Chapter 11

That's All Folks

It has been about a month. The group is in the mountains and Abby has left the group on the grounds that if they were going to cold places she couldn't handle it.

Ani put her head down on the cool table in hopes of soothing the splitting headache she had nursed since leaving Pirate's Swoop. She had no such luck, the table heated up faster than her forehead cooled down. 'stupid table' she thought.

"Ani?" Neal asked tentatively.

"What," she said a bit savagely, narrowing her eyes and coming dangerously close the a sour puss face.

"It's uh your turn to pay the bill," he motioned toward the sixty year old waitress in Joe's Diner's frilly pink uniform.

Ani gave him the twitchy eye before emptying her wallet to pay for their meal. Across the room two Yamani women were watching her with hatred. They were in the middle of the room trying (and failing) to be inconspicuous in their Sith cloaks and conspicuously inconspicuous weapons. The pair drifted over to Ani's table were our heroes were waiting for the receipt.

"Ani. It is time." One of them said grandly, drawing a sword.

"Huh? Time? Time for what?"

"For us to kill you, you idiot," the other said in exasperation.

"Wait… WHAT! KILL ME? WHY? I haven't don't anyth- Yuki? Aw crap. Prune too? What the hell you guys can't come out of no where like that!"

By this time Neal was tugging urgently on Ani's sleeve and motioning towards the back door in hopes of making a quick escape.

"Neal," Yuki snapped. "Stop you two are going no where. I had --BEEP-- (Prune's name if you remember it was edited out for technical reasons) seal the doors."

"Damn it Yuki why can't you just not think of cutting of our route of escape," he yelled.

"Neal go sit I the corner and wait until the death battle is over."

Neal pouted then grudgingly said, "Ok, but you guys better make this quick."

"Neal!" Ani yelled, "my life is on the line and all you can say is 'you better make this quick!' That's it we're through." she stuck out her tongue at him. "Jerk."

"The end is near, my nemesis you will meet your end very soon," Yuki taunted.

"Shut up. I'm trying to be mad at Neal."

"very well then I will kill you--"

"I told you shut up." Ani gave Yuki the evil eye (the evil eye of ancient gypsy magic that had not been used since the dawn of babka) and the sourpuss face at the same time killing Yuki mid sentence. Prune caught half a blast of it and went it a coma from which she never recovered, and Neal was reduced to the state of a babbling idiot (he got not a iota better since the hospital Ani placed him in was always filled with supernumerary tintinnabulation. Ani went back to her stealing and Abby stayed in the tropics.

The End

"Hey Abbs, me, Jenny-a, MK, and Molls are going to the movies. Wanna come?"


Okay maybe not so over. Just a new arch in the Legend of Ani.