Lily, can you help me with my Potions homework?" Kitty Kinkle asked. She was Lily's best friend since they were babies. She had red hair, blue eyes, freckles, and was about 5'7". Lily looked exactly the same, but she had darker hair, and stunning emerald green eyes.

"Yeah. When?"

"Tonight," she said looking at the door. They were eating breakfast in the Great Hall, and Kitty was looking for her boyfriend, Sirius Black. They had been going out since the end of their fifth year, and they were now just starting their seventh.

"Hey," he said as he walked up to them with his best friend James Potter.

"Hey Siri," she said as they kissed. Lily and James rolled their eyes and groaned

"What?" Sirius said innocently

"Do you always have to snog every waking hour of the day?" Lily asked as she gathered her things to go to class.

"Um, Yeah," Kitty said

"Whatever," Lily said as she and James left the Great Hall.

"Jeez, they are always at it," James said

"Yeah," Lily said with a smile. Why are you always smiling?" he asked her

"What do you mean?"

"Every time you talk or something, you are always smiling," he said.

"James! I've been looking for you," a girl's voice cried. It was Scarlett Cambridge, James' girlfriend. She was a girl about 5'4", platinum blonde hair, and had just about every guy drooling at her feet. Not that Lily didn't either, it was just that she didn't really like to get caught up in the whole dating scene. She and Lily were always competing at everything. They were both top of the class, great at Qudditch, and had good looks. Scarlett just had the boyfriends, but Lily was Head Girl.

"Guess what? There is going to be a ball in December, and its going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed to James.

"Cool,' he said. "Yes, I know. Lily, who are you going with?"

"I dunno. I'll see in, December maybe?" she said very sarcastically. Scarlett didn't notice, but James did. He smiled, even though she was basically dissing his girlfriend.

"Well, I think you should have a decent person, though I already have one," she said looking into his brown hazel eyes.

"Yeah, well, I'll get back to you," she said as she rolled her eyes. Scarlett saw her.

"Well, I have to go to class. See you," she said as she kissed him. Lily was glad that she left. Lily had always like James ever since their fifth year, about the time they started hanging out because Kitty was going out with Sirius. Scarlett and James had started going out about the same time. Lily had gone out a couple of times with James' friend Remus Lupin, but they decided they would be better off as friends.

"You are still smiling," he pointed out." She realized he was right. She always smiled, but it was only around him. They go tot the classroom, and she just shrugged as they took their seats.


"Lily, c'mon. I really need help on this," Kitty said as they were walking out of the Great Hall after dinner. Lily was talking with James

"Okay, fine," lily said as she ran to catch up to Kitty,' Jeez, what is the hurry?'

"I need to tell you something,''Kitty said as she practically ran into the common room. What?" Lily asked as they walked in

"I think I might be pregnant," she whispered in her ear. Lily's eyes went big," Are you gonna say something?"

"Are you positive?" Lily said as she walked up to her room

"No," Kitty said softly.


"Well, what if I want a baby?"

"Why would you want one right now? We have school, and work and-"

"I know Lily, I just, I dunno ... "

"Kitty, get a hold of yourself," Lily said," You need to think about it. Do you think Sirius is gonna stand by you? I think he is, but you never know. Look at your parents. Your mum had you when she was eighteen, and your dad was going to leave her if his parents hadn't been so rich. Just think about it."

"Lily, I think I know what I and doing," Kitty explained. "I know. Your smart, I just, I don't think you should be having a baby right now."

"I know," Kitty said sitting next to Lily on the bed in her dorm

"Have you told Sirius?"

"No, because I'm not sure yet-"

"Wait. This means you, you... Kitty! Why didn't you tell me you were sleeping with him?" Lily exclaimed

"Because, I just didn't?"

"Ugh, Kitty, I just, ugh," Lily couldn't finish her sentence

"Lily, don't get mad."

"Fine, I'll stop."

"Lily, I'm not pregnant," Kitty whispered in her ear that morning on the way down to breakfast.

"Good. Now lets never talk about it again," Lily said as they sat down.


"Hey Kit," Sirius said as he came up to them

"Hey,"she said kissing him. A couple of minutes later, James walked up.

"Wait, am I in the right place? They aren't kissing," he said as he sat down.

"James!' Scarlett called. Lily looked at Kitty, and they both rolled their eyes.

"Hi Scarlett,"Sirius said

"Hey Black. James, you won't believe what I just found out. Amos, from my house-"

"I know. Continue," James interrupted

"Yes, well, he told me that he wants to go the ball with Lily!" Scarlett exclaimed. She looked at Lily and said," Lily, isn't that great!"

"Yeah, just great," she said very unexcitedly

"yes, well, see you in class," she said as she and James got up and left.

"Looks like they have some groove to get out," Sirius said. Kitty laughed, but Lily didn't.

"I think I will go see what Remus is doing," Sirius said. Kitty mouthed thanks to him as he got up and left.

"Lils, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Lily said as she slammed her fork down. Kitty raised her eyebrow at her.

"Fine, I'll tell you. I love James Potter. Happy?"

"I knew it. And you hate it when Scarlett does things like that? Yeah, well, I don't feel like that about him, and I hate her," Kitty said. Yeah, well, do you know how it feels?"

"Yeah. I felt like that when her friend Marilyn Williams was going out with Sirius. I hated her. Don't worry, James will get over her," she said as they got up to go to class

"Are you sure? He seems to favor her, and always has."

"No, remember when he was always bothering you about going out with him?" Kitty said "Yeah, but-"

"Don't worry Lily."