Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon in any way.

Dimensional Intervention

"Prologue, Bad Dreams"

Friday night, 3:59 am…

Trapped… like a rat. What made him go back to that forest? He looked at the giant bug that was almost as tall as him, just a little shorter. Three things were clear to him that this wasn't 100 percent bug: Firstly, it was standing on its hind legs and only had four limbs, bugs have six. Secondly, the face was more like a reptilian's. And thirdly, what kind of bug has razor sharp blades instead of hands?

Nevertheless, it wanted to kill him, why he didn't know. The blades the bloodthirsty insect possessed were ready to turn him onto ribbons, and blood would be spilled… his. But what's was worse was the way the creature cleaned its scythes, by licking them clean, and after his blood had soaked them, he would witness the cleaning once more before he died.

The mantis like creature had had enough of seeing the human scared, it wasn't fun anymore. It was time for the kill, and it raised one of its deadly blades and brought it down…

He shot up from his bed, sweating so much the bed was moist on where he had been sleeping.

"AAaah! What the hell was that kind of dream? I've had this one before once… oh well," he said to himself as he went to sleep.

Monday night, 3:18 am…

He didn't know what to do; he was cornered against the walls and this… flying beast was looking at him, smiling. It was hungry, and it knew its prey couldn't escape now. Why did he go to the canyon? WHY? He should have listened about what the officers said; that is was dangerous and forbidden to enter, but did he listen? NO! He slowly sat down on the rock floor, cowering, then he closed his eyes, waiting for the beast to devour him, he had given up all hope. All he heard was a loud screech…

The same brown haired boy then woke up, his heart beating at a very rapid speed.

"Whoa! What a nightmare!" he said to himself again as he got up to drink some water. He walked into the bathroom to drink some water, and empty some other water. He flicked the light on and turned the water tip. Chill water emerged from the tip, and he drank some of it to calm himself down after that horrible nightmare.

When he finished drinking, he looked at himself in the mirror, his hair looked terrible; it was all up in knots. Well, he had himself to blame, his brown hair was a little longer than others; down to his neck. He grabbed a comb from the cupboard and tried to comb it, due to the semi long bushy hair the comb got stuck.

"Not this shit again, stupid comb!" he grunted as he tried to tear the comb off his hair, twisting it and making it get even more stuck. "Damn it all! Get off!" With one final pull, he gets it off him, losing a little hair in the progress. Looking himself in the mirror again, he started to comb his hair more carefully with a little more success.

After the comb ordeal, it was time to empty another water supply. He sat down on the toilet ring and let his other liquid run out. But, since it was somewhere in the middle of the night, he dozed off for a couple of minutes.

"You fool!" a huge creature roared, angry at him. This flying creature was nothing like the one he saw before, this one was much larger. He was located in a whole another place too; it seemed to him that he was in a cave system under the ocean's bottom.

"You swore not to bring anyone else down here, and yet you did!" its voice boomed out again. He panicked in his brain, he hadn't brought the boy with black, spiked hair down here, the boy had followed him even as he said not to. He knew that he was dead.

He was also devastated; for more than a half month, he had been on a mission the creature had given him. The reward would be his freedom, since it had forced him to accept the mission since he had no other choice. He had succeeded, but thanks to that other boy, he had also broken the promise he gave the creature. And because of that, he surely was doomed.

"B-but, oh mighty one, h-he fo-followed me, believe me, I, I wouldn't…" he said, scared out of his mind, trying to explain.

"SILENCE!" the created shouted, the next thing he knew, was a strong, beam that was fired towards him.

He gasped as he woke up in the bathroom. He was still sitting on the ring, having finished emptying his unneeded vitamins. He was also hearing the sound of running water; he had forgotten to turn the water tip off after he had finished drinking the water. Nevertheless, he was relieved he hadn't wet his bed to the least.

'Stupid nightmares… it's not like I've watched some movie that have something like this involved. I'm not into B-movies!' he thought as he stood up and washed his hands. After he had washed them he went onto his room and fell asleep on the bed.

Two days later…

Why is Maths always so boring? All these numbers and diagrams make no sense! He put his right hand on the cheek and rested his elbow on the desk while writing with his left. Soon enough, he felt sleepy of boredom.

He was locked up somewhere, like in a prison cell or something. He wasn't alone, a guard watched him all the time pointing a gun towards him. How did he get in this mess? He had lost his friends because of this organization. He couldn't understand why he joined this organization in the first place, oh yes of course; he had to get some pieces of information about the new place and other stuff. But the leader of the organization had learned that he knew more than any human did.

They were going to interrogate him the next day. He had to escape, but how? Escaping from this Headquarter is almost impossible! He isn't some kind of action star or something! Suddenly the door to his cell was opened. One of the guards stood there, beckoning him to come.

"Hey, you," he said first, but then grew irritated.


He snapped away from his strange daydream, seeing his Math's teacher looking at him sternly.

"I don't know what kind of class this is but it certainly isn't sleeping class!" he scolded.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" the teen excused as he resumed to his working, now fully awake.

The next evening, the boy had been over at his friends' watching movies. Of course it ended up pretty late, but he managed to sneak inside his house without being noticed. He silently sneaked up to his room and changed into his pyjamas and went to sleep.

Hours later…

It was over… how else should he picture it? Like a Game Over or something? This wasn't a game, there was no reset button! Anyway, he had been pinned down by his enemy, who held a black-purple coloured sword pointing at him.

"My, my, my. It seemed that I won after all… as I said before; Evil always wins, since it never plays by the rules… don't you agree?" he asked, looking down at him. Next to his opponent stood another person, it was hard to identify both of them since it was pretty dark in the room. "Well? I'm waiting for an answer," he said impatiently.

"You're not getting one either!" he snarled, he then pointed at the other person. "And you! I should've killed you when I had the chance!" That person simply laughed at that.

"You're wrong! I should've killed you long ago, if I had done that, you wouldn't be such a nuisance today!" he said smirking, this person had been someone he had trusted for a long time… and now it had been revealed that he had been working against him all the time!

"So you're not willing to give me an answer? Oh well, I can take that as a yes. When you're dealt with there are no others! This world, and the others as well, is in my hands now, prepare to die, fool!" he boomed as he lifted the blade preparing to deliver the killing blow, the blade was glowing a blackish light, again… it was over… no continues…

He was awakened by his mother.

"Get out of the bed!" she yelled, much stressed this morning. "You almost overslept! This was the last time you were up late watching movies with your friends!"

"Sorry, mum, I didn't mean to oversleep," he said as he checked the time on his alarm clock. It showed 7:50 am. "Ohshit! Why didn't it work this time?" He looked at his clock, noticing something. "Damn! I forgot to set the alarm!" He jumped out of the bed, dressed quickly, ignored eating breakfast, and ran to school as quickly he could.

End Prologue