Chapter Five: Second Chance
I don't know how long I slept, but I was afraid to wake up. Afraid that it all really had been a dream, or the simple fact I had wanted it so much I had convinced myself it was real. Now I no longer knew, and when I opened my eyes I wasn't surprised to find the room empty.
I couldn't suppress the sigh that came forth, but I didn't care. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling as my mind raced, the thoughts never ceasing. I didn't know how long I had been here, or how much longer I was going to be here. Most of all, I didn't know what was going to happen when I got out of here.
I glanced up at the sound of footsteps, seeing Catherine walk in. It was a bitter feeling, when I had first opened my eyes I hadn't wanted to be alone, yet now that she was here, I wasn't sure if I wanted company or not.
"Good, you're up," she said, her voice light as she reached the table next to the bed. She was moving several containers around on the small surface, mixing various liquids together.
"What are you doing?" I asked finally, the only conclusion I was able to muster was that she was so determined to stay by my side she had brought her work to the hospital.
"You can see Sara on one condition," she answered, glancing over at me. I could feel my breath catch. So it wasn't a dream after all, it was true, Sara was really alive. I nodded, up to doing anything that would enable me to see her.
"You need to eat first."
I frowned, folding my arms as I continued to watch her. "Okay, in that case I'll have a Big Mac and fries, a Sprite, no salt on the fries though."
I heard her laugh, short and crisp as she shook her head. "Sorry, the hospital's short on Big Macs," her expression changed though after seeing my face. "Oh don't worry," she said quickly, "You get to have some nice vitamin enriched supplements."
She held up the finished container for me to see and if it was possible, my frown got even larger. "It looks like decapitated slugs," I stated quietly, my stomach already turning. Still I was rewarded with a grimace from Catherine who held it a little further from her face.
"Its banana flavored," she encouraged me lightly, pouring the thick liquid into a small cup.
"Great," I muttered in response, "Banana slugs…you know I've actually liked a banana slug once, it was an initiation at a summer camp. Makes your entire tongue go numb."
"Really?" she asked, handing the cup to me. "Hopefully it's not the same one Lindsey's at, anyways, drink up, it'll taste better than you think."
"Right," I scoffed, bringing the rim of the cup under my nose as I inhaled deeply. "It doesn't smell very good," I made a face as I pulled the cup away.
"That's okay, I can let Sara know she can take a rain check," Catherine shrugged as she sat down in the chairs opposite of the bed, swinging her legs over the armrests.
"Blackmail," I rolled my eyes as I tipped the cup towards me in order to gain a better look at the thick grayish liquid. "There are white floatie things in my drink," I pointed out, watching them roll around as I tilted the cup.
"Those are the bananas," Catherine laughed lightly, "Just drink it already, it won't be that bad."
"Easy for you to say," I looked up at her, "You don't have to taste it."
She raised an eyebrow, and I got the drift of things. Apparently I wasn't going to get out of drinking it, and so I raised the cup to my lips, figuring it would best to get it over with sooner rather than later.
I wasn't too far off. Not only was the liquid horrid tasting, it was thick and sticky, not exactly the easiest thing to swallow. I managed to drain the cup in one shot though, grimacing as I swallowed the last bit. I was deeply thankful that Catherine had a glass of water ready for me afterwards, and despite her caution to drink slowly, I drained the second cup.
I let my head fall back against the pillow, my eyes closed as I tried to wipe the lingering taste from my mouth. I could hear Catherine laughing quietly, and action that prompted me to open my eyes to stare at her.
"It's not funny," I pointed out, "No wonder I don't like hospitals."
"I know, I'm sorry," Catherine apologized quickly, holding up a hand. "You're just so funny to watch."
"I'm glad that I'm so amusing," I pointed out, "Can I see Sara now?"
Catherine glanced down at her watch, "Uhh, she'll be here in a few minutes. Hospital's releasing her this morning; she said she would be down when they were through with everything."
"So you mean to tell me that she was coming down regardless if I drank that stuff or not?"
Catherine nodded, "Yeah, pretty much."
I frowned, my eyes narrowing, "You are evil," I stated lightly.
"Who's evil?"
The new voice in the doorway was unmistakable. I knew it was her the moment those words left her mouth. Still, just seeing her there was overwhelming. If I was dreaming now, then I definitely didn't want to wake up.
Catherine stood then, nodding to the both of us. "I'm going to get some lunch, then I'll be back to take you home," she turned to Sara, who in return nodded her thanks. Then it was only the two of us and Sara walked in the rest of the way slowly, I noticed that she was limping slightly, but it didn't seem to bother her as she sat down on the bed.
"I don't know how you do it," she told me quietly, "I've been asking for the last several days to come down here and see you, and no one would even listen. Than all you have to ask once and show those puppy dog eyes of yours and everyone caves in."
I would have laughed, would have joked that it was my charm, or something along those lines, but I couldn't even smile then. Instead I only reached out to grab her hand, and held in my own, confirming that she was indeed here with me.
"I'm glad you're okay," I finally managed to say, giving her hand a small squeeze.
"Me too," she nodded in return, "Well, glad that you're okay as well. Every time I asked Nick about you he would just say that you were sleeping most of the time."
"Have you heard anymore about our suspect?" I asked wanting to change the subject. I didn't want to talk about what had all happened with me more than I had too. Sara shrugged, still watching me.
"Other than he's still out there. We're lucky Greg, we really are."
I nodded in agreement. I knew that now, it wasn't everyday that you were given a second chance at life. And I as I lay there, holding her hand in mine, unwilling to let go in fear that I would lose her again, I knew that this day was mine to take. This was my second chance, and I wasn't going to let it slip through my fingers again.
"Sara," I muttered quietly. She glanced at me, and I was surprised at the light in her eyes as she answered.
"Yeah," she smiled, still holding my hand.
"I um…I like you," I stuttered lightly, embarrassed now at what I was saying, and tried desperately to make some sense. "I mean, I really….I uh…well."
She laughed, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. God I loved that laugh. It was something about her laugh that always made me feel better, even if she was laughing at me. "It's okay Greg," she grinned, "I know."
I blinked, looking up at her. "You do?"
She nodded, "Yeah, it's not that hard to see."
"Oh," I commented quietly, looking away. "Well…do you maybe want to go somewhere…maybe, I don't know…"
"Sure," she smiled as I looked back up at her.
"Really?" It was surprising, honestly it was. I hadn't expected her to say yes straight out. I had expected her to think about it, to tell me that she didn't know, the she would have to see.
"Yeah," she nodded, "I would like that. Dinner, maybe a movie…after you get out of here and start feeling better that is."
I shrugged lightly. "We can have decapitated banana slugs and watch the history channel," I offered up, grinning as she grimaced, her face scrunching up.
"I think I'll pass up on that one."
"It's a once in a lifetime deal," I laughed softly, "Not everyone can get that you know."
She nodded, but still refused the offer. It wasn't much longer till Catherine returned, and although I hated to see her leave, the simple thought that she was alive had lightened my spirits. On top of that, Sara saying yes made my day even better.
The End
And that's all folks!
For this one at least, Major thanks once again to all my reviewers, I hoped that you really enjoyed it, it was a difficult one to write for me.
I'll prb do a small short story off of this one that follows up on why no second cop showed up, and tracking the killer and such, but it'll be done in third person, not first. No idea on when it will be up though.