A/N: Ah...the final chapter! Took me forever to write this man...in other words: Took me several days to write this due to internet and other distractions. Yes, this chapter is exceedingly long for the fact that it is 49 pages long...more than four times as long as me first chapter -cough-. Hope you all enjoy it! (the longer the chapter, the more randomness there is!)

Chapter 21
Ice Climbers...

Well, the Ice climbers...had a pretty rough journey - after the protonic bomb came crashing down. I mean, you're just blindly staring at an innocent waterfall, and a bomb comes down and destroys it? Craziness. Anyhows, the two ice climbers are quite mesmerized by the... nothingness in the cave. The nothingness starts taking over them, as it did with Fox and Falco. Nothingness does have a great dementing ability to one's mind, ya know.

"There's... nothing here!" Popo yells out in quite a loud voice. Nana picks up an imaginary stick.

"I like it! It's so... nothing-like. There is no peace... there is no war... there's just nothing here..." Nana says as she pokes a wall with the stick. Making imaginary lines with an imaginary stick is sooo...too much like nothingness! Oh wait...heh, they are in the nothingness cave! Har...har-forgot about that...

"Righty oh...then...now what do we do?" Popo asks quite interestingly.

"NOTHING! Of course:)" Nana replies, just standing there, admiring the nothingness of the cave.

"Nothing...yeah. Why didn't I think of that?" Popo says, grabbing an imaginary rock off of an imaginary ledge.

"Well, it's not that obvious...I mean, we are only in the NOTHINGNESS cave!" Nana replies, quite sarcastically...

"Ah...True you are right there, Nana - Heh heh -" Popo replies. He throws the rock at a wall and the wall collapses...sending HUGE rocks of...rock flying down near the two ice climbers. Fortunately for them, they were barely (and I mean BARELY) able to escape the fiasco of rocks in time. Of course, they were hit by a few small rocks, I mean there is no way you could get outta somethin' like that! (Unless of course you had the ability to teleport...like Mewtwo and Zelda...yuppo).

"Are you okay?" Nana asks Popo as she gets up quite fast... but in a quite UNorderly fashion. Popo, however, is still laying on the ground... until suddenly he FLIES up into the air and smashes through the ceiling, causing more rubble to fly down on the unsuspecting Nana.

"Whoa! How'd I do that?" Popo says... to himself and a random bird passing by as he is flying up into the air at a high speed. He just keeps flying higher... higher... higher... he just keeps flying HIGHER!... Until he runs out of energy and falls back down. "Huh?... RUN OUT OF ENERGY?" Popo asks, just as he seriously (I'm serious about that) ran out of energy.

"NOOOO!" Popo yells out randomly as he flies back down to the cave... where Nana is semi-eagerly awaiting him...

"Ack! Popo!" Nana yells as she sees him flying down at a fast rate. She scrambles away so that... well, she doesn't get hit by an oncoming... uh, ice climber like herself.

KABOOM!... Well, maybe it doesn't make that sound when Popo hits the ground, but he does hit the ground with quite a lot of force at a high speed. Nana races out of her little hiding place and 'flies' right next to where Popo is.

"Popo!... Popo, are you okay?" Nana asks, quite worryingly because Popo is motionless... Suddenly, Popo BLASTS up into the sky again - just like last time - muahahahahaha.

"Not again!" Nana yells, quite annoyed. Then, she figured out that he landed on the same area he was lying before... and now would you all look at that? There is a steam hole there! Nana, figuring that he would probably land in that exact same place again due to Murphy's law, put a rock on the steam hole. Not very intelligent. Well, if it was a really BIG rock, then it might have stayed. But no, she put a rock that was about the size of the steam hole... on the steam hole and it went BLASTING out into space... Amazingly, in the same general area Popo is...

Popo drearily looks down to only see that a huge rock is coming up at him and FAST! Popo seems to just give up on life, because he just moans when he sees that rock coming... not even attempting at getting out of the rock's way... of course that would be quite a futile act and on the difficult side, if you think about it - for a while.

As the rock hits Popo straight on, he can feel a surge of pain rush though his body... but he can also feel a sudden urge of utter relief immediately afterwards. What is happening? Why, a cute, little angelic puppy comes along and performs a healing/protection spell on Popo! Where did that little angelic puppy come from? None other than the kind works of Small hands!

"Yessss! It worked!" Small hands yells out as he sees the cute, angelic little puppy perform that healing/protection spell on Popo. Small hands, being the kind one he is, is quite happy that he is able to help someone out. Now, you may ask where he met that cute, angelic little puppy. Well... that is a secret that is kept between those two (snaps fingers - That would be cool to know, but...).

So, Popo, having that special healing/protection spell upon him, doesn't really have to worry about anything for a while. So he just stretches out the best he can on the rock, and takes a nap... not sure if that would be the wisest thing to do at this time, but with a spell of protection, heck, why worry?...

Nana, on the other hand, is being blinded by that bright sun and cannot see anything worth a darn. That means she can't tell whether Popo is alright or not. Being pessimistic, she decides that Popo is not alright and starts to go into an unnecessary panic. She jumps onto the steam hole quite quickly in order to fly up to where Popo is. Well, her plan succeeds... and she flies up in the Popo's direction. Unfortunately for her, the rock decelerates, and starts being pulled downward by gravity. Well... if Nana was strong enough she could... wait a second! She is holding out another rock? SHE IS PLANNING TO USE HER UPWARD FORCE AGAINST THE DOWNWARD PULL OF THE OTHER ROCK SO THAT THE ROCK SHE IS HOLDING CAN BREAK THE OTHER ROCK? Yup. That is exactly what is going on in that little mind of hers. Does it work? Well... logically speaking, it shouldn't. But don't forget that cute, angelic little puppy! The puppy that, not only has healing/protection abilities, but also strengthening abilities! So, does the puppy help Nana out? Nope. He left right after he cast that spell on Popo and went to get some coffee... seriously. So, we have to stick to the logical aspect, and no, her attempt did not work according to plan. In fact, when the rocks hit each other, nothing happened. It all fits, those rocks came from NOTHINGNESS cave! NOTHING HAPPENS!

Actually, the rocks do stick together and Nana is quite forcefully pushed against the rock she is carrying. Popo is still taking his exceedingly short nap, while Nana is trying to get into a better position so she will not be... squashed when they hit the floor of the nothingness cave. Their falling rate is at a high speed and Nana's moving rate is at low speed. But then again, she does not have to move very far in order to get to a good position. The real question here is, will she be able to make it? Unfortunately, the rate at which they are falling is greater than that of the rate at which Nana is moving. So, no, she is not able to get into a better position, but, on a happier note, they do fall into the cave of NOTHINGNESS! Complete and utter nothingness is nothing. Falling into a cave of nothingness is falling into nothing. So, do you get hurt when you fall into nothingness? You shouldn't. But the force of the rocks DO hurt... does that make any sense?...

"Uh...not really." Nana says from her position on the falling rocks. Well, let's just say, that the rocks, combined with the cave of nothingness will equal to less pain in the end than if you fell on the ground of a cave other than nothingness.

"Oh...I'm so exited." Nana says dully, right before she hits the ground with a great force!

"Ow." Nana yells out...wait. THAT WASN'T YELLING! THAT WAS...just stating the obvious in a MONOTONOUS WAY!

"Ow. That. Hurt. Ha. Ha." Nana 'yells' out again as she... well, lies under those rocks... and Popo...

"Wha?..." Popo stands up on the rock he was laying on and stretches. Wow, that was a short nap. Just enough time to re-energize... I guess.

"Wow...that was a short nap!" Popo states quite annoyingly, "Just enough time to re-energize... I guess."

"HEY!" Lactopi yells, "That was totally my line - how dare you steal it!" Suddenly, Obi Wan comes in...

"I... can relate! Ya know how many people steal my line?" Obi wan says, very annoyed.

"A lot..." Lactopi replies, suddenly knowing how it feels to have your line stolen... it hurts. Ow.

"ALOT! Yes!... It's... so... depressing!" Obi wan says, holding back any tears he has...

"I know... Hey! Why don't we join the cute, little angelic puppy Obi wan! That way, we can talk about these line stealers!" Lactopi says as she shoots a glance at Popo (that sounded cool).

"Really?... GOOD IDEA!" Obi wan yells as he and I (Lactopi - rhymes with I) join the cute, angelic little puppy, leaving behind an exceedingly confused Popo.

"Okay?..." Popo says as he cautiously jumps off the rock, staring at the now departing Obi wan and Lactopi - in which they are having a conversation about very annoying line stealers. Popo hears Nana randomly say "Ow" in a monotonous tone and steadily removes the rocks on top of Nana.

"Haha... that hurt" Nana says quite dementedly. Luckily, Nana didn't land on top of the steam hole, but...

"SNAILS!" Nana screams as she figures out that she is suddenly covered in snails. Where did the snails come from? Who knows?... Oh wait, Starecko should!

"The snails are random - they wandered from the random yet strange cave into the nothingness cave." Starecko says, not very enthusiastically.

"That is so exciting." Nana replies, in a monotonous tone (think she got influenced by the grapes of wrath and Peach... somehow?).

"Have a great day." Starecko says dully, and he wanders of to... nowhere.

"Now what?" Popo asks, wiping dust particles off himself.

"Well, the nothing idea didn't work too well," Nana says, "Why don't we do something?"

"Good idea!" Popo says, walking deeper into the cave's interior. Nana follows him and the two of them just walk along... walk along... walk along... until they bump into...

"NESS!" Nana yells out as she sees Ness playing a card game with a puffer fish. The two of them seem to playing... go fish? PLAYING 'GO FISH' WITH A FISH? Okay.

"GO FISH!" Ness yells out loud quite happily.

"I'm glad you cheer for us fish!" the puffer fish says as he grabs a card from the deck. Ah, a clever fish that puffer fish is... probably the most clever fish ever!

"HEY! Who is saying I'm not clever?" Zotoq appears outta nowhere. Ness is quite happy when he sees Zotoq again and they quickly start up their conversation they started having earlier about the structure of bones.

"Okee Dokee then... heh heh. I think we'll get going..." Nana says as she and Popo start racing past the now distraught puffer fish, Ness, and Zotoq. The puffer fish gasps as he sees Zotoq and Ness having a conversation about bones (delayed reaction?)

"HOW DARE YOU GET INFLUENCED BY THIS SHARK AND TURN TO THE DARK SIDE!" the puffer fish yells, quite distraught at Ness.

"Muahahahahaha! I already knew Zotoq before I met you!" Ness said truthfully, yet in an evil voice... The puffer fish gasps and self destructs... much to the dislike of Zotoq and Ness. Of course, the puffer fish only blows up in an explosion of air - what kind of air?

"Why, it's class Z space air! Brought to you by the Air company on Neptune!" says the ne'er 8er from Neptune...

"Uh...thanks?" Ness says - a split second after the air hits both of them!... Righty o then. Zotoq and Ness to... somewhere and fly into a pool of water...

Yoshi and his special 'business'... does it work? Who knows - this is just a title!

Yoshi, was somehow able to lay 3 eggs... only three? How can that make a business?

"Well... Muahahahahaha! Using my clever little mind of mine, I figured out a way to separate those three larger eggs into 100 smaller eggs... That was able to sell well! Muahahahahaha!" Yoshi yells out exasperatingly (Ya know, in some ways that just sounds wrong...). Many puffer fish are enjoying those... bubble gum eggs and ya know what they are paying Yoshi with? Froute! One froute for every bubble gum egg... wow, that will hopefully fill up his appetite. Most likely it won't...

After several minutes, all of the bubble gum eggs sell and Yoshi eats 10 of the froutes...only 90 more to go. Now, the only question is, where will Yoshi put the remaining froute?

"That's easy! In my stomach!" Yoshi replies happily. No, no! I meant where will Yoshi put the remaining froute FOR THE TIME BEING?

"Oh... who knows?" Yoshi says as he picks up another froute and eats it ravenously. Okay...

"Maybe I can help?" Some mysterious person says...

"HEY! Whoever you are, DO NOT TRY TO STEAL MY FROUTE!" Yoshi yells out, guarding his precioussss froute...

"His... precioussss? My... precioussss..." Gollum says. Where Gollum is, nobody knows...

"Gollum is hiding behind a rock!" a person called 'nobody' says. Where nobody is... who knows? NOBODY BY THE NAME OF 'WHO' KNOWS? (I'm confused...)

"Like I said before, maybe I can help?" the mysterious person came out...and revealed Zelda! Muahahahahaha!

"Uh..." Zelda says, slowly walking over to where Yoshi is. She creates 9 crates (out of nowhere!) and explains...

"You can fit approximately 10 froutes in each crate! Isn't that random!" Zelda yells out, quite happily.

"...KEWL!" Yoshi replies happily as he and Zelda start packin' up the froute...

"My... PRECIOUSSSSSS!" Gollum flies out of behind the rock and stares at Zelda and Yoshi packing. Yoshi and Zelda just stare at the now-panting Gollum...

"Okay?..." Zelda says, cautiously putting a froute into a crate.

"Whatever you say... whoever you are!" Yoshi states, slamming a froute in a crate - quite fascinated with it...

