
Summary: Inuyasha Takahashi and Sesshomaru Takahashi are to rich boys, at the age of four and five they met a girl who moved in next door. Finding out about her mother they realize she's just like them, but once they reach eight their world ends when Kagome's father dies and she's forced to move in with her mother in America. Seven years later Kagome comes back to her home town in search for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, but when she finds them they don't remember a thing. What is the reason behind is?

Chapter 1: The Girl Who Understood Everything They Were Going Through.

A young girl with two pony tails on each side of her head skipped up the large steps that lead up to a large wooden door. Taking a deep breath she rang the door bell. She listened closely hearing it echo through the very large house that she stood before. She gulped hearing crashing sounds coming from inside the house as a man came to answer the door. She looked up seeing a tall man in a black suit with his silver hair neatly tied back. Her eyes widened at the colour of his hair and the colour of his eyes. Shaking her head she popped the bubble gum she was chewing on, with her jean overalls and red shit along with worn out running shoes she stood up proud. Putting on the biggest, sweetest smile on her she spoke with her small sweet voice. "Hello sir! My name is Kagome Higurashi and I just moved in with my aunt next door" She popped a bubble again before continuing, "I was bored, so my auntie told me to come over her and ask if I could play with your children." She paused for a second. "You do have children, don't you?" She popped a bubble again waiting for an answer.

The middle age man nodded, "Of course, come on in Miss Higurashi."

Kagome stepped into the large mansion while shaking her head. Turning back to the man she smiled, "Call me Kagome, Miss Higurashi is my mommy." She smiled waiting for him to direct her to his children.

The man smiled, "Yes of course, follow me." He began walking along the large hallways, while little four year old Kagome followed him. "I'm Mr. Takahashi Ichiro. But you can call me Ichiro." Kagome smiled popping her gum as Ichiro continued. "You know for a young girl you're pretty smart."

Kagome gave off another smile, "I'm four, and I'll be five in May"

Ichiro laughed looking down at the little girl, "Really now, that's good. I hope you'll invite Sesshomaru and Inuyasha to your party, if your have one that is"

Kagome stared up with questionable eyes, "Inuyasha and Sesshomaru?"

Ichiro chuckled nodding as he began to walk up the tall stair case. "Those are my two sons, Takahashi Sesshomaru and Takahashi Inuyasha."

Kagome tried walking up the large steps without falling, "Oh, no girls huh?" She asked giggled finally making it up the tall stair case.

Ichiro nodded, "Yes, sadly both my wives died."

Kagome stopped in her place and stared at the man before her, "both?" She asked eyeing him. She may have been four, but she wasn't your average four year old.

Ichiro nodded, "Yes both." He continued walking down the hall obviously ending the subject right there. Stopping in front of a door he looked down the hall where Kagome stood. He waved his hand telling her to come over. She ran down the hall slipping on the carpet landing flat on her face right in front of Ichiro. "Whoops, sorry" She apologized sweetly seeing she messed the rug up all down the hall.

Ichiro laughed smiling down at her, "Quite alright Kagome." He paused putting his hand on the door knob. "This is Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's play room. Inuyasha's the same age as you except he's turning five in about two weeks and Sesshomaru's a year older, turning six in July." Ichiro paused beginning to turn the knob, "I'm sure you three will get along fine."

Kagome turned her head slightly seeing two boys both with silver hair and amber eyes playing video games. She looked up at Ichiro seeing him clear his throat. "Inuyasha, Sesshomaru you have a visitor." When he realized neither of his sons were listening he tried again. "Inuyasha? Sesshomaru?" He sighed walking behind the TV unplugging it. Throwing it on the ground he stared at his two sons as one of them awed. "Don't talk to me that way young man. You both have a visitor, come on out Kagome." He called towards the door where the young girl stood staring at her surroundings.

