/file: witch/fanfic.php
well this story has a lot of focus on Irma Lair the guardain who controls water her charecter doesn't really have many stories about her.
$setting: i don't know it's after phobos is brought down and all is happy.
$plot: latly irma has been hauted by dreams. dreams of, death, destrution and the what seems to be the future. but, everytime she dreams it gets harder to breath and it gets harder and harder to break free. soon these 'visions' begen to take over her mind when she's awake. meanwhile a group of phobo's follows theaten the peace of meriden.
/title: Haunted
$chapter 1: the first hauting
The world was spinning around her. Irma fell to her knees. She tried to focus to over come the overwhelming dizziness. She could only a sky, a blue sky, not a cloud in the blue sky; and field, was that wheat? A rolling plain covered in every inch with wheat.
"I. have To Fight This." Irma moaned clutching her head.
She began to rise to her feet. Just as Irma rose to her feat, still shaky, world still spinning. Her supposed triumph was cut short when Irma felt her head about to explode.
Irma yelled as loud as she could hoping someone would hear her. She forced her eyes shut and tears began to drip down her face.
Suddenly something flew up around her engulfing her. Irma gasped for breath. Something began to force her down. First ringing her neck then forcing her arms behind her back then planting her feet to the ground.
"…" Irma sputtered. Irma began to open her eyes.
Something was heading towards her. From the clear blue sky see began to make out something. It was this flaming, rock. An asteroid! As is neared her she felt the 'something' bubbling around her burning her skin. "AHHHH!" It was water! Irma clenched her fists feeling her arms, not move! With the pounding dizziness, choking by her own element and an asteroid headed right towards her she couldn't concentrate. Irma let out a final gurgled yell, "AHHHH!" Irma woke up in her bed dripping in sweat, gasping for breath. Her hands were shaking. She stood up slowly for her legs were weak and might give in at any moment. She stumbled to her mirror on her dresser and used to dresser to steady herself. She looked in the mirror. She looked ok. A little, no a lot sweaty but other than that fine. I need to sleep said Irma slowly walking to her bed,
The astroroid was heading towards her, at least 100 feet; she felt her skin bubbling, choking, screaming, pounding head.
Irma fell to the floor shaking as tears dripped down her face. After laying there for at least a half-hour she gathered the strength to pull herself up into a sitting position to glance at her alarm clock, 1:30 AM it glowed in red letters. Wiping the tears from her eyes she reached up for the door handle and pulled herself up. Her head was throbbing and every part of her was shaking. She opened the door and stumbled out of her room heading towards the bathroom. If one thing could clear her mind is was a nice warm bath. Closing and locking the bathroom door behind her she plugged the drain and turned on the water. One turn hot water, half a turn cold. As the water filled up she slipped off her clothes. Then she turned off the water and slipped in. she felt her headache began to leave her and she closed her eyes.
She couldn't breath! It was heading towards her, the asteroid. Gasping for breath as she felt herself began to burn. At least 20 feet away now.
Irma found herself underwater! She gasped for breath and pulled herself up from the tub. Breathing very heavily now her drained the tub and slipped on her clothes, they were sweaty and wet now but she didn't care she dashed out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. She flung herself into bed. Scared, injured. What was going on? Irma asked these questions to herself as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
i hope you like it. i will continue with the series there will be around 20 chapters. i'll have a new chapter or two every week