"My...precioussss...FROUTE!" Gollum suddenly yells out and dashes at Zelda and Yoshi. Zelda lazily performs a Din's Fire attack and hits Gollum with so much force that he flies into a wall and... guess what? He explodes!

"I never would have guessed." Zelda says, in a really monotonous tone. It. Is. Quite. Amazing. Isn't. It? Anyhows, the explosion isn't very big (yippee) and nothing else really happens...Yoshi and Zelda DO finish packing the froute however. Now the question is, where will they put the froute?

"We already put it into the crates!" Yoshi yells. No, no! I meant where do you put the crates for the time being! As in, where are you going to put the crates when you explore more into the cave itself / move along?

"Who said we were going to explore more?" Yoshi asks.

"I did! An now would ya look at that? I'm the AUTHOR!" Lactopi says, hissing like a cat.

"Ah..." Zelda says as she picks up a TV out of nowhere, "Well, I was watching a soap opera. Need to get back to it!" Zelda connects the TV... somewhere (somehow) and starts watching a soap opera. Yoshi takes a froute out of a basket and joins her... I give up on those two!

Mr. Game & Watch... whatever happened to him? Find out...

After eating that delicious virtual banana he found, Mr. Game and Watch... well, wanders some more down the halls of the fire department cave. A random puffer fish comes along and does a fool-hearty salute (wha?)

"Evening there, 2-D figure!" the random puffer fish says.

"Um...hi?" Mr. Game and Watch replies, quite disturbed by this... puffer fish.

"Hi? Why of course! Hello!" the puffer fish replies, very strangely as a matter of fact. Mr. Game and Watch starts to back away... quite slowly...

"What?..." the puffer fish asks, in a strangely stern voice, which causes Mr. Game and Watch to back up even more...

"Muahahahahaaa!" some strange voice... exclaims. The puffer fish gasps...

"Who was that?" the puffer fish asks, with those shifty eyes. Mr. Game and Watch took this as an opportunity to RUN! So, with great speed, Mr. Game and Watch ran as fast as he could and ended up... at the entrance of the cave...

"Yessssssssssss! Fresh air!" Mr. Game and Watch yells out as he races out of the cave. Did Mr. Game and Watch pretty much ditch everybody else? You could say that. He's heading away from the cave...

Peach and the Grapes of Wrath... in the monotonous room...:)

"DIE...DIE...DIE...WILL...WILL...WILL...YOU?...YOU?...YOU?..." the grapes of wrath say in unison... monotonously and seemingly tired-like?

"I...I...I...WILL...WILL...WILL...LIVE!...LIVE!...LIVE!..." Peach says with as much confidence as she can in an incredibly monotonous tone. Hmm... she seems to be staring off into space... what is she thinking about? Monotony!...

BE...BE...FORCED...FORCED...FORCED...TO...TO...TO...KILL...KILL...KILL...YOU:)...YOU:)...YOU:)..." the grapes all say in unison, quite happily actually...

"IF...IF...IF...YOU...YOU...YOU...SAY...SAY...SAY...SO...SO...SO...I...I...I...CHALLENGE YOU!" Peach said, somehow getting out of her monotonous state. Peach picks up a randomly innocent banana and points it at the grapes.

"I've got a banana, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Peach yells (got out of the caps state), still pointing the innocent banana at the grapes.

WHAT?...WHAT?..." the grapes of wrath all ask in unison.

"Muahahahahaha! FIGURE IT OUT! Muahahahahahahaha!" Peach laughs evilly, creeping out all the grapes of wrath. All the grapes start backing away from Peach in unison as she bursts out into uncontrollable, evil laughter.

"Muahahahahahahahaha! (- breathe...just breathe -) Muahahahahahahahahaha!" Peach... laughs evilly. Yup-e-oh. Not much happens after that... just the grapes of wrath race the heck outta there and Peach continues laughing evilly, showing no signs of stopping for at least the next 10 hours...

Samus in Gubug Land! Yippee!...

Well, Samus jumped into the pool where the GubuGs drowned in order to find out why that happened. It took her a little while to figure out that the GubuGs were not good swimmers.

"Oh... they're not good swimmers! Why didn't I think of that? (uh...)" Samus says as she swims to the surface (hmm... whether she is wearing her suit or not - who knows? Most likely not...). Right when she happily hits the surface, something flies down on her and Samus goes underwater again...

"Awww! I was having a great time until now!" Samus somehow yells out. The first thing she sees is a figure that represents... a shark? Samus races up (oh yeah, she just walked up some steps...) to the surface of the pool. She jumps out of the pool... and lands on the ground... righty then. She stares into the water and sees... Ness! (Oh...) Quite fascinated with the fact that Ness is underwater and talking (pretty much psychically) to the random shark, Samus just sits down and... enjoys the show? A puffer fish comes along and starts up a conversation with Samus about the essence of water. They get quite deep into that conversation as they both drink their own cups of gooey tea.

"Water is like... the necessity of life!" the puffer fish says, taking a sip of... well, the gooey tea.

"True, but desert rats and koalas drink little or no water throughout their lifetime." Samus states, also taking a sip of the gooey tea. Yippee. (That rhymed!)

Those were just two sentences of their conversation. Now, you may ask what the heck happened to Ness? Well...

"I say, that bones are just... random. Their purpose is random... their structure is just random..." Ness says to Zotoq quite... sophisticatedly. Yes, they are having a conversation on the structure of bones underwater.

"So we have come to the conclusion that bones are random, eh?" Zotoq says, dully.

"Yes. Bones are random. Nothing else about it :)" Ness says happily, able to withstand the water... (yup?) Ness finally swims up to the surface and says his last farewells to Zotoq as Samus says her farewells to the random puffer fish.

"Now what?" Ness says as the puffer fish and Zotoq go their separate ways.

"Who knows?" Samus replies. Ah, Starecko should!

"You should either: A. Have a conversation about something random. B. Explore the cave C. Try to find everybody else - sorta ties into choice b. or D. Race into a wall and hope that it explodes so that you can randomly appear in a cave with at least one other smasher. Pick your choice!" Starecko says with much confidence. After much discussion, they go with choice... B! After exploring for quite some time, they hear maniacal laughter...

"That better not be a mad doctor/scientist..." Samus says, picking up a virtual banana (huh?)... The two of them race into a small room and see... Peach! The one with the maniacal laughter fit.

"Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!...Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!...Muahahahahahaaa!" Peach laughs madly (think she should join Link in singing?...). Suddenly Peach arises...

"That's a good idea!" Peach says as she races off into the cave randomly in search of Link...

"Uh...was I supposed to get what was going on there?" Samus asks as she starts backing out of the room of monotonous stuff.

"Uh...I don't think so..." Ness replies, racing out of the room of monotonous stuff... after that, only exploring took place... there... yeah.

Banana Brawl, laughter singing... what else? Oh yeah, the water!

Yes, the four teams participating in the banana brawl will never stop-even if they brawl in the water! Although, you may think that hitting a wall would bring them all to their senses... but that doesn't work too well... instead, they (well, the water pretty much) smash into an unsuspecting Ganondorf, revealing his hiding place. It would seem that the water would hit Link in all his laughter-singing glory, but instead, the water literally stops in a wave position (upright... yeah), and sends all the participants of the banana brawl flying... Of course, that doesn't stop them from brawling with bananas, now does it?

Suddenly the four teams get into their original positions (Ganondorf joins Bowser..):

Bowser and Ganondorf to the 'north' of the cave.
The Bats to the 'west' (Ya know, how many bats are there)
The Kongs and Roy to the 'south'(With Roy in all his banana-burning glory)
Marth and Captain Falcon it the 'east'

Most of the bananas have gotten lost or wet because of the water incident. The four teams gather as many of the bananas as they can before they actually get into their original positions. Link suddenly becomes fascinated and stops his laughter-singing (but he is still in all his glowing glory). So he gets into a comfortable position, grabs a multi-colored banana out of nowhere, and... well, enjoys the banana brawl - probably one of the most idiotic, yet random brawls ever...

Peach comes along, in all her evil laughter-singing glory, and is quite disappointed that Link is not singing anymore. However, the banana brawl does fascinate her and so she joins Link and also grabs a multi-colored banana out of nowhere...

THE FINAL BATTLE ITSELF! PART A / ONE / BEGINNING - YUPPO Took a while, huh?... Alrighty then. Here it is... yup.

For the first few moments, Pichu, Rye-Chew, and Kirby stare at the Shadow, Xastar, and Solarstorm. Pichu guesses that since the Shadow is immune to electricity, then his children might be also. Pichu, who happens to be parallel to where Xastar is, starts powering up a skull bash. Judging by the distance between them, Pichu figures that he can hit Xastar (if she just happens to stand there...) with a fully powered skull bash. Kirby happens to be parallel to the Shadow, not the greatest position in the universe... and Rye-Chew is parallel to Solarstorm. Unfortunately for Rye-Chew, he doesn't know that Solarstorm may be immune to electricity.

After a few seconds, Pichu's skull bash is fully charged and he FLIES into Xastar, taking everybody (except Kirby, you could say) completely by surprise. That is the first attack that starts this battle. Of course, Rye-Chew is quite fascinated with finding out a new attack that he can do... But, since the battle has already started and now it wouldn't be as much of a surprise as when Pichu did it, Rye-Chew decides to start with several basic (electrical) attacks. Kirby figures that he must do strong attacks against the Shadow...

It takes Pichu very little time to recover from the first attack. Unfortunately, it doesn't affect Xastar as much as Pichu planned (it affects her enough...but she happens to have extremely fast recovering abilities), and quickly counters with a tornado creation (the creation of a tornado!... the name doesn't explain it huh?). A mini tornado comes pretty much out of nowhere and hits Pichu with FULL force! Pichu is forced off the ground and carried up into a strange tunnel of strong winds. Being quite light, Pichu is thrown around at high speeds and cannot get into any good position. Also, being blinded by the strong winds, Pichu cannot see that there is a rock at the top of the tornado to which he is being carried very rapidly. After several attempts of wasted energy at getting out of the tornado, Pichu hits the rock with a full force, literally breaking it in two (karate!) and is thrown out of the tornado with a final wind attack performed by Xastar. Pichu, landing full force on the ground in the same general area he started in, is barely able to get back up because the pain of the previous attack sears through his body with no halting. Panting heavily, he gets up with all the energy he has left and turns around, only to see through foggy vision that Xastar is flying toward him for a second attack...

Meanwhile, Kirby, figuring that the Shadow himself is exceedingly strong, floats above the Shadow as fast as he can, and does a stone drop... which has practically no affect on the Shadow (for the Shadow has no damage and he...well, is big/strong/annoying). When Kirby breaks out of his stone like position, he only faces the terrifying wind that the Shadow creates with his wings (Think about it. Since the Shadow is quite big, he could just flap his wings a couple of times and practically make a tornado). When Kirby starts to get blown away from the wind of the wings, he hastily performs his stone drop attack. Think they'll monotonously repeat this procedure without interference? Well...

Rye-Chew dashes as fast as he can toward Solarstorm. Solarstorm, guessing that Rye-Chew may attempt a dash attack, figures that if he can time it right, he can do a side dodge to avoid it. Rye-Chew, however, has something else on his mind. Right before Rye-Chew reaches Solarstorm, he does a dash-cancel by suddenly crouching. Solarstorm does his sidestepping automatically, later realizing that Rye-Chew has tricked him. As Solarstorm starts to recover from his sudden previous action, Rye-Chew races up next to him and performs a spark attack. This may have worked well if Solarstorm hadn't been immune to any electrical attacks. Solarstorm, however, is thrown back a little by the force of the attack, but fares quite well in recovering. Rye-Chew is quite stunned by the electrical immunity that Solarstorm possesses, and realizes that none of his electrical attacks will fare well, even though electricity is his forte. Solarstorm dashes to the side of Rye-Chew and performs a tornado creation attack, the same as his sister's...

Xastar, who is quite satisfied with her previous tornado creation attack, prepares to do a talon dive attack on Pichu. As she dives down to where Pichu is, it almost seems as if Pichu... jumps up and retorts? Some unknown force comes from the direction of Pichu and slams into Xastar, forcing Xastar back through the air to where she started. She rises as quickly as she can and shoots a glance at where Pichu lies. She can't see Pichu, but another creature... Carnignaw!

"Carnignaaaaw!" Rye-Chew yells out to his brother as he flies through the air after that tornado creation attack. Falling to the ground with a loud thud, Rye-Chew overcomes the pain of the landing and stands up, meeting his eye with his brother's. Rye-Chew uses the last of his energy to go to safe grounds near Carnignaw. The wind from the Shadow's wings helps in Rye-Chew's arrival to the safe grounds. Xastar, however, is still recovering from the sudden assault, dismayed at the fact that reinforcements are aiding her enemies. Xastar knows now that this battle is going to be harder than she expected. She must take out her secret weapon...