Kagome slowly walked out of the doorway looking around seeing almost every toy she could ever imagine in that one room. She smiled, it was obvious that they were rich, but to her it was like being in heaven. She giggled running by Ichiro smiling at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. "Hi, I'm Higurashi Kagome, but you can call me Kagome. I just moved in next store with my aunt and cousin and decided to meet some new friends." She put her hand out in front of Inuyasha as a greeting. "Are you Sesshomaru or Inuyasha? You look younger so I'm guessing you're Inuyasha"

Inuyasha stared at Kagome's hand shaking it; "Yeah I'm Inuyasha" He turned back looking at Sesshomaru as Kagome let out a hand to him. Sesshomaru shook it not saying a word. Kagome stared with questioning eyes towards Inuyasha. He nodded looking at Sesshomaru, "He doesn't speak"

Kagome giggled, "Why, did he never learn or something?"

Inuyasha looked down to the ground as if not wanting to answer. Kagome blinked a couple a times guessing he rather not talk about it. Her eyes then traveled up to the top of Inuyasha's head. "CUTE!" She called out standing up as she rubbed his white, fuzzy triangle ears.

Inuyasha slapped her hand away, "Don't touch the ears!"

Kagome jumped back from Inuyasha's sudden outburst, just a minute ago he was so nice to her and yet now he was yelling at her. She didn't understand it but ignored it turning to Ichiro as he had a shocked face on him. Kagome stared at him with a puzzled look.

Ichiro slowly walked over to Inuyasha taking some kind of beaded necklace out from under Inuyasha's cloths. "It's on..." He said turning to Sesshomaru checking his wrist, Kagome seeing the same beaded jewelry around Sesshomaru's wrist as Inuyasha. Ichiro then turned to Kagome asking her a simple question, "How did you see them?"

Kagome shrugged her shoulders, "Was I not supposed to? I saw your pointy eyes along with Sesshomaru's and your fangs and claws and those strips on Sesshomaru's cheeks and wrists." She paused seeing Inuyasha with a shocked face. It seems his was to busy yelling at her 'not to touch the ears' that he forgot Kagome actually saw them.

Ichiro nodded before leaving to room. "Play nice you three alright?" He was about to leave but stopped looking back at his sons, "Be nice to her this time alright?" He then closed the door leaning on it, "How can she see our demon features? It's not possible; the old women said not one could see our true form." He paused beginning to walk down the hall, "I'll have to pay more attention to her.

Kagome watched as Ichiro left them closing the door; she didn't understand what he meant be decided not to ask. Turning to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha she noticed they started playing video games again. "Can I play?" She asked with her sweet voice. She watched the two continue to play ignoring her. She frowned standing up in front of the TV. She smiled knowing it was annoying them. "I want to play!" She demanded.

Inuyasha growled glaring at the young girl before him. "If you can find another controller then you can play!" He yelled with his small little boyish voice.

Sesshomaru looked up at the girl in front of him. Instead of saying anything he just shook his head at her.

Kagome put her hands on her hips, "Fine" She said walking away from the TV. She looked at the large mess before her. Her jaw dropped at all the toys around her. How was she going to find a controller? She took a deep breath thinking if she were a boy were would she throw her stuff. Her gaze turned to the carpet seeing a lump under it. Smirking she ran over looking under the carpet. Smiling she saw 3 controllers. Picking all three up she brought them to the two boys. Smiling she showed it to them, "I found three!" She exclaimed as she popped her gum.

Inuyasha frowned, he didn't understand how she found them. He didn't even know where they were. "Well, girls can't play!"

Kagome frowned, "Can so!"

"Can not!"

"Can so!"

Sesshomaru looked back and forth between the two fighting. Showing no emotion on his face he shook his head at the pointless fight.

"Can so!"

"Can not!"

Kagome thought for a moment before answering him. Smirking she knew all boys could never resist a challenge. "I bet I could beat you!"

Inuyasha's ears perked up as he looked at Kagome. Shaking his head he plugged a controller in, "You're on, but don't cry to your mommy when you loose."

