can get away with it I'll sneak on the net. But besides now…….." Yusuke said.

"Bye." Hiei answered.

"Later." Yusuke hung up the phone.

He turned back onto his side, to once again stare at the light from the hall way.

Yusuke grunted and smashed his fist into the wall, but the shelf above him didn't seem to have one of his artifacts in balance, then it tumbled and hit Yusuke in the face.

"Shit!" Yusuke cried out, as he grabbed the tooth that fell into his hand, covered in blood.

Yusuke closed his mouth shut at the metallic taste before heading for his door.

His mother startled him as he opened the door, but he only shrugged it off as he made his way to the bathroom.

"Yusuke?" His mother chased after him.

Yusuke spat as soon as he got near the bathroom sink, leaving a dark red substance, like a coating paint.

He threw his tooth away, not caring what care it is for.

"Your last tooth?" His mother said, appearing in the bathroom.

Yusuke spit the last blob of blood from his mouth, before whipping the smear of blood on his sleeve. "Yeah I think."

"Well go back to your room. I'll call you down for dinner in about 10 minutes." Replied his mother, whipping down the sink.

Yusuke glared at his mother before walking his way to his room.

He locked the door behind him as he entered the room. He smiled and pushed the 'on' button to his computer, waiting for the screen to lighten up, and show his wallpaper as a background on the comp.

He put up the internet, but before he could type in his sight he was caught.

"Yusuke Urameshi, you turn that off right now! I can here it on!"

Yusuke rolled his eyes, and slammed his computer off.

"Thank you….now come down to dinner." Was his mother's last reply.

Yusuke scoffed and quietly turned the computer back on.

He went to his email icon, and brought up an email he could send.

Silently, in front of the blinding light of the computer he typed….

'Dear Hiei…….'


Kousuke: Well I thought that went rather well. What do you think? Updating soon!