On the other side, Solarstorm sees that Kirby is doing pretty much the same thing to avoid the Shadow's wind attack, and prepares to attack right when he thinks that Kirby is vulnerable - after Kirby comes out of his stone state. However, Kirby, after doing the same attack two times in a row to avoid being blown away, decides to add some variety to his life. Instead of doing another stone drop, he performs his swallow ability instead. So Solarstorm, instead of racing into a rock, races into what seems to be black hole. At one point in time, both Kirby and Solarstorm are perplexed at what is happening. Solarstorm tries his best to stop, but the wind created by the Shadow pushes him right into Kirby's... mouth. Kirby is also surprised at the fact that he 'caught' something. Without further ado, Kirby spits Solarstorm out and immediately performs a final cutter attack. Solarstorm takes too long to recover from his release and is sliced with the final cutter attack. After figuring out what just happened, Kirby dashes into Solarstorm again, slamming Solarstorm with his hammer. Solarstorm yelps painfully as he flutters away from Kirby. Kirby is quite pleased with that attack and attempts to do another one, but instead is bombarded by a HUGE tornado created by the Shadow...

That is what happened in the battle so far... meanwhile in the cave itself... from the Ice Climbers POV at first... because I feel like doing the Ice Climbers first... yuppo...

Well, as said before, Nana and Popo raced away from the distraught puffer fish, Ness and Zotoq. Now they are walking through some random corridors in the cave of nothingness!

"Dude, there's like... nothing here!" Popo states again...

"Well now would ya look at that? This is the NOTHINGNESS CAVE!" Nana yells out as she picks up an imaginary bowl. Nana starts to fill up the imaginary bowl with rocks when...

"Nana come over here!" Popo yells as he stands in front of an entry way. She looks inside and sees... something. Tune in next time to find out what they see:)

The Banana Brawl... Is it ever gonna end? Read to find out... Muahahahahaha!

Well, the banana brawl continues for quite some time. A couple of random fruit flies are quite amazed at this site: The participants throw bananas at each other with absolutely NO mercy at all. Some start using the bananas as weapons...the banana brawl is even starting to... well, dement their minds...

"Werahahahahahahah! My bananas!" Roy says as he 'skillfully' burns several bananas and 'skillfully' throws them at the opponents. Many of the participants are acting like this. Is there a cure? Why, yes there is!

"Whaddya mean there's a cure?" Roy says angrily, holding out an innocent banana, "I LIKE THE WAY I AM!"

"Nice to know that Roy. Congratulations! You just won the 'Eye L'eye'ke Z way eye M' reward!" Lactopi says as she hold out a certificate...

"Really? For me?" Roy says, tearfully taking the reward..."Thank you...WHOO HOO! I got a reward! Oh yeah! Go me!" And with that, Roy... continues with the banana brawling... some bats attempt to take the award away from Roy...

"I must keep this reward safe..." Roy says, clutching his reward (with shifty eyes...), "I must protect this reward from all you WRONGDOERS!" And with that, Roy... well, continues on with the banana brawling with the Kongs! Ahahahaha!

"Watch out for the BLT team!" some oranges come along out of nowhere and yell that out to everyone in the cave area...

"BLT?" Marth says, still keeping up his guard at all the bananas that come FLYING out of nowhere.

"The malicious triple: Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato!" the oranges yell out. Suddenly, all the living bananas (the ones that have not been mutilated or burnt by Roy), jump up to join the oranges. The bats, the Kongs, Marth, and Captain Falcon join Link and Peach - wanting to 'enjoy' this new battle that may emerge...

Roy and Bowser stay there, in that area... the area where the banana brawl previously took place...Out of the deep dark cave (note: not out of the blue), there come... THE BANANAS AND THE ORANGES! Roy decides to join the Bananas and the Oranges. If you think about it, Oranges are orange and bananas are yellow. OrangeYellow-OY. Roy has Red hair so: RedOrangeYellow-ROY! It all makes sense!... sort of. Well, Bowser joins the Bacon, Lettuce and Tomatoes: It becomes B2LT.

So, the teams are as follows:

Team B2LT-Bowser, Bacon, Lettuce, and some Tomatoes!
Team ROY-Roy, Oranges, Bananas!

Now, Team ROY starts to claim that the battle that they are about to embark on, is unfair, for the reasons that Team B2LT seems to have more members on it. Well, not to worry because here comes PEACH with a team of random PEACHES!

So now, Team ROY becomes Team ROYPs, and now has more members...but does Team B2LT care? No way! Those members just love challenges! So starts the BATTLE OF THE...Uh...Hm...Er...TEAMS: B2LT AND ROYPs!

Zelda and Yoshi: Soap opera time! Muahahahahaha!

"This...this is...just so...SAD!" Zelda states, picking up a tissue and wiping away her tears (so random sounding). Yoshi, however, just admires all that food on the screen...

"Ooh... food..." Yoshi seems to be mesmerized by the 'food' on the TV and just goes and SWALLOWS the WHOLE TV itself. Zelda suddenly stops crying.

"You... just... swallowed the TV set?" Zelda asks, seemingly sad, "...Cool! Now I don't have to see the ending! Yay!" Zelda starts happily dancing around... but then another television set comes out of NOWHERE (and I mean it) and randomly turns itself on to the channel that the soap opera is airing on and Zelda sees the ending...

"THAT IS SOOOOO SAD!" Zelda yells, crying like heck...

"Ah... FOOD!" Yoshi says as he attempts to eat the second TV, but this TV refuses to be a meal... instead, the television self destructs and... well, you could probably figure it out right now:)


The Shadow, after performing his great tornado creation attack on Kirby, notices that Pichu, Rye-Chew and Carnignaw are in basically the same area. Perfect for a large attack...

Pichu quickly tells Carnignaw that the Shadow and Xastar are immune to electricity. Rye-Chew backs that up by saying that Solarstorm is also immune to all electric attacks. The one who seems to be faring the best is Kirby - no electric based attacks for him. Carnignaw, realizing that Pichu and his brother are quite badly hurt, decides against doing any sudden attacks against the enemy, for he fears that leaving them behind would result in... much worse consequences. So Carnignaw keeps standing and tries to think of a plan. If the Shadow would suddenly attack, he would have to go ahead and try to block whatever that attack might be. On the other hand, if he does that and Xastar decides to move in...well, let's try to think on the positive side for now...

Kirby, who is being thrown around in that... really big tornado, does not realize that there may be a chance that there is a really big rock at the top of the tornado. Of course, luck comes into play when Kirby decides to perform his stone drop attack, attempting to drop down to the bottom of the tornado. Although that attempt does not work, he is still in his stone form when he hits the huge rock, with enough force to break it in half. Now, if either Pichu or Rye-Chew had gotten caught up in the Shadow's tornado creation attack, well... they would not have fared well (or maybe not at all). But Kirby, having that lucky stone drop attack, fares very well. He even performs that stone drop attack again, after he is blown out of the tornado to somewhere, quite far away (farther than when Pichu or Rye-Chew had been blown out). When he comes out of his stone state, he realizes that he is quite far away from the battle area and races back - why should he miss all the fun?

With Xastar and Solarstorm down temporarily, the Shadow decides to be quite annoying, on Pichu's, Rye-Chew's, and Carnignaw's parts, by performing another tornado creation in their direction. The tornado is moving exceedingly fast and Carnignaw instinctively grabs Pichu and jumps out of the tornado's way. Rye-Chew prepares for the hit of the tornado, quite happily in fact. Just as the tornado is about to hit the now strangely happy Rye-Chew, a strange force lifts Rye-Chew up off the ground, and throws him off into the distance...okay, only several yards. Where did this 'mysterious' force come from? Well, none other than the gr8 Mewtwo!

So, instead of Rye-Chew, Pichu, and/or Carnignaw getting pulled into the tornado, well, Mewtwo does. Of course, Mewtwo, like Kirby, has some sort of ability to avoid getting seriously hurt in a situation like this - why? His psychic powers of course! Mewtwo is able to keep an upright posture while he is swirling around in this vicious tornado. Looking up, he realizes that there is a rock on the top of the tornado - the object that makes this attack so deadly. So, using all his mind power, he successfully is able to dislodge the gigantic rock from its position and throw it a small ways off the side of the cave. The final wind attack does send Mewtwo quite far away, but he manages to teleport safely back to his allies - in the group.

When Kirby arrives back at the battle area, he is relieved to see that there are more allies that have come to aid them. He then notices that the Shadow is quite distracted. Kirby attempts to do an attack on Solarstorm, with him being in his state of agony (well, not as bad now). Kirby races toward Solarstorm, ready to perform an attack at any given moment, but something is wrong... Solarstorm closes his eyes, and flaps his wings several times. Many small rocks are lifted off the ground and form a small triangle above Solarstorm's head. So, Kirby stops abruptly, suddenly realizing that Solarstorm has psychic powers! Solarstorm opens his eyes, smiling evilly as he psychically 'throws' the rocks in Kirby's direction. Kirby does a simple side dodge to avoid the rocks, thinking they are ordinary rocks. Well, they are ordinary rocks, but if Solarstorm can lift up small rocks like that, what can the Shadow do?...

Meanwhile, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mario, and Dr. Mario come out of the cave to meet Carnignaw, Pichu, and Rye-Chew. Pikachu, Mario, Jigglypuff, and Carnignaw go on ahead to the fight itself... in their fighting stances. Dr. Mario stays back to tend to Pichu and Rye-Chew.

"Dammit! What's with those reinforcements!" Xastar yells angrily, panting heavily, and making her health condition worse.

"Well, if those bastards get reinforcements, so do we!" the Shadow says, quite firmly. The Shadow lets out a very loud and coarse screech, sending everybody to cover their ears in fear of becoming deaf. In the background, there is a faint, but strong screeching reply to the Shadow's call - the Call of the Shadow! That legendary (sort of) attack that summons a large group of the Shadow's warriors... this is going to be a fight to remember!

Break #2! Woo hoo! Yippee. Mr. Game and Watch - Outside of the Cave of Evac

Mr. Game and Watch wanders away from the cave, quite glad to be out of there. He picks up an apple (not a banana... the bananas stay in the cave). I'm tellin' ya: it IS possible for a 2-D figure to eat a 3-D apple. After he finishes the apple, he heads over to KQ city and grabs a Pi Pie - very special indeed. In fact, I made that pie and named it after myself!...

"Pie..." Mr. Game and Watch says, staring at the pie. He realizes that, even though most the residents here in this city are happy/nice, you can come across the occasional thief... especially if you are holding a pie... a Pi Pie...

A pie thief comes over and tries to steal the innocent Pi Pie from Mr. Game and Watch. Instead of receiving a pie, that petty thief only receives a barrage of sausages. After blinding the thief, Mr. Game and Watch races away... into the forest... heading toward the Cave of Evac.

Right when Mr. Game and Watch wants to feast on the Pi Pie, he hears quite a disturbing sound. A loud screech... a blood curdling shriek... then he sees a disturbing sight. What seems to be one hundred tiny (well, tiny from his POV) figurines, crossing the sky over to the top of the cave. He knows that something must be wrong...


Marth somehow obtains some trail mix and shares it with his fellow viewers. The bats take the hog share of the trail mix, the Kongs take some, although they prefer the bananas, and Marth, Link and Captain Falcon are left with... what's left.

The teams stare at each other: B2LT in the East; ROYPs to the West...

Roy makes the first move by setting several bananas on fire and using a random trebuchet to propel the bananas on fire to the other side, creating awesome destruction...

"NOOO!" several of the bananas, that were thrown by the trebuchet, scream out. Roy looks quite proud of himself. However, the oranges and bananas are quite mad at Roy, for evilly burning their innocent allies.

"GET HIM OFFA OUR TEAM!" an orange yells. A group of bananas, peaches, and oranges push Roy out of their vicinity. Roy then happily skips over to where the other smashers are, and greedily takes the rest of the trail mix. Marth stands up abruptly...

"How...DARE YOU take the rest of the TRAIL MIX?" Marth says, glaring at Roy. Roy just shrugs and starts up his Flare blade... for what reason? Nobody knows. Of course, Flare blade is the one attack feared by all the bananas... not sure about anybody else - so far it's just the bananas.

"Oh yeah, treat me as if I was some banana... uh..." Marth says, suddenly realizing that his statement irked everybody (except Roy and himself of course) in the cave.

"You... you are an enemy to us bananas..." a banana says, somehow glaring at Marth.

"He is an evil one! He does not sympathize with us bananas... he does not know what it is like to be a banana!" a banana yells, tears flowing from... its eyes?

"How... DARE you despise us bananas! You are THE most EVIL person I have ever met! An idiot for not thinking before he acts... One that does not belong here! One that does not understand... One that thinks he's so... great!" a 'wise' banana says. Everybody (except of course, Marth, Roy and the water) is moving toward Marth. Roy turns his position to face toward the oncoming mob and finishes his Flare blade attack. There is a small amount of smoke that comes up...

"Don't even try to make peace with these guys," Roy says, backing away from the angry mob, "I would suggest that you and I RUN!" Roy races past Marth into the unknown oblivion. Marth quickly races after Roy. He manages catch up to and actually pass Roy quite easily, being faster than him. But there is still a character who is faster... Captain Falcon! Cap. Falcon runs past Marth and Roy...

"I'm getting out of this fiasco also... good luck!" Captain Falcon says as he... well, races into the unknown oblivion. Marth and Roy look at each other and race off onto... a cliff. They both fall off the cliff into a BIG pile of... well, now would ya look at that? BANANAS!

"Aw... CRAP!" Marth yells as he is now being bombarded by some randomly angry bananas.