"I can't she's all the way in Canada." As the 'Mario Cart Racing' game began Inuyasha just stared at her. 'Canada? What's that?' He didn't exactly know his geography.

Kagome smiled staring at the screen, "Ha! I'm winning!"

Inuyasha snapped out of his thoughts looking to the screen noticing he was loosing badly. Sesshomaru was in second, Kagome was in first while he was last. He growled getting frustrated. He was so far behind that Kagome was behind him using her shells to hit him. "Stop it will ya!"

Kagome laughed, "Why should I, I'm just showing you girls can do anything boys can do!" She then used her mushrooms boosting her speed on the game as she swung by Inuyasha winning the game. She jumped up, her controller flying off next to her. "I win, I win, I win!"

Inuyasha grinded his small little baby fangs together, "That's it Higurashi, your going down!"

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest, "Fine if you're ready to loose dog boy.

Inuyasha jumped at the sudden come back, "Dog boy?"

Kagome giggled, "Yeah dog boy, I'm guessing your part dog part human?" She asked as she set up the game.

Inuyasha's eyes widened, 'I thought the spell on us would cover our true identity' He turned to Sesshomaru for some kind of answer but he just stared at Inuyasha shrugging his shoulders. Inuyasha stared at Sesshomaru for a moment noticing there was some kind of emotion in his eyes. He was quite taken aback by seeing that. Usually Sesshomaru never really ever showed any kind of emotion. He shrugged it off deciding not to get lost in his thoughts again. Turning to the screen he saw the lights go from red to yellow to green indicating the race has started. All three of them were on there final lap. Inuyasha smirked; he was first with Kagome on his tail. "I'm going to win wench!"

Kagome frowned; she noticed neither Inuyasha nor Sesshomaru ever said her name. She shook her head turning back to the game. "Not if I do this." Seeing the finish line ahead of them she put her plan into action. Taking a shell she threw it at Inuyasha stalling him, then taking a mushroom to boost her speed she went flying right past Inuyasha winning the race. "I win again!" She yelled sticking her tongue out at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha growled starting the game up again, "I want a rematch!"

Kagome laughed, "Fine, you're the one loosing to a girl." She pressed the green 'A' button starting the game. As the game went on Inuyasha and Kagome were always fighting for first place. On there final lap it was like a death trap. Shells flying everywhere, thunders being used making everyone smaller, big round dog boulders knocking everyone off and many other things. Kagome saw the finish line a head of them. "I'm going to win!" She yelled beginning to go a head of Inuyasha. Inuyasha shook his head, "Not if I beat you there!"

Just as they were passing the finish line Sesshomaru's car ran right by them winning the race. Kagome looked over to Sesshomaru seeing no emotion on his face. She thought he would be happy he just beat them. Deciding not to push it she smiled, "Guess Inuyasha and I were to busy with each other to remember you were in the race too." She laughed bit picking up her controller picking the next course. Seeing Bowser Track she smiled. "This looks like fun."

Inuyasha smirked, "Good luck is all I can say, I'm so good at this track it's not even funny!" He clicked the button the race beginning.

Kagome frowned, she was in last place but decided not to give up. It was only the second lap. It wasn't her fault that she'd never played this track before. Using all the power she had she passed Inuyasha at second place. "I though you were good at this?" She called to him passing him by. "Your brothers beating you."

"Half brother"

"Whatever." Kagome was to busy trying to get by Sesshomaru to even notice he said half brother which would have explained the two wives that died. She used ultra speed trying to get by Sesshomaru but he just knocked her with his shell. She frowned using her hearts. The hearts were a special item that protected her kart from any shells, bananas and so forth. Seeing the finish line a head she used her speed, having no more hearts Sesshomaru hit her with a shell in a result of coming in first place.

