Hola! Well, this might spoil some of your exciting ideas, but no, the wound Danny received last chapter is not infected with something that makes him different. The same daggers that pierced him will play a pretty big part in this one and the sequels, but they're not infected by anything.

Thanks to my reviewers!

ChthonianRaven, My Eternal Facade, Just call me crazy, Fuzzytoesocks, Slayer of Souls, yukikyoinuluver, Sparky The Wonder Weasel, DannyPhantomLover, Kybo, Johann-son, The Halfa Wannabe, Ant Crown, SalanTrong, Frodo01228, XEmiaX, Seeker Carter, MewWitch, -the-gem-of-Azar-, Petitio Principii, Loco, Light Dragon SunsSong, AirGirl Phantom, phantomshadowdragon x2, PanzerBun 2.0, Miss Metal -or- Zakia

Chapter Five


"What is a mega movie marathon?" Starfire asked curiously. She sat down on the stool attached to the counter. They were all once again, relaxing in Sam's basement.

"It's where you watch movies all night without stop until morning," Tucker said, stretching out on the couch. "Lots of fun. Unless you have some creepy, self motivated technological mastery ghost named Technus who interrupts it with a possessed remote control."

"What?" Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Robin asked in unison.

Tucker shook his head. "Don't ask."

"Thank you again for letting us stay here," Robin told Sam. "It's really kind of you."

Danny mocked him, finally letting his anger get the best of him, and mouthed Robin's previously said words silently, making a face. He turned around, only to see Raven staring at him, one eyebrow raised and walked past her, blushing furiously.

"We've had our own little run in with a few tvs," Beast Boy said, changing to a bird and flying over onto the couch and then changing back instantly. "Control Freak."

"Sounds like Freakshow," Tucker said.

"Who is Freak…show?" Starfire asked, cocking her head to the side curiously.

"He's the…he was the ringmaster of this freak show called Circus Gothica," he replied. "He had the ability…with his crystal ball…" He looked up at Danny uncertainly, but Danny was nowhere to be seen. He still looked around, but his best friend had disappeared.

"He could control ghosts," Sam said for him solemnly. "And unfortunately, Danny would have never fallen under his spell if it hadn't have been--"

"Wait, Danny fell under this spell?" Robin asked. "What did it do?"

"Turned him kind of evil and creepy for a while," he said, pressing down on the remote absentmindedly. "He stole a bunch of stuff, but then the crystal ball broke and everything, and obviously he's back to normal."

"Does he fall under spells all of the time?" Robin asked. "He doesn't sound like he has a strong will."

"Robin, shut up," Raven said through gritted teeth, sensing something that none of them could see besides herself as she also sensed a sudden furious wave of anger.

"Oh, no," Sam said. "Danny fought like hell. He's only part ghost. His human half fought against the spell. So sometimes he faded out of it."

Robin looked at Raven, confused, but silenced, finding something else to say. "I think tomorrow we'll leave to locate Slade and then if we find what he's up to…

"He sounds horrible," Sam said.

"He is…Danny was lucky that he's alive. Slade is someone you don't want to come across…If we're unfortunate in stopping him or finding him…we'll visit before we head back to the tower."

"You have to go so soon?" Sam asked.

"Now you make me feel bad," he said with a grin.

Raven felt it again, right before a cold breeze passed her, whipping her black hair around. She felt her body soar and the next second, she'd followed it, within her shadow form.

She appeared again in an empty hallway, only to see Danny, in his silver-haired ghost form, disappear faintly again, not turning invisible, but suddenly go straight through the wall outside.

She blended again, following him, and reformed again, outside where the wind raged. Her dark eyes caught him with his hands glowing, a vivid green color, standing with his back to her, firing some kind of green light at the trees, knocking off small branches.

"Yes, because the trees did so much to you," she said, walking forwards.

He didn't even look around, but stopped firing for a moment, his arm outstretched and sighed heavily. "Go ahead and say it."

"Say what?"

