Summary: A new student arrives at Sarah's school who painfully reminds her of Jareth, and Toby wishes himself away to the goblins when he feels unloved. Now Sarah must beat the Labyrinth a second time around.

Disclaimer: I OWN IT ALL! Especially Jareth. (A cut out of a hand on black paper is slipped under my door)

Ahh! The Black Hand! Fine! I don't own anything! (The Black Hand is slipped back out)

Sheesh, I'm not even Italian, at least, I think I'm not.

I still wish I owned Jareth. (Pouts)


Groaning, Sarah Williams rolled off her bed.

"Coming!" she called back.

She was just one page away from finishing her most recent novel, and now her step-mother was nagging at her again.

She opened her door and walked down to the kitchen.

Her little half-brother was sitting in the chair facing away from her, so she snuck up silently behind him.

Ever since that one night that seemed forever ago they had been closer, they shared something no one could ever take from them, there was a bond there that nothing could break.

Once behind him, Sarah shot her arm around Toby, pulling him against the back of the chair as the other arm shot around and stole his cup of OJ.

"Hey!" he exclaimed.

Smiling Sarah took a drink before setting it back down and ruffling his hair.

"Sarah! That was your brothers!" Karen reprimanded.

Sarah shot her an annoyed look and scoffed silently.

"He doesn't mind, do you Toby?" she asked sweetly.

Toby fake pouted, but then broke into a grin.

"Its okay mommy, it wasn't juice, it was…pixie poison!"

Sarah brought her hands to her throat.

"My own brother poisoned me?" she exclaimed before dropping to her knees and mock gagging.

Toby laughed.

"Only one thing can save you now sister!"

"No! Not that! Please, not that! Anything but that!"

"Yes! You must…eat my vegetables."


Laughing Toby picked up a broccoli sprout from his plate and waved it in front of his sister's face.

Sarah mock wailed as she plucked the broccoli from his hands and ate it.

Then she mock passed out.

"Sarah, get up off the floor!" Karen exclaimed. "And stop goofing off, you're acting like children!"

"Um, newsflash Karen, we are children."

"You are 18 years old Sarah. You should be moving out soon."

"Well Toby is only 5. And I don't plan on letting him grow up anytime soon."

Karen sniffed as she turned away.

Sarah half-glared at her back before patting Toby on his head.

"Sarah, I need you to run to the store and get some groceries," Karen spoke over her shoulder. "And be back by 6:00."

Rolling her eyes Sarah sighed.


So Sarah snatched the grocery list off the counter and slumped out of the house.

Sarah had just paid for all the groceries and heading back outside when she bumped into someone.

The impact caused her to drop the bag and fall back.

"I'm sorry," the smooth voice said above her.

It sounded so familiar, yet different.

Sarah looked up to stare into two different colored eyes; one brown, one green.

With a sharp intake of breath, Sarah cringed back.

But then she saw that the face the eyes belonged to was young.

The eyebrows, though, were as elegantly arched as raptors.

The hair was short, an almost platinum blond, and slightly spiked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," the young man said a he held out a hand to her.

A vision flashed in her mind of Jareth doing the same thing to her.

But this boy was younger, around her age most likely, and clearly dressed normal.

At that thought Sarah glanced down at his pants.


Sighing she took the hand and stood up.

"Here, let me get your stuff," he murmured as he bent to pick up the bag and the contents that had fallen out.

"Um, thank you," was all the rather confused Sarah could say.

"No problem," he smiled as he handed them back to her. "So where are you heading?"

Then the bell tolled.

6 o' Clock.

"Crap! I'm sorry but I gotta go, I'm late," Sarah said as she started walking away.

"Wait, how far do you live?"

"Oh, maybe just a couple of miles."

"Well here, hop into my car and I'll take you."

Never get into a stranger's car. That was what she had always been told. But she felt as if he wasn't a stranger; that she knew him, but the feeling she had around him wasn't that of friendship.

But she agreed.

When Sarah got into the car, a kind of off white colt, the first thing she saw was that where she saw people put fuzzy dice there were crystal balls.

Gulping to herself, Sarah clutched her bag to her chest as the boy started the car.

"So, Sarah, you're still in school, correct?"

Sarah was about to answer, when she realized she never told him he name.

"How do you know my name?" her voice betrayed she felt a little freaked out.

"Your necklace, it says your name," he told her as he motioned with a slight jerk of his head to the golden heart locket around her neck with a design that held her name in a thin silver lines.

Looking down Sarah almost sighed. She had forgotten her father had got that for her one year for her birthday, her 16th if she could remember correctly.

"Yeah, a senior. You?"

"Same. Names Jared by the way."

Sarah choked.

"Are you ok?" asked Jared.

"Yeah, just, swallowed gum."

She wondered if he knew she hadn't been chewing gum.

"Ok," he said softly.

"Oh, there's my house right there."

"What a pity. Maybe I'll see you again sometime."

Sarah got out of that car as fast as possible and headed up to her door.

"Yeah, bye."

Once inside she let out an immense sigh.

"Sarah, your late."

Wincing Sarah took the food to the kitchen.

"Sorry, I ran into some trouble. I'm gonna go to my room now and read. Call me when dinner is done."

"We aren't having dinner. At least not here. We are going out as a family."

"Call me when you find one," came back Sarah's reply as she climbed up the stairs and to her room.

Later that night Sarah clambered downstairs.

She had fallen asleep while reading and listening to music, and woke up a few hours later.

Heading straight to the kitchen she found a note that read:

Went to dinner.

T.V. Dinner in freezer.


Sighing she crumpled the piece of paper and tossed it over her shoulder.

She wished her dad wasn't such a pushover.

She opened the freezer and put her dinner in the microwave when she heard something strange outside.

She walked outside to a shadow move across the moon.

Now shivering, Sarah started back in side when she heard something in the tree nearby.

Looking up she saw a white moon face barn owl.

It stared right at her.

"Jareth?" she whispered.

The owl didn't move.

"Who is Jared?" she asked half to the owl and half to herself.

"Woo," went the owl.

"Jared. He is so similar…" her whispering trailed off.

The owl cocked its head before turning it around in an almost complete circle.


Growling Sarah picked up a nearby rock and flung it at the owl.

Said owl took to flight and flew back across the full moon and into the night.

"Stupid owls," muttered Sarah as she turned and went back into the house and to her dinner.

This is another story I came up with as I was sick and I am typing it half asleep…so yeah.

Pickles are good.

So...(Makes plans to steal Jareth)


Review and tell me not to cross Incrediles and Labyrinth. (Grins) This is what happens when I have imsomnia, I get ideas to have Violet wish away Jack-Jack. I SHALL DO IT ANYWAY! (Cackles evilly, coughs, spits, giggles)