Kagome smiled, "Well at least I beat Inuyasha." She turned to him knowing he was getting really annoyed with her winning. She smiled innocently, "You know I never played this game before?" She added making him angrier. She looked seeing Inuyasha's face turning red. She tried holding her laugh in but couldn't help it. She burst out laughing falling over holding her stomach.

Inuyasha stared at her in question, "What's so funny wench?" He asked eyeing her on the ground.

She whipped her tears away, "You look funny is all."

"Now you're making fun of my face?"

Kagome frowned, "No, just when you get angry you look funny."

Inuyasha growled, "Yeah, whatever wench."

Kagome stopped laughing crossing her arms over her chest, "You know, you haven't even said my name once. I do have a name!" She sighed shaking her head.

"What if I don't want to say your name? Your probably another one of those damn kids dad hired to be our friend, well I'm not falling for it!"

Kagome jumped slightly, "You dad pays kids to be your friend?" She asked some what surprised.

"Don't act dumb, I know dads paying you!"

Kagome laughed, "Your joking right? I don't need money."

"Every kid needs money for candy!" He yelled back

Kagome laughed, "Trust me I don't need money." She didn't want to explain why she didn't need money because every time she did people didn't want to be her friend after that. She paused guessing what was going on. "Is it because you're rich?" she asked looking down to the ground as her smile faded away. "People find out your rich and either ignore you because they think you're a spoiled rich boy, or they become your friend because they want your money." She paused waiting for an answer from either of them.

Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha seeing his shocked face. Slowly standing up he walked over to Kagome putting a hand on her shoulder comforting her.

Kagome jumped feeling someone's clawed hand on her shoulder. She looked up seeing Sesshomaru, staring up into his amber eyes and it was like she could read what he was telling her. Nodding she smiled, "Thank you Sesshomaru"

Inuyasha stared with wide eyes the way she was acting towards his older half brother. From everyone he's known, none of them could understand what Sesshomaru was telling them. His small head went down thinking about what Kagome said. 'How… How could she know what it feels like to be rich? She's not rich, she can't be. She lives in that little shrine. The only expensive part of that property is the large garden.' He looked up seeing Kagome and Sesshomaru still making eye contact. "Sorry" He mumbled feeling all the eyes in the room on him. "Sorry I said that, it's just…" He trailed of not knowing exactly how to explain.

Kagome smiled shaking her head, "It's alright, I don't blame you," She crawled over on her knees to Inuyasha putting her hand out, "I hope we can be friends."

Inuyasha stared at her hand then looked up at her before shaking it, "Alright… Kagome"

Kagome giggled, "So you DO know my name!" She laughed until she heard the door open. Looking up she saw Ichiro.

Ichiro smiled at the three children, "Kagome your father called, he said your singing teacher's here."

Kagome frowned, she hated her singing lesson, but her mother was forcing her to take at and at four years old she didn't exactly have a choice. Nodding she stood up, "Alright coming" She turned to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, "Will I see you tomorrow?" She asked with a big smile pasted on her face.

Inuyasha nodded along with Sesshomaru. Ichiro smiled, "Great, come on Kagome I'll walk you to the door." Kagome skipped down the room filled with toys waving to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, "See you tomorrow!" She called before skipping down the hall. Ichiro smiled at his sons before closing the door behind him.

Kagome opened the door to her house and smiled, "Daddy, I'm here." She paused not hearing anyone around. "Daddy?" She called again still not hearing a reply. Shrugging she walking up the stairs to the music room seeing her teacher there. She sighed, "Hi Suzuki-sensei." She walked over sitting on the stool. She didn't see the point of the lesson. She was only four and her voice was still high pitched for her age. When she sung it sounded awful, but her teacher didn't think so.

Ningyo was Kagome's teacher, although Kagome addressed her by her last name; Suzuki. "Good evening Miss Higurashi," Ningyo looked at her watch shaking her head, "Your late Miss Higurashi."

