Yu-Gi-Oh: The Making Of

Let us begin at chapter two of this twisted up story! But first reviews.

FreeAngel: Thank you very much.

The 13 th Jinx: Thank you very much too.

Ryou-Lover-2: Pegasus rullez! :p Thank you for liking the story!

WesternUniversityChick: Thank you very much too. :p

LPGurl: Thank you, here's the update

Komo Pineconeseed: Thanks! I will n.n

And here is chapter two!

Yu-Gi-Oh The Movie somewhere in the beginning… n.n

Random person: "We came here to fight Yugi! Not to fight nobodies like you two!"

Joey: "Did you call us nobodies?"

Random person: "Yes I did call you nobodies!"

Joey: "Don't call us nobodies you nobody!"

Tristan: (Sweat drop) "That were a lot of 'nobodies'…"

Joey: "What the… Hey, you're right! Who wrote this scene? Is he a fan of 'nobodies' or something?"

Tristan: "O no, he's going to insult the script again..."

Director: (Grabs his chair) "Oh god… Tristan what have you done?"

Joey: (Tabs his foot on the ground loudly) "I demand a better script! The dialogues make no sense at all!"

Tristan: (Turns to director) "He's right you know. Sometimes the dialogues are indeed stupid."

Director: (Raises a finger in protest and wants to say something)

Joey: (Gets a board with the message 'A better script for Yu-Gi-Oh!' on and starts walking around) "Better script! Better script! Better script!"

Tristan: (Sweat drop)

Director: (Raises from his seat) "THAT'S IT! If YOU think it's SO EASY to write a script, then YOU do it YOURSELF!"

Joey: (Stops and looks to the director) "Really?" (Throws board away and gets a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket)

Tristan: (Looks at the paper and the pen) "You were waiting for this moment, weren't you Joey?"

Joey: "You bet I was!"

Tristan and director: (Sighing)

Joey: "Well let's see…I know!" (Starts writing on the paper)

Everyone: (Looks at Joey)

Joey: (Ten seconds later, gives piece of paper to the director with a big smile) "Now that's a good script!"

Tristan: (Reads it behind the director's shoulder) "Joey wants a giant donut, Joey gets a giant donut. Joey wants a sport car, Joey gets a sport car…"

Director: (Continues) "Joey wants a giant donut again, Joey gets a giant donut again…"

Joey: (Nods and smiles)

Tristan and director: (Sweat drop)

Director: "You didn't only change the scrip! You changed the whole story!"

Joey: "Only a little bit."

Tristan: "A little but? The story isn't even going about Duel Monsters anymore!"

Joey: (Scratches his head) "Does that matter?"

Tristan and director: (Anime fall)


SPECIAL! Yu-Gi-Oh injuries! n.n

Episode where Kaiba is leaning out of the helicopter right before the start of Battle City

Seto: (Points his finger up while speaking)

Seto's finger gets hit by the propeller of the helicopter and Seto falls out the helicopter.

Seto: "WAAAH!" (Hits the ground)

Yami: "What the hell?" O.O

Seto: (Holding his hand and rolls over the ground) "AAH! MY FINGER! AAH!"

Joey: "Wow! His finger is missing dude!"

Director: "I told you! 'Keep your hands inside the helicopter!'. Joey, go search Seto's finger!"

Seto: "NO! Not the mutt! Keep him away from my precious finger!"

Joey: "Dude, I'm not going to search you freaking finger! I don't even know where to start searching for it!"

Yami: (Pointing to the right) "It flew that way…"

Episode where Duke and Yami are playing Dungeon Dice Monsters

Duke: "Go dice roll!" (Throws his dices away with a very strong swing and ends his turn) "It's your turn Yugi."

Yami: (Thinking) "I don't think I can throw that hard… Oh well, I can always try…" (Yelling) "Go dice roll!"

Yami throws the dices so hard that they accidentally fly so far and one hits Duke in the eye.

Duke: (Falls on the floor) "NJAAAH! MY BEAUTIFUL GREEN EYE!"

Yami: "Holly crap!" O.O

Director: "What's WRONG with you people?"

Yami: "It was Yugi…"

Yugi: "… What? NO!"

Duke: (Still on floor) "Medic! MEDIC!"

Episode where Joey and Mako Tsunami are having a duel

Joey: "I lay one card upside do…"

Suddenly the orca that was swimming around grabs Joey and drags him in the water.

Mako: "By all the great fish in the sea!" O.O

Tea: "Oh my god! Joey!"

Director: "Didn't I say to get a dolphin instead? Hu? DIDN'T I?"

Everyone looks at the director silently. Joey is still wrestling with the orca.

Director: "But who listens to me anyway? I…"

Tristan: "Shouldn't we go and save Joey?"

Tea: "Good idea!"

Director: (Sobs furiously and tries to eat his shoe)

And this was chapter two of this story! Till the next one!