He let go of one more ectoplasmic energy blast, hitting the bark hard and putting a fairly large dent in the trunk.

"You're jealous Danny."

"I think that jealousy has turned into some serious anger," she answered.

"Oh, really?" he asked, looking back at her incredulously. "How perceptive of you."

"Danny, you shouldn't be worried. Robin may be playing lover boy, but he's not going to get Sam away from you," she said, sighing.

"Yeah, well, I wish he would quit touching her," he said.

"A little bit possessive, aren't we?" she asked.

"I didn't ask him to come in and try to tick me off," he said angrily, feeling his eyes burn. "I didn't ask for him to come at all."

"Would you like us to leave?" She stared at him.

"No, that's not what I mean," he said sincerely. "It's just…" He sighed and then shouted shrilly. "This…is getting very frustrating. Because apparently I can't handle a lot of things I should, right?"

"What are you so afraid of?" Raven asked.

"Isn't that a good question," Danny retaliated quietly.

"What do you mean?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You know exactly what I mean," he said. "I trust you guys, I really do. But, until you tell me who this Slade guy is, that trust can only go so far. Who…is…he?"

Raven looked down and didn't answer for a minute. Danny waited patiently, the light dissipating from his hands slowly.

"One thing I'll agree with Robin is that…You were lucky Danny. Slade is not someone who usually lets people go without…getting hurt even worse than you did or…without him toying with your mind somehow."

"Oh, so I should get a stronger will then?" he asked.

"Danny, this is serious. Do you know how many times we've faced Slade and come out unfortunate? He's not a good guy. And as difficult as this is to believe…Robin is trying to protect you."

"Who is he?"

"History is not important and all you need to know is that his name is Slade. We've fought Slade several times and still we can't manage to defeat him."

Danny turned away, but not to ignore her. "So he's a bad guy then. I've faced a few of my own."

"We all have…" she said after a minute. "The point is…I know you're strong enough to face him…but not alone."

"I'm not going to go looking for trouble," he insisted.

"I know…"

"Do you?" His tone was accusational, but interrogated. "What, do you have telepathic power?"

"Sometimes," she replied. "I can tell you right now, I'll get very angry if you say, "Hey, what number am I thinking right now?" He laughed and she blinked. "Well, a laugh. That's different than blowing up trees randomly."

"Sorry," he said softly.

"Anger won't get you anywhere. I know Robin…isn't making things easy on you…"

"No…that he isn't," he said. He sat down, staring up at the stars, curling his knees up to his chest. "And what's worse is…I think Sam's slightly attracted to him…"

Raven stared for a moment. "I'm the last person you should be talking to about love."

He laughed again. "Okay then."

She lifted her legs gracefully into the air and then floated there beside him a minute, closing her eyes.

"What powers do you have exactly?" he asked, staring up at her.

"Mine are…a bit complicated," she said after a minute.

"Sorry I asked," he said.

"I just didn't want to confuse you," she teased.

"Hey…" he said defensively.

"There you are friends!" Starfire shouted gleefully, rushing from the front of the house.

"Hey Starfire," he greeted as she sat down suddenly beside him.

"What are you doing out here?" she asked.

"Stargazing," he replied, lying back.

"You look different again," she noticed.

Danny laughed. "This is my ghost form," he said.

"How did you become a ghost?" she asked, floating a few feet above him, stretched out like he was.

He stared back awkwardly. "I electrocuted myself."

"Ouch," Raven said. "And I thought my origin was wicked."

"Yeah," he replied, looking over at her and then deciding not to ask. "Question…"

"Shoot," Starfire said.

"Can I…This is weird…"

"Just say it," Raven insisted.

"Do you guys need help with this Slade guy? Cause I can help…well, I can try to help at least," he said.

"Sure," Starfire replied.

"Wait…" Raven cut her off. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah…Yeah, I am."

"The outlook might come out bleak with your help or not," she told him.

"I can at least…help a bit," he said.

"Ask Robin," she said.

