A/N This is a crossover fic between Sailormoon and Harry Potter. The story will be two parts, the first part starting in the past, in the Silver Millenium. It starts out mostly about Sailormoon, but you will see Harry Potter characters enter the scene eventually. Then they will be in it in full force. The Second Part of the story will take place in the present, and it will be mostly Harry Potter Universe. But it will balance out in both fics. You'll see. A Main Character will be O/C Terra Princess of Earth. Tell me if she's getting Mary-sue, and I'll try to tone her down, but she has to be interesting since she does drive the story. Alrighty lets start!
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailormoon of Harry Potter. I am not making any money off of this fanfiction.
Cruel and Calculating
By Godlovesme
Ah, the court. How barbaric it is. I am only eleven but I already know it's cruelties. Here on Earth the scheming and double crossing is endless. As it is we are only in power because my Grandfather arranged the massacre of Gallon, and then in turn murdered the King of Earth. Hard to believe a child of eleven would hear such a thing, but when you listen in the right places, you hear the right stories. In any case its not so much how you gain power, it's how you keep it.
Earth is one of the more powerful kingdoms in the Universe, while the myriad of Kings that rule it usually take credit for that, it's mostly because the Kingdom of the Universe rests on the Moon orbiting the Earth. How it ever got to be there, I have no idea, the only reason it can even exist there is because of the magic in the rulers that can keep the planet alive. Without the magic, the Moon would just be a barren piece of rock, with no atmosphere at all. Same with all the other planets, except for that of Earth. Earth is the only natural life sustaining planet. Which is why throughout history many Kings and Queens of Earth did not possess the power. Even though I myself will never solely rule a Kingdom because I lack the type of elemental magic to sustain it, that doesn't mean I can't be married into power. When it comes to marrying into power, our family has always been the best at it. This is because the power only comes to a few in our family. In fact in the last century only 3 have possessed the power, those being my grandfather, my mother, and my brother.
As for myself, I was to be raised as a great red-haired beauty to seduce and marry the Crown Prince of the Universe, and subsequently become Queen. I am already accustomed to the painful bindings of a corset, and the unforgiving mistress who tightens it. I have also been trained to be desirable, in all manners of ways. I learned the art of flirting when I was 7, you can't learn too early you know... especially if you're planning on marrying Kings. I was also trained to move seductively and to always have a twinkle of promise in my eyes of 'darker things'. I know about these 'darker things' and sometimes it's hard not to laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Even so, I know how. It is amusing to see the reaction to my charms in the faces of grown men. They look outwardly disturbed, but when their eyes go dark and they start to twitch and look away, you know that they are secretly aroused.
Of course, that whole plan died when the Crown Prince and the King of the Universe were assassinated. Our plans fell into the dust as you can imagine. The Queen, Queen Serenity, named her daughter heir and then vowed to never have relations with a man ever again. She went overboard by the self inflicted destruction of her genitalia, which nearly killed her, and the bleaching white of her skin and hair. She wanted to be the ultimate white, pure, virgin Queen. And now she is. Except for the virgin part. Then we all had to follow suit, of course, so off goes the corset, and into long billowy sexless dresses. We didn't have to go to the extremes that she went to, but we basically had to emulate what she did. It was a little too late for me though. With all my training done at such a young age, I found that it was impossible to change. Practice makes permanent they say. I still had that twinkle in my eyes, the velvet in my voice, the promise of my young body. I'm glad to not be a peasant though, at my age they are already married off, luckily for me I am royalty. Even so, I am thoroughly ruined. Until the fashions change no man will take me, well marry me that is, they'd 'take' me alright, they're men after all. It's sad, I am already too much of a woman, even as a virgin eleven year old. I am too brazen and red haired for them all.
Of course, our whole dastardly plan being ruined didn't stop our family from plotting. Fortunately for us that unlike the rest of the great families of the Universe, WE had a son. Because the heir to the Universe's throne was in fact a Prince, all of the royal families decided that they should have daughters to throw at the Prince. Of course they have those magical powers of theirs, so they could choose that sort of thing. My Father's first wife did not have the power, which is why Darien is a boy. Otherwise most likely I would have a sister now, but fortunately for us, we have a boy. Of course there are other boys in the Kingdom, but they are the Sons of Lords, they too have the power, because they were to be the Crown Prince's Royal Guardians. But with the Crown Prince dead and Princess Serena the heir, you can see that there would be a problem in marrying the Princess off to a Royal daughter, but nor can she be married off to a Lord. Lords are beneath royal heirs. So now my step-brother Prince Darien of Earth was to become King of the Universe. I bet the other families are cursing their fortunes as well as their powers.
As for me, since my mother had the power she chose for me to be a girl, so that I could be the Queen of the Universe. The power did not pass onto me, genetics you know, so now that the Crown Prince is dead, I am prospect less. Unless I marry one of the Lords, but god forbid that. The other Royal daughters of the Universe are to be the Princesses Royal Guardians, and are going to live on the moon with the Princess. I am to be their maid. I am to have no rank, no say in anything that matters, and no future. Sure I will be able to go to all the parties, and sit at the high table with the rest, I AM a Princess of Earth after all, but I will never be worth anything. I will not even get to be the Heir of the Kingdom of Earth, my mother is already pregnant with another child who will be a boy, and will then rule Earth. I have no King to marry, and I cannot marry a Lord. At least I'm in the same boat as all the other Princesses, since there are no eligible males to marry. They'll probably marry Lords though in any case. Their families are so disgusting, as if they would condone their daughters marrying Lords. You would think that they had no pride.
Unless… I fall in love with one. I could marry for love. Ha, I wish. Unfortunately I was born into the Royal family of Earth. I am still a pawn to be played, and I am still worth something, at least to my family. We're the most ambitious family, and while I can still play a part, I will play a part, because that is my duty. Just like the ruthless way the trained me to exude sex, they also trained me to be faithful to my family. I will do what they ask of me, I can't do anything else.
So the famed plotting of our family commences once again. As the maid of the Princess I will be present at the court, and I will have to keep my eye out for things that can be passed along to my family to further our cause. As an Royal maid I will be watched, but a maid is still a servant, and they wont be watching me as close as they'll watch the other Royal daughters. I am the perfect spy. Well, not yet of course, my family has already hired a spymaster to train me and report to my family. I will report to him, and he will teach me how to spy, assassinate (hopefully I'll never have to, but duty is duty nonetheless), and to use a sword. My family doesn't want me to use a sword, but I convinced them, I am a pawn after all, and a pawn should do their duty, but it's always good to have tricks up their sleeves. So the sword will just become another tool, but I hope to get some enjoyment out of it. I understand that I have to be cold and calculating, and if I have to do bad things, I will do them. But hopefully I wont have to. Hopefully.