Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, and never will. Ever.

AN: I'm back! And Even I'm suprised. This is just a series of vignettes, of Legolas growing up. Featuring mainly just Legolas and Thranduil, with appearances by assorted characters. This is an ongiong piece of work containing many ideas, that are simply too short to be full stories of their own. These all fit into my series at different points, and will be constantly added to as I get ideads...


He wandered through the mists of the plains. He was back on Dagorland again, in the heat of the last Alliance. But there was one vital difference, the orcs raced passed him, the gazes of the elves passed through him, it was unnerving. But he cared not. He searched the fields for the figure he knew would be there.

And then he saw him…

The Elf King swirled gloriously, his silver blade shining in the moonlight, his Golden hair cutting through the air behind him. And for a moment he could only gaze in wonderment at this skilful elf whom he so admired. But a thought lingered in the back of his mind…this elf would not survive the night.

He looked around and saw the orc, his arrow trained on the fascinating warrior. And then arrows cut through the air, hitting the unwitting elf king in the chest.

And he knew who the warrior was. With a cry of 'Adar' he rushed to the fallen elf's side, turning him over onto his back

But it was not his Adar…

The figure was not even a King.

Golden hair framed an all to recognizable face, one that made all reason disappear from his mind…

"LEGOLAS" Thranduil shot up in bed, the cry on his lips, even as he blinked back tears, unwilling to believe what he had seen. Legolas? Dead? "No…" he choked out bitterly, clambering out of his bed and walking to the balcony. Gazing out over Mirkwood, he basked in the moonlight, feeling glad for the respite that had fallen over the forest.

Not for the first time that day he felt his mind drift to his son, wherever he may be. He could still see his elfling-for that is what he always would be to the king-run through the garden before him, a smile on his face. Legolas… he thought bleakly. He could be dead…

He shook his head, trying to convince himself of happier times. Holding on the bleak hope that Legolas was alive…

He glanced around the garden, his eye fixing on the large oak in the garden; he brightened as he remembered much happier times from long ago…

Responses to reviews of Raging Torrent Chapter 7

Haldir's heart and Soul: It was a nice thing to say wasn't it.

Swasti: No, he probably shouldn't be up and about so soon. But a little Fresh air does a whole lot of good. As for your question about enslaved even the most careful archer can make a mistake, like even the most careful driver can make a mistake at times. No one's perfect, and too err is human (And yes, Legolas may not be human, but it still applies to him. To err is elven aswell)

btw, Enslaved is on it's way, as soon as I finish it. There's a sneak preview on my LiveJournal. www. livejournal. com / users/ IceElf

(You'll have to remove the spaces. LJ mangles links.)