Kagome sighed, she hated anyone calling her Higurashi, but that was how her teacher acted, always formal. Kagome always hated Nigyo and wished she had a different singing teacher someone not as strict but until she was old enough, and until her voice change; not being high pitched, she couldn't have a normal singing teacher.

Nigyo shook her head, "Alright Miss Higurashi will start with our Do-Re-Me exercise." She paused moving over to the piano. Slowly lifting her hand she looked to Kagome, "Ready?" When Kagome nodded Nigyo slowly brought her hand down gently hitting the white keys on the piano creating a soft sound that filled the room.

Kagome took a deep breath doing her warm-ups to Do-Re-Me. After about ten minutes of doing that her teacher ordered her to do start working on her written work. Kagome knew singing wasn't just about using your voice. She knew she had to learn notes, learn how to read music although she hated it. She sighed continuing to write the note names on the crisp paper. Slowly lifting it to flip it over to do the other side she got a paper cut, "Ow" She squeaked, blood trickling down her finger. Looking up to her music teacher she put her finger in her mouth trying to stop the blood.

Nigyo stood up walking over to Kagome. She looked at the piece of paper and shook her head. "I want this sheet of paper to be perfect, and yet you got blood all over it" Taking the piece of paper she crumpled it up throwing it in the garbage. Walking to the desk she picked up another piece of paper placing it on Kagome's desk. "Redo it all."

Kagome sighed taking her finger out of her mouth and looked at her cut. It continued to bleed. Picking her pen up she began working on her new sheet. She always hated it, if there was a pencil smudge, or if the paper got wet she would never accept it. She looked up at the clock, realizing on her last sheet she probably working on it for an hour. Taking another deep breath she continued on her work sheet, until her father called her down.

Nigyo shook her head walking up to Kagome, her heels making a clicking noise as it connecting with the hard wooden floor. Kagome sat there; she learned never to leave the lesson unless Nigyo gave her permission to.

Nigyo picked Kagome's paper up, "Not enough work, I guess we wont be starting singing any time soon. If you can't finish a simple work sheet in two hours then you can never learn how to really sing." Placing the work sheet down on the desk she turned to Kagome. "You are dismissed."

Kagome slowly stood up bowing to Nigyo, "Thank you Suzuki-sensei." Slowly, like a young lady, Kagome walked out of the room closing the door behind her. Once the door was closed she ran all the way downstairs. Seeing her daddy in the living room with the news paper she ran jumping into his arms, "Daddy!" She called hugging her father. "I've missed you!"

Kagome's father laughed, "It's only been about five hours."

Kagome let go of her father smiling, "That's a long time you know!"

Rokuro Higurashi was Kagome's father. She was very close to her father, more so then her mother. Kagome never really had a chance to know her mother; she was always on tour, and working. She was never around to be with Kagome. So Kagome grew up with her father, and just recently her parents split up, thus Rokuro moving back to Tokyo in his sister's shrine which she owned. Kagome didn't really mind, she was still young and didn't really miss her mother. At the moment, Kagome didn't care because now she could get away from her mother's popularity and live like a normal little girl. The only problem was she wasn't exactly completely out of her mothers grasp. The only way she was able to stay with her father is if they obeyed her wish which was simple; for Kagome to have singing lessons daily.

Rokuro smiled, "How was your day? You aunt told me you played next door with the other children."

Kagome nodded giving off her smile, which she inherited from her father, which was really all she got from him. "Yep! Ichiro has two boys; Inuyasha who is my age and Sesshomaru who's a year older and doesn't talk. I don't know why yet, but I'm sure I'll find out." She jumped up and down, it was exciting to be able to have real friends, to be able to learn more about their family and she just couldn't wait to get started.

Rokuro chuckled at her excitement. "Does Miroku know them?"