"Well... It was nice knowing' ya Marth!" Roy yells out, trying to rid himself of these... killer bananas.

"Oh... thanks for the positive attitude ROY!" Marth yells out, looking around to see if there happens to be some way out...

"No problem!" Roy yells back, performing the ultimate destruction attack, Flare blade.

"NOOO! WE MUST STOP HIM!" a random yet strange banana yells out to all the other bananas. Suddenly all the bananas turn to Roy and start bombarding him.

"Aw man! That's not fair!... Oh wait, maybe it is... :)" Roy says, quite strangely, as he finishes his Flare blade attack.

"Good luck Roy!" Marth yells out, secretly snickering, "Hmhmhm, now I can find a way out!" No sooner had Marth taken one step than Roy finally COMPLETED his attack. Setting his blade down in all its glorifying, blazing ways...he is able to disable most of the bananas there.

"YOU BANANA KILLER! YOU...MUST...DIEEEEE!" all the remaining bananas say in unison. The angry mob finally reaches the cliff and most of the members fall down. The B2LT Team stays at the top of the cliff. Inside themselves, they despise the bananas and the oranges, but then it was quite fun being part of an angry mob.

"TRAIL MIX!" Marth yells, revealing a room full of trail mix.

"Don't you DARE touch that trail mix! That is a special kind of trail mix!" a banana states, with everybody else falling off the cliff behind it. When all is in order, everybody stares at Marth, waiting for his next move. Marth just goes and DASHES into the room that is full of trail mix and picks up an innocent little raisin...

"Muahahahahaha!" Marth says, evilly grasping the raisin, "Let Roy and I go...or I will KILL this raisin! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!" An orange gasps...

"That raisin... is innocent! How dare you hold such an innocent little raisin hostage!" the orange yells out.

"Hmhmhmhmhm! So... what do you say?" Marth says, grinning evilly as he holds that innocent little raisin...

"Fine. Show them the exit. That raisin... is too special." a peach says, quite seriously. So a banana jumps over to a hidden door and opens it. Marth races over to where the banana is and investigates the door. It looks safe enough, so Roy races over to where Marth is and checks himself for any random banana hitch hikers. Marth then hands the raisin to the banana that showed them the exit. When the duo is ready, they race out the door at a high speed, fearing that they may have been tricked somehow. Roy shuts the door and the two race deeper into the deep oblivion. They see two random glowing circles on the ground ahead of them. Out of pure curiosity, they each go onto each of the circles to see what happens. Welcome back, to the age of steam holes!

Yoshi and Zelda... TV Self destructs...

When the TV self destructs, it explodes. Hooray. Zelda performs her Farore's Wind and... well, gets the heck outta there (again). Yoshi, who doesn't happen to have a kewl teleport, does the next best thing: Shield himself with an egg. The explosion from the TV does break the egg, but Yoshi fares better overall. Except this time, he doesn't fly through a wall or anything... aww!

"Ow... Ooh!" Yoshi says, suddenly admiring a shiny object on the ground.

"That's so... shiny!" Yoshi says, stating the obvious in an idiotic way.

"Yoshi..." the shiny object suddenly speaks, "You know you want to eat me. You know that I look like something that you can eat. It is hard to resist the temptation. You must resist... must resist..." Yoshi looks very hungrily at the shiny object. He knows he wants to eat that shiny object. He knows that the shiny object looks like something he could eat. It is hard for him to resist the temptation. He must resist... must resist...

"HEY! You stole my line!" the shiny object suddenly rises in the air.

"Muahahahahaha! I know..." Lactopi states, eating a grape - not a banana. The shiny object gasps...

"That's it! I'm joining Obi-Wan!" the shiny object says as it flutters away... to join Obi-Wan.

"Awwww! I wanted to eat that shiny object!" Yoshi says, quite sadly.

"Well, at least I lessened the temptation!" Lactopi says, skipping off into the unknown oblivion. Zelda appears out of nowhere.

"Woo hoo! I'm back!" Zelda yells, very happily. She sees Yoshi looking quite sad. Figuring that it must be a lack of food, Zelda takes out a cupcake... out of nowhere. Yoshi becomes really happy when he sees that cupcake.

"Oh... CUPCAKE!" Yoshi yells as he attempts to grab the cupcake from Zelda.

"Muahahahahaha!" Zelda laughs as she throws the cupcake up into the air. Yoshi grabs it quite gracefully and enjoys every moment of that...

"Muahahahahahahaaaa! Ahahahahahahahaha! Erahahahahahahaha!" Zelda laughs crazily. Uh... what is up with her?

"Tuyarahahahahahahahaha! Ahahaahahahaaaaa! Muahahahahahahheeheeheehahahahaha!" Zelda keeps on laughing. Seems as if she's had 50 sugar cubes...oh wait, she DID have 47 sugar cubes...

"Ahahahahahaaaaaaa! Muahahahahahahahahaaaaaaahahahahahaaaa! Fuyahahahahahahahaaaahee!" Zelda laughs even more. Maybe we should leave her in all her laughing glory...


Kirby races toward where all his allies are and tells them the news that Solarstorm has psychic powers. Pikachu, Mewtwo, Mario, Jigglypuff and Carnignaw all take note. Of course, Mewtwo does ponder about that for a little while. Psychic powers... Mewtwo starts wondering if the Shadow's psychic powers are as great as his own... maybe even greater? Of course, these allies must not focus on that subject right now. The Shadow called in some aid... this will be very difficult. Especially since the reinforcements that the Shadow called in look just like bright orange birds... replicas of himself. The closer they get, the more warriors there seem to be. The smashers guess that there might be about 75 - indeed a large number. A number that can bring utter chaos too easily. A number that may mean the end... seriously.

The Shadow laughs evilly as he sees those six smashers... those six insignificant smashers down there, ready to fight his 75 elites... he has 12.5 times more allies - surely this battle will be very easily. Well, think again the Shadow!

"Okay, I'll think again!" the Shadow yells out, confusing everybody everywhere.

The six smashers look ahead, ready to battle with all their might. Dr. Mario is hoping that he can get both Pichu and Raichu in good health before the onslaught arrives. If he is unable to, the three of them would just have to slip down through the hole that the other smashers came through. The closer the warriors come, the more worried Dr. Mario gets. Pichu and Rye-Chew are recovering incredibly quickly, but they may not be ready for battle by the time the 75 warriors arrive. So, Dr. Mario bids the six smashers good luck and has Pichu and Rye-Chew slip into the hole, to re-energize their powers.

Xastar weakly flutters over to where Solarstorm is. Those two want to stay as much as they can out of the action. Besides, this is a great way for those two to recover from their injuries and for Xastar to take out her secret weapon...

"Ah... this is it. A battle... to remember. Maybe one of the toughest days..." Carnignaw states.

"Oh yeah." Pikachu agrees, stretching, "Must get powered up!"

"A day of destruction... my favorite!" Mewtwo says, gruntling happily. "It's-a going to be-a great-a!" Mario says, with me attempting a sentence with his evil accent...

"Me must power me puff powers!" Jigglypuff says, holding a microphone..

"75 of them against us 6... hope more allies come here!" Kirby says, in a hoping accent. Now that all six of them have spoken their words, might as well start!... Someday in the near future. The 75 warriors come closer...

"Argh! How are we going to do this?" Carnignaw states, realizing that 75 vs. 6 is not... well, equal in any way, shape or form, according to Carnignaw.

"Hm... now that you mention it..." Pikachu says, suddenly pondering.

"So...since 75 is 12.5 times greater than 6, we must each kill 12.5? Hmhmhmhmhm..." Mewtwo says, interestingly happy.

"12.5 each? Wow... what if they have the same the same attacks as the Shadow, Xastar, and Solarstorm? Tornado creation..." Kirby says, watching the 75 warriors come closer...

"Hm-a...I-a know-a!" Mario says, pulling out a popsicle stick outta nowhere, "Aha!" He holds the popsicle stick in front of him, grinning greatly. This sudden act of randomness causes everyone else to back away...

So, what does Mario plan to do with the popsicle stick? Who knows? Ah, Starecko should!

"Well, Mario plans to---" Starecko says, who suddenly gets hit with a chair by Lactopi:)

"Do not reveal the PLOT!... Ah, I always wanted to throw a chair!" Lactopi says, running... running... running far away... With Starecko after her... running.

Anyhows, the group of 75 warriors is very close now. The Shadow is very happy now, unable to hold back any sort of grin...

"Good luck to you all!" Pikachu yells to his five allies. They are all separated now, because of the random Mario incident, and are all ready to try and take on 12.5 warriors each. The question is now, will they be able to add correctly?

As the warriors dive down to meet the five allies, they all get into their fighting stances: Pikachu is standing erect, ready to perform any and all of his quick attacks. Mewtwo readies his mind for any sort of psychic attack. Carnignaw is in a similar position to that of Pikachu's. Jigglypuff is all puffed up. Kirby's mind is filled with his plan... and Mario is still holding that popsicle stick.

As several warriors fly down to where Carnignaw is, he jumps up quickly and attempts to do a Nair attack. His attack works for the first several birds, setting them off course. About five more birds come in, however, and tackle Carnignaw to the ground. Constantly being pecked by those vicious beaks, Carnignaw cannot get up to any type of attack. After several attempts, he is finally able to kick several of the birds off and uses much of his last energy to retreat. The warriors are quite confused when Carnignaw puts up a shield and rolls away. Though the pecks aren't very strong individually, many of them together can cause much damage - as in the case of Carnignaw. Carnignaw painfully gets up, withstanding the affects of the war wounds as much as possible. Three of the warriors dive at Carnignaw at a fast pace, and Carnignaw instinctively calls down a thunder. To his surprise, the warriors are greatly affected by the thunder, sending them all flying back without any chance of an air recovery.

"They're not immune to electricity?" Solarstorm asks the Shadow, very confused.

"Well...some of them are..." the Shadow replies, "Every one is unique, each having their own immunities...It adds randomness, ya know!"

All the allies hear that piece of news and are relieved, especially Pikachu and Carnignaw, knowing that only some of the warriors may be immune to their forte. Carnignaw continues fighting, using all of his attacks, which makes the battle a little easier. Well, after Carnignaw performs the thunder attack, he puts up his shield, for he knows that some warriors would set in to attack... which they did. As one of the few birds dives down into the now-shielded Carnignaw, he shield grabs it and forcefully breaks off its wings. The birds yells in a terrified voice as Carnignaw rolls backward and throws the mutilated bird and its bloody severed wings off the top of the cave. One down completely, three badly hurt, logically about eight more warriors to go for Carnignaw.

Pikachu takes things on a different approach when the first warriors fly down to "greet" him. As several dive down towards him, he performs an upward tail whip attack, maybe an attempt at a juggle procedure. The diving birds are now hit upward, flying through the air, with confusion on their minds. More warriors dive down, catching Pikachu off guard. Pikachu attempts a tail whip attack, which sends a couple of the warriors off into different directions. Unfortunately for Pikachu, this attack leaves him wide open for a horrific attack by one of the warriors. That bird performs some sort of a talon bomb attack on Pikachu. He picks Pikachu up in his talons and flies in swirls at a very high speed up into the sky, which causes Pikachu to become ill temporarily. When they reach a good stopping point, the bird stops and throws the now ill Pikachu up into the air. On his descent, Pikachu is slammed into by some lit dynamites. About halfway through the fall, Pikachu suddenly realizes that there are lit dynamites on him and attempts to free himself of the dynamites. When he gets enough energy up, he performs an air dodge and watches as the dynamites fall to the side of him, instead of falling with/on top of him. Pikachu uses DI in the opposite way of where the dynamites are now landing. Now free falling, Pikachu closes his eyes and tries to relax his mind as his motion illness lessens. He doesn't see the Shadow, who is preparing to do a tornado creation in Pikachu's direction. When Pikachu opens his eyes, he is only confronted with an evil grin on the Shadow's face and a huge tornado. What happens next goes by really fast and it is all blurry to Pikachu. One of the warriors attacking Pikachu before he was lifted into the sky catches the dynamites right before they hit the ground and flutters a little higher into the air. He waits for Pikachu to come along in the tornado and uses all his energy to fly and stay in an upright position inside the tornado. He slams into Pikachu and, with the help of the other bird (who performed the talon bomb attack on Pikachu), who also flies into the tornado, makes like a kamikaze and pulls Pikachu down to the bottom of the tornado. As the three of them slam into the ground at the bottom of the tornado, the dynamites explode and send them into different directions. One of the birds flies out of the tornado and falls off the top of the cave to his death. The other bird flies straight up and hits the gigantic rock, causing it to break in half and he dies instantly after being thrown out of the tornado. Pikachu flies out into the opposite direction of the bird that fell off the cliff and faints when he lands, due to severe injuries. Many of the warriors that were previously attacking Pikachu ditched the site and lived, while others were not so lucky and received many injuries from the explosion. Knowing that Pikachu is barely alive, one of the warriors that escaped the explosion attempts to end Pikachu's life by racing over to attack. Right before the warrior is actually able to perform an attack, another bird comes in and attacks him without any warning whatsoever. The warrior's attempts fail and he ponders about who halted him while he flies through the air, landing with a great thud. Who attacked the warrior? Well, none other than Galluck!

