Hello Johnny Fans! This is my first JTHM fiction. I kinda crossed it over with I Feel Sick, so it may get kinda strange. But that's what we like!

Disclaimer. Do I own JTHM or I Feel Sick? JESUS H CHRIST NO! Wish I did though, then I'd be filthy rich (Or maybe just filthy. Who knows? Who cares?). But that's just a dream. Dreams? HATE THEM DREAMS! All I own is the idea for this story and nothing else.

WARNING! This story has graphic violence, extremely harsh languages, adult situations and possible sexual content. If you are offended by any of these, you may want to leave instead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


Chapter 1- Reunion

Why am I here?

She asked herself as she stood on the sidewalk and stared at the house. She had been to this house once before and hasn't returned since then. It was so long ago, yet even after locking herself up in her apartment, she could still see that scary look in his eyes. He said he was going 'immortalize the moment' and then he attacked her. She had been so scared of Johnny C. since then. Yet before the incident, he was perhaps the most unique (if you want to call it that) of all the men she'd been with. Nny didn't shit in his pants during their date, nor did he make any attempts to seduce and rape her. Since the incident, she could barely let herself out of her home, for she feared Nny followed her wherever she went. Then why was she standing outside his home? To gloat over the fact she's one of the rare few to escape him? To face her fear so she'll be able to live her life as it was before Johnny? She didn't know herself. All she knew was that some presence pulled her here and it frightened her.

Carefully, she walked to the door and waited. She prayed to whatever gods would listen that the owner of house 777 was not in, but then again, something else inside the back of her mind hoped Johnny was home. And she knew the name of that voice inside her head.

Her name was Sickness and she constantly distracted Devi from her work. However, Devi managed to keep the voice quite for some time now. Perhaps that is what drove Nny to attack her before. She remembers seeing him speaking to two strange doughboys stands. Were they the physical manifestation of Nny's voice, the same way an unfinished painting of a socket eye doll was Devis voice, Sickness?

I don't know why the fuck I'm here. I feel like I should be here, but why?

Her hand inches to the door, freezes for a moment and then knocks.


Johnny C. was in the midst of drawing a new Happy Noodle Boy comic for the homeless. He had to find some form of escape from the shit hole he called reality, but then, there wasn't much for him to begin with. Drawing these comics and writing in is Die-ary gave his mind time to escape. He rarely killed anyone anymore since he's slaughtered all the ones whom have given him grief. Well, perhaps not all, but he was too tired of the same old shit to really hunt the last few down, plus he didn't really care anymore. He had hoped to grow cold and heartless on his 'Holiday', but all he ended up doing was spending his time at theaters, sucking down brainfreezy's and cherry fiz-wiz's, and letting his hair grow back to how it was before it was either sleep-shaved or burned off in Hell. How strange it was to be bored. He almost missed the voices from his organics. Nailbunny still remained as a framed picture on his desk and the doughboys had turned to dust due to age, to which Nny was rather pleased. He hated both of them when he realized they were using him for their own selfish needs. Now Nny is free from them and that thing in the wall. And Reverend Meat had been silenced by Nny's unfaltering will to be rid of him. But still, it's strange to be alone.

Nny lowered his pen and glanced out the nearby boarded up window to see the night sky. How beautiful stars can be to him. There are times he wished he could go over those stars, but then, he tells himself that each star is like humanity. Big ones who preyed on the smaller dimmer ones. Nny had no doubt in his mind that he was a small star.

He lost his train of thought when he heard the sound of tapping from his door. Curiosity crept back into Nny as he stares at the door. It wasn't another surveyor; they would come during the day as well as salesmen. And if it was another Mmy, Nny would be glad to be rid of the world of another one. Cautiously, he turned the knob and slid it open ever so slightly.


He asked as his head stuck out from the darkness. His mind damn near exploded when he saw her there. Her purple hair tied back in twin ponytails, red paint stains on her clothes and her complexion as pale as his, but Nny remembers who she is.


"Hello Johnny."

Nny opened the door wider and stood in the door way.

"Why are you here?"

Could his voice be any colder?

She wondered before she answered

"I want to speak with you. Like we used to in the bookstore. If that's alright."

Nny turned his head away, as though ashamed of himself, but his eyes remained towards her own.

"I'm not sure. You may not like the changes I've gone through lately."

He slightly chuckled, but Devi somehow saw it as a sincere one. She gave the same sincere smile in return.

"You, you little shit, have scared me for years now. If I'm willing to come back here and face another attack from you, you might believe that I have grown stronger."

I can't believe I'm saying this.

"I won't attack you Devi."

Tears seem to be welling in the corners of his eyes. Devi blinked at him, awaiting an explanation.

