Hi, sorry I haven't updated in… ages -.- I kinda got addicted to another anime (I'm just weird like that) it's also kinda unlikely that I'll update any time soon, sorry

Anyways, thanks to everyone who reviewed:

- glomps Yuugi – Yeh, scary Bakura o.O

/Whacks Bakura with frying pan/ don't scare reviewers!

Bakura: Well sorry coughidiotcough

FireChaos/grabs baseball bat/

Bakura: um O.O /runs/

Setoglomper: Yep, actually Voldemort's in chapter

gohan/videlgoten/trunkslover: Sorry for not updating

jak'idiot: Thanks, and I'll try adding more description in this chapter

-.-: Malfoy knew Marik was Egyptian because he looks Egyptian

plutobaby494: Sorry about the long wait

Twin Tails Speed: here it is

Hedwig the MilleniumOwl: You waited all night, wow, thats long, Merry Christmas to you too, and happy New Year

Also thanks to: kenmeishouri, shadow's light and chibikuro rose-sama for also reviewing last chapter, glad you all like it

Disclaimer: own nothing… zero… zilch e.o me no own, you no sue simple


Chapter 11: Darkness and Light

In the darkness of night, the castle was shown only by the light of the stars and the rising moon, casting strange twisted shadows which seemed to creep through the long winding passage ways of the old school.

The turrets rose up to touch the full moon, the glass in the windows reflected the light over the ground and made the school seem like an evil castle, which would be ruled over by all kinds of horrific beast.

Through one of the many windows lay the sleeping forms of the people who lived in this castle, though the many bright colours of the clothes and beds made the room seem out of place, all were lying peacefully, unknowing of the nearing dangers, blissfully dreaming of Quidditch, or maybe Duel Monsters, or in a few peoples cases, many foods and treats that never disappeared.

If anyone had been walking the corridors this late, they would've said the shadows were slightly abnormal, that there was an unnatural coldness in the air, but the passages seemed deserted, not a single torch light burnt, or a cat run to it's master, therefore nobody saw the shadowy figure walking slowly, a maniacal grin on his face.

The shadow walked on, darkness curling around him, trying to pull him back into the blackness, but he wouldn't go, wouldn't leave, not yet anyway.

The figure looked about, his eyes darted around, taking in the cobwebs and sleeping pictures, he didn't need the torches to see, or candles or any other form of light, so he continued walking, coldness filling the air where he had been.

Finally he found his destination, a portrait, showing a fat lady sleeping, he grinned to himself, he was sure that nothing, not even an explosion, would wake the person.

The shadow stepped forward, passing right through the picture; sometimes it was good to be a spirit.

Looking around he saw a warm fire, surrounding it were red armchairs, the carpet was red, as were the walls, actually, nearly everything in the room was red, he waved his hand and the fire disappeared, once again cloaking his surroundings in darkness.

The spirit laughed, then turned to the stairs, he walked up them until he came to a sign saying '6th year boys dormitories' grinned to himself and walked through.

Inside was the room that looked so out of place, he glanced about, all were sleeping, and even if they were awake, no one would see him, he turned and walked over to were a certain person slept.

Pharaoh, you don't even realise the danger your in, your so pathetic

Glancing at the table nearby he saw the Millennium Puzzle, gleaming bright golden in the moonlight, the eye faced towards the ceiling, and seemed to glow red with the blood of the many sacrifice used to create it. It was so close, he could just reach out and take it, but then he couldn't use it if it wasn't won fairly.

The spirit frowned; the eye seemed to flash warningly at him, a maniacal grin once again spread across his face.

You should know Pharaoh, that you can't threaten me

He reached out to touch the Puzzle, as his shadowy fingers touched the smooth surface, the eye glowed, the spirit shielded his eyes, trying to block out the light, were his fingers touched the gold burnt and crackled, as if the Puzzle was creating both fire and lightning.

The spirit suddenly pulled his hand away and the light ebbed away, the spirit glanced down at his smoking hand, then back to the Puzzle, his eyes narrowed in anger, but this time he didn't try to touch it, he glanced around, making sure nobody had been woken by the light, but all still slept, so he turned and walked over to another sleeping person.

