Derris-Kharlan drifted for days. The two Seraphim passed the time by reading the many books in Vinheim, usually for the third or fourth time. Eventually the one who used to be human gave up as he recited the next five paragraphs of his reading to his blue-haired companion, who laughed, shook his head, and resumed his own reading.

Kratos Aurion closed the text and placed it on a table beside him, chosing instead to gaze out the window into the darkness of space. After a few minutes he frowned. "Origin," he intoned.

Yes, Kratos. The man had been the Summon Spirit's seal for ages; sometimes Origin had been his only companion. Although the seal had been released, a connection remained between spirit and man. Either could now sever it; neither was inclined to. "We're not moving away from the world anymore."

Indeed, we're not. Yuan looked up at Kratos curiously, hearing only his side of the conversation. Long, long ago, when Origin was first sealed by Kratos' life, Yuan had thought his childhood friend insane the first time he heard such a discussion. He had long since learned to take such unnerving conversations in stride, and to pay attention to them; they were usually important.

"Why aren't we?"

The Master of the Pact- Lloyd-

"Origin," the teenager breathed, watching the planet of solid mana drift away. Knowing he had the Summon Spirit's attention even though he didn't respond, Lloyd continued, "Make sure Derris-Kharlan doesn't drift past the reach of the Eternal Sword."

You wish Kratos to remain near to you.

"Well, yeah," Lloyd answered. "He's my... my dad. I've finally found him after all these years." His voice turned thoughtful. "You don't think I'd just let him go that easily, so soon after finding him, do you?"

Yuan put his book down as Kratos chuckled. The half-elf assumed his companion had finally lost his mind and gazed sympathetically at him. His uneasy assumption was put to rest when Kratos turned his gaze to him. "Lloyd ordered Origin not to allow Derris-Kharlan to drift beyond the reach of the Eternal sword."

"I should've known it was his doing," Yuan replied with a slight smile and he picked up his book again. "So should you, actually."

"Origin, I can't override Lloyd's orders, can I?"

You cannot. The spirit sounded amused. You are no longer my seal.

"I wouldn't be able to even if I was."

That is correct.

Kratos sat back. "Well, we're stuck where we are."


Two years later...

"It's a boy!"

Colette Irving leaned back, breathing heavily as she listened to her son's newborn sobs. Piercing pain shot through the woman again and she screamed; Raine Sage was at her side in an instant. "Take the child and clean him up," she ordered the teenager who was assisting her.

Just at that moment, Lloyd Irving-Aurion burst into the room. His gaze fell on his newborn son and his eyes softened, but his voice was disappointed. "I missed it."

"You missed one," Raine replied. Colette screamed again and Genis Sage hesitated. "Go!" Raine shouted at him and Genis fled with the bundle.

Lloyd watched his childhood friend leave the room with a barely-audible, "Congratulations, Dad," and turned back to his wife and teacher, the color quickly draining from his face. "There's another one?"

"Apparently so," Raine answered, positioning herself between Colette's legs again. "Okay, dear, let's get this over with quickly," she said in a soothing tone. "Push. Lloyd, go hold her hand."

Lloyd did as he was told. Colette's fingers closed over his and he squeezed them. She squeezed back, her grip suddenly becoming painful and then dangerous as she pushed with all her might, a steady shriek coming from her as she did. Her energy spent on that one push, she fell back on her pillow, shaking her head. "I can't do this," she said in a pained and terrified voice.

"You can," Lloyd answered, unable to keep his voice calm.

"I can't."

"You have to, Colette," Raine replied. "Come on, I can see the head. Just two more pushes. Let's go, sweetie."

Colette answered by pushing again, again accenting the act with a steady scream of pain. She fell back on her pillow, loosing her grip on Lloyd's hand, much to his relief. "He's almost here," Raine encouraged. "One more, push!"

Once more, Colette pushed; the pain lessened abruptly and Raine smacked the child on the bottom lightly, starting his crying. "Well done, Colette. It's a boy."

The former Chosen fell back one last time, crying tears of relief and joy. Raine wrapped the baby up in a second blanket and thrust him at Lloyd. "Go wash him up. It's repentence for missing your firstborn's birth."