"I've come to realize certain things about myself, and I've learn to amend them."

He turned his head back to her and he bowed in more shame.

"It was…impolite of me to have done what I did to you…and I know forgiveness for one like me, is never an option…"

He saw her cross her arms over her chest in a display of annoyance.

"What was it you said over the phone? 'That the mere thought of you does not compel me to violent spasms?' Well let me tell you something Nny. I have thought of you. A lot actually. And I refuse to allow my body to vomit."

What she said turned Nny back to her.

"Would you like to know why?"


"Because despite the fact you nearly killed me, I still have some feelings for you. Fuck, I can't believe I'm actually saying this to your face."

"I do not know, Devi, if it is wise to be confiding in me like this. I have been known to give others certain discomfort for the stupidity they share. The human mind is so fucked up it is difficult to tell the difference from a well used toilet that can't flush."

He scratched nervously at his arm.

"I am glad, however, you still have feelings. Be them pleasant or not, I am glad I am part of them. To be solely alone is not what I want. In fact, I don't want much of anything anymore. Though I've been a slave to something most of my life, it is discomforting to find myself free from what would control me. Emotions, bleeding walls, ect."

I feel strangely pleasant right now though…

Devi's features softened, Nny noticed, only to notice the cold air make its presence known. Though she wore an old worn jacket, it did little to protect her from the cold. Stranger still, Nny felt an impulse to salvage whatever friendship he could from her.

"I promise I will not attack you. The voices that drove me to do that before no longer exist. Please come in."

The voices that drove him? So he does have his own version of Sickness!

Cautiously, she entered the house and noticed how his living room remained in the same state as the last time she was here. The couch caught her attention instantly. She remembers leaning towards Johnny that night, eyes closed and her mouth slightly parted, waiting for him to have her. And he recalls it just as well. When Devi stood over the couch, reaching for some lost memory, Nny could see the two of them sitting on either side, sharing their conversation.

"You've made me happy."

He remembers telling her.

"Good, then let's BOTH be happy."

She had said in reply. They were inches away from each other, but then Johnny's emotions backfire on him and he ran to consult the doughboys. That is where the flashback ends. Devi in turn notices his lack of being in reality and searches his eyes. She saw confusion in those eyes, and the fear she managed to suppress so far had resurfaced. She did not want to be near Nny if he decides to 'immortalize the moment' again.


The simple call of his name broke him free from whatever trance he was having.


He smiled sheepishly as he closed the door. Devi then noticed Johnny did not lock the door. That felt somewhat reassuring to her.

"I was just think of the last time you and I were here."

"Don't, Johnny."

Devi stated harshly, hoping to derail the train that might have led to another attempt on her life. But if it did, she remembers the can of pepper spray in her jacket pocket.

"If I may ask, Devi. What is the real reason for coming to my house this late?"

"I don't know. Instinct, loss, memory. Take your pick."

"I doubt you would be here on the account of an instinct, Devi. You're more intelligent than that."

She blinked at him. Did he just complement her?

"What do you mean by that?"

"I have seen too many people who assume they're smart, but they couldn't tell their ass from a hole in the ground. They blind themselves with their ego and self-praising, they forget how fragile they really are, or what they really are. You, on the other hand, at least know part of the true you. That's a part of you I am fascinated with."

"Please Nny. I'm not in the mood for sappy complements."

"I was only stating a fact. A liar, I am not."

"And I am relieved of that. Kind of."

"'Kind of'?"

Devi sat on the couch while Nny stood nearby.

"Do you think it was easy for me to come here? You scare my Johnny. Even now. I just can't tell if you really meant that promise or if you're lying to my right now. You have such brilliance that you know how to play with peoples heads. How do I know you're not playing with mine?"

Nny thought for a moment and she was right. In all the times he tortured someone, he exposes a radiant mind to which his victims could barely understand. Perhaps that is her way of complementing him?

"An intriguing question Devi. I don't know myself. Like I said, I've learned to change some things in my life. But whether you believe me or not is your decision. I can't make that for you, and I won't even try."

Johnny then sat down on a crate of nails that he uses when he's working on Happy Noodle Boy. He knew Devi didn't want to close to him right now and he understood her need for space. He would try to win her back hopefully, and even get her to like him again. Somehow Johnny knew, that if Reverend Meat was here, he'd be laughing his fucking head off.



Hopefully this first chapter meets your expectations. If not, too bad. And before you ask, NO! I can't portray Johnny the same way Jhonen Vasquez. He does is a HELL of a lot better. PRAISE HIM AS A GOD! DAMMIT! Too tired… must sleep…Klunk!

Until Next Time
