So my pooter's making my text go all weird on this site at present (hence Epilogue/Prologue going all squished and jumbled - hope seperating it into 2 chapters helps) still, hope this silly song entertains and doesn't go too crazy. It is sung to the tune of "My Favourite Things" from The Sound Of Music - Ah, the various copyright breaches! Enjoy!

Our Favourite Things:

Verse 1

BOBBY: Burgers and bagels with cheese and pastrami,

Pizzas with three different kinds of salami,

Chocolate icecream and buffalo wings,

These are a few of my favouirte things!

Verse 2

SHEILA: Kittens and bunnies and teddies all sizes...

DIANA: Trophies and medals and gen'ral first prizes...

SHEILA: Getting proposals from long exiled kings,

BOTH GIRLS: These are a few of our favourite things!

Verse 3

HANK: Helping and fixing and general good deeds,

Virtue itself is all the reward I need.

Freeing some fairies and saving some some elves...

ERIC: Helping some losers that can't help themselves!

(HANK: Hey! That was my verse!)

Verse 4

PRESTO: I like Illusionists with copper tresses...

ERIC: I like the size of our female friends' dresses...

HANK: Dressing like extras from 'Lord of the Rings'...

(ERIC: Oi!)

ALL: These are a few of our favourite things!


PRESTO: When zombies chase,

ERIC: Killer bees chase...

HANK: ...sometimes demons too...

ALL: We simply remember our favourite things, and then we don't feel so blue!

Verse 5

RANDOM ORC: Hacking and slashing, enslaving the gnomes...

NIGHWALKER: Stealing young kiddies at night from their homes...

ZINN & SIR LAWRENCE: Propositioning Minors we've only just met...

ALL: These simple pleasures we must not forget!

Verse 6

VENGER: Blowing up castles and torturing pixies,

Flying around on my horsie (called Trixie)

Destroying portals to Earth makes me smile...

These simple pleasures make my job worthwhile!

Verse 7

D.M: Speaking in riddles that can't be translated,

Unleashing Merry Hell when I'm berated,

Abducting innocent children from rides,

These simple pleasures just can't be denied!


KIDS: When we're tired and

Getting fired at,

Things aren't going our way,

We simply remember our favourite things, and then we feel mighty...

ERIC: Woah! Hold it. Time out. I'm not singing that.

PRESTO: What? "And then we feel mighty gay?"

SHEILA: What's wrong with that? We remember our favourite things, and they make us feel all happy and peppy.

ERIC: Screw you guys. I'm going to my trailer.

Storms off.

DIANA: Ya don't have a trailer!

ERIC: (Off) Fine! Then I'm just going to stand behind this rock!

Stands behind rock, sulks.

UNI: Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh,

REMAINING KIDS: And then we feel Miiiighty Gaaaay!