A/N: Hey, would you look at that. It's another fluff piece! Reviewers seemed to like my last one so I decided to have another go at it. Of course there is the problem that the only things I've been able to write recently are angst tragedies. Oh well, I'll attempt some fluff anyway.
Disclaimer: I don't own Tortall or its residents.
Alone in the Rain
Stifling a laugh, Kel watched as the men of the Own fled from the vicinity of Raoul's tent. Somehow Dom couldn't seem to get away in time, mostly because the others kept shoving him back when he tried to escape, and thus was caught by the angered commander. Kel completely understood why her former knight master was mad. She would have been too if her tent had been filled with ants.
With a roar Raoul grabbed Dom's collar and started hauling him in Kel's direction. She tried to hide her smirk when Dom glared at her, but failed miserably. The smirk was quickly wiped off though when Raoul grabbed her and started dragging her off along with the sergeant.
Dom smirked over at her, but stopped when Raoul yanked on his shirt collar, temporarily cutting off the sergeant's air supply. The two were dragged away from camp and into a clearing. All in all it was a fairly pretty place, Kel thought. There was a trickling stream running through it and the sunlight danced across the water creating little rainbows. A soft breeze caressed the long grass which in turn gently embraced their legs. The birds softly sang from their perches in the trees. A fish jumped out of the water and the resulting splash only added to the tranquility instead of interrupting it.
The peace was over when Raoul released the two and rounded on them. Looking the two in the eyes, his own snapping with fury, Keladry gulped. She'd never seen Raoul this angry. Of course there was no reason for him to be mad at her, she hadn't been a part of the hair brained scheme. "Sir, I sympathize with your situation, I really do, but I don't understand why I'm here. I had nothing to with this childish prank."
Raoul looked strait at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes and she knew she had just trapped herself. "Lady Knight, could you please remind me just why you have been assigned to Third Company?"
With a strong swallow she knew her fate was sealed, there was no escaping this. So with a smooth face and an unwavering voice she quoted King Jonathan, "'Because Third Company is filled with a bunch of immature brats who hardly ever act their age or with consideration to how their actions will affect the way the citizens of the country view the government. Although they are some of the best soldiers during a battle, during their free time and when they are traveling, they act out and Lord Raoul has proven to be unable to control them, in fact he seems to encourage them.' That is why the King assigned me to Third Company, to keep them inline when they are not participating in a battle."
"Very good Kel, that was an excellent rendition of the King's words, you even captured his tone perfectly. Now, tell me how allowing the men to fill my tent with ants is following the King's orders to keep the men in line?"
Just then a single ant crawled off of Raoul's shirt, up his neck, and onto his nose. Although he didn't seem to notice it, Dom did and Kel knew that he was about to do something stupid. She gave him a warning look, which he promptly ignored. "My Lord, it seems you have something on you nose. I wonder what it could be? I'll give you a hint, its small and can carry twice its weight."
Uttering a growl Raoul flicked the offending creature off his face. "Lady Knight, as your commanding officer I am demanding the use of your tent until you discover a way to rid mine of the ants or we come upon a supply post where you can buy me a new tent. Until then you need to find a new place to sleep for the night."
With that he walked away, leaving a glaring Kel and a slightly guilty looking Dom behind.
Laying in her bedroll, spread across the grass next to the brook in the clearing from earlier, Kel watched as clouds rolled across the night sky. The air had a definite nip to it and she prayed it wouldn't rain during the night. It was soon after that when she felt the first big drop land on her face.
As the rain grew in intensity she started contemplating punishments for a certain blue eyed man. Her musings were interrupted when a twig snapped nearby. Hopping to her feet, she had her glaive at the ready in a second. Although the entire Third Company was just a few yards away she suddenly felt very alone and slightly vulnerable.
A/N: This was intended to be a one-shot but I got to this point and decided that I liked the idea of writing a short little fic-let and what better way to end the first chapter than with a cliffhanger. Please tell me what you think!
Wind to thy wings!