Kagome shook her head, "Miroku never goes out." She pouted not liking the fact that Miroku was forced to train. Miroku was her cousin, who she moved in with. Miroku's father died in a car accident about a year ago and since then he's had to help his mother take care of the shrine. Kagome thought it was unfair; he was only four and already working. But now that her and her father moved in Miroku didn't have to work as hard anymore but the problem was he still had to train to honor his family's history; as a Monk.

Rokuro nodded, "Alright" Looking over at the clock he nodded, "Were going to be having dinner soon, what would you like?"

Kagome put her finger under her chin, "Oden?" (sp?)

Rokuro laughed, "Your favorite dish, I remember," He said touching her nose. "Alright why not help me prepare it?"

Kagome jumped off her father running into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen she opened the bottom drawer taking out one pink apron and one green one. She smiled handing her father the pink one, "Here daddy"

Rokuro chuckled taking the apron that his daughter handed to him, "Thanks." He looked down as Kagome wrapped the green apron around herself. As he wrapped his around himself he watched Kagome walk to the cabinet dragging the apron along with her. Smiling he turned the oven on beginning to prepare dinner.

Ichiro sat down on the long table with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru on each side of him. Taking a deep breath he smiled at his sons, "You may start." He picked up his spoon beginning to eat his soup. He looked up from his table at the two boys who didn't touch their meals. He sighed placing his spoon down, "What's wrong?" He asked. He suspected to have this conversation, every time they 'made a new friend' his sons wouldn't eat there dinner. "If this is about Kagome she came on her own free will." He sighed seeing his sons deciding not to respond. "I'm sorry that I paid other kids to play with you but I couldn't help it. Both of you looked so depressed when you started becoming independent, so I thought of getting you friends myself, seeing as you both had trouble." He paused still hearing no response. "I did some digging up on her." Ichiro said seeing his son Inuyasha's ears perk up. He smirked knowing he caught there attention. "I heard her say something about not needing money? Yes I did over hear you conversation. Anyways…"

Inuyasha's head jerked up his small voice echoed through the empty halls, "You have no right to 'dig' up stuff about her! It's her personal life!" Inuyasha knew he shouldn't have interrupted his father like that. He knew it was rude and he knew he's father never liked his sons being rude, but he couldn't help himself. He knew he wouldn't like it if someone else's father learned more about their life without the person actually telling them. That and he rather learn about Kagome's life from Kagome.

Ichiro raised a brow at his son taking a sip of his whine. "Don't talk to me like that or I'll send you up to your room and you won't see Kagome tomorrow." Ichiro smiled seeing his son calm down. He knew Inuyasha was always that type, loud and always made up excuses. Not like Sesshomaru, who was calm and kept things to himself, much like Ichiro. "It turns out her Mother is Miss Higurashi…"

"Well of course it's Miss Higurashi! That's her last name!" Inuyasha argued stating the obvious as he always did.

"Keiko Higurashi is a singer, that's why Kagome doesn't need money, she's richer then us."

Inuyasha's head jerked up, was that possible, for someone to be richer then them? Ichiro cleared his throat continuing, "Her mother it the most famous pop star since 1988 to present day." Ichiro looked up to his sons noticing his little information about Kagome was true. He thought it was sorta funny, he just met this girl and he's been acting like he's known her since the first day she was born. Although he knew he didn't, he defiantly knew her mother since high school. He smirked at the memory of Keiko in high school, how she was so popular.

Inuyasha stood up from his chair, "Who cares!" He yelled before leaving the table rudely. Sesshomaru glanced over to his father before leaving the table following Inuyasha. Sesshomaru walking down the long hallway calmly into Inuyasha's room. He opened the door to Inuyasha's room entering it. It seemed the news about Kagome struck him hard. Although Sesshomaru didn't exactly understand why the girl affected them so much, they only met her a couple of hours ago. He hopped onto Inuyasha's bed looking at his younger brother calmly, he had to admit, he somewhat disliked Inuyasha but felt as though he was the only one he could really talk to about, even though he didn't exactly talk.

