Umm…it's been almost a year….sorry you guys!

For those of you who still read this story thank you very much for putting up with me. A twelve year old is not supposed worry about her teacher reading her yaoi stories like I do.

Here is chapter 11 of Romance Help!


I don't own Naruto.


Romance Help chap 11: Pro-pros

Kakashi laughed evilly. 'No appliance can beat me!' He looked down at the phone he had bought at the drift store and petted it. "Now you are going to be used to talk to Iruka. Any objections?" The phone remained silent. "Good."

Kakashi fished out the paper Iruka had written his phone number on. It was wrinkled from being crushed to him so much. Though he didn't need it anymore –he had memorized the numbers- he still kept it because Iruka had written it down.

'Hmm, maybe I should save it. Like a shrine or something.' Kakashi frowned. 'Nah, that's too weird even for me.'

Kakashi recapped his whole "Crush on Iruka" tactics. He really should have done this earlier.

Okay, first off-

I harassed him. But that's okay.

I've been to his house and let me sleep in his bed. :sigh:

I've seen him naked. :heart:

There's another guy after him, but Iruka blowed him off.

He's okay with the idea of being gay.

And he gave me his phone number!

All was going smoothly according to him. 'Now! What do I do'?'

/I can answer that! First off-/

'I'm not listening to you!'

Kakashi groaned and rubbed his temples. A head ache was already coming on. He lied back on his bed and his eye met bright orange.

Icha Icha Paradise stood perfectly in its full collection. His eyes scanned the title and thought for a bit. In the book, Junko loves Narabito but doesn't know how to tell him. But before she could say anything, she was captured by Yumeki, the devilishly handsome heir to a rich corporation. But what does this plot have to do with his situation?

He scratched his unmasked cheek yawned. There was something more to Icha Icha that his sleepy brain just wouldn't tell him. Slowly, Kakashi drifted off into sleep.

Ring Ring! Riiiiing!

The phone yelled at Kakashi to get up and answer it. Kakashi groaned and picked it up. This is why he never bought a phone before.

"Who's calling me?" Kakashi asked into the phone. Really, what do people say into the phone? "Hello, I don't know you."? Kakashi decided then that he needed to watch more T.V. But first he needed to get one.

"Hello Kakashi! It's me Iruka!"

Oh. Iruka? "Hey! Um…what's up?" Kakashi stuttered into the phone. 'Iruka! Yay!'

"I was wondering if you would…" Iruka's voice drifted off into the background.

"W-would what?" Kakashi asked anxiously. No one answered. "Iruka?" Deep laughter came from the other side of the phone. Iruka was in trouble!

"There's no use in helping him! I'll keep him safe, don't you worry."

"Who are you?" Kakashi growled through the phone.

"Who are youuu?" The deep voice asked back. Then he hung up.

"Hey! SHUT UP!"

Kakashi opened his eyes and found Pakkun on his stomach scowling as much a dog would.

"Talking in your sleep is bad, and annoying." Pakkun lazily hopped off of his master. "You need help Kakashi. Not about this Iruka, but mentally. You talk to a phone that's not even plugged in."

Kakashi scowled and blinked. Not plugged in? But…he…spent hours finding something cheap in town, and now it has to be plugged in! He didn't even have plugs!

Kakashi grabbed his keys and his mask. "I'm going for a walk." He looked out the window and found that it was still light outside.


While walking down the street, Kakashi found the plugs he needed, and someone who could install his phone for him. Life was great!

He walked around the corner near the fancy onsen that just opened. He swung his arms around, but just a little too much. The plugs flew out of his hand and near the fence. He cursed under his breathe and went after them. He bent down, but hit his head on the fence also.

Wait. The fence?

"Hey, watch where you're going kid!" The fence yelled at him.

"Erm, sorry?" Fence… talking. Pakkun was right. "Hey! I know you!"

The fence shifted and revealed… Jiraiya!

"Oh, Kakashi! You wanted to join me?" Jiraiya pointed to the hole he was just looking through and wiggled his eyebrows.

Kakashi shook his head. "Nah, I always get caught." He stopped himself before he could ask 'what are you doing here?'

Jiraiya crossed his arms and mumbled something about perverts. "You know, that Gai guy," The sannin placed his hand on his hip as if he were lecturing. "He was rambling on about you and… What was it? Fish-sensei? Crab-sensei?"


"Yeah! He said you're in looooove with 'im." Jiraiya had hearts flying out of his hands and sparkles around his head.

Kakashi blushed and looked at his shoe. "Erm… I guess you could say that." 'Dammit Gai can't keep his mouth shut about anything!'

Jiraiya patted Kakashi's shoulder and chuckled to himself. "Well, good luck." And just like that, he draped the fence camouflage over himself and looked through the hole he was before.

Kakashi sighed and walked the rest of the way down the street, before it hit him!

'Hmm…a seductive feminine male. Quite a twist.' Jiraiya scribbled on his paper before he looked behind him to find none other than Kakashi standing there.

"Didn't you leave yet? Did you change your mind? There's room!" Jiraiya asked excitedly.

"No! You could help me!" Kakashi yelled.

"Shh! Help you on what brat? I don't play for that team ya' know."

"No! With Iruka! You write romance! I need help, really bad."

Jiraiya worriedly looked behind him. With Kakashi's outburst, the woman surely noticed that someone was there. Geez. "Listen Kakashi, I would love to help you out, really. But you see," He scratched his head unsurely. "My arms are slightly shorter that my legs, so I can't help you."

"What does that have to do with anything!" Okay, now for sure they've noticed.

"Listen, since you're a really big fan of my work, I'll do it. But just one little thing! And on one condition."

"What's that?" Kakashi sighed. Jiraya smiled and quickly formed hand signs.

"Stay here." Poof! And like that he was gone. Kakashi smiled weakly and gave out a small laugh of gratitude. The great Jiraiya was going to help him. He would have Iruka head over heels in love with him, and all he had to do was stay there and wait for Jiraiya to come back! Life was so much sweeter than ten minutes ago.

"Kakashi!" A woman voice screeched.

Kakashi looked back and found Kari, the manager of the onsen standing right behind him, face red with anger.

"I told you to stop peeping at the young ladies here!" She and other ladies in towels started throwing various things at him. Kakashi cried as he dodged the kitchen sink aim at his head.


Hmm…I'm so disappointed in myself. I made you all wait a year for this, and I barely wrote like five pages. I promise to update more for you guys! Hopefully.

But at least I updated before school started. Hehehe….

Umm…Next Chapter: Dinner Plans

Till next time!