:Tales of Earth's Heaven & Hell:

Disclaimer: writes her will and I leave whatever sue cases I might get to my beloved brother, enjoy it! laughs maniacally Nick, what can I do to own you... sighs

Summary: Being an Angel is not easy, not when you have to wander Earth with the curse of eternal loneliness. But one night, Angel Shuichi meets Demon Yuki at the park and their lives collide. Will the curse be lifted? ShuxYuki, AU!

Pairings: ShuxYuki, TatxRyu

Naggin Voice: (AKA Author's Notes) Yes, whee, my second Gravitation ficcy! This idea comes from nowhere and everywhere, but it's as original as an idea in these days can be. The plot is not complete yet, but I just wanted to write down the first chapter to stop my muse from nagging. I've always imagined Yuki as a demon, so I really wanted to write a story where he's actually one. Shuichi, with his naivety, I could only see him as a bubblehead angel n.n;; oh well, that's just me. Please, read on and tell me what you think of it... also, since I do this in most of my fics, I guess I should do it here... if you want to see any pairings, please just tell me and I will try my best n.n Have fun!

Warning: Some fowl language, yaoi... of course. I don't know if there's anything else to be alarmed about.


+Chapter One: Flying Solo+

Blotches of lights moved in line, a pair after pair of flashing eyes as cars were driven down the busy street. The moving vehicles were only a part of the beautiful picture that Tokyo was at night; lights emitting from every building and lamps stuck on the sides of the streets, chasing away the darkness of the night. That sight was missed by the creature, though, sitting on the top of Tokyo Tower, his eyes closed and his face lifted up in the direction of the white queen that adorned the beautiful sky of the capital city. Soft lips were fixed into a small smile, white feathers blew softly in the cool breeze as wings were spread out widely. A content sigh escaped those lips as air played with the soft feathers, tickling the pink-haired angel ever so slightly.

Lids opened slowly, revealing beautiful violet eyes that were hidden to stop the angel from watching the Hell he was living in. Big white wings flopped twice, their owner getting to his feet and bracing a pole next to him, his cheek resting on it and enjoying the cold metal against his flesh. Violet eyes took the familiar scene in, not letting a detail pass them, and the angel wished he was part of that world, again, just to feel his heart beating with the pulse of the city. What a wonderful feeling that is, being part of that world.

The wandering eyes watched the mass of people waiting for their turn to get into the tall tower, tourists with big cameras dangling from a strap around their necks, eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. The young angel let go of the pole and leaned forward, letting his body fall over the edge. His eyes closed once again, beautiful white wings tucked in, the angel smiled as the gravity pulled him close, enjoying the way the wind ran through his pink hair making it fly in waves. It was one of the greatest experiences he could not go through before becoming an angel, when he was a mere human. And one thing he loved more, he spread his wings when he was about to hit the people, was the ability to fly.

With his cheeks flushed from the cold wind, pink hair and white wings, Shuichi Shindou was the perfect image for an Angel at that moment. Unfortunately, although he was floating a hairsbreadth above the people, nobody was able to appreciate the beauty of that creature. It was one of the curses the angel had to live with, one of the downfalls of being a creature of light: to see and not be seen, to hear and not be heard, to be -to others- nobody. A phantom that wanders the Earth, loneliness ruling your heart as you search and hope that somebody someday would throw you a look, and actually see you standing or flying there.

Shuichi watched the humans interact, his eyes longing, his heart weeping to be part of a normal group like that once again. Feeling his chest tighten with the oh-so familiar pain, the angel used his wings to leave the scene, preferring to be with the stars. The bright dots may not talk, and they may not be the best companions, but at least they twinkled at him. He should have left his habit of dreaming and wishing with his human form, Shuichi thought and he gave his back to the ground below. The angel flew slowly and watched the beautiful painting above him. Heaven was up there, a few skies after this one, but even that place did not lift off that curse that was slowly crushing Shuichi's spirit.

Shindou was not alone; he had other angels to talk to, to befriend and to become like a family member to them. No, he was not alone, he was lonely. He was just so lonely, and that loneliness was just like an empty space in his heart, painful and void. And like a missing tooth, Shuichi could not help but look around for something that once was filling that hole, but never actually finding it.

The young-looking angel sighed, turning around on his stomach, his chin resting on folded arms while wings worked to keep the creature high in the sky. And along with loneliness, came boredom. He had a duty, of course, as an angel but nothing else. There was no single thing else in his life that might make his day interesting. There was no factor of action that kept him wanting to see another sunshine, no want or need; all he did was spend the time away with the same routine, ending up at the top of that tower at each and every midnight and staying there until the sun came up once again.

Not tonight, though. No, not tonight. He was not about to dwell over the things he had lost after his death, after the end of his mortal life and the beginning of a new, immortal one. He had enough of that, he was lucky to be with wings, not everybody got that kind of chance to continue living. He was one of the chosen ones. He was special.

Then why did he feel that it would have been better if he stayed dead? If he had never been awakened, alien parts sticking out of his back? Why did he feel as though he was cheated?

He could remember the first day so clearly, but he could remember if he had run or flown to his home and his family. He remembered how he started to knock of the door only to have his hand go through the door. He had panicked, his wings flailing widely as he tried to adjust to them, like a new baby trying to walk for the first time. After few tries to open the door and failing, he dashed through the wood with eyes closed shut and held breath. When he opened his eyes, an unfamiliar house greeted him. New people had crowded the place, along with new furniture and a new look to suit the redesigned building. His eyes had widened when he spotted a face he could never forget, the face that looked so similar to his own: Maiko's face, but she was older, much older. Then the second surprise hit him when his violet eyes fell on the calendar that was hung near the wall telephone.

Ten years. Ten years has passed since the fateful day he was killed, whole ten years. With a fazed look, the angel watched two kids run around the house; a boy and a girl, assuming correctly that it was his sister's children. He would never forget the way his chest tightened when his sister's voice carried through the house, calling her son.

Shuichi. She had called her boy Shuichi, and Shindou tearfully wondered if he could ever feel that happy again.

His happiness was cut short, unfortunately, once he discovered he could not be reunited with his sister again, or anybody else for that matter. A painful fact he had to live with until now.

There was another sigh, and at the sight of the park, the angel started to slowly lower himself to the ground. Once he was safely on his feet, he tucked his wings away and started to wander in the park, stopping to caress each tree affectionately. It was hard at first, but after some time he got the hang of using his wings and touching things. It was not impossible for him to touch somebody, for he was an angel, not a ghost, but it depended on the person's belief whether he feels it or not. And for the most part, nobody he touched felt anything and the few that did, freaked out. In other words, it was not worth the try, so Shindou gave up hope completely after a while.

Leaning back against one the many railings that were scattered around in the park, Shuichi ran his hands through his hair and closed his eyes once again, his face directed slightly upwards once again. He loved viewing the world through his feelings instead of his senses, loved to smell and hear instead of seeing; it gave more meaning to everything, and it also shielded him away from the fact that he was in what he considered Hell.

Opening his eyes ever so slowly, he found himself staring directly into a pair of golden eyes.

The angel gasped.


AN: Awright, first chapter done! Whee! I'm really looking forward to workin on this story, but I have to be done with Beautiful Reflections first, my other Gravi ficcy. But do not fear, the story shall be updated soon, and soon in my dictionary is a century later n.n;; Just kiddin', I'll try to upload the second chapter just as I'm done with the third chapter of the other story! Ano... Onegai, be patient, minna-san! In the meantime, you can tell me what you thought about this chapter and request your pairings! Arigatou! nn