"How is it…" Inuyasha began looking up at Sesshomaru, "… how is it that this news about her bugs me so much? The fact that she lied? The fact that she's like us? Or maybe I'm relieved that she's rich, she knows what were going through. Maybe that's why I'm acting like this." He turned his gaze over to Sesshomaru and saw him just stare calmly into his own eyes. He smirked, "You know, it's funny how I can understand what you're saying by just looking at you. Even though you show me no emotion what's so ever."

Sesshomaru just nodded at what Inuyasha said. He had to admit, Inuyasha was really the only one who understood what he was saying without actually saying it. He looked down to the ground to his feet and thought about the girl he had just met that afternoon. He remembered that moment they had, when she looked into his eyes and knew what he was saying. No one ever did that except Inuyasha, what he thought was funny was that she was a girl. He never thought a girl would understand what he was going through.

Inuyasha lifted his covers up crawling into his bed. He looked up to Sesshomaru noticing he was tucking himself in his bed. He gave off a small smile, he knew Sesshomaru somewhat hated him but always knew he would always be there, it was what brothers did. Inuyasha closed his eyes a smile pasted on his face, "Goodnight Sesshomaru" he whispered as he drifted off to sleep with one thought on his mind, the girl who understood everything they were going through.

Kagome smiled once again skipping up the large stairs. Sure it was early in the morning but she couldn't sleep last night. She couldn't wait to play with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. She didn't understand it, she just met these two rich boys and yet she loved them as true friends. They played once, and yet she loved playing with them. She shrugged; she was four, who cared about that kind of stuff? As long a they got along right? She looked up popping her gum seeing a big large scary man standing there before her. She stared for a moment her eyes turning over to the address, "Did I get the right house? Do Inuyasha and Sesshomaru live her?"

The man nodded without saying a word moving out of her way letting her in. Kagome nodded and smiled, "Thank you" She popped her gum until she felt the creepy mans presence behind her. She turned around slowly meeting his dark blue eyes that held no emotion what so ever. She smiled slightly waving, "Hello." She started to tip toe towards the room when the man stood in front of her. Now she was getting scared, it reminded her of the horror movie when the kid got the wrong address but the butler person let him in when really it was a scientist's house who experimented on kids.

Gulping she noticed the man walking towards her. Picking her up, he lifted her over his shoulder beginning to walk outside. Kagome's eyes shot open feeling herself being picked up, maybe Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were a dream, maybe they weren't real, maybe she was about to get experimented on. She banged on the man's black butler suit beginning to scream, "Put me down you monster! I will not be an experiment for some scary scientist, put me down now!" She yelled screaming with her high pitched voice. The butler flinched slightly from the impacted of her voice. Kagome opened her eyes feeling the man stop. She shut her eyes not wanting to see the crazy old scientist man as the butler put her down.

"Miss Higurashi Kagome is here masters Takahashi."

Kagome opened her eyes to be met with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru standing in front of her. "Oh…" She quietly said looking back up at the butler, "Sorry…" She said with a smile. She saw him force a smile back as he left the children to play.

Kagome popped her gum running up to her new friends pulling them into a big group hug, "You have a scary butler" She commented once she let go of the two silver haired boys go.

Inuyasha shook his head, "Fernando's like that, don't let him scare you, but he's quite nice."

"Fernando?" Kagome repeated, "Never heard that name before." She side her hand rubbing her chin.

Inuyasha laughed slightly, "He's from Canada?"

Kagome jumped, "Canada! Wow, that place is awesome!"

Inuyasha rows his brow, "What's so awesome about it? It's so cold during the winters and everyone lives in those igloo things and have beavers for pets."

Kagome stared for a moment as Sesshomaru shook his head disagreeing with his brother. She suddenly burst out laughing rolling on the ground holding her stomach as if it was about to explode.

Inuyasha stared at her with a 'what-are-you-laughing-at' look.

Kagome whipped a tear the fell from her little laughing episode. "It's just Canada's nothing like that, completely different from that."