"What!" he exclaimed, sitting up and nearly running into Starfire, who shrieked in shock and floated up a tad farther in the sky than intended."What is he, your leader or something?"

"I thought you were going to give him a shot," she muttered, staring at him.

"I never said that," he retorted.

"Robin is our leader…we are a team, but Robin knows strategy and we listen to him because he knows what he is doing."

"Oh, look, someone who agrees. How rare," Raven said sarcastically.

"There you are," said another voice.

They all turned around to see Robin, Sam, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Tucker walk towards them from the backyard this time.

"We wondered where you went," Cyborg said.

"We are…stargazing," Starfire replied. "And the stars are beautiful tonight. If you look close enough you can see other planets, can you not?"

"We'd better go inside," Sam said, shivering. "It's freezing and it's getting late."

"She's right," Robin agreed. "We all need our rest."

"Before you go," Raven said as Starfire joined the five fast and Danny got to his feet. "Danny has something to ask and I personally agree with him."

Robin looked back, confused and then Sam walked over to Danny, glancing up at him. He sighed, feeling almost nervous.

"I want to help you fight Slade," he said.

Robin seemed surprised. Finally after what felt like an eternity, he said, "Okay…But you have to realize, sometimes it can get very dangero--"

"I figured that," he said, touching his shoulder lightly. Robin saw the notion and then gave him a look he couldn't read, but sighed.

"Very well. We'll start you on some stuff tomorrow," he said.

"Start me on what?" he asked, his eye narrowing.

"Just some inside information on Slade," he replied.

Raven cleared her throat. "It's settled. We can all go in now and sleep."

"I gotta get home actually," Tucker said. He held up his fingers. "2 out of 3 tomorrow Techie."

"You're on Geekboy," Cyborg said, giving him the thumbs up.

"See ya Tuck," Danny and Sam called at the same time.

"Laters!" he replied. "Try not to blow up the house."

"Yes, please do so," Sam told them, laughing.

"No problem," Robin said. "Come on Titans." The four started walking back towards the house.

Danny yawned and Sam leaned up and kissed his cheek. "What about you? Staying over tonight?"

"Nah, I think I'll go home," he replied.

Not for the first time, Sam noticed a bit of hostility in his tone. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," he said.

She cringed as she saw the deep scratches still on his shoulder. "You should really get that cleaned up. Do you want me--"

"I will," he cut her off by saying. "See you tomorrow. I'll probably be here early because of…you know."

"Okay," she said.

"'Night," he told her, crouching down and then jetting off into the night sky, vanishing from her sight.

"Night," she whispered to no one. She ran a hand through her hair, confused as ever at his attitude. "What is going on…"

A voice echoed in the trees.

"Did you ever stop to think he might not be the clueless one anymore?"

Sam whirled around, gasping, only to see nothing. That voice had sounded so familiar though… She shivered and then rubbed her arms, wondering what the actual words had meant…

Without realizing that Raven's shadow was following her.

Wow, that was a lot longer than I thought it was! Yay! So, I got another chapter. And it's getting closer and closer to chapter eight, which so far, is my favorite. Slade comes back soon! As well as the Thunder Brothers…and an interesting new introduction for the Titans to the wonderful Box Ghost. Hee hee. That's actually kind of funny. Coming soon!

Okay! Now that I've got this new update for you, I'm wondering if you guys can give me enough reviews to get this one on the 100+ review list for May. If you guys give me at least…fifteen maybe…(I'm pretty bad a math too) then this story will continued to be updated in May!

Next Updates: 04092015, Life Sucks And Then You Die, Extremities, & Dare You To Move

Please R&R! Here's your sneak peek!

Chapter Six: Certain

"The what?" Cyborg asked.

Beast Boy was in hysterical laughter. "What kind of a name is The Box Ghost? Why would you name yourself after something you can control?"

"Speak for yourself Beast Boy," Raven pointed out, only receiving a glare from him.

"He's not much of a threat," Danny told them.

"Obviously," she said. "We should fear the boxes…"

Lateraina Wolf