The Puzzle flashed once again, another warning, but the spirit ignored him again,

This time you can't do anything, oh Great Spirit of the Puzzle

He reached out, touching the teens forehead, touching his thought, shadow power flowed through his arm and into the others mind,

Have your nightmares, and know that I will never be banished, my hikari was all that he whispered, though the last few words were said with a slight sneer.

He walked to the middle of the room, job complete, now he should be able to conjure shadows and walk the real world for longer, and soon return, his grin widened as his body dissolved into the shadows, back into the realm of darkness, were tortured spirits would cry and reach out for his help, and would eventually be driven to insanity. But he was already insane, the darkness couldn't affect him.


"Wormtail, have you found anything yet?" asked a man with crimson coloured eyes, he glared at the short rat-like man in front of him, who was scurrying around, collecting old dusty books, some had chains tied around them, and others looked like normal books.

Wormtail was currently scanning through a golden coloured book, edged with crimson, this was one of the books that had chains that should've bound it together, but instead lay broken, hanging from the covers.

Next to the small man lay piles of books, many with torn pages, all had already been checked in, and although many contained helpful information, none of it was of any use to the crimson eyed human.

For a while Wormtail didn't answer, but simply continued reading, as though he hadn't heard.

However his master didn't seem to like the silence, he wanted answers from his servant, and being ignored only made him angrier.

"Wormtail…" he began, his voice colder than usual, his eyes flashing dangerously, but was quickly cut off as the short man leapt to his feet with a squeak of excitement, his hands trembled and his face split into a smile as he scurried over to his master.

"M-my Lord, I h-have found something." His voice was high pitched, and many would say that the trembling man sounded like a mouse or a rat if those animals could talk. He held the book up to his master, his hands still shaky.

Voldemort took the book and looked down at the page, brushing away some of the dust to reveal the information beneath.

Minutes passed as Voldemort read, his face never changing as he read, only his eyes showed some evil, twisted happiness. Finally he raised his head, looking down on his servant, who looked up, hope showing on his face. Maybe this time his master would be pleased.

"Very good Wormtail, these, Millennium items seem to hold untold power."

"T-thank you my Lord," Wormtail stuttered, this time he had done well, meaning that he wouldn't be punished.

Voldemort looked back to the book, frowning slightly, "but were would they be, they couldn't still be in Egypt…" once again his gaze shifted to his servant, who seemed to want to say something but wouldn't. Wormtail seemed to feel the crimson gaze, for he shuddered and quickly said,

"Hogwarts maybe my Lord, t-there power wouldn't h-have gone unnoticed."

Voldemort smiled to himself slightly, yes, Hogwarts was were all his enemies were, and a lot of power resided there, it wouldn't be surprising if the Millennium Items also turned up there.

"Wormtail, send some Death Eaters to Egypt, and some to Hogwarts." He ordered.

Wormtail looked up, shocked,

"B-but my Lord, you can't think of attacking Hogwarts." Surprise showing on his face, Voldemort spat at him, his eyes showing fury,

"You dare defy me!" Wormtail cringed at his master's words, "of course I am not going to attack that school," Voldemort spat out the last word, "I will have them attack when they visit Hogsmeade, which should be in two days." Voldemort smirked at his plan, if the Millennium items were in Hogwarts, someone must have them, he would force that person to reveal themselves.

He glared at Wormtail who was still staring up at his master, fear showing in his eyes, but when he noticed the Dark Lords glare he seemed to realise what his master wanted, and quickly rushed off to gather the Death Eaters.

Voldemort smirked again, his crimson eyes glowing bright blood red, his pupils, so cat like, scanned the room, and finally landed on a giant snake, which had slithered out off it's hiding place, finally it reached it's master, and coiled up by his feet, Voldemort glanced down at it, speaking to it, his words sounding like a snakes hiss as he told her of his plans, the snake seemed to nod in agreement.

"Don't worry, soon Potter will be dead, and the Shadows will be under my control."