Jigglypuff, in all her puffiness, attacks the first onslaught of warriors differently than either Pikachu or Carnignaw. When the first four warriors come into dive, she stands there until right before they actually hit her. She jumps up, letting those first four warriors dive right into the ground. Then she drill kicks the 'fallen' warriors and happily causes many injuries to them. Another four warriors come in and tackle Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff, being as puffy as she is, doesn't seem to be as affected by the constant pecks of the warriors. Instead, she just grabs each one of them and throws them in opposite directions: First warrior to the back, Second warrior to the front, Third warrior up in the air, and the Fourth warrior tackled on the ground. She seems to be monotonously repeating this procedure until one of the warriors uses its psychic powers to lift up a giant rock nearby. While the other, now-injured warriors distract Jigglypuff, the warrior uses the last of his strength to throw the rock at Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff, who doesn't realize what the warrior is planning, starts to sing right before the rock hits her. With no chance of Jigglypuff escaping it, the rock slams into her with full force, sending her back a few feet and canceling her sing attack. This doesn't seem to affect Jigglypuff as much as the warrior planned and she performs a rollout move on the warrior, sending the bird flying off of the cave and down to his death. Yes, Jigglypuff is faring REALLY well, spamming some of her attacks and endlessly beating the warriors up as she receives very little damage. The question is, can she keep this up?

Mewtwo, being very excited at the start of the whole battle, laughs as the warriors fly towards him. He sees this as an opportunity to hone his skills, for he has not had a battle all day. As he charges up a shadow ball, several warriors dive down toward Mewtwo, attempting quick attacks. Right before they complete their dives, Mewtwo teleports to several feet behind the warriors. The warriors crash and stumble over each other as they hit the ground. Many of the warriors that started to dive later crash into the already jumbled-up warriors on the ground due to utter confusion. About seven of the birds fall into this position of confusion, while the next five avoid the clump of confusion. Mewtwo throws his Shadow ball at the clump of confused birds and it hits a couple of them, sending them flying back, with many injuries. One of the warriors that comes later avoids the confusion, and attempts to tackle Mewtwo, but only meets up with a shield grab. Mewtwo, using his mind powers, psychically revolves the warrior around himself a couple of times, then throws the warrior straight up into the air. Another warrior dashes into Mewtwo while he recovers from the previous grab. With many down, Mewtwo thinks he has a big advantage, even though he was just tackled...

Kirby, having fought a little earlier, is not as energized as the others in the beginning of the battle. While the warriors dive down, he performs his final cutter attack, canceling most of the birds dives. Several of the first divers fall back as more birds come in for the kill. Kirby performs his swallowing attack, capturing one of the birds, and copies one of its abilities. He tries out his new ability as fast as he can, and is pleased at what he receives... tornado creation! He skillfully sends out a tornado, just as any one of those birds would have done it. Most of the warriors are surprised that Kirby can actually copy abilities (Kirby takes a bow) and some are struck by the tornado quite hard. Kirby happily spams his new technique (sort of) and bids that this is going to be a fine battle. All is true until...

Mario is holding the popsicle stick. Why a popsicle stick? Nobody knows. What can he do with that popsicle stick? Nobody knows. What's going on in his head? Nobody knows...

"Mario is holding the popsicle stick because that popsicle stick has magical powers. He can do many things with the popsicle stick. He is thinking about... something..." a person called 'Nobody' says. Okay then...

As the birds dive down to where he is, Mario holds up the popsicle stick, glowing an almighty turquoise color! When the warriors hit him, they are repelled by a strange force... the force that Mario gets from the... popsicle stick! The Shadow gasps...

"He has the popsicle stick! The one and only popsicle stick! How... did he get it?" the Shadow asks, very idiotically in fact.

One of the warriors manages to retrieve the popsicle stick from Mario, gaining all that lethal power, and leaving Mario there with nothing... muahahahahahaha!

"MY POPSICLE STICK!" Mario yells, realizing that all his powers have been taken away. Some of the warriors snicker and dive into Mario in his time of confusion. He spams his tornado attack several times and is able to get some of the warriors out of his way. Although, it seems to be merely a diversion, since another bird is using its psychic powers to lift up several rocks in preparation of throwing. Mario does not realize this and desperately tries to grab the popsicle stick from the one who took it from him. When he almost has a grip on the stick, the warrior psychically picking up rocks throws them with full force at Mario, attempting to cancel his almost-successful journey of getting the stick back. When Mario is hit with the rocks, he is quite stunned and is thrown back several feet. Stupidly looking around, Mario spots the one who stole his popsicle stick and attempts to get it back. The popsicle stick seems to be dementing his mind...

"My popsicle stick!" Mario yells again, dashing at the now bewildered bird who stole it. In a mad dash, he tackles the bird to the ground, fervently trying to get the popsicle stick from the bird. When Mario thinks he almost has it, the warrior slyly throws the popsicle stick to another bird. Mario then blindly races after that other bird, wailing madly with his mind filled only with thoughts of the popsicle stick. When he reaches the warrior who now has the popsicle stick, the warrior skillfully throws it to another warrior. Mario blindly chases after the popsicle stick as the same procedure repeats itself again and again. The warriors are enjoying the heck out of it, while poor Mario is wasting all his energy in a futile attempt to get the popsicle stick back. After a while, Mario starts to lose energy and all seems lost until... one of the birds throws the popsicle stick to another one, and instead of the other bird catching it, another figure flies through the air and catches it. Would ya looky at that? It's Luigi!

"Don't ever do that again to my brother, ya hear me? Stupid birds..." Luigi says, tossing the popsicle stick to his now un-energized brother, with all the warriors stupidly staring at the stick as it flies through the air. When Mario catches it, he 'suddenly' becomes re-energized - excited at the fact that now HE has the popsicle stick. Then, the brothers attack, lending no mercy... Muahahahahahahaha!

Out with the battle and into the... uh, bottom of the cliff area...

"Now what?" an orange asks, looking around.

"Let's just hope that those two idiot banana killers land on the steam holes and BLAST somewhere where they will live miserable lives! Muahahahahaha!" a banana states coldly. Everybody stares at the banana, wondering what kind of thoughts it thinks up of every day...

"Wanna battle again?" Bowser says from the top of the cliff, practically stating that the B2LT team is ready to rock! Or cave... Suddenly Ganondorf yells out:

"HEY! Why don't we let Link sing laughter again? He was doing 'great' before he was RUDELY interrupted!" Ganondorf yells quite stupidly. Amazingly, practically everyone there (including Link) agrees and they all get into comfortable positions. They all sit in several groups - all the members of each group is in a circle. Some puffer fish come along and say they will be the servers of refreshments. Team B2LT, somehow excited at the word 'refreshments,' fall down the cliff and get into a couple of their own circle groups. When everybody there is in a comfortable position, the puffer fish bring out the main refreshments: All assortments of chocolate. The fruits would not allow them to serve any type of fruit or even vegetable, and Team B2LT would practically get mad at ANYTHING else they bring out, so... chocolate is good, even though some chocolate is in the trail mix, it's not alive like the raisins... oh yes, and of course, water:)

Both Peach and Link (still in his glowing glory) set up to laughter sing. Out of the deep dark... darkness, Zelda bursts in outta nowhere...

"Ahahahahahahahaha! I'll join ya!" She says as she helps Peach and Link out with the setting up... yuppo.

"Yay! Now there is more fun!" a random peach says, excited that there are now three laughter singers...

'FOOD!" Yoshi yells as he comes in out of NOWHERE and grabs some chocolate from a nearby puffer fish. Yoshi and the puffer fish suddenly start getting into a conversation about Yoshi's bubble gum eggs... wait... it's starting!

"Ladies and gentlemen! I bring you...THE LAUGHTER SINGERS!" UPOTFGEITTOTPF yells, going 'backstage' as the crowd goes wild for these laughter singers...wait, didn't UPOTFGEITTOTPF self destruct earlier? Wha?...

"Ahaaaaaaa! Heeeeeee! Hooooooo! Heeeeeeeh! Huuuuuuu! Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! Haaaaaaaaa! Heeeeeeee! Hoooooooooooo" Link starts out, motivated by the crazy cheers of the fans...

"Heeheeheehee!...Hahahahoooo!...HeeheeheeHEEheeheehiiiiiiiiii! HAHAHAhoHAhaaaaa...Heeheeeee...hoooo...haaaaaaa!" Zelda comes in, the crowd still enjoying the heck out of this 'concert'.

"HahahaHO! Hahahahoooo...HahahaHO! HaHAAAA...HAAAAA...HOOOOOO! " Peach adds, enjoying the applause from the crowd...

"HeeheeheeHO...HeeheeheeHO!...HohoHO! HahaHA! HeeheeHEE! HihiHI! Heeheehaaaaa..." Link sings again. This kind of stuff continues for quite a while, until Captain Falcon comes out of the unknown oblivion...

"That has got to be one of the SADDEST things I've ever seen... oh well." Captain Falcon says as he goes to join one of the B2LT groups... ah, the final part has come! (somehow there are fireworks exploding in the background)

"Ahaaaaaa! Heehoooooo! Hahuuuuuuuu! Hihaaaaaaa! Huheeeeeee! Hoheeeeee! Ha...Ho...Hee...Heh...Hu...HAHAHAAAAA! Ho...Heeheeho...hohohoHOho...Heehee! Hoheehu...hoheehu..hahaha!...hohohoHOHO! Hoho..Ahaheehu...Ahaha...ahaha...MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The three singers sing all in unison somehow and the crowd goes banana -- er, I mean wild:)

The trio take their bows as the crowd goes wild and throws chocolates at them...

Samus and Ness... exploring... who knows what's going on?

"Where are we?" asks a bewildered Ness.

"Who knows?" Samus replies, staring at a wall. There are some pictures on the wall... pictures of what seems to be... destruction. A huge bird... going down into cities, setting them ablaze and kidnapping all the residents... many other smaller birds... stealing the pies... and cakes... horrible crimes...

"HEY! LOOK!" Ness screams out, snapping Samus out of her staring state. She walks over to where Ness is and sees that he is staring at... nothing.

"Uh..." Samus thinks, trying to decipher what Ness is so fascinated about. Nothing... absolutely nothing... nothing in that hole... yes, there is a hole... and there is nothing in it...

"Uh... there's nothing in it." Samus states bluntly, sort of stealing my line.

"I know... HEY! LOOK!" Ness says again. Samus looks and sees... nothing. Has Ness gone officially crazy?

"Yes." a random dude comes in wearing a tuxedo. He holds out a certificate that says "Ness has gone OFFICIALLY CrAzY!" and hands it to Ness. Ness stares at it wide eyed while 'the dude in the tuxedo' leaves...

"I... am... officially... crazy?" Ness asks, staring at the deep nothingNESS... suddenly he jumps into the nothingness...

"NESS! WHY'D YA DO THAT?" Samus yells, forgetting about his certificate.

"Because I'm officially CRAZY!" Ness says, falling... falling...

"Oh yeah..." Samus says, walking off...

"Hey!" Ness yells, somehow realizing that Samus ditched him... evilness. He falls on something quite... soft.

"Ooh... soft..." Ness says, cuddling into this soft... whatever it is. He falls asleep, not knowing what he is sleeping on...


The warriors after Carnignaw become suddenly angry at him, for he mutilated one of them, and pretty badly at that. The eight energized and three now re-energized warriors all dive into Carnignaw again, hoping to get rid of this fiend for good. Carnignaw, who is being constantly attacked now, attempts several thunder attacks - great for getting rid of close attackers. He manages to summon down a thunder bolt after several attempts and several of the birds scatter again. Unfortunately, a couple of the birds are immune to electricity, and aren't affected by the attack at all. One of the unaffected warriors performs a tornado creation, while the other uses its psychic powers. Carnignaw, getting caught off guard, is viciously thrown into the interior of the tornado, swirling around at unbearable speeds. He hits the rock at the top of the tornado without any warning whatsoever, and is thrown out at a high speed. He hits the ground very hard, unable to get up because of pain and lack of energy. The two warriors want to attack Carnignaw again, but something gets in their way... some pesky little thing that prevents them from attacking... and that is Rye-Chew.

As Galluck attacks the rest of the warriors that attacked Pikachu, Jar Jar Binks comes out of that random hole and grabs the now very injured Pikachu. Looking slyly around (look before you leap), Jar Jar Binks races over to where Dr. Mario is. Handing Pikachu to the doctor, Jar Jar Binks jumps down the hole, avoiding all fights...

Galluck seems to fare very well against the six remaining energized warriors, for he knows their ways and he practically is one. Skillfully dodging all their attacks, even a couple of the tornado creation attacks, he swiftly disables the remaining warriors, leaving them to writhe in pain...

