Yay! This is not going to be a very long stroy, but it's full of tears and romantic scenes. The main characters are Miroku and Sango, but Inuyasha and Kagome are in this fic too. Please read and review!

Chapter 1, Following Kohaku

She was looking at him. How could he do that to her, after their shared childhood?

"Kohaku... why?" She asked, with tears in her eyes. Then she turned back towards the monk, who was lying on the ground, pound of blood around him.

Inuyasha and Co. were travelling again. They had been travelling a long time in the forest, when they arrived into a village at the sunset.

"What is happened here?" Shouted Kagome. The village was almost completely burnt. There were only few houses, but they were black and breaking down. Everywhere lied dead villagers, men, kids and women.

They walked closer through the destroyed village, looking around.

"Somebody's attacked here." Mumbled Inuyasha.

"Do you think it had been a demon?" Asked Sango.

"No. I don't sense any demons." Answered Miroku.

"Then who –" Started Kagome, when suddenly they saw somebody behind the house.

"What was that?"

"I think it was a kid!"

"Let's go after him!"

They started to run towards the place where they had seen the kid, but when they reached the house, there weren't anybody.

"We lost him." Said Inuyasha.

"He cannot be far away." Refer Miroku.

"Can you smell him, Inuyasha?" Asked Kagome.

"I can try." Inuyasha answered and kneeled. Then he frowned.

"Now what? Can't you get the smell?" Asked Sango.

"I got it..." He answered and got up.

"Why you frowned then?" Asked Miroku.

"The smell was familiar... I think it was Kohaku." Answered Inuyasha. Sango gasped.

"Let's go. We have to find him." Said Kagome, and they started to run back to the forest. They ran for a very long time until they arrived into small mead. There was a brook flowing across it and a big oak next to the brook.

"Where did he go?" Asked Sango.

"I don't know... I lost the smell." Answered Inuyasha.

"I think we should stay here over the night." Said Kagome and the others agreed.

The night fell and the others were asleep, but Sango couldn't sleep. She was thinking about her brother. 'If he's here, I have to find him. And I have to do it now before he runs further.' She thought and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Asked a voice, and she stopped. Miroku was awake.

"After Kohaku." She answered simply.

"Don't you think it's dangerous?"

"I don't care. I have to find him."

"I'm coming with you. Who knows what traps Naraku have." He said and stood up too.

"I don't need your help." She said, but didn't deny when they started to walk further from Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Are you sure we're going into a right way?" He asked after a while.

"I'm quite sure. Look, there are footsteps on the ground. He's walked here." She answered and pointed into the ground. They walked a long time without saying anything, until the sun rose and they saw a figure near a river...

Well did you like it? Tell me and I'll write more!