DISCLAIMER: I, in absolutely no way, own Tokyo Mew Mew.
I tried to write this story in a way that seemed at least plausible, as some of the fics that I've read about Masaya leaving Ichigo are, to put it simply, crazy.
IMPORTANT: Would you people like to have fast, but short, updates, OR long, but slower, ones? I need your input on this, so leave it in a review please.
Eventually RyouIchigo, but that won't be' till a while.
And now folks, I present, the slightly short prologue of...
Masaya's POV
We sat on a bench, waiting. Ichigo was sending loving looks in my direction, to which I replied with a fake smile of mine. But didn't she have the right? Were we not 'married'? It was not an official rite, but it was a marriage nonetheless.
It was an empty wedding in my eyes. I knew Ichigo was no longer a Mew Mew, and for some reason, it stirred feelings of contempt inside my soul. But I loved Ichigo, didn't I? I knew I did at least at one point, there was no mistaking it. But what had changed?
Ichigo sighed and leaned her head on my right shoulder. "I'm so happy for you, Masaya," she murmured, but her eyes clearly showed her true emotions of unhappiness and despair. She loved me, she really did. So why did I have so much trouble loving her back?
"Flight 182 for England," a voice boomed through the loudspeaker. Ichigo's eyes were full of tears that were trying to break free, but she tried not to show it.
"That's my flight," I said with a hint of melancholy in my voice. This sadness, though some was for leaving Ichigo, was mostly for just leaving Japan. This conclusion frightened me, and I slowly lifted my body from the bench.
Ichigo clung to me, not letting me go. "I love you Masaya. I love you, love you, love you. Forever till the end of time." she muttered into my sleeve. I gave her comforting embrace. "I know, Ichigo, I know." With a final squeeze, I was off. I knew she was a bit surprised at that. Not really what I said, but more of what I didn't say.
'I used to love you, but I'm not sure anymore,' I thought, as I boarded the plane my back facing Ichigo the whole time. 'I want to love you, but I can't.'
"FAREWELL MASAYA!" I heard her scream just seconds before I entered the plane, but I showed no signs of recognition. I sat in my designated seat, and loaded my small bag on the shelf above me, for it was all I had.
'Farewell, Ichigo.' my thoughts were a whisper, even inside my own head.
So here I am now, on this flight to England. Perhaps the long while away from everything will help me, perhaps not. Only time will tell.
How did you like it? I really love input, and any ideas you want to see are greatly appreciated, and I will incorporate them if possible.
By the way, in case you wanted to know, The next chapter WILL have two POVs, Masaya's and Ichigos, AT LEAST.I promise, no updates will be as shamefully short as this one.
I also promise to explain Masaya's sudden waryness of loving Ichigo. I promise there is a reason, so bear with me.
You all are the best!