Lloyd took the bundle hesitantly. "I think my hand's broken."

"Your hand's not broken," Raine answered as Colette laughed.

"It feels like it."

Raine put her hands on the one Colette had been holding and closed her eyes. "First Aid," she murmmured, and a warm glow surrounded his hand for a second. "There, better?" she asked, taking her hands away from his. Lloyd nodded, smiling brightly; Raine returned his smile. She couldn't remember her student ever seeming so happy. "Now go clean your son up, Lloyd. I'll take care of Colette."

Lloyd bent and kissed Colette's forehead; the woman was already drifting to sleep. She muttered something unintelligable and Lloyd wandered down the stairs, to the main area of the house, where Genis and Dirk sat talking quietly. Dirk held the baby now, and halted mid-sentence to look at Lloyd and grin. "Congratulations, son!"

"Twice over," Genis added with a chuckle. The teenager's voice was starting to change and deepen, and the chuckle caused his voice to crack; he blushed but Lloyd politely ignored it.

"Thanks, you two," he said quietly. "I hope you didn't have to hold her hand, Genis."

"I refused to," he answered. "There was no way I was going to hold her hand with how much she was screaming. I think she would've probably broken it."

Lloyd nodded. "I think she almost broke mine," he said with a grin, taking the baby to the sink and running water over a free hand, holding the baby in the other. Once the water was lukewarm, he carefully unwrapped the bundle and placed it gently in the sink; the child's calmed cries resumed and he sighed.

"Have you named them yet, Lloyd?" Dirk asked, rocking the child he held.

Lloyd nodded, not turning his attention away from the baby he was washing. "We decided on baby names when we found out Colette was pregnant. Our first boy would be named Kratos and our second would be Dirk, if we second." He imagined his foster father blushing at this, and smiled, but kept his gaze on his son. "I'm going to assume he's Kratos and this one's Dirk."

"A fair assumption," Genis said with a nod. "Lloyd, I have to get going. There's a big test in two days and I haven't studied at all."

"That's okay," Lloyd said, shutting off the water and grabbing a towel. "I'm glad you were here for Kratos' birth. You're the one I wanted to be since I was late."

"Thanks. Just let me hold Dirk for a minute, okay?"

Lloyd finished drying the baby and handed him to Genis, towel and all. Genis moved the towel out of the baby's face and cooed at him, trying to coax a smile. All he succeeded in doing was putting the child to sleep and Genis chuckled again, handing the baby back to Lloyd. "Thanks. Tell Colette congratulations for me, okay?"

"You got it." Genis left, closing the door softly behind him.

Dirk stood and offered Lloyd the bundle he held. "I'll trade ya." Lloyd laughed and they exchanged babies. "Hope you can tell them apart now," Dirk commented with a grin, gazing at the baby in his arms. "They look just like you."

"They do not! I'm not all red!"

Dirk laughed. "So what excuse did that airheaded friend of yours come up with for not coming with you to see your babies?"

Lloyd made a face. "Zelos? He claimed he couldn't stand the sight of blood. He's the reason I was late, I kept trying to get him to come with me."

Dirk shook his head, clucking his tongue. "Shoulda just let him be. You know he's as strong-willed as you."

"I know." Lloyd looked at his son Dirk sadly. "I'm going to have to leave again in a few days, Dad," he said. "Zelos said to take all the time I needed, but I'm don't want to put off the journey too long."

"I'm sure Colette will understand," Dirk replied gently. "She told me she doesn't want you to take too much time, either. She's afraid you'll settle down and not want to go back out to finish gathering and destroying those Exspheres. Who'll do it then?"


"Do you really want to leave such an important task in his hands?"

Lloyd laughed. "I suppose not."

The two sat in companionable silence for a while. Raine came down the stairs as Dirk was standing to hand the child he was holding to Lloyd so he could light the lanterns. "She wants to see you and her sons," Raine told Lloyd quietly. "I'll carry him," she said, taking Dirk from the dwarf. "Let's go to her."