Jigglypuff, who is monotonously repeating the same procedure, beating the crap out of most of the warriors, suddenly trips over a rock and is temporarily disabled. The remaining warriors take advantage of this, doing any and all quick hit 'n run attacks. Jigglypuff, tries to take each one of them on individually. She doesn't realize that their hit 'n run attacks are pretty much merely just a diversion, for there is a warrior behind her, psychically holding a random sword... where it got the sword, nobody knows. It looks quite menacing, idiotically waiting for her to turn around. Before she turns around and before the warrior is able to strike, it gets hit by a laser - disabling his motive. The sword falls on the bird instead, instantly killing it. Jigglypuff turns around and is glad to see another ally ---- Fox...or is it Falco? Who knows? Maybe both...:)

Mewtwo, who was just tackled, teleports a couple feet back and powers up a shadow ball, leaving the warrior that just tackled him on the ground quite confused. As he powers up the shadow ball, the three remaining warriors surround Mewtwo, attempting quick hit 'n run attacks. Mewtwo finishes up his shadow ball and acts as if he is throwing the shadow ball at the warrior in front of him. He fakes out throwing the shadow ball to the warrior ahead of him, and instead, truthfully throws the ball at the unsuspecting warrior to the side of him. The warrior to the side of him flies into a rock, taking on severe injuries, while the warrior in front of him is confusedly avoiding the "shadow ball" coming at him. Now Mewtwo has only two really lively warriors to deal with... 2 on 1 - think he'll be able to do it?

Kirby happily spams his new technique (sort of) and bids that this is going to be a fine battle. All is true until... one of the warriors grabs a nearby bob-omb (where that bob-omb comes from... nobody knows) and suicidally throws the bob-omb at Kirby, who is right next to him. Both the warrior and Kirby blast in separate different directions, with Kirby losing his copied ability. Kirby hits the ground quite hard, depressed over the loss of his awesome ability... Out of the... well, on top of the cliff, comes a figure... it comes and stands next to Kirby... muahahahahahaha!

"Need a hand?" the figure asks...

"Not really a 'hand', but yes, help would be nice:)" Kirby says, being helped up by...

"Pichu? Dude, you recovered fast!" Kirby says, unbeknowestly startled.

"Of course I did! Did you think I would miss all the fun?... Well, maybe fighting like this on my birthday isn't too fun... but hey, no way around it! Muahahahahahaha! Unless of course an arcade game appears outta nowhere..." Pichu says, suddenly daydreaming. Pichu snaps out of it when he realizes that they are starting to be bombarded by random warriors...

"Whoa, where'd these guys come from?" Pichu asks, doing several thunder jolts and short hopping nair attacks.

"Well.." Kirby starts, performing a final cutter attack, "The Shadow summoned them, remember?"

"Really?" Pichu asks, grabbing a warrior and body slamming it, "Wow... Didn't notice that earlier..."

"In some ways, maybe it was better that you didn't." Kirby states, swallowing in another warrior and happily performing tornado creations...

"Hey! That's that evil attack... good thing we're allies... I hope..." Pichu says, grinning at Kirby as he tackles a couple more warriors.

"Hmm... I'll have to think about that" Kirby replies jokingly, happily sending out another tornado. The two happily laugh as they take on the disgruntled remaining warriors.

As said before, Mario and Luigi mercilessly attack the remaining warriors... in unique ways, I must say... heeheehee. Mario excitedly finds out new ways to use his popsicle stick, while Luigi evilly attacks many of the warriors without holdback... Muahahahahahahaha!

Out of all the 75 warriors that came down to attack, 49 are accounted for (meaning you KNOW that they are injured, have died, or are energized...) and 26...well, I have absolutely NO idea what status they are in...ahem:

4 seem to have been already killed... muaha!
29 seem to have been injured... throughout this ordeal! (Definitely more... not sure how many)
16 are still in contact... even now... after this fourth part... actually second...

There you have it...now let's get on with it!

The Laughter Concert )

"Ahaaaahahahahaha! That was soooo much fun!" Peach laughs/yells, eating a sugar cube.

"Muahahahahaha! We succeeded!" Zelda laughs/yells, eating an ice cylinder.

"Weheeeeeeeheeheeheehee! We should do that again!" Link laughs/yells, eating a salt triangle.

"Ahaheeheehee! Good one Link!" Peach laughs/yells, eating an ice cube.

"Werohohohoho! Yes, we should!" Zelda laughs/yells, eating a salt cylinder.

"Bahayhayhay! My suggestion was successful!" Link laughs/yells, eating a sugar triangle.

"It WAS successful! Araheeheeheehaha!" Peach laughs/yells, eating a salt cube.

"Good job Link! You're successful for once!" Zelda laughs/yells, eating a sugar cylinder.

"Ueheehee! I am sooo successful!" Link laughs/yells, eating an ice triangle.

"Hey, are you guys willing to do that again? The crowd is going wild right now! You have to do it for your loyal fans!" a puffer fish says. Suddenly several fans/blowers come in (fans that are those objects... to cool down)

"Yes! Us fans will cool you down as you all sing!" The fans say in now an incredibly random environment.

"Okay!" the three now incredibly happy singers say all in unison as they prepare to do another laughter concert.

Meanwhile, in the audience...

"Hey! Give that back!" an angry banana yells, chasing after Yoshi who stole some of its chocolate...

"You want it back? Fine!" Yoshi says, sticking out his tongue with the now saliva-infested chocolate.

"Ah...EW! How DARE YOU...YOU DEMENTED DINOSAUR!" the banana starts chasing Yoshi, and Yoshi in turn starts running away...


"HE'S A BANANA KILLER!" a peach refers to Bowser as he imitates Roy in the burning process, "HE MUST BE IN LEAGUE WITH THOSE OTHER TWO!"

"You mean Marth and Roy?" Bowser asks, "Well..."

"HE IS WITH THEM! I can somehow tell..." a banana says, stupidly yet wisely. All are silent until Samus comes bursting in outta nowhere.

"Howdy everybody!" Samus yells, in a strange country/western accent, somehow wearing an incredibly random cowboy costume on top of her power suit, which confuses everybody, "I've come from the planet of the window drapes! Can't buy window drapes at a lower price then there! They sell like... 1 meter of a window drape for one tiiiny piece of cheese! Howd'ya like that for a sale? Oh yes, can't forget to mention that the windows are made outta clear leaves and crystal broccoli! And of course, also can't forget to mention the prize food items they have there! Pieces of cotton, sugar cubes, and candy keyboards! Ah... whenever I go to a restaurant and order food, I always get that special, or the special of cheesy pens, sandy tofu, and pure cotton towels! Mmmm, I'm getting so hungry just thinking 'bout it! Hahaha!" Everybody stares at Samus, wondering what planet she came from... oh, the planet of the window drapes... right.

"Ahahahaha! Oh, almost forgot! Meet my new buddy, the STEREO!" Samus says, still with her random country accent as a stereo comes in.

"Howdy y'all!" the stereo says, confusing everybody even more.

"Ahaha! Why don't ya show all these folks what you can do, Mr. stereo!" Samus says happily, causing almost everybody in the audience to back away slowly. The stereo agrees and takes a guitar out of nowhere and starts singing...

"Oh... I'm a stereo! I'm a stereo, I'm a stereo! Oh... I'm a stereo, a stereo that's a stereo!... I am proud to be a stereo, a stereo, a stereo! Oh... I am proud to be a stereo, a stereo that's a stereo! A stereo that's a stereo, is a stereo that's a stereo!... Oh, a stereo that's a stereo, is a stereo that's a stereooo..." the stereo sings happily, Samus happily cheers it on as the other audience backs away more... suddenly a tissue box and a coffee mug come in outta nowhere, one with a fiddle and the other with a violin.

"Oh... we are the random trio, the random trio, the random trio! Oh...we are the random trio, the random trio that will last forever!..." the stereo, tissue box, and coffee mug start singing, "We are the random trio that likes to have fun! The random trio that likes the sun! The random trio that likes hot weather!... We will always stay together! The random trio will rule someday, the random trio will always stay! The random trio that's singing right now!... Well, why don't we all take a bow?" And with that, the random trio takes a bow, with Samus going wild with her cheers and the others still backing away... At this time, the other laughter trio comes out, surprised to see Samus and the other random trio.

"Ahahahahaha! Samus water ya doin' 'ere?" Link says, suddenly taking on a strange accent.

"Why? I came to show off the talents of me friends!" Samus says in the country accent again.

"Really? Muahahahahaha! Wot kind of talents?" Zelda yells, eating an ice cube.

"Why? Singin' talents of course!" Samus replies, quite happily.

"Really? Bueeheeehee! Why don't they come sing with us?" Peach asks, eating a salt triangle.

"Ah, that 'ould be swell! Great oidea Peach!" Link says, eating a chocolate ice cylinder.

"Let's do it then!" the stereo says as the six singers go to the stage. All the audience members cheer loudly for them, even though the random trio is now in the group. Let's hit it!

"We...are...the...singers!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Muahahahahahaha!" Peach sings.
"Singers, singers, singers, singers..." the random trio sings in unison.
"Ahahaheeheeheeho!" Zelda sings.
"The ones that like to have fun!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Bueeheeheehohohahaha!" Link sings.
"Fun... in the sun!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Muahahahaha! Aha!" Peach sings.
"The sun may be hot!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Ahaaaahahahahaheh!" Zelda sings.
"But it's not that fought!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Ohohohohoheeheehay!" Link sings.
"Pluto is too cold for us!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Wereeheeheehuahaha!" Peach sings.
"We'd rather be sitting in a bus!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Nueeheeheeheehahahahahaho!" Zelda sings.
"Candy keyboards are not that nutritious!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Kuerohohohohohahahaha!" Link sings.
"But at least they are not vicious!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Tuyerahohihihihihi!" Peach sings.
"The number seven is said to be lucky!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Lolalalalalalalalalala!" Zelda sings.
"Watch out for that ducky!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Bwaheeheeheeheeheeho!" Link sings.
"There's a random dude on the bend!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Muahahaheeheeheeheeho!" Peach sings.
"This song has come...to an eeeeeeeeend!" the random trio sings in unison.
"Muahahahahahaha!" Zelda sings.
"Nuyetotototototha!" Link sings.
"Bweeheeheeheehee!" Peach sings.

The crowd goes absolutely WILD when the song ends, throwing massive amounts of chocolate at the singers. The singers happily take many bows... and happily eat the chocolates the crowd oh-so-generously gave to them...

Whatever happened to Mr. Game and Watch?

Where did Mr. Game and Watch go? Seriously, last time he was seen, he was holding that Pi Pie...

"My pie... my precious little pie... I must keep this pie... yes, I must keep this pie! NOBODY TOUCH THIS PIE! It's all mine... my... precioussssss!" Mr. Game and Watch says, holding the pie in an awkward position. A random fly comes along and touches it.

"HOW...DARE YOU! YOU STUPID FLY!" Mr. Game and Watch yells, taking an apple flavored flyswatter and swatting at the fly in a cool 2-D fashion. He manages to kill the fly, but the cost is horrific. He destroyed the Pi Pie!

"NOOOOOOO! MY PRECIOUSSS PIE! NOOOOO!" Mr. Game and Watch yells, choking in a 2-D fashion. He races over to a random tree and starts banging his head on it.

"My...Preciousss...my...preciousss...my...preciousss...PIE!...My...preciousss...PIE!...Has...been...STOLEN!...My...precious...pie...has...been...STOLEN!" Mr. Game and Watch says mysteriously. Unbeknownst to him, he is banging his head on a missile tree. A missile comes falling down and explodes right next to him...

The Shadow and his children... yuppo.

"Wow...there's so many of them..." Xastar says about her enemies.

"Seriously. There's now like...10 of them. The warriors seem to be going down fast..." Solarstorm says, in a depressing tone.

"Father, what are we going to do?" Xastar asks, looking up at the Shadow.

"Maybe soon we can use your secret weapon..." the Shadow states seriously.

"Sure, I'll start getting it powered up..." Xastar says, going to power up her weapon...

Meanwhile, in the actual battle area...

"Rye-Chew! Where'd you come from?" Carnignaw asks, weakly standing up with the help of Rye-Chew.
"Why? From over there!" Rye-Chew replies, pointing over to the hole where he came from and grinning.

"Oh yeah... heh heh:)" Carnignaw says, smiling weakly...

"GET THEM!" the remaining two warriors say in unison, disturbed by the delay of the two allies.

"Beware, they are immune to electricity..." Carnignaw says to Rye-Chew. Rye-Chew powers up a A (don't know what it would be called.) as the two warriors come over. He releases it before they reach him and he's able to send one of them up in the air while the other one tackles him. Carnignaw prepares to attack the warrior in the air, but is discouraged when he sees an arrow fly through the warrior, killing him in a bloody way... hmhmhmhmhm. He hears evil laughter behind him and turns around, only to see a very angry Young Link... ah, this will be interesting:)

Galluck, in quite a morbid mood, makes sure all the remaining warriors are dead before he is satisfied... he even goes to extremes in throwing some of the side of the cave with his mind powers... after killing all the remaining warriors, he rests to re-energize his powers, getting ready for the attack on the Shadow... hmhmhm... Muahahahahahaha!

"Hey Jigglypuff!" Fox and Falco (ah, both) come racing over, "Mission... complete!"

"Uh, Fox, the mission really isn't complete yet... heh heh" Jigglypuff says, attempting to take the sword out of her would-be killer.

"Oh... well, I just like saying that!" Fox says, skillfully shooting his laser at an oncoming warrior. The laser doesn't seem to affect the warrior that much, so Fox performs a mirage attack and confuses the warrior with a mirage. Jigglypuff instantly continues on the warrior with a WOP attack special. Falco happily shoots his laser at unsuspecting warriors around him...

