Original Sin Rating: MA (sex and language)
Chapter 1: Ominous Animosity
By: Rose Noire du Mort
Genre: Drama/ Action/Adventure/ Romance
Pairing: Somewhat JA
Summary: Based on the movie by the same name (Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas). Anamaria has her eyes set on money, jewels and a ship. Maybe Barbossa isn't the only one Jack should watch out for.
"I'm going to leave you in the morning," she said stroking his sleeping face. "You won't ever see me again." He couldn't hear her but she couldn't decide if it was a good thing or not. It was midnight. She got up from the bed, naked. She picked up the pistol lying next to him in the empty space which had been hard to get there when Ana was lying beside him, kissing him on the cheek. She twirled it around by the handle of the trigger. With it in hand she walked around the room picking up odds and ends. The Mysterious Beauty's crew would be boarding them soon. Everything was planned.
"Ana?" he questioned suddenly awake with red staring eyes at Anamaria's naked form.
"Go back to bed ay?" He smirked.
"Only if you'll come with me." She smiled at him. Nothing out of the ordinary.
"I can't Jack. I'm gonna go take watch in Wret's stead," she said. Nothing unusual, she did this on plenty of occasions.
"Are you going to put some clothes on?" he asked only half teasing her.
"Of course Jack. Sleep I'll be here in the morning," she lied. He hadn't a clue.
"G'night Ana."
"G'night Jack. I love you," she said. She didn't know if she meant it or not. But he didn't know the difference. There were a lot of things he didn't know. He thought it was genuine to his ears and even his heart. But things were not to matter soon because The Mysterious Beauty would be there. He smiled.
"I love you too Ana." She didn't return the smile. She put the gun on the table putting on her discarded articles. Including her daggers and two pistols. He probably would have asked why she had on so many weapons but he was sleep already.
She blew out the single candle that lit the cabin closing her door on the way out. She walked out to the helm. She was prepared and ready for this. –mutiny-. Well considering the facts it wasn't mutiny. More like murder-
"Wret," she called.
"Ana?" he asked, his hands still on the helm. "You don't have a watch until tomorrow night."
"I can't get to sleep. Besides I wanted to look at the stars. Go ahead back down to your bunk, I'm taking over," he nodded passing the helm onto the First Mate.
She stood there for a while. Not much longer. She stood there for an hour and then the sounds of their code was heard. A quarter mile back she could now see the flags of The Mysterious Beauty. Two shots of a pistol rang into the air. 5 minutes and her plan would be going into play. She smiled, an ominous feeling of animosity beginning to set it.
A/N: How do y'all like that. Hit me back at the review column. Hint Hint dammit. Review!