Inuyasha growled, "How would you know, you've never been to Canada!"

Kagome laughed, "Actually I have"


"I was born here but right after I was born we moved to the United States then to Canada. Once my parents split up I moved back here" She said with smile pasted on her face.

Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest, "Yeah right"

"I swear, I don't live with my mom, you can come over one time and find out, the only girls are me and my aunt."

Inuyasha shook his head in response, "Your aunt's your mother."

Kagome shook her head, "She's Miroku's Mommy."

Inuyasha thought for a moment, "Miroku? Why does that sound familiar?"

"Because he's been your next door neighbor since you've been born."

Inuyasha gave her a confused look as she shook her head. Inuyasha turned to Sesshomaru as it became silent; all you could hear was the wind whistling in their ears along with the sounds of birds chirping. Inuyasha looked down at the ground, her parents just split up recently, does that mean her moms still in Canada or whatever, building her carrier up? Why did her parents split up, was if because of Kagome? Or themselves? Questions kept racing through his head; he wanted to ask her why she didn't tell them before about her mother. Did she not trust them? Sure they only met yesterday but he sure trusted her. Deciding to test her he sat down quietly. "Tell me about yourself."

He demanded crossing his legs as he put his hands in his sleeves. He noticed Sesshomaru did the same along with Kagome.

Kagome thought for a moment, she decided to make up a lie, "Well, I was born here as you know and my dad you see likes to travel. So mom, him and I traveled a bit, from what I remember." She took a breath before continuing. "We moved to Canada so dad could learn more about the contrary but then he gave up on his job wanting to focus on me but mom didn't want that, she wanted to continue traveling, so they broke up and daddy came back down to Japan to live with my aunt and cousin." She sighed thinking to herself. 'The story would have made more sense if I just said that mom liked to travel.' She looked up at Inuyasha shaking his head wondering what he was thinking about.

Inuyasha sighed turning to his brother for some kind of answer. He didn't know if he should be mad at her for lying, or happy that he knows she's like him. He was about to say something when Kagome asked the same question back at him and his brother.

"What about you? Tell me about yourself."

Inuyasha sighed knowing he would have to answer for both himself and Sesshomaru. "As you probably guessed we gots lots and lots of money." He did with a high squeaky voice, obviously seeing he hasn't yet gone through puberty. "Dad owns a big company that's the reason why we gots so much stuff. That and our mother died when I was born."


Inuyasha's eyebrow rose, "What?"

"It's got, not gots."


"That not a word in the Japanese language."

"Who cares?"

Kagome shrugged, "When you fail English in school, don't come crying to me"

"I don't cry." Inuyasha argued crossing his arms over his chest.

"Sure you do."





Sesshomaru just sat their quietly bouncing a red ball on the ground. He looked up seeing the two kids still arguing, without saying a word he threw the bouncy red ball right at Inuyasha.


Sesshomaru just stared at him with no response as the young girl began to role on the ground laughing.

"Is that like you favorite hobby or something?" Inuyasha asked with an eyebrow quirked at her.

Kagome shook her head sitting up and popped her gum, "Nope.

A/N: Well, There's the first chapter, I was going to save it and post it on my birthday. But I REALLY wanted all of your to read it. Please tell me what you think, and if your have ANY suggestions on Childhood memories for Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sesshomaru when they are eight and nine please tell me.

One more note before i head off, I am sorry for making Inuyasha a little softer. It's hard for me to make it all work without Inuyasha being a bit soft. I mean, he is only four, he's got (gots he he) to be smart. One more thing, I know four year olds aren't as smart as I made them, but it's a story, so use your imagination. If I get any reviews complaining about that I will get angry because I just explained it. As well, other characters will show up in later chapters, don't worry. Please don't ask me that question either when you review. Hope you liked it! R&R


Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story. But I do take credit for the names of the parents and teachers and any students that may come up in this story.