"Hmhmhmhmhm! Only two left..." Mewtwo taunts happily, quite amused at his accomplishments. He powers up another shadow ball, trying to read what is going on in his enemies' minds. The two warriors, knowing that Mewtwo seems to be quite annoyingly powerful and annoying, are having trouble coming up with a plan for his defeat. Their most powerful attack would be the talon bomb attack, but they figure Mewtwo may be able to teleport out of it if they attempt. They keep watch at all times when Mewtwo powers up the shadow ball, not knowing what the heck they should do... blargness. When he finishes, Mewtwo also decides how he is going to do this. Right when he is about to actually throw it, the two warriors fly up and dive down to where Mewtwo is. Mewtwo figuring that they must be planning something strange, waits until they are about where he is. He puts up his shield, for he does not feel like teleporting, and the two warriors dive into him... exploding like little atomic bombs. Yes, they self destructed - atomic style!

Pichu and Kirby successfully get rid of (aka - KILL) the rest of the warriors with minor injuries here and there...

"Wow... that was crazy..." Pichu says, looking around at all the warriors they killed.

"Seriously... now what?" Kirby asks. Who knows? Hmhmhm...

"Take that!" Mario says, killing one of the last four warriors. He takes the popsicle stick and somehow lights it on fire and jabs it into the bird's heart... yeah. Three more warriors left for the two brothers... although Mario is still way too hyper with he popsicle stick and Luigi is a little bummed out... might I say.

"Three more! Muahahahahahaha!" Mario says, jumping around like a maniac. Luigi on the other hand, is more serious and...well, not as hyperactive.

"Three...more...must...keep...ON!" Luigi says, suddenly getting hyper - but doesn't have that much energy. The remaining warriors take note of this when they plan out their last moves. The three birds are huddled together in a strange position when they are suddenly bombarded by a crazed plumber... Mario!

"Ahahahahaha! You all must die by the popsicle stick!" Mario says, preparing to stab them all. One of the warriors, winking at the other two, dashes into Mario 'attempting' to grab the popsicle stick from him. Mario attacks the lone warrior while the other two gang up on the now un-energized Luigi. Luigi is holding out really well against these two warriors until one of them secretly grabs him from behind and throws him off the side of the cliff...

"Yesss! We finally got one of them!" one of the warriors says, the two of them doing a secret wing shake. Unbeknownst to them, Mario had seen that and is now racing over to them at an incredibly high speed... KABLANG! He hits the two warriors off the cliff, amazing isn't it? Now all he has to do is brutally murder the last warrior whom he injured quite well...

Luigi is a-falling, is a-falling, is a-falling right onto... well, now that's just plain random!

An incredibly random yet strange update: So far, 50 have been killed (that are noted), 9 injured, and the rest (16) are random...(note the un-hyperness)

"Only 25 more warriors intact or injured...these guys are pretty good..." the Shadow states, acting as if he admired the allies. Xastar is happily preparing her weapon, when something comes blasting up from the cave right in front of the Shadow...

Yes, two figures come blasting through the top of the cave, surprising everybody, especially the Shadow.

"Whoa... OW!" Roy says as he lands on the ground, "Ah, wow! That was awesome!" Marth lands on the ground facing opposite of Roy.

"Woo hoo! We rock!" Marth says, confusing everybody around him. When Marth and Roy realize where they are, the are up in a heartbeat.

"Dude, where are we?" Marth says. I thought I said they know where they are!

"Oh yeah! We are at the top of the cave!" Roy says intelligently, yet in a stupidly-toned voice. Everybody gets back into their normal fighting states as a few warriors come and attempt to barrage Marth and Roy...

The Laughter Concert :)
Backstage - again

"Aheeeeeheeheehee! That was soooo much fun!" Zelda says, jumping up and down like a maniac.

"Yesss! You're laughter singing was the perfect addance to our random trio song!" the stereo says.

"Mueeheehee! It was! Ahaaaaaaaha!" Link says, eating some chocolate.

"Aeaeaeae! Yesso! We were great!" Peach says, taking on a random yet strange accent.

Meanwhile, in the audience...

"Howdy partner! Mind if I have a cup of tea?" Samus says, still with her country accent.

"Sure!" a puffer fish replies, handing Samus a random cup of gooey tea.

"Wow... this is one of the BEST days of my life!" Ganondorf says, absolutely adoring the fact that, to him, Zelda and Link had made complete fools out of themselves.

"I've got good news!" a random banana yells, "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!" Everybody stares, quite confused. Starecko comes in outta nowhere...

"Geico? Better not confuse it with gecko!" Starecko says, then he leaves quite quickly.

"Okay, JK! Actually the good news is that those two banana killers did go on those steam holes! What idiots!" The banana says, laughing heartily. Almost everybody in the audience also laughs. Samus is quite confused on what is happening, but doesn't seem to really care because she is having fun explaining the daily lives of the beings on the planet of the window drapes...


The last energized warrior, who tackled Rye-Chew, suddenly realizes that now it is practically three against one. While he ponders that, Rye-Chew forcefully kicks him off in his confused state. The last energized warrior is now not as energized and is weakly joined by the other nine warriors that are injured. They plan to do a quick assault on the three allies. They race at the three in a barricading fashion. Carnignaw, who is now completely un-energized, is not looking forward to this as Young Link, still angry about the milk thing, comes forward and attacks like crazy. Rye-Chew decides to put all his effort in this last battle also.

Starting out with a spin attack (or whatever it's called), Young Link takes on about three of the warriors, cutting them to pieces... and he's quite happy while he's doing that. Laughing heartlessly, he takes out a bomb and throws it at another unsuspecting warrior, killing it in a flash. Two warriors dash into him, blinded by all their anger of his crazy antics. With the warriors pecking him without halting, Young Link manages to take out another bomb and throws it at them - instantly killing them and injuring Young Link (he is still happily mad though).

While Young Link takes on five of the warriors, Rye-Chew faces four injured warriors. So, with Rye-Chew knowing that most, if not all, of them are not immune to electricity, he summons a thunderbolt from the sky, blasting away all four of his opponents, quite easily... that was too easy...

"Wow... Jigglypuff you... well, did a pretty good job of beating these guys up... heh heh" Falco says. Jigglypuff takes a bow...

"Thank you, thank you, thank you vedy much! I'm always here on Thursdays, so you can check out all my 'artwork' then:). " Jigglypuff says, noticeably very hyperandom...

"Uh...okay..." Falco says, tackling one of the now very un-energized warriors.

"Aw man! This is too easy!" Fox says, skillfully tackling a warrior, no competition at all!

"Stupid Jigglypuff... making it easy...:)" Falco grins as he grumbles (sounds cool enough), taking out another warrior who was attempting a random attack.

"Like I said before, I'm always here on Thursdays! Whether y'all like it or not!" Jigglypuff says, smashing another warrior with her rollout attack.

"Yes! I will be looking forward to that every time I come here!" Fox says, quite happy as he rids of one of the last warriors.

"Ah... three more. Three against three... ah, that's soooo hard/sarcasm" Falco says, looking dully. As the trio walk slowly to the disabled warriors, a figure comes flying in outta nowhere...

"Muahahahahahaha! I've come at last! The one and only... Piranhachu! THE most VICIOUS electric mouse EVER!" UV-Ray the piranhachu says, confusing everybody.

"Piranha eh? I eat piranhas for BREAKFAST! Seriously, I do - when I'm a cat! Meow!" Lactopi comes in outta nowhere - a tortoiseshell to be exact...because it's random.

"Muahahahahaha! But I am not a fish!" UV-Ray replies.

"True... but you are a mouse! Muahahahaha! You're practically both a mouse and a fish - my diet!" Lactopi says as she slyly runs over to where UV-Ray is.

"NOOOOO!" UV-Ray jumps off the side of the cliff and Lactopi fallows her... what? I wasn't thinking! That's all... Everybody stares for a few moments then all get back to fighting...

"Wow. That. Was. Interesting. Now. Let's. GET THEM!" Fox yells, racing toward the three downed warriors. Jigglypuff and Falco race after him, a horrifying sight to the three downed warriors.

Marth and Roy, suddenly barraged by random warriors, take a couple of seconds to get back into reality after that state of confusion.

"Whoa!" Roy yells, skillfully... uh, swinging his sword around, "What are these guys?"

"Who knows?" Marth replies, also skillfully swinging his sword.

"They are my warriors... and all of you have killed SEVENTY of them already! Let's see how you two do... hmhmhm!" the Shadow says, scaring everyone.

"Uh... Do you trust this guy?" Roy asks, charging up the 'attack that is hated by all bananas'.

"Nope" Marth replies suddenly, happily stabbing a warrior and skillfully taking its life away.

"Neither do I :)" Roy replies, dittoing Marth on the life thing... the two swordsmen are oblivious to the fact that they are now the center of attention...

Watching their "magnificent" moves, the "audience" watches as Marth and Roy take on the last (now) four warriors. Everything turns black and two spotlights are focused on Marth and Roy. Everything seems to be in s...l...o...w...m...o...d...e...b...e...c...a...u...s...e... it is.

"Dude..." Marth says, skillfully swinging his sword again, "Why... is everything so... dark?"

"Because it feels like it!" Mewtwo says, confusing Marth.

"It?..." Roy says, suddenly taking on a standing stance, "What is 'it'? Where is 'it'? Who is 'it?"

"It's... IT!" Marth yells, suddenly attacking the somehow-surviving warriors like crazy.

"NOOOOO!" Roy yells like an idiot, dittoing Marth on the attacking part. After a couple seconds, they manage to kill the remaining warriors - thus ending the army...the Call of the Shadow...

"It's them again! They are here? I thought we told that evil duo to leave!" a banana says. Suddenly the spotlights turn off and the natural sun is shining again.

"Look what they did to all those birds!" an orange says while gasping, "They are nothing but low-life murderers!" Everybody else (aka the smashers, the Shadow and his children, the Raichus) stare confused at Marth and Roy, who do in fact look quite guilty because they are surrounded by dead, mutilated birds...

Wow, it's been a while: Part to the Max of Celsius... (wha?)

Tune in next time to find out what they (the ice climbers) see! -that is now coming on today! Yippee!

We left of with:

Well, as said before, Nana and Popo raced away from the distraught puffer fish, Ness and Zotoq. Now they are walking through some random corridors in the cave of nothingness!

"Dude, there's like... nothing here!" Popo states again...

"Well now would ya look at that? This is the NOTHINGNESS CAVE!" Nana yells out as she picks up an imaginary bowl. Nana starts to fill up the imaginary bowl with rocks when...

"Nana come over here!" Popo yells as he stands in front of an entry way. She looks inside and sees...something.-Muahahahahaha! Shall I reveal what they see? No way! All I know is that when that something they saw started to...

The Battlefield! Or the top of the Cave of Evac...

Marth and Roy keep their pride as the bananas and oranges make an incredibly annoying speech on the unfair, cruel antics of the evil duo, Marth and Roy, and their evil schemes of ridding the whole planet of bananas... which was completely false... or was it? Everybody looks horrified after the bananas and the oranges make their statements, even the Shadow does... weird. Everybody suddenly decides to team up against poor Marth and Roy... Two against everyone else (too lazy to count).

"Well, it was nice knowin' ya Marth!" Roy says, almost happily.

"What is with the pessimism?" Marth asks, randomly optimistic about something...

"Well know let's see!" Roy replies, suddenly pondering about something. Out of a hole, the Ice climbers race out, screaming:

"HE'S HERE! HE'S COMING! THE ONE AND ONLY------" Popo yells, cut off by something flying out of the hole... making it bigger... yup. What/who comes out of the hole? Why, none other than that of... Giga Bowser! Woo hoo!

"Muaharharharhar! Now it's time to..." Giga Bowser says, leaving everyone in suspense, "...eat!" Giga Bowser takes out a sweet (sweet) looking bean burrito, confusing everybody till they feel that their minds are melting...

"Ah, gotta love that Mexican food!" Giga Bowser says as he starts ravenously eating the burrito, confusing everyone even more... except the Shadow, who seems to be... gazing at it...

"Hmhmhm...burritos...my favorite..." the Shadow says quite gazingly stupidly. He flies over to where Giga Bowser is and attempts to take the innocent (giant ) burrito.

"Hey!" Giga Bowser says, trying to protect his innocent burrito.

"It's too... tempting..." the Shadow says, still attempting to grab it.

"HEY! That's it!" Giga Bowser says, putting the awesome, innocent, giant bean burrito to the side... of something.

"Ah... so you wanna battle? That's all I wanted!" the Shadow says strangely as he goes in for the attack against Giga Bowser. So, finally someone who comes along and is the same size as the Shadow... muahahahahaha!

"Uh... now what?" Pichu asks, staring at the those two fighting over a bean burrito...

"Who knows?" Kirby replies, fascinated by the two - fighting... yeah.

"Aheeheeheehee! Now it's time for my secret weapon... must destroy them all!" Xastar says pulling out a... what is that?

"You are correct! It is called the 'What is that?'!" Xastar replies, confusing everybody. Eh, whatheck? It looks like a... telephone...

"It's no ordinary telephone! It's a telep-phone! I can teleport anywhere with this thing..." Xastar says, teleporting to right behind Giga Bowser and the Shadow, "I can self destruct without hurting moiself!" With that statement, she confuses everybody...

"How can you self destruct with no harm done to yourself?" Mewtwo asks, knowing the answer, but testing Xastar's mind.

"Hmhmhmhm! It's a secret... muahaha! Oh yes, I can also cook pancakes with telep-phone!" Xastar says, somehow cooking a pancake and eating it...

"So... how is that your 'secret weapon'?" Marth asks, somehow knowing that it was her 'secret weapon.'

"For the second reason... see ya!" Xastar says, blasting into the sky at a very high speed. Everybody stares at this... feat. Wondering what she is going to do. Isn't it obvious? Well, at least Solarstorm thinks it's obvious... for he climbs down a random hole. When Xastar is quite high into the air, higher then when those warriors did the attack on Pikachu, she dives down at an incredibly high speed... a record of 201.73 mph! Everybody starts idiotically cheering, even Giga Bowser and the Shadow stop their fight to cheer.

"Fools..." is all that Xastar says as she starts glowing a bright purple...kind of like Link and Young Link. Galluck, suddenly realizing what she is doing flies up into the air and crashes into her, causing a gigantic (atomic bomb gigantic) explosion... it is quite an amazing site. Everybody is thrown down by the force, suddenly realizing that that was what Xastar was going to do... crash into the ground and explode! Not harming herself but probably killing everyone else in the vicinity... great plan huh?

After the explosion dies down quite a large bit, the Shadow and Giga Bowser inconsiderately start their annoying battle again, when several others look up. It seems as if both Galluck and Xastar survived, but... they are just floating up there. It seems as if they are discussing something...

"What's happening?..." Rye-Chew asks, a little blinded by the dust that came from the explosion.

"Who knows?... What are we supposed to do now?" Carnignaw replies/asks, staring up at Galluck and Xastar.

"Nothing... but celebrate my birthday!" Pichu yells out, jumping happily around, trying to make the best out of life. Xastar and Galluck seem to have finished their discussion, because they are now starting to flutter down, catching practically everyone's attention. The Shadow and Giga Bowser are still idiotically continuing their fight until...

"Father! (And whoever that other guy is)... STOP IT!" Xastar yells out, the Shadow and Giga Bowser instantly stop fighting at this point, "Don't you realize how... out of hand this whole battle got? Seriously, 75 lives were lost and many more were injured! Your whole army was lost just because your was-to-be dinner got the best of you and you idiotically tried everything to get him! Is one pathetic little snack worth all of those warriors' lives? Your stupid greediness for food killed your army! Yes! That is pathetic! I'm disappointed in you... and myself and practically else who participated in this battle, but especially YOU father! Why can't you for once think about the outcome of things instead of just pleasing yourself and your stupid hunger which could be satisfied by practically anything out there? You might as well have eaten all your warriors, for they would have all died for a purpose! This is the most PATHETIC event in all of our history of events! I'm disappointed that I actually call you my father - I always thought that you were a good role model, but now you've destroyed that trust!"

That speech makes everybody think about it all... especially the Shadow, who is now very disappointed in himself also. His daughter made that beautiful speech... well, not so great to him, but that really did sum up all the stupidity of himself... suddenly Mr. Game and Watch comes blasting in outta nowhere..

"Wow! What did I miss?" he says, disrupting the peaceful thinking scene...


"Everybody... uh," says Mr. Game and Watch, judging by the position everybody is in, realizes that a speech must have been said... so he eagerly listens, hoping more will be said...

What did Luigi fall on? Well.

"A giant donut?" Luigi says, discovering that he has landed on a giant donut and also seeing Ness...

"Hey Luigi!" Ness says as he yawns, "That was a good nap!"

"Uh... okay?" Luigi replies, backing away...

Final Battle... actually, not really... that was a short break... oh yeah!

All the smashers decided to head back to the mansion, saying their short farewells, leaving the Shadow, his children, the bananas and oranges (who still have a grudge against Marth and Roy) and Giga Bowser behind...

Carnignaw and Rye-Chew leave in the opposite direction as the smashers, going on another random adventure... random yet strange. Who knows where Jar Jar Binks went?

Galluck is very happy now and is finally accepted by the father (finally...). By stopping Xastar and saving everybody else while risking his own life, he proved to be a great warrior... more so than his father actually is. The Shadow lets Giga Bowser go enjoy his burrito while he has to randomly reconcile with his children. They all enter the Cave of Evac...

Back home! Muahahahahaha!

So: Mario, Pikachu, Fox, the Ice Climbers, Kirby, Dr. Mario, Falco, Young Link, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Mr. Game and Watch, Marth, and Roy are the smashers that tred over to the mansion...wow, the others are...still in the cave...

"Hey." Mewtwo stops, looking at Pikachu, "We are still not done with everything... for Pichu's birthday... huh?"

"True... I know!" Pikachu says, walking over to where Pichu is, "Pichu... since you've had such a... hard... day... why don't we go over and play some arcade games again?"

"Really?" Pichu says, suddenly hyper again.

"Of course!" Pikachu says, "It is your birthday!"

"Cool!" Pichu starts running away... to where the store is... with the arcade games... yuppo.

"Aye! Pichu!" Pikachu yells, racing over to Pichu, "You guys better finish everything by the time we come back!"

"Muahahahahaha! Now we can prepare... hmhmhm!" Mewtwo says, doing his taunt.

"Prepare for what?" Roy asks, quite confused.

"Pichu's birthday! DUH! That's what should have happened today!" Jigglypuff replies, hoping nothing else weird happens.

Now they are seriously back home... okay?... NOT OKAY? Well, it IS okay! (Wha?)

"Wow... finally back!" Marth yells, strangely happy. Deciding to take a break, the smashers go into a random room and turn on the TV (good thing Peach isn't here cough).

"We now bring you our main event news!" the newscaster says, music with the lyrics 'main event news' playing in the background.

"Well the main event today takes place at the mysterious Cave of Evac. Actually there were many events going on there today. But two events stand out. Let's get with Tuyerayo with news on the first event." another random newscaster, named 'Duepeq' says, with the screen suddenly turning to another newscaster, Tuyerayo - another random Raichu...

"Well the first event took place on top of the Cave of Evac," Tuyerayo says, "There seems to have been a battle that took place here between the legendary Shadow and some of the famous smashers. Let's take a look at some of the screenshots taken by Yoya, the cute, angelic, little puppy." The screenshots show the Shadow making his legendary 'Call of the Shadow' call, Mario chasing after the popsicle stick, Jigglypuff monotonously repeating the same attacks over and over, Marth and Roy blasting through the ceiling of the Cave of Evac, the bananas and the oranges making the speech about Marth and Roy, and Galluck flying into Xastar, causing a huge explosion. "Most residents of the KQ city and other cities witnessed the huge explosion. Rumors started flying around about the end of the world and other things like that, but they have been proven false. In the end, the smashers got out of there safely and the Shadow and his children seem to be fine, for they entered the Cave of Evac with no further harm done. Duepeq?"

"Thank you Tuyerayo. Now for the second event, let's get with Terorm. Terorm?" Duepeq says.

"The second event took place inside the Cave of Evac." Terorm starts, "There seemed to be, what is called a 'laughing concert' inside the cave. It seems as if some of the smashers didn't participate in the battle, but instead were part of the audience or singing in the mysterious laughing concert. Let's take a look." The screen suddenly turns to scenes of Link, Zelda, and Peach crazily singing and laughing at the same time. The smashers watching the scenes are quite horrified. They never would have thought about that...

"Ah... so THAT'S where they all are!" Mewtwo says, disgruntled at the fact that those 'idiots' didn't have to fight...

"Actually, the main event here really was about a hostage case. It seems as if a couple of the smashers have now been dubbed the 'banana/fruit killers and the evil ones' by the local bananas and oranges in the cave. Many of the fruits say that one of the smashers was burning innocent bananas alive while the other one actually took a raisin hostage! You'd think that they would have been more civilized... anyways, the raisin was unharmed - all those two smashers wanted was to escape and that is why they put an innocent raisin's life in danger? Well, that seems to be the story, even if it sounds unbelievable. The bananas threaten that if they ever see those two smashers around the Cave of Evac again, they will give them the most treacherous punishment they can... hahaha! Duepeq?" Terorm states.

"Thank you Terorm. Many residents everywhere say that this day will go down in history forever. Also, we have gotton recent news that today is one of the smasher's birthdays! The Shadow Poke-napped Pichu, the smasher whose birthday is today, and took him to the Cave of Evac - which started everything. Pichu is now safe and sound, no worries---" Dupeq says before the TV is turned off by the controller... suddenly the remaining smashers (except of course Pikachu and Pichu) come bursting in loudly, annoying everyone and disturbing the peace.

"Ahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha!" Link laughs out loud... very loudly.

"Oh wow! That was the BEST DAY EVER!" Ganondorf yells, disrupting the peace even more. Young Link just ponders about how immature his older self is... he wishes he could stay young forever. :)

Arcade games! Yippee doo da!... Oh yeah!

As Pichu and Pikachu enter the store, Pichu sees that they have brought a new arcade game in,

"AWESOME!" Pichu yells, going to try out the new arcade game. Pikachu is quite happy and... realizes that he has nothing to do here. Hm... there is that plan he could be working on... hmhmhm!

"Uh... this store is closed now..." a random person comes along and says.

"Really? Oh well." Pikachu states bluntly, knowing that it will be near impossible to get Pichu off the arcade games...

"Right..." the person starts to back away...then he runs! The manager then comes in outta nowhere..

"Well, well, well! My best costumer is back!" the manager says, happiness is in the air. Pikachu decides to go to another store nearby to get some...iced tea.

"Obi Wan?" Pikachu says, going into the store...where he can buy ice tea.

"Muahahahahahahaha! Nobody shall find out!" Obi Wan yells out to...nothing. He then takes several sugar packets and eats them all...

"Ahaaaaaaaaooooaaaaaaaahahaahahahaaaaaa!" Obi Wan laughs, it seems as if he is going...well, crazy. Pikachu backs up and plans to race out of there, but the smell of the pastries...is...too...overwhelming.

"Must...buy...pastries..." Pikachu dully says as he walks over to where the pastries are. Obi Wan notices him and immediately gets up in an unorderly fashion.

"How...DARE YOU listen into my PLANS!" Obi Wan says, staring at the now pastry occupied Pikachu. Pikachu completely ignores him and goes to buy a pastry instead.

"NOOO! My plan is RUINED!" Obi Wan states idiotically, banging on the table 23 times. Pikachu buys the pastry and eats it in one gulp. Obi Wan stares with his mouth hanging open.

"How...did you do that?" Obi Wan asks quite idiotically again, staring at Pikachu who seems to be very satisfied...

"Three words: I was hungry" Pikachu states, racing out of there. Obi Wan stupidly stares on, wondering how Pikachu was able to accomplish such a feat...

After gulping down the pastry in one sitting, Pikachu goes over to the store with the arcade games, completely forgetting about Obi Wan...

"I wish I could buy an arcade game!" Pichu says as he starts leaving the store. Knowing what happened last time he left the store, Pichu decides to stay inside while they wait for a taxi to come. When a random taxi arrives, Pichu races out of the store at quite a high speed. He dashes into the car and feels safe. Pikachu does the same thing, rememmbering last time. But it's better to have a best friend next to you than just a box of pizza...what happened to that pizza anyways? Who knows. The taxi driver drives them home, having a great time as Pichu and Pikachu tell their stories..

When they arrive at the mansion, they thank the driver and slowly tred over to the entrance way. Pikachu hopes that everything is in order while Pichu is just waiting to see what happens...

When they arrive at the door, the two hesitate for no reason whatsoever..then they enter:)

"SURPRISE! 'APPY BIRTHDAY!" Everybody yells...well, not everybody. Bowser is eating a cookie and grumbles it, while Ganondorf, holding a streamer bottle, replaces the words with 'muahahahahahaha!'. Ganondorf jumps in front ogf everybody else and proceeds to spray both Pikachu and Pichu with streamers...

"Muahahahahahahahaha! I was finally able to do it!" Ganondorf yells, once again getting tackled by everyone.

"Thank you everybody...now, where's the cake!" Pichu says, suddenly becoming very happily hungry. For some reason Kirby brings out the cake..wait, it's not a cake! It's a pie! A PI PIE! (a PI-chu pie...) Mr. Game and Watch suddenly gets very excited and several of the smashers have to hold him back...from eating the whole pie...

"Ooh! Thanks!" Pichu says gratefully, taking the pie and eating it one gulp. Obi Wan randomly appears at the door...

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" Obi Wan asks, in a very annoying voice.

"Four words: I was very hungry." Pichu states, scaring Obi Wan. Obi Wan then races out of there...how he got there in the frist place will forever remain a mystery...

Pichu then opened all his presents, promising to use all of them, and enjoys the rest of his birthday. So ends the Random Yet Strange adventure that Pichu and all the others embarked on.


A/N: Well...that's the end! Muahahahahahahaha! Now I can fulfill me plan of...something. Ahem, I mean: Hope you all liked it...even though I got lazy at the end...-coughack-