Lily couldn't believe what she had just done. She had never yelled at James before, and she never thought she would. She always thought they would talk to each other in a friendly way.

"Lily! Stop running!" Kitty yelled after her. Lily stopped and turned around. She rested her head on her friend's shoulder, and started sobbing again. Together, they walked up to the common room and into their dormitory.

"I can't believe I did that. I didn't mean.. " Lily couldn't stop crying.

"I know, just stop crying. It'll be okay," Kitty said," But it was soooo funny. Scarlett looked like she had just been slapped on the face and been branded like a cow!'

"Really?" Lily said as she sniffled.

"Yeah. Don't worry. I mean, he should understand, and if he doesn't, well then screw him," Kitty said. Lily laughed.

"See? You're better already," she said with a smile.

When Lily walked into the Great Hall the next morning, she felt like she couldn't show her face. She felt as if everyone now hated her. They hated her because she had yelled at one of the most respected guys at school.

"Ms. Evans, I hope that your behavior from last night will not show the rest of the year,' Professor McGonagall said as she stopped her.

"No Professor," she replied

"Good," said the Professor as she walked away. Lily stared into space as she sat down to eat. She started to pick at her food.

"Hey Lily, that was quiet a blow-off last night," Remus said as he sat down next to her.

"Yeah, well .. " Lily said distantly.

"I would've done the same thing, except it would only be anybody but James," he said

"Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to yell at James. I actually wouldn't think of you to yell at anyone," Lily said as Kitty sat down on the other side of her.

"Hey Lils, Remus. So, yelled at anyone today?"

"No," Lily said giving her a look

"Hey Evans, James just walked in. Gonna yell at him?" Sirius asked. Lily scowled at him.

Lily looked at James, and fell into a trance with his eyes. She loved the way they just described him. They showed how thoughtful, yet loud and obnoxious he was. She liked he way-

"Lily, can I talk to you?" James said as he tapped her on the shoulder

"Oh, um, yeah," Lily said as she got up and gathered her stuff. She and James walked outside through the corridors.

"So, what did you wanna talk-"

"Lily, do you like me?" he asked her as looked straight into her eyes.

"Um, no," she said very cautiously

"Oh," he said as they kept walking


"Nothing, I just, I ... " he kissed her. When he pulled away, she looked shocked.

"Um, James? You have a girlfriend, and I don't want to ruin that."

"No, we broke up," he said as he looked at his feet.

"Oh." Lily looked at her feet, and then at his head.

"Lily, will you go out with me?" James asked, looking into her eyes.


"What?" James had obviously never been rejected before.

"I said no. You and Scarlett were going out, and if you broke up because of me, then that isn't right. You were meant for each other, and so ... you should keep it that way," Lily said looking him back in the eye. She stared at him for a quick second, but quickly turned and walked away so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes.

During Potions class, Lily couldn't stop staring at James. She felt so bad that she had rejected him, and wished she hadn't.

"Lils, what's wrong?" Kitty asked as she stirred their potion carefully.

"James asked me out," she whispered.

"What?" Kitty tried to whisper, yet she managed to get half the class to look at her," Why would he ask you out if he is still going out with Scarlett?"

Lily looked over at James' partner, and it was none other than Scarlett.

"Oh. I told him that he and Scarlett were meant to be," she said very quietly.

"Why would you do that? You like him, so you should've said yes."

"I know, but I don't want Scarlett down my back every minute, and-"

"I get it, just ... what are you going to do when you have night shifts and stuff?"

"I really don't know," Lily said as she placed a few ingredients into the potion.

"Class, I would like you to now stir your potions once to the right, and then twice to the left, in a slow position. Once you have done that, your potions should be pink. Put them into the tubes, label with your names, place them on my desk, and then you may leave," said their professor.

Lily quickly did as they teacher said, and followed Kitty out of the room.

Lily and James were on a shift together at the main tower that night.

"Lily, I'm sorry about earlier today," James said.

"It's okay, just never do it again," she said softly.

"Fine, but I thought you liked me."

"This is the reason I don't like you. You think you're hot stuff, and you're an arrogant bastard. Just never talk to me again," she said as she sat down in front of one of the windows. She stared out, and gazed at the stars. She thought about everything she felt, about James, about everyone. She looked at one of the stars, and had a tear in her eye.