As the night ended the moon sunk beneath the horizon, taking the darkness with it, running from the light as the sun appeared, showing the castle for what it really was, a school, not a torture fort, in the brightness the colours didn't look strange, but fitted in nicely with there surroundings, it was as if it was a completely different building, world.

The sunlight poured into the dormitories, inside the occupants shifted, trying to shut out the light, and stay asleep for a few more minutes, many covered their heads with their pillows, few actually stayed asleep, one of those was a certain red head by the name of Ron Weasley.

Harry had not been so lucky, for he did not escape the penetrating light, he yawned and sat up in his bed, opening his eyes slowly to let them adjust to the brightness, around him the others were also waking, then making their way downstairs, Harry was about to follow, when he noticed his friend still sleeping better wake him he thought to himself.

After about 10 minutes Harry had successfully managed to wake his friend, Ron, up, but he had also acquired a bruised noise, trying to wake Ron was not a good idea.

"I'm really sorry Harry, I didn't mean to." Ron apologised to the black haired teen as they walked down the winding staircase.

"Its ok Ron, wasn't your fault." Harry muttered, his words slightly muffled as he rubbed his nose.

As they entered the common room, Harry heard people talking in excited voices; they were all crowded around the notice board, obviously thrilled about something.

Harry and Ron tried to push forward, but only found themselves being shoved to the back, Harry sighed, then turned towards the chairs by the fire, which was for some reason, unlit.

Strange he thought to himself, the fire had always burnt, it had never before been put out, but before he was able to consider this he noticed a certain tri-coloured haired teen,

"Hey Yugi," Harry called to him, Yugi turned and smiled at Harry, "what's goin on?" Harry asked, but before Yugi could answer, a very annoyed Bakura and Marik appeared,

"Dumb idiots, we were almost crushed." Bakura snarled, indicating the crowd of people, Yugi laughed as Bakura's eye twitched,

"Well, why's everyone excited?" Yugi asked, ignoring the glares from Marik and Bakura,

"Something about Hogsmeade, that were going in two days." Marik growled and Bakura nodded in agreement, Harry turned to Ron who had also heard, Yugi noticed them and sent them questioning looks,

"Hogsmeade, it's great, loads of places to go and see, basically a day away from Hogwarts." Ron told them, unable to hide his excitement.

Yugi's face split into a smile, as Bakura asked in wonder,

"Who comes up with these weird names?" But of course, no one answered him


Deep in the depths of the Millennium Puzzle Yami sat, around him the passageways went on forever, twisting upside down and at other odd angles, doors stood everywhere, the handles looked old and rusty, unused, in the centre of this labyrinthine, however, was a clear space, free of unusual objects, or dark lingering shadows, this was were Yami sat, thinking.

He was remembering what had happened the night before, a spirit had come, though he wasn't sure who, when he looked out through the eye of the puzzle he saw only shadows, though he felt the darkness radiating from the spirit.

What was bothering him, was whether Yugi ought to know, this shadow, didn't seem like a threat at the moment, it hadn't done anything to harm his aibou, and telling Yugi would only make him worry, but still, Yami didn't like keeping secrets from him.

He was so caught up in thoughts that he didn't heard the creaking of a door opening, he didn't sense the approaching figure, or the questioning gaze of the other.

"Yami?" Yugi finally spoke, starling his other, Yami turned around quickly his eyes showing shock, but before he could speak Yugi voiced his question, "what's wrong?"

Yami paused, still surprised he hadn't noticed Yugi before, and cursing himself slightly for it, but this was no time to dwell on thoughts.

"Nothing, nothing Yugi." His hikari seemed pleased with answer, for he nodded happily before replying,

"Ok, I was just worried." Was all he said, the smile that always remained on his face, never disappearing, and with that he turned and disappeared.

Yami sighed, before sitting once again, no; it was nothing to worry Yugi about.


Yes, I know this is very short, but it had more description in it at least

Read and Review though you've probably already read it, soo, review please

Oh, and this story will have no yaoi or pairings, sorry if I disappointed anyone

IMPORTANT: This story is on hold for the moment, it will be continued eventually, sorry to everyone who likes this story