A/n: First fic. PLEASE reveiw... kindly!

Diclaimer: I wish! Man it'd be nice to own Draco!

"As house keeper you'll be expected to wake up Narcissa and Draco, I will not need to be waken for I will be gone by the time you are awake for your duties. Also you'll will watch over the house elves, if they do something wrong they must be punished. I'll expect you to be the one to give out the punishments. Narcissa will be the one telling you what to do. Whatever she says goes. She will most likely want you to clean certain rooms and only you shall clean them. She doesn't trust the elves and for good reasons. Draco will probably spend most of his days in his rooms so he shall not be an obstacle. Your uniform shall be black slacks or a black skirt, a white button up shirt, black heels and your hair must be up. Your makeup is of your choosing. Your rooms are on the second floor, end of the hall on the right. You'll start in the morning." Lucius said as he walked his new housekeeper to her rooms.

"Yes sir." Ginny replied briskly.

"I expect you'll be better than the last mess they sent me." Lucius said sharply.

"Of course sir." Ginny replied.

"And don't let those house elves run all over you." Lucius said with a slight sneer.

"Yes sir." Ginny said.

"Are you always so damn agreeable?" Lucius asked with a sneer.

"I am always this way when talking to a superior." Ginny said seriously.

"I like that. Keep it that way. Good night Virginia. Rise early." Lucius said briskly as he walked away. Ginny let out the breath she realized that she had been holding. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.

Ginny finished putting her hair up into a tight bun and walked out of her room. She first entered Narcissa Malfoy's room. She quietly opened the door and quietly walked over to the window.

"Good Morning Mrs. Malfoy. Time to wake up!" Ginny said cheerily as she pulled back the drapes.

"Dear, what time is it?' Narcissa asked groggily.

"It is 8:00 o'clock sharp mamn. What shall I have the house elves prepare you for breakfast?" Ginny asked as she stood by the window with her hands folded.

"Just tea and toast, with jam please." Narcissa sighed as she sat up.

"Of course mistress." Ginny said giving a short curtsey. She was stopped as she was leaving the room.

"Dear, what is your name?" Narcissa asked.

"Virginia mamn." Ginny replied.

"Thank you." Narcissa replied.

"Of course mistress." Ginny said as she curtsied once more and moved on to the next room.

"Good morning Master Malfoy. Time to awake!" Ginny said upon entering. She soon realized that Draco wasn't in bed.

"Master Malfoy?" Ginny called. She didn't even notice Draco coming out of the bathroom in only a towel.

"Look at this room. Such a mess." Ginny sighed as she started to pick up clothes of the ground and stuff them into the hamper.

"I rather liked the dismay." Draco drawled. Ginny spun around, gasped when she saw what Draco wasn't wearing and then spun back around.

"I'm so sorry sir… I… I didn't realize…You were... What I mean to say is…"

"That I'm naked, yeah I got that." Draco chuckled.

"I'm so sorry!" Ginny cried shielding her face with one hand.

"Am I that unpleasing?' Draco asked.

"No Of course not sir... you're very good looking... I shouldn't have said that… Oh Merlin I going to get fired." Ginny cried as she turned a deeper shade of red.

"I know you from somewhere. You went to Hogwarts didn't you?" He asked.

"Yes sir I did." Ginny squeaked. Draco thought for a minute then it hit him.

"You're a Weasley! He cried with astonishment.

"Yes sir I am." Ginny squeaked again.

"Last time I saw you all you were was skin and bones. Now look at you!" He cried.

"Sir the last time you saw me was when I was fourteen and I put that bat bogey curse on you, which I am dreadfully sorry for sir, I really am. But I wasn't very pleasing to the eye then. And frankly I'm still not." Ginny said still blocking her eyes from Draco. Draco snorted. He could disagree with that statement. She had a lovely figure, an ample bosom, finely shaped legs (that he could see which was kinda hard since they were shielded by pants), she wasn't too skinny, and thankfully she didn't have the God awful Weasley Red hair anymore. All in all she was very pretty, not that he would admit it. Malfoy's didn't like Weasley's.

"Sir all I was doing was coming in here to wake you up and ask what you wanted for breakfast." Ginny squeaked.

"Well I'm awake and I'll go down to the kitchens myself and get something." Draco said smirking. He kind of liked the coloring of her face.

"Of course sir. Good day Master Malfoy." Ginny said as she turned and walked quickly from his room.

After Organizing the kitchen staff and House elves Ginny went upstairs.

"Good Morning mamn, how are you?" Ginny asked entering Narcissa's room for the second time that day.

"Quite well now that I have bathed thank you."

"Splendid." Ginny chirped happily.

"I heard you had a run in with my son this morning." Narcissa said smiling. Ginny flushed a deep red.

"Yes I did mamn." Ginny replied.

"He is such a good boy you know." Narcissa said as she gracefully walked to her vanity and sat down.

"I am sure he is." Ginny replied. Narcissa started to gently brush her hair.

"Was there something you needed dear?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes mamn. Mr. Malfoy said you had rooms that you only wanted me to clean?" Ginny asked.

"Yes, I don't trust the elves. I wish for you to clean my room, my parlor, Lucius's study, oh yes and Draco's room. He is so messy. The others stay clean for the most part. They just need dusting and a good sweep. But Draco's I'm afraid it needs scouring." Narcissa said lightly.

"Of course mamn. If you don't mind I think I'll put of master Malfoy's room until the end seeing as it's the messiest." Ginny informed her.

"Trying to avoid him at all costs?" Narcissa asked laughing.

"Yes, Yes I am." Ginny said blushing.

"Just tell me one thing." Narcissa asked

"Of course mamn, what is it?" Ginny asked.

"Did you find him attractive? Because he has yet to find a girlfriend and I am wondering if the female race finds him horribly ugly." Narcissa asked trying to keep a straight face. Ginny burst out laughing.

"No of course not! He is very attractive." Ginny replied after she had caught her breathe.

"Oh good, at least I'm not the only one. So now my questions turn to him." Narcissa said sneakily. Ginny just laughed and started to clean the rooms that she was assigned.