She was there, once again. Eating at the Gryffindor table, his sister. Weasley... no that definitely sounded strange now... Ron. Ron had just told some joke to her, and she was laughing openly. How beautiful she was! Before, had you said him that he could experience such love for someone, in particular Granger... did he even call her that? no, Hermione, he would have told you to see someone to cure your mind. Now, her laugh was warming him inside, and he just wanted to protect her from any harm. How hard he wanted to tell her the truth! But he knew the danger., Harry's link with Voldemort couldn't lie, his father, well, that monster, had been crucioed enough when one of Voldemort's plan failed because of it, even if he had tried to hide it from the Gryffindor. Draco was not a fool, and he feared what Voldemort could do to his sister through him, and he was all the most determined in succeeding in dear old Severus' teaching.

Still laughing, Hermione shook her head in disbelief at Ron's silliness, and her eyes made contact with Draco's ones, and they smiled at each other, both feeling some warmth in their heart, for Hermione it was just a feeling of contentment at having a new friend, and a good one at that, or at least that was she thought. But for Draco, the sun seemed to shine brighter, as he received a happy smile from his sister. He closed his eyes, wanting to imprint it in his memory, and he didn't see the girl who came to sit by him. However, he felt when she roughly pushed him, even if she didn't mean to, she was just awkward.

Draco groaned a bit at the one who was disturbing his perfect moment, in particular when he opened his eyes and saw dark hair. He was about to say something like 'Shove off Parkinson' (the girl had became particularly insistent in going out with him, probably on the order of her parents, that is to say on Voldemort's one), but then Blaise kissed her, and he realised that she wasn't Pansy Parkinson, but Brooklynn Adams, Blaise's American girlfriend who was studying at Hogwarts for two years.

Still Draco was a bit upset, and he wanted them to know it.

"Honestly, can't you do that elsewhere than on my knees? I'd appreciate to eat my breakfast without being crushed under snoggers!"

"Snoggers? Oh poor Draky-poo!" Brooklynn said in an almost perfect imitation of Pansy, looking at him with the most puppy-like look that she could managed with her amazing blue-green eyes. Very few guys were able to resist it, and Draco find himself grumbling, suddenly at a loss of words.

She smirked at him, then looked in the same direction than he previously did, and she mistook the center of his attention.

"Oh, I see! I'm sorry I distracted you from your contemplation of Miss Perfect! You think you'll be able to forgive me?"

Draco looked at her in wonder, then remembered that next to Hermione was the girl of his dreams, Jessica MacLeean, Ginny's best friend, that he had admired in secret for quite some time now. But he couldn't keep such a secret from his best friend, meaning from his girlfriend too, and she had teased him mercilessly since she learned it. He blushed slightly, but didn't answer, and Brooklynn would have investigated more, but Blaise claimed her attention. She climbed on his lap, and they started to snog, oblivious to the rest of the world, to the great relief of Draco, even if he was a bit disgusted also. He looked at Gryffindor table, but the Golden Trio was leaving, as well as the two sixth year girls. Harry turned around and waved at him (he had been facing Ron and Hermione before), and Draco wondered if he had dreamed, or if Jessica really winked at him.

Harry and Draco were facing each other, and for someone not warned, they were just staring menacingly at each other. Actually, they were fighting with they mind, both of them having mastered Legilimency, and now learning Corruptea. They both revealed very talented at it, and as they were both trying to dominate the mind of the other, the air was cracking like with electricity. At some point it became so intense that Snape had to stop them, or else they could have definitely lost their minds, as they had been warned.

"STOP!" boomed the teacher's voice, and both young men found themselves alone in their heads again.

"Well now! Mr Malfoy, Mr Potter. I know that you are both willing to master Corruptea." Both of them raised their heads at their teacher with fierce looks. "However you should learn when you need to withdraw from the head of your opponent, or you might became less than a vegetable. Besides anyone could cast a spell at you, and kill you. So you must be more careful, as you remember what is at stake!" They lowered their heads at the severe voice of the teacher, with the feeling that they had failed what they were so eager to learn.

But a hand on their shoulder made them rise their head again, and they were surprised to see a small smile on Severus' face.

"Still, I'm proud of you. I don't know anyone who reached this point so quickly, even I didn't." Draco smiled back, and Harry just stared with wide-opened eyes at the man who had just praise him. "The only thing you need to learn now is to be careful, but I think that you can do it quickly." He waved and two seats appeared in a corner. "Now it's enough for tonight. Seat and rest, both of you, while I teach the others."

As Draco and Harry sit, they looked at each other, this time more friendly, but still with the promise that the competition for being the first in succeeding would be harsh.


Hello you!

I know it's a bit short, but I'm leaving tomorrow, and I wanted to give you this one before, because I don't know when I'll be able to update again.

This chapter is dedicated to Jessica (romance lover) and Brooklynn (orangecrush07) who both guessed who was Hermione's brother. Yes, I haven't forgotten you, but I couldn't put any names in the previous chapters. For those who guessed it too and haven't found their names in the story; patience, it will came.

Now, thanks to all my reviewers, I hope you'll like this one!

And please, review as you read, I'd like to see some reviews the next